blob: 2f149b04f41be6b5340d8a75dc514c66aa962ca5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Specification of protocol buffers that are used with the Android
// service.
// Note: unless otherwise specified in a comment, all fields in all messages
// are required, even though they are listed as optional.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_outer_classname = "NanoAndroidService";
option java_package = "";
import "client_protocol.proto";
import "java_client.proto";
// Call from application to Ticl.
// Android service messages are typically validated. Validation rules may be
// declared in
message ClientDowncall {
message StartDowncall {}
message StopDowncall {}
message AckDowncall {
optional bytes ack_handle = 1;
message RegistrationDowncall {
repeated ObjectIdP registrations = 1;
repeated ObjectIdP unregistrations = 2;
// Serial number to prevent intent reordering.
// TODO: use.
optional int64 serial = 1;
optional Version version = 2;
// Exactly one of the following fields must be set.
optional StartDowncall start = 3;
optional StopDowncall stop = 4;
optional AckDowncall ack = 5;
optional RegistrationDowncall registrations = 6;
// Internal (non-public) call from application to Ticl.
message InternalDowncall {
message ServerMessage {
optional bytes data = 1;
message NetworkStatus {
optional bool is_online = 1;
message CreateClient {
optional int32 client_type = 1; // client type code.
optional bytes client_name = 2; // application client id.
optional ClientConfigP client_config = 3; // Client config.
// Whether the client should not be started on creation. Must always be
// false for production use.
optional bool skip_start_for_test = 4;
optional Version version = 1;
// Exactly one must be set.
optional ServerMessage server_message = 2;
optional NetworkStatus network_status = 3;
optional bool network_addr_change = 4;
optional CreateClient create_client = 5;
// Upcall from Ticl to application listener.
message ListenerUpcall {
message ReadyUpcall {}
message InvalidateUpcall {
// Required.
optional bytes ack_handle = 1;
// Exactly one must be set.
optional InvalidationP invalidation = 2;
optional ObjectIdP invalidate_unknown = 3;
optional bool invalidate_all = 4;
message RegistrationStatusUpcall {
optional ObjectIdP object_id = 1;
optional bool is_registered = 2;
message RegistrationFailureUpcall {
optional ObjectIdP object_id = 1;
optional bool transient = 2;
optional string message = 3;
message ReissueRegistrationsUpcall {
optional bytes prefix = 1;
optional int32 length = 2;
message ErrorUpcall {
optional int32 error_code = 1;
optional string error_message = 2;
optional bool is_transient = 3;
// Serial number to prevent intent reordering. Not currently used.
// TODO: use
optional int64 serial = 1;
optional Version version = 2;
// Exactly one must be sent.
optional ReadyUpcall ready = 3;
optional InvalidateUpcall invalidate = 4;
optional RegistrationStatusUpcall registration_status = 5;
optional RegistrationFailureUpcall registration_failure = 6;
optional ReissueRegistrationsUpcall reissue_registrations = 7;
optional ErrorUpcall error = 8;
// Internal proto used by the Android scheduler to represent an event to run.
message AndroidSchedulerEvent {
optional Version version = 1;
// Name of the recurring task to execute.
optional string event_name = 2;
// Generation number of the Ticl with which this event is associated. Used to
// prevent old events from accidentally firing on new Ticls.
optional int64 ticl_id = 3;
// Represents a task scheduled to run at a particular time.
message ScheduledTask {
// The task to be run.
optional string event_name = 1;
// When the task should run, in milliseconds on the device's clock.
optional int64 execute_time_ms = 2;
// Internal proto used by the Android network to represent a message to send
// to the data center from the client.
message AndroidNetworkSendRequest {
optional Version version = 1; // Required
optional bytes message = 2; // Required
// Protocol buffer used to store state for a persisted Ticl.
message AndroidTiclState {
message Metadata {
// All fields are required.
optional int32 client_type = 1; // client type code.
optional bytes client_name = 2; // application client id.
optional int64 ticl_id = 3; // Ticl uniquifier.
optional ClientConfigP client_config = 4; // client config.
optional Version version = 1;
optional InvalidationClientState ticl_state = 2; // Marshalled Ticl.
optional Metadata metadata = 3; // Extra state needed to construct a Ticl.
repeated ScheduledTask scheduled_task = 4; // Scheduled tasks.
// An AndroidTiclState state plus a digest; this is the protocol buffer actually
// stored persistently by the service.
message AndroidTiclStateWithDigest {
optional AndroidTiclState state = 1;
optional bytes digest = 2; // Digest of "state."