blob: 5162a926c55f6057f106f2151669c6a1b8678b68 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Script to create Chrome Installer archive.
This script is used to create an archive of all the files required for a
Chrome install in appropriate directory structure. It reads chrome.release
file as input, creates chrome.7z archive, compresses setup.exe and
generates packed_files.txt for mini_installer project.
import ConfigParser
import fnmatch
import glob
import optparse
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
ARCHIVE_DIR = "installer_archive"
# suffix to uncompresed full archive file, appended to options.output_name
BSDIFF_EXEC = "bsdiff.exe"
CHROME_DIR = "Chrome-bin"
CHROME_PATCH_FILE_SUFFIX = "_patch" # prefixed by options.output_name
# compressed full archive suffix, will be prefixed by options.output_name
COMPRESSED_FILE_EXT = ".packed.7z" # extension of patch archive file
COURGETTE_EXEC = "courgette.exe"
MINI_INSTALLER_INPUT_FILE = "packed_files.txt"
PATCH_FILE_EXT = '.diff'
SETUP_EXEC = "setup.exe"
TEMP_ARCHIVE_DIR = "temp_installer_archive"
g_archive_inputs = []
def BuildVersion(build_dir):
"""Returns the full build version string constructed from information in
VERSION_FILE. Any segment not found in that file will default to '0'.
major = 0
minor = 0
build = 0
patch = 0
for line in open(os.path.join(build_dir, '../../chrome', VERSION_FILE), 'r'):
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith('MAJOR='):
major = line[6:]
elif line.startswith('MINOR='):
minor = line[6:]
elif line.startswith('BUILD='):
build = line[6:]
elif line.startswith('PATCH='):
patch = line[6:]
return '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (major, minor, build, patch)
def CompressUsingLZMA(build_dir, compressed_file, input_file, verbose):
lzma_exec = GetLZMAExec(build_dir)
cmd = [lzma_exec,
'a', '-t7z',
# Flags equivalent to -mx9 (ultra) but with the bcj2 turned on (exe
# pre-filter). This results in a ~2.3MB decrease in installer size on
# a 24MB installer.
# Additionally, these settings reflect a 7zip 4.42 and up change in
# the definition of -mx9, increasting the dicionary size moving to
# 26bit = 64MB. This results in an additional ~3.5MB decrease.
# Older 7zip versions can support these settings, as these changes
# rely on existing functionality in the lzma format.
if os.path.exists(compressed_file):
RunSystemCommand(cmd, verbose)
def CopyAllFilesToStagingDir(config, distribution, staging_dir, build_dir,
"""Copies the files required for installer archive.
Copies all common files required for various distributions of Chromium and
also files for the specific Chromium build specified by distribution.
CopySectionFilesToStagingDir(config, 'GENERAL', staging_dir, build_dir)
if distribution:
if len(distribution) > 1 and distribution[0] == '_':
distribution = distribution[1:]
distribution = distribution.upper()
if config.has_section(distribution):
CopySectionFilesToStagingDir(config, distribution,
staging_dir, build_dir)
if enable_hidpi == '1':
CopySectionFilesToStagingDir(config, 'HIDPI', staging_dir, build_dir)
def CopySectionFilesToStagingDir(config, section, staging_dir, src_dir):
"""Copies installer archive files specified in section from src_dir to
staging_dir. This method reads section from config and copies all the
files specified from src_dir to staging dir.
for option in config.options(section):
if option.endswith('dir'):
dst_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, config.get(section, option))
dst_dir = dst_dir.replace('\\', os.sep)
src_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(src_dir, option))
if src_paths and not os.path.exists(dst_dir):
for src_path in src_paths:
dst_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, os.path.basename(src_path))
if not os.path.exists(dst_path):
shutil.copy(src_path, dst_dir)
def GenerateDiffPatch(options, orig_file, new_file, patch_file):
if (options.diff_algorithm == "COURGETTE"):
exe_file = os.path.join(options.last_chrome_installer, COURGETTE_EXEC)
cmd = '%s -gen "%s" "%s" "%s"' % (exe_file, orig_file, new_file, patch_file)
exe_file = os.path.join(options.build_dir, BSDIFF_EXEC)
cmd = [exe_file, orig_file, new_file, patch_file,]
RunSystemCommand(cmd, options.verbose)
def GetLZMAExec(build_dir):
if sys.platform == 'win32':
lzma_exec = os.path.join(build_dir, "..", "..", "third_party",
"lzma_sdk", "Executable", "7za.exe")
lzma_exec = '7zr' # Use system 7zr.
