Security Labels And Components

Bug database labels are used very heavily for security bugs. We rely on the labels being correct for a variety of reasons, including driving fixing efforts, driving release management efforts (merges and release notes) and also historical queries and data mining.

Because of the extent to which we rely on labels, it is an important part of the Security Sheriff duty to ensure that all security bugs are correctly tagged and managed. But even if you are not the Sheriff, please fix any labeling errors you happen upon.

Any issue that relates to security should have one of the following:

  • Security component: Features that are related to security.
  • Type-Bug-Security: Designates a security vulnerability that impacts users. This label should not be used for new features that relate to security, or general remediation/refactoring ideas. (Use the Security component for that.)

Labels Relevant For Any Type-Bug-Security

  • Security_Severity-{Critical, High, Medium, Low, None}: Designates the severity of a vulnerability according to our severity guidelines.
  • Pri-#: Priority should generally match Severity:
    • Security_Severity-Critical: Pri-0.
    • High and Medium: Pri-1.
    • Low: Pri-2.
  • Security_Impact-{Head, Beta, Stable, None}: Designates which branch(es) were impacted by the bug. Only apply the label corresponding with the earliest affected branch. None means that a security bug is in a disabled feature, or otherwise doesn't impact Chrome. Note that Security_Severity should still be set on Security_Impact-None issues, as if the feature were enabled or the code reachable.
  • Restrict-View-SecurityTeam or Restrict-View-SecurityNotify: Labels that restrict access to the bug for members of or, respectively. Should a bug ever contain confidential information, or if the reporter wishes to remain anonymous, we add Restrict-View-Google and/or Restrict-View-SecurityEmbargo.
  • reward-{topanel, unpaid, na, inprocess, #}: Labels used in tracking bugs nominated for our Vulnerability Reward Program.
  • M-#: Target milestone for the fix.
  • Component: For bugs filed as Type-Bug-Security, we also want to track which component(s) the bug is in.
  • ReleaseBlock-Stable: When we find a security bug regression that has not yet shipped to stable, we use this label to try and prevent the security regression from ever affecting users of the Stable channel.
  • OS-{Chrome, Linux, Windows, ...}: Denotes which operating systems are affected.
  • Merge-{Request-?, Approved-?, Merged-?}: Security fixes are frequently merged to earlier release branches.
  • Release-#-M##: Denotes which exact patch a security fix made it into. This is more fine-grained than the M- label. Release-0-M50 denotes the initial release of a M50 to Stable.
  • CVE-####-####: For security bugs that get assigned a CVE, we tag the appropriate bug(s) with the label for easy searching.

Type-Bug-Security bugs should always have Security_Severity, Security_Impact, OS, Pri, M, Component, and an owner set.

OS Labels

It can be hard to know which OS(s) a bug applies to. Here are some guidelines:

  • Blink is used on all platforms except iOS. A (say) UAF in Blink is probably not particular to whatever platform it was found on; it's probably applicable to all.
  • The same is true of Skia, and the net/ code.
  • If the bug is in a file named foo_{win,linux,mac,...}.cc, it's specific to the named platform.
  • Java code is particular to Android.
  • Objective-C++ ( is particular to macOS and iOS. (But note that most of our Objective-C++ is particular to macOS or iOS. You can usually tell by the pathname.)
  • Views code (e.g. ui/message_center/views) is used on Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, and perhaps Fuchsia (?). Views for macOS is increasingly a thing, but Cocoa code (e.g. ui/message_center/cocoa) is particular to macOS.

An Example

Given the importance and volume of labels, an example might be useful.

  1. An external researcher files a security bug, with a repro that demonstrates memory corruption against the latest (e.g.) M29 dev channel. The labels Restrict-View-SecurityTeam and Type-Bug-Security will be applied.
  2. The sheriff jumps right on it and uses ClusterFuzz to confirm that the bug is a novel and nasty-looking buffer overflow in the renderer process. ClusterFuzz also confirms that all current releases are affected. Since M27 is the current Stable release, and M28 is in Beta, we add the labels of the earliest affected release: M-27, Security_Impact-Stable. The severity of a buffer overflow in a renderer implies Security_Severity-High and Pri-1. Any external report for a confirmed vulnerability needs reward-topanel. Sheriffbot will usually add it automatically. The stack trace provided by ClusterFuzz suggests that the bug is in the component Blink>DOM, and such bugs should be labeled as applying to all OSs except iOS (where Blink is not used): OS-{Linux, Windows, Android, Chrome, Fuchsia}.
  3. Within a day or two, the sheriff was able to get the bug assigned and — oh joy! — fixed very quickly. When the bug's status changes to Fixed, Sheriffbot will add the Merge-Requested label, and will change Restrict-View-SecurityTeam to Restrict-View-SecurityNotify.
  4. Later that week, the Chrome Security manager does a sweep of all reward-topanel bugs. This one gets rewarded, so that one reward label is replaced with two: reward-1000 and reward-unpaid. Later, reward-unpaid becomes reward-inprocess and is later still removed when all is done. Of course, reward-1000 remains forever. (We use it to track total payout!)
  5. The next week, a Chrome TPM states that the first Chrome M27 stable patch is going on and asks if we want to include security fixes. We do, of course. Having had this particular fix “bake” in another M29 Dev channel, the Chrome Security release manager decides to merge it. Merge-Approved-M## is replaced with Merge-Merged-M##. (IMPORTANT: This transition only occurs after the fix is merged to ALL applicable branches, i.e. M28 as well as M27 in this case.) We now know that users of Chrome Stable will get the fix in the first M27 Stable patch, so the following labels are changed/applied: M-27, Release-1. Since the bug was externally reported, it definitely gets its own CVE, and a label is eventually added: CVE-2013-31337.
  6. 14 weeks after the bug is marked Fixed, Sheriffbot removes the Restrict-View-SecurityNotify label and other Restrict-View-? labels, making the bug public. There is one crucial exception: Sheriffbot will not remove Restrict-View-SecurityEmbargo.