blob: 380bc8e822d6b860f75860f388f047fb430c0ea6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "components/mus/public/cpp/types.h"
#include "components/mus/public/cpp/view_observer.h"
#include "components/web_view/public/interfaces/frame.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
class GURL;
namespace web_view {
class FrameTest;
class FrameTree;
class FrameUserData;
namespace mojom {
class FrameClient;
enum class ViewOwnership {
// Frame represents an embedding in a frame. Frames own their children.
// Frames automatically delete themself if the View the frame is associated
// with is deleted.
// In general each Frame has a View. When a new Frame is created by a client
// there may be a small amount of time where the View is not yet known
// (separate pipes are used for the view and frame, resulting in undefined
// message ordering). In this case the view is null and will be set once we
// see the view (OnTreeChanged()).
// Each frame has an identifier of the app providing the FrameClient
// (|app_id|). This id is used when servicing a request to navigate the frame.
// When navigating, if the id of the new app matches that of the existing app,
// then it is expected that the new FrameClient will take over rendering to the
// existing view. Because of this a new ViewTreeClient is not obtained and
// Embed() is not invoked on the View. The FrameClient can detect this case by
// the argument |reuse_existing_view| supplied to OnConnect(). Typically the id
// is that of content handler id, but this is left up to the FrameTreeDelegate
// to decide.
class Frame : public mus::ViewObserver, public mojom::Frame {
using ClientPropertyMap = std::map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>;
Frame(FrameTree* tree,
mus::View* view,
uint32_t frame_id,
uint32_t app_id,
ViewOwnership view_ownership,
mojom::FrameClient* frame_client,
scoped_ptr<FrameUserData> user_data,
const ClientPropertyMap& client_properties);
~Frame() override;
void Init(Frame* parent,
mojo::ViewTreeClientPtr view_tree_client,
mojo::InterfaceRequest<mojom::Frame> frame_request);
// Walks the View tree starting at |view| going up returning the first
// Frame that is associated with |view|. For example, if |view|
// has a Frame associated with it, then that is returned. Otherwise
// this checks view->parent() and so on.
static Frame* FindFirstFrameAncestor(mus::View* view);
FrameTree* tree() { return tree_; }
Frame* parent() { return parent_; }
const Frame* parent() const { return parent_; }
mus::View* view() { return view_; }
const mus::View* view() const { return view_; }
uint32_t id() const { return id_; }
uint32_t app_id() const { return app_id_; }
bool loading() const { return loading_; }
const ClientPropertyMap& client_properties() const {
return client_properties_;
// Finds the descendant with the specified id.
Frame* FindFrame(uint32_t id) {
return const_cast<Frame*>(const_cast<const Frame*>(this)->FindFrame(id));
const Frame* FindFrame(uint32_t id) const;
bool HasAncestor(const Frame* frame) const;
FrameUserData* user_data() { return user_data_.get(); }
const std::vector<Frame*>& children() const { return children_; }
// Returns true if this Frame or any child Frame is loading.
bool IsLoading() const;
// Returns the sum total of loading progress from this Frame and all of its
// children, as well as the number of Frames accumulated.
double GatherProgress(int* frame_count) const;
friend class FrameTest;
friend class FrameTree;
// Identifies whether the FrameClient is from the same app or a different
// app.
enum class ClientType {
// The client is either the root frame, or navigating an existing frame
// to a different app.
// The client is the result of navigating an existing frame in the same
// app.
// The client is the result of a new frame (not the root).
struct FrameUserDataAndBinding;
// Initializes the client by sending it the state of the tree.
// |data_and_binding| contains the current FrameUserDataAndBinding (if any)
// and is destroyed after the connection responds to OnConnect().