return lzma_exec
def GetPrevVersion(build_dir, temp_dir, last_chrome_installer, output_name):
if not last_chrome_installer:
return ''
lzma_exec = GetLZMAExec(build_dir)
prev_archive_file = os.path.join(last_chrome_installer,
output_name + ARCHIVE_SUFFIX)
cmd = [lzma_exec,
'-o"%s"' % temp_dir,
RunSystemCommand(cmd, options.verbose)
dll_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'Chrome-bin', '*', 'chrome.dll'))
return os.path.split(os.path.split(dll_path[0])[0])[1]
def MakeStagingDirectory(staging_dir):
"""Creates a staging path for installer archive. If directory exists already,
deletes the existing directory.
file_path = os.path.join(staging_dir, TEMP_ARCHIVE_DIR)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return file_path
def Readconfig(input_file, current_version):
"""Reads config information from input file after setting default value of
global variabes.
variables = {}
variables['ChromeDir'] = CHROME_DIR
variables['VersionDir'] = os.path.join(variables['ChromeDir'],
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(variables)
return config
def RunSystemCommand(cmd, verbose):
"""Runs |cmd|, prints the |cmd| and its output if |verbose|; otherwise
captures its output and only emits it on failure.
if verbose:
print 'Running', cmd
# Run |cmd|, redirecting stderr to stdout in order for captured errors to be
# inline with corresponding stdout.
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if verbose:
print output
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("Error while running cmd: %s\n"
"Exit code: %s\n"
"Command output:\n%s" %
(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
def CreateArchiveFile(options, staging_dir, current_version, prev_version):
"""Creates a new installer archive file after deleting any existing old file.
# First create an uncompressed archive file for the current build (chrome.7z)
lzma_exec = GetLZMAExec(options.build_dir)
archive_file = os.path.join(options.output_dir,
options.output_name + ARCHIVE_SUFFIX)
if options.depfile:
# If a depfile was requested, do the glob of the staging dir and generate
# a list of dependencies in .d format. We list the files that were copied
# into the staging dir, not the files that are actually in the staging dir
# because the ones in the staging dir will never be edited, and we want
# to have the build be triggered when the thing-that-was-copied-there
# changes.
def path_fixup(path):
"""Fixes path for depfile format: backslash to forward slash, and
backslash escaping for spaces."""
return path.replace('\\', '/').replace(' ', '\\ ')
# Gather the list of files in the staging dir that will be zipped up. We
# only gather this list to make sure that g_archive_inputs is complete (i.e.
# that there's not file copies that got missed).
staging_contents = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(staging_dir, CHROME_DIR)):
for filename in files:
staging_contents.append(path_fixup(os.path.join(root, filename)))
# Make sure there's an archive_input for each staging dir file.
for staging_file in staging_contents:
for archive_input in g_archive_inputs:
archive_rel = path_fixup(archive_input)
if (os.path.basename(staging_file).lower() ==
raise Exception('Did not find an archive input file for "%s"' %
# Finally, write the depfile referencing the inputs.
with open(options.depfile, 'wb') as f:
f.write(path_fixup(os.path.relpath(archive_file, options.build_dir)) +
': \\\n')
f.write(' ' + ' \\\n '.join(path_fixup(x) for x in g_archive_inputs))
# It is important to use abspath to create the path to the directory because
# if you use a relative path without any .. sequences then 7za.exe uses the
# entire relative path as part of the file paths in the archive. If you have
# a .. sequence or an absolute path then only the last directory is stored as
# part of the file paths in the archive, which is what we want.
cmd = [lzma_exec,
os.path.abspath(os.path.join(staging_dir, CHROME_DIR)),
# There doesnt seem to be any way in 7za.exe to override existing file so
# we always delete before creating a new one.
if not os.path.exists(archive_file):
RunSystemCommand(cmd, options.verbose)
elif options.skip_rebuild_archive != "true":
RunSystemCommand(cmd, options.verbose)
# Do not compress the archive when skip_archive_compression is specified.
if options.skip_archive_compression:
compressed_file = os.path.join(
options.output_dir, options.output_name + COMPRESSED_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX)
if os.path.exists(compressed_file):
return os.path.basename(archive_file)
