blob: 84034207c02a20f20b24d46884afd3a5680c6e14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_layer_tree_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/dom_node_ids.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/cross_thread_functional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/timer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/time.h"
namespace blink {
class PaintLayer;
class LayoutObject;
class TracedValue;
class LocalFrameView;
struct TextRecord {
DOMNodeId node_id = kInvalidDOMNodeId;
uint64_t first_size = 0;
base::TimeTicks first_paint_time = base::TimeTicks();
#ifndef NDEBUG
String text = "";
// TextPaintTimingDetector contains Largest Text Paint and Last Text Paint.
// Largest Text Paint timing measures when the largest text element gets painted
// within viewport. Last Text Paint timing measures when the last text element
// gets painted within viewport. Specifically, they:
// 1. Tracks all texts' first invalidation, recording their visual size, paint
// time.
// 2. Every 1 second after the first text pre-paint, the algorithm starts an
// analysis. In the analysis:
// 2.1 Largest Text Paint finds the text with the
// largest first visual size, reports its first paint time as a candidate
// result.
// 2.2 Last Text Paint finds the text with the largest first paint time,
// report its first paint time as a candidate result.
// For all these candidate results, Telemetry picks the lastly reported
// Largest Text Paint candidate and Last Text Paint candidate respectively as
// their final result.
// See also:
class CORE_EXPORT TextPaintTimingDetector final
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<TextPaintTimingDetector> {
using ReportTimeCallback =
friend class TextPaintTimingDetectorTest;
TextPaintTimingDetector(LocalFrameView* frame_view);
void RecordText(const LayoutObject& object, const PaintLayer& painting_layer);
TextRecord* FindLargestPaintCandidate();
TextRecord* FindLastPaintCandidate();
void OnPrePaintFinished();
void NotifyNodeRemoved(DOMNodeId);
void Dispose() { timer_.Stop(); }
base::TimeTicks LargestTextPaint() const { return largest_text_paint_; }
uint64_t LargestTextPaintSize() const { return largest_text_paint_size_; }
base::TimeTicks LastTextPaint() const { return last_text_paint_; }
uint64_t LastTextPaintSize() const { return last_text_paint_size_; }
void StopRecordEntries();
bool IsRecording() const { return is_recording_; }
void Trace(blink::Visitor*);
void PopulateTraceValue(TracedValue& value,
const TextRecord& first_text_paint,
unsigned candidate_index) const;
void TimerFired(TimerBase*);
void Analyze();
void ReportSwapTime(WebLayerTreeView::SwapResult result,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
void RegisterNotifySwapTime(ReportTimeCallback callback);
void OnLargestTextDetected(const TextRecord&);
void OnLastTextDetected(const TextRecord&);
HashSet<DOMNodeId> recorded_text_node_ids_;
HashSet<DOMNodeId> size_zero_node_ids_;
bool (*)(const std::unique_ptr<TextRecord>&,
const std::unique_ptr<TextRecord>&)>
bool (*)(const std::unique_ptr<TextRecord>&,
const std::unique_ptr<TextRecord>&)>
std::vector<TextRecord> texts_to_record_swap_time_;
// Make sure that at most one swap promise is ongoing.
bool awaiting_swap_promise_ = false;
unsigned largest_text_candidate_index_max_ = 0;
unsigned last_text_candidate_index_max_ = 0;
bool is_recording_ = true;
base::TimeTicks largest_text_paint_;
uint64_t largest_text_paint_size_ = 0;
base::TimeTicks last_text_paint_;
uint64_t last_text_paint_size_ = 0;
TaskRunnerTimer<TextPaintTimingDetector> timer_;
Member<LocalFrameView> frame_view_;
} // namespace blink