// If |client_type| is SAME_APP we can't destroy the existing client
// (and related data) until we get back the ack from OnConnect(). This way
// we know the client has completed the switch. If we did not do this it
// would be possible for the app to see it's existing Frame connection lost
// (and assume the frame is being torn down) before the OnConnect().
void InitClient(ClientType client_type,
scoped_ptr<FrameUserDataAndBinding> data_and_binding,
mojo::ViewTreeClientPtr view_tree_client,
mojo::InterfaceRequest<mojom::Frame> frame_request);
// Callback from OnConnect(). This does nothing (other than destroying
// |data_and_binding|). See InitClient() for details as to why destruction of
// |data_and_binding| happens after OnConnect().
static void OnConnectAck(
scoped_ptr<FrameUserDataAndBinding> data_and_binding);
// Callback from OnEmbed().
void OnEmbedAck(bool success, mus::ConnectionSpecificId connection_id);
// Callback from Frame::OnWillNavigate(). Completes navigation.
void OnWillNavigateAck(mojom::FrameClient* frame_client,
scoped_ptr<FrameUserData> user_data,
mojo::ViewTreeClientPtr view_tree_client,
uint32 app_id);
// Completes a navigation request; swapping the existing FrameClient to the
// supplied arguments.
void ChangeClient(mojom::FrameClient* frame_client,
scoped_ptr<FrameUserData> user_data,
mojo::ViewTreeClientPtr view_tree_client,
uint32 app_id);
void SetView(mus::View* view);
// Adds this to |frames| and recurses through the children calling the
// same function.
void BuildFrameTree(std::vector<const Frame*>* frames) const;
void Add(Frame* node);
void Remove(Frame* node);
// Starts a new navigation to |request|. The navigation proceeds as long
// as there is a View and once OnWillNavigate() has returned. If there is
// no View the navigation waits until the View is available.
void StartNavigate(mojo::URLRequestPtr request);
void OnCanNavigateFrame(const GURL& url,
uint32_t app_id,
mojom::FrameClient* frame_client,
scoped_ptr<FrameUserData> user_data,
mojo::ViewTreeClientPtr view_tree_client);
// Notifies the client and all descendants as appropriate.
void NotifyAdded(const Frame* source,
const Frame* added_node,
uint32_t change_id);
void NotifyRemoved(const Frame* source,
const Frame* removed_node,
uint32_t change_id);
void NotifyClientPropertyChanged(const Frame* source,
const mojo::String& name,
const mojo::Array<uint8_t>& value);
void NotifyFrameLoadingStateChanged(const Frame* frame, bool loading);
void NotifyDispatchFrameLoadEvent(const Frame* frame);
// mus::ViewObserver:
void OnTreeChanged(const TreeChangeParams& params) override;
void OnViewDestroying(mus::View* view) override;
void OnViewEmbeddedAppDisconnected(mus::View* view) override;
// mojom::Frame:
void PostMessageEventToFrame(uint32_t target_frame_id,
mojom::HTMLMessageEventPtr event) override;
void LoadingStateChanged(bool loading, double progress) override;
void TitleChanged(const mojo::String& title) override;
void DidCommitProvisionalLoad() override;
void SetClientProperty(const mojo::String& name,
mojo::Array<uint8_t> value) override;
void OnCreatedFrame(
mojo::InterfaceRequest<mojom::Frame> frame_request,
mojom::FrameClientPtr client,
uint32_t frame_id,
mojo::Map<mojo::String, mojo::Array<uint8_t>> client_properties) override;
void RequestNavigate(mojom::NavigationTargetType target_type,
uint32_t target_frame_id,
mojo::URLRequestPtr request) override;
void DidNavigateLocally(const mojo::String& url) override;
void DispatchLoadEventToParent() override;
FrameTree* const tree_;
// WARNING: this may be null. See class description for details.
mus::View* view_;
// The connection id returned from ViewManager::Embed(). Frames created by
// way of OnCreatedFrame() inherit the id from the parent.
mus::ConnectionSpecificId embedded_connection_id_;
// ID for the frame, which is the same as that of the view.
const uint32_t id_;
// ID of the app providing the FrameClient and ViewTreeClient.
uint32_t app_id_;
Frame* parent_;
ViewOwnership view_ownership_;
std::vector<Frame*> children_;
scoped_ptr<FrameUserData> user_data_;
mojom::FrameClient* frame_client_;
bool loading_;
double progress_;
ClientPropertyMap client_properties_;
// StartNavigate() stores the request here if the view isn't available at
// the time of StartNavigate().
mojo::URLRequestPtr pending_navigate_;
scoped_ptr<mojo::Binding<mojom::Frame>> frame_binding_;
// True if waiting on callback from FrameClient::OnWillNavigate().
bool waiting_for_on_will_navigate_ack_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Frame> embed_weak_ptr_factory_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Frame> navigate_weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace web_view