blob: 32ee9d1614277572fc591ac4f2935bea132e73de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scroll/scroll_types.h"
namespace blink {
class LocalFrame;
class KURL;
// This class encapsulates the behavior of a "fragment anchor". A fragment
// anchor allows a page to link to a specific part of a page by specifying an
// element id in the URL fragment. The fragment is the part after the '#'
// character. E.g. navigating to will find
// the element with id "section3" and focus and scroll it into view.
// While the page is loading, the fragment anchor tries to repeatedly scroll
// the element into view since it's position may change as a result of layouts.
// TODO(bokan): Maybe we no longer need the repeated scrolling since that
// should be handled by scroll-anchoring?
class CORE_EXPORT FragmentAnchor : public GarbageCollected<FragmentAnchor> {
// Parses the fragment string and tries to create a FragmentAnchor object. If
// an appropriate target was found based on the given fragment, this method
// will create and return a FragmentAnchor object that can be used to keep it
// in view. Otherwise, this will return nullptr. In either case,
// side-effects on the document will be performed, for example,
// setting/clearing :target and svgView(). If needs_invoke is false, only the
// side effects will be performed, the element won't be scrolled/focused and
// this method returns nullptr (e.g. used during history navigation where we
// don't want to clobber the history scroll restoration).
static FragmentAnchor* TryCreate(const KURL& url,
bool needs_invoke,
LocalFrame& frame);
FragmentAnchor(Node& anchor_node, LocalFrame& frame);
virtual ~FragmentAnchor() = default;
// Invoking the fragment anchor scrolls it into view and performs any other
// desired actions. This is called repeatedly during loading as the lifecycle
// is updated to keep the element in view. If true, the anchor should be kept
// alive and invoked again. Otherwise it may be disposed.
bool Invoke();
// Used to let the fragment know the frame's been scrolled and so we should
// abort keeping the fragment target in view to avoid fighting with user
// scrolls.
void DidScroll(ScrollType type);
void PerformPreRafActions();
void DidCompleteLoad();
void Trace(blink::Visitor*);
void ApplyFocusIfNeeded();
WeakMember<Node> anchor_node_;
Member<LocalFrame> frame_;
bool needs_focus_;
// While this is true, the fragment is still "active" in the sense that we
// want the owner to continue calling Invoke(). Once this is false, calling
// Invoke has no effect and the fragment can be disposed.
bool needs_invoke_ = true;
} // namespace blink