blob: 247b24c3d23c5fcc7ec66bedd5c2c0a70519d0db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/linked_list.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/animation/animation.h"
#include "cc/animation/animation_curve.h"
#include "cc/animation/element_animations.h"
#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
namespace cc {
class AnimationDelegate;
class AnimationHost;
class AnimationTimeline;
class ElementAnimations;
// An AnimationPlayer owns all animations to be run on particular CC Layer.
// Multiple AnimationPlayers can be attached to one layer. In this case,
// they share common ElementAnimations so the
// ElementAnimations-to-Layer relationship is 1:1.
// For now, the blink logic is responsible for handling of conflicting
// same-property animations.
// Each AnimationPlayer has its copy on the impl thread.
// This is a CC counterpart for blink::AnimationPlayer (in 1:1 relationship).
class CC_EXPORT AnimationPlayer : public base::RefCounted<AnimationPlayer>,
public base::LinkNode<AnimationPlayer> {
static scoped_refptr<AnimationPlayer> Create(int id);
scoped_refptr<AnimationPlayer> CreateImplInstance() const;
int id() const { return id_; }
ElementId element_id() const { return element_id_; }
// Parent AnimationHost. AnimationPlayer can be detached from
// AnimationTimeline.
AnimationHost* animation_host() { return animation_host_; }
const AnimationHost* animation_host() const { return animation_host_; }
void SetAnimationHost(AnimationHost* animation_host);
// Parent AnimationTimeline.
AnimationTimeline* animation_timeline() { return animation_timeline_; }
const AnimationTimeline* animation_timeline() const {
return animation_timeline_;
void SetAnimationTimeline(AnimationTimeline* timeline);
// ElementAnimations object where this player is listed.
scoped_refptr<ElementAnimations> element_animations() const {
return element_animations_;
void set_animation_delegate(AnimationDelegate* delegate) {
animation_delegate_ = delegate;
void AttachElement(ElementId element_id);
void DetachElement();
void AddAnimation(std::unique_ptr<Animation> animation);
void PauseAnimation(int animation_id, double time_offset);
void RemoveAnimation(int animation_id);
void AbortAnimation(int animation_id);
void AbortAnimations(TargetProperty::Type target_property,
bool needs_completion);
void PushPropertiesTo(AnimationPlayer* player_impl);
// AnimationDelegate routing.
void NotifyAnimationStarted(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time,
TargetProperty::Type target_property,
int group);
void NotifyAnimationFinished(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time,
TargetProperty::Type target_property,
int group);
void NotifyAnimationAborted(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time,
TargetProperty::Type target_property,
int group);
void NotifyAnimationTakeover(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time,
TargetProperty::Type target_property,
double animation_start_time,
std::unique_ptr<AnimationCurve> curve);
// Whether this player has animations waiting to get sent to ElementAnimations
bool has_pending_animations_for_testing() const {
return !animations_.empty();
friend class base::RefCounted<AnimationPlayer>;
explicit AnimationPlayer(int id);
void SetNeedsCommit();
void RegisterPlayer();
void UnregisterPlayer();
void BindElementAnimations();
void UnbindElementAnimations();
// We accumulate added animations in animations_ container
// if element_animations_ is a nullptr. It allows us to add/remove animations
// to non-attached AnimationPlayers.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Animation>> animations_;
AnimationHost* animation_host_;
AnimationTimeline* animation_timeline_;
// element_animations isn't null if player attached to an element (layer).
scoped_refptr<ElementAnimations> element_animations_;
AnimationDelegate* animation_delegate_;
int id_;
ElementId element_id_;
} // namespace cc