# If we are generating a patch, run bsdiff against previous build and
# compress the resulting patch file. If this is not a patch just compress the
# uncompressed archive file.
patch_name_prefix = options.output_name + CHROME_PATCH_FILE_SUFFIX
if options.last_chrome_installer:
prev_archive_file = os.path.join(options.last_chrome_installer,
options.output_name + ARCHIVE_SUFFIX)
patch_file = os.path.join(options.build_dir, patch_name_prefix +
GenerateDiffPatch(options, prev_archive_file, archive_file, patch_file)
compressed_archive_file = patch_name_prefix + '_' + \
current_version + '_from_' + prev_version + \
orig_file = patch_file
compressed_archive_file = options.output_name + COMPRESSED_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX
orig_file = archive_file
compressed_archive_file_path = os.path.join(options.output_dir,
CompressUsingLZMA(options.build_dir, compressed_archive_file_path, orig_file,
return compressed_archive_file
def PrepareSetupExec(options, current_version, prev_version):
"""Prepares setup.exe for bundling in mini_installer based on options."""
if options.setup_exe_format == "FULL":
setup_file = SETUP_EXEC
elif options.setup_exe_format == "DIFF":
if not options.last_chrome_installer:
raise Exception(
"To use DIFF for setup.exe, --last_chrome_installer is needed.")
prev_setup_file = os.path.join(options.last_chrome_installer, SETUP_EXEC)
new_setup_file = os.path.join(options.build_dir, SETUP_EXEC)
patch_file = os.path.join(options.build_dir, SETUP_PATCH_FILE_PREFIX +
GenerateDiffPatch(options, prev_setup_file, new_setup_file, patch_file)
setup_file = SETUP_PATCH_FILE_PREFIX + '_' + current_version + \
'_from_' + prev_version + COMPRESSED_FILE_EXT
setup_file_path = os.path.join(options.build_dir, setup_file)
CompressUsingLZMA(options.build_dir, setup_file_path, patch_file,
# Use instead of makecab.exe so that this works when building
# on non-Windows hosts too.
makecab_py = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
cmd = [sys.executable, makecab_py,
'/D', 'CompressionType=LZX',
'/L', options.output_dir,
os.path.join(options.build_dir, SETUP_EXEC),]
RunSystemCommand(cmd, options.verbose)
setup_file = SETUP_EXEC[:-1] + "_"
return setup_file
// This file is automatically generated by
// It contains the resource entries that are going to be linked inside
// mini_installer.exe. For each file to be linked there should be two
// lines:
// - The first line contains the output filename (without path) and the
// type of the resource ('BN' - not compressed , 'BL' - LZ compressed,
// 'B7' - LZMA compressed)
// - The second line contains the path to the input file. Uses '/' to
// separate path components.
def CreateResourceInputFile(
output_dir, setup_format, archive_file, setup_file, resource_file_path,
component_build, staging_dir, current_version):
"""Creates resource input file (packed_files.txt) for mini_installer project.
This method checks the format of setup.exe being used and according sets
its resource type.
setup_resource_type = "BL"
if (setup_format == "FULL"):
setup_resource_type = "BN"
elif (setup_format == "DIFF"):
setup_resource_type = "B7"
# An array of (file, type, path) tuples of the files to be included.
resources = []
resources.append((setup_file, setup_resource_type,
os.path.join(output_dir, setup_file)))
resources.append((archive_file, 'B7',
os.path.join(output_dir, archive_file)))
# Include all files needed to run setup.exe (these are copied into the
# 'Installer' dir by DoComponentBuildTasks).
if component_build:
installer_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, CHROME_DIR, current_version,
for file in os.listdir(installer_dir):
resources.append((file, 'BN', os.path.join(installer_dir, file)))
with open(resource_file_path, 'w') as f:
for (file, type, path) in resources:
f.write('\n%s %s\n "%s"\n' % (file, type, path.replace("\\","/")))
# Reads |manifest_name| from |build_dir| and writes |manifest_name| to
# |output_dir| with the same content plus |inserted_string| added just before
# |insert_before|.
def CopyAndAugmentManifest(build_dir, output_dir, manifest_name,
inserted_string, insert_before):
with open(os.path.join(build_dir, manifest_name), 'r') as f:
manifest_lines = f.readlines()
insert_line = -1
insert_pos = -1
for i in xrange(len(manifest_lines)):
insert_pos = manifest_lines[i].find(insert_before)
if insert_pos != -1:
insert_line = i
if insert_line == -1:
raise ValueError('Could not find {0} in the manifest:\n{1}'.format(
insert_before, ''.join(manifest_lines)))
old = manifest_lines[insert_line]
manifest_lines[insert_line] = (old[:insert_pos] + '\n' + inserted_string +
'\n' + old[insert_pos:])
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, manifest_name), 'w') as f :
def CopyIfChanged(src, target_dir):
"""Copy specified |src| file to |target_dir|, but only write to target if
the file has changed. This avoids a problem during packaging where parts of
the build have not completed and have the runtime DLL locked when we try to
copy over it. See for details."""
assert os.path.isdir(target_dir)
dest = os.path.join(target_dir, os.path.basename(src))
if os.path.exists(dest):
# We assume the files are OK to buffer fully into memory since we know
# they're only 1-2M.
with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc:
src_data =
with open(dest, 'rb') as fdest:
dest_data =
if src_data != dest_data:
# This may still raise if we get here, but this really should almost
# never happen (it would mean that the contents of e.g. msvcr100d.dll
# had been changed).
shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
# Taken and modified from:
# third_party\blink\tools\blinkpy\web_tests\port\
def _read_configuration_from_gn(build_dir):
"""Return the configuration to used based on, if possible."""
path = os.path.join(build_dir, '')
if not os.path.exists(path):
path = os.path.join(build_dir, '')
if not os.path.exists(path):
# This does not appear to be a GN-based build directory, so we don't
# know how to interpret it.
return None
# exists, but does not; this can happen when
# `gn gen` is run with no --args.
return 'Debug'
args = open(path).read()
for l in args.splitlines():
# See the original of this function and then gn documentation for why this
# regular expression is correct:
m = re.match('^\s*is_debug\s*=\s*false(\s*$|\s*#.*$)', l)
if m:
return 'Release'
# if is_debug is set to anything other than false, or if it
# does not exist at all, we should use the default value (True).
return 'Debug'
def ParseDLLsFromDeps(build_dir, runtime_deps_file):
"""Parses the runtime_deps file and returns the set of DLLs in it, relative
to build_dir."""
build_dlls = set()
args = open(runtime_deps_file).read()
for l in args.splitlines():
if os.path.splitext(l)[1] == ".dll":
build_dlls.add(os.path.join(build_dir, l))
return build_dlls
# Copies component build DLLs and generates required config files and manifests
# in order for chrome.exe and setup.exe to be able to find those DLLs at
# run-time.
# This is meant for developer builds only and should never be used to package
# an official build.
def DoComponentBuildTasks(staging_dir, build_dir, target_arch,
setup_runtime_deps, chrome_runtime_deps,
# Get the required directories for the upcoming operations.
chrome_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, CHROME_DIR)
version_dir = os.path.join(chrome_dir, current_version)
installer_dir = os.path.join(version_dir, 'Installer')
# |installer_dir| is technically only created post-install, but we need it
# now to add setup.exe's config and manifest to the archive.
if not os.path.exists(installer_dir):
setup_component_dlls = ParseDLLsFromDeps(build_dir, setup_runtime_deps)
for setup_component_dll in setup_component_dlls:
shutil.copy(setup_component_dll, installer_dir)
# Stage all the component DLLs to the |version_dir| (for
# the version assembly to be able to refer to them below and make sure
# chrome.exe can find them at runtime), except the ones that are already
# staged (i.e. non-component DLLs).
build_dlls = ParseDLLsFromDeps(build_dir, chrome_runtime_deps)
# Generate a list of relative dll paths that have already been staged into the
# version directory (i.e., non-component DLLs).
staged_dlls = [os.path.normcase(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dir, file),
version_dir)) \
for dir, _, files in os.walk(version_dir) \
for file in files if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.dll')]
component_dll_filenames = []
for component_dll in [dll for dll in build_dlls if \
os.path.normcase(os.path.relpath(dll, build_dir)) \
not in staged_dlls]:
component_dll_name = os.path.basename(component_dll)
shutil.copy(component_dll, version_dir)
# Augment {version}.manifest to include all component DLLs as part of the
# assembly it constitutes, which will allow dependents of this assembly to
# find these DLLs.
version_assembly_dll_additions = []
for dll_filename in component_dll_filenames:
version_assembly_dll_additions.append(" <file name='%s'/>" % dll_filename)
CopyAndAugmentManifest(build_dir, version_dir,
'%s.manifest' % current_version,
def main(options):
"""Main method that reads input file, creates archive file and writes
resource input file.
current_version = BuildVersion(options.build_dir)
config = Readconfig(options.input_file, current_version)
staging_dir = MakeStagingDirectory(options.staging_dir)
prev_version = GetPrevVersion(options.build_dir, staging_dir,
# Copy the files from the build dir.
CopyAllFilesToStagingDir(config, options.distribution,
staging_dir, options.build_dir,
if options.component_build == '1':
DoComponentBuildTasks(staging_dir, options.build_dir,
options.target_arch, options.setup_runtime_deps,
options.chrome_runtime_deps, current_version)
version_numbers = current_version.split('.')
current_build_number = version_numbers[2] + '.' + version_numbers[3]
prev_build_number = ''
if prev_version:
version_numbers = prev_version.split('.')
prev_build_number = version_numbers[2] + '.' + version_numbers[3]
# Name of the archive file built (for example - chrome.7z or
# patch-<old_version>-<new_version>.7z or patch-<new_version>.7z
archive_file = CreateArchiveFile(options, staging_dir,
current_build_number, prev_build_number)
setup_file = PrepareSetupExec(options,
current_build_number, prev_build_number)
CreateResourceInputFile(options.output_dir, options.setup_exe_format,
archive_file, setup_file, options.resource_file_path,
options.component_build == '1', staging_dir,
def _ParseOptions():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-i', '--input_file',
help='Input file describing which files to archive.')
parser.add_option('-b', '--build_dir',
help='Build directory. The paths in input_file are relative to this.')
help='Staging directory where intermediate files and directories '
'will be created')
parser.add_option('-o', '--output_dir',
help='The output directory where the archives will be written. '
'Defaults to the build_dir.')
help='The path where the resource file will be output. '
'Defaults to %s in the build directory.' %
parser.add_option('-d', '--distribution',
help='Name of Chromium Distribution. Optional.')
parser.add_option('-s', '--skip_rebuild_archive',
default="False", help='Skip re-building Chrome.7z archive if it exists.')
parser.add_option('-l', '--last_chrome_installer',
help='Generate differential installer. The value of this parameter '
'specifies the directory that contains base versions of '
'setup.exe, courgette.exe (if --diff_algorithm is COURGETTE) '
'& chrome.7z.')
parser.add_option('-f', '--setup_exe_format', default='COMPRESSED',
help='How setup.exe should be included {COMPRESSED|DIFF|FULL}.')
parser.add_option('-a', '--diff_algorithm', default='BSDIFF',
help='Diff algorithm to use when generating differential patches '
parser.add_option('-n', '--output_name', default='chrome',
help='Name used to prefix names of generated archives.')
parser.add_option('--enable_hidpi', default='0',
help='Whether to include HiDPI resource files.')
parser.add_option('--component_build', default='0',
help='Whether this archive is packaging a component build.')
action='store_true', default=False,
help='This will turn off compression of chrome.7z into chrome.packed.7z '
'and helpfully delete any old chrome.packed.7z in |output_dir|.')
help='Generate a depfile with the given name listing the implicit inputs '
'to the archive process that can be used with a build system.')
help='A file listing runtime dependencies. This will be used to get a '
'list of DLLs to archive in a component build.')
help='A file listing runtime dependencies for setup.exe. This will be '
'used to get a list of DLLs to archive in a component build.')
parser.add_option('--target_arch', default='x86',
help='Specify the target architecture for installer - this is used '
'to determine which CRT runtime files to pull and package '
'with the installer archive {x86|x64}.')
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
options, _ = parser.parse_args()
if not options.build_dir:
parser.error('You must provide a build dir.')
options.build_dir = os.path.normpath(options.build_dir)
if not options.staging_dir:
parser.error('You must provide a staging dir.')
if not options.input_file:
parser.error('You must provide an input file')
is_component_build = options.component_build == '1'
if is_component_build and not options.chrome_runtime_deps:
parser.error("chrome_runtime_deps must be specified for a component build")
if is_component_build and not options.setup_runtime_deps:
parser.error("setup_runtime_deps must be specified for a component build")
if not options.output_dir:
options.output_dir = options.build_dir
if not options.resource_file_path:
options.resource_file_path = os.path.join(options.build_dir,
return options
if '__main__' == __name__:
options = _ParseOptions()
if options.verbose:
print sys.argv