blob: c0d4aac305109daedbd7c93379d9602bdbe23ae1 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
2004, 2005 Rob Buis <>
Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_color.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style_constants.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/data_ref.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/svg_computed_style_defs.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/length.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/graphics_types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/ref_counted.h"
namespace blink {
class StyleDifference;
// TODO(sashab): Move this into a private class on ComputedStyle, and remove
// all methods on it, merging them into copy/creation methods on ComputedStyle
// instead. Keep the allocation logic, only allocating a new object if needed.
class SVGComputedStyle : public RefCounted<SVGComputedStyle> {
static scoped_refptr<SVGComputedStyle> Create() {
return base::AdoptRef(new SVGComputedStyle);
scoped_refptr<SVGComputedStyle> Copy() const {
return base::AdoptRef(new SVGComputedStyle(*this));
CORE_EXPORT ~SVGComputedStyle();
bool InheritedEqual(const SVGComputedStyle&) const;
bool NonInheritedEqual(const SVGComputedStyle&) const;
void InheritFrom(const SVGComputedStyle*);
void CopyNonInheritedFromCached(const SVGComputedStyle*);
CORE_EXPORT StyleDifference Diff(const SVGComputedStyle*) const;
bool operator==(const SVGComputedStyle&) const;
bool operator!=(const SVGComputedStyle& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
// Initial values for all the properties
static EAlignmentBaseline InitialAlignmentBaseline() { return AB_AUTO; }
static EDominantBaseline InitialDominantBaseline() { return DB_AUTO; }
static EBaselineShift InitialBaselineShift() { return BS_LENGTH; }
static Length InitialBaselineShiftValue() { return Length(kFixed); }
static EVectorEffect InitialVectorEffect() { return VE_NONE; }
static EBufferedRendering InitialBufferedRendering() { return BR_AUTO; }
static LineCap InitialCapStyle() { return kButtCap; }
static WindRule InitialClipRule() { return RULE_NONZERO; }
static EColorInterpolation InitialColorInterpolation() { return CI_SRGB; }
static EColorInterpolation InitialColorInterpolationFilters() {
static EColorRendering InitialColorRendering() { return CR_AUTO; }
static WindRule InitialFillRule() { return RULE_NONZERO; }
static LineJoin InitialJoinStyle() { return kMiterJoin; }
static EShapeRendering InitialShapeRendering() { return SR_AUTO; }
static ETextAnchor InitialTextAnchor() { return TA_START; }
static float InitialFillOpacity() { return 1; }
static SVGPaint InitialFillPaint() { return SVGPaint(Color::kBlack); }
static float InitialStrokeOpacity() { return 1; }
static SVGPaint InitialStrokePaint() { return SVGPaint(); }
static scoped_refptr<SVGDashArray> InitialStrokeDashArray();
static Length InitialStrokeDashOffset() { return Length(kFixed); }
static float InitialStrokeMiterLimit() { return 4; }
static UnzoomedLength InitialStrokeWidth() {
return UnzoomedLength(Length(1, kFixed));
static float InitialStopOpacity() { return 1; }
static Color InitialStopColor() { return Color(0, 0, 0); }
static float InitialFloodOpacity() { return 1; }
static Color InitialFloodColor() { return Color(0, 0, 0); }
static Color InitialLightingColor() { return Color(255, 255, 255); }
static StyleSVGResource* InitialMaskerResource() { return nullptr; }
static StyleSVGResource* InitialMarkerStartResource() { return nullptr; }
static StyleSVGResource* InitialMarkerMidResource() { return nullptr; }
static StyleSVGResource* InitialMarkerEndResource() { return nullptr; }
static EMaskType InitialMaskType() { return MT_LUMINANCE; }
static EPaintOrder InitialPaintOrder() { return kPaintOrderNormal; }
static StylePath* InitialD() { return nullptr; }
static Length InitialCx() { return Length(kFixed); }
static Length InitialCy() { return Length(kFixed); }
static Length InitialX() { return Length(kFixed); }
static Length InitialY() { return Length(kFixed); }
static Length InitialR() { return Length(kFixed); }
static Length InitialRx() { return Length(kAuto); }
static Length InitialRy() { return Length(kAuto); }
// SVG CSS Property setters
void SetAlignmentBaseline(EAlignmentBaseline val) {
svg_noninherited_flags.f.alignment_baseline = val;
void SetDominantBaseline(EDominantBaseline val) {
svg_inherited_flags.dominant_baseline = val;
void SetBaselineShift(EBaselineShift val) {
svg_noninherited_flags.f.baseline_shift = val;
void SetVectorEffect(EVectorEffect val) {
svg_noninherited_flags.f.vector_effect = val;
void SetBufferedRendering(EBufferedRendering val) {
svg_noninherited_flags.f.buffered_rendering = val;
void SetCapStyle(LineCap val) { svg_inherited_flags.cap_style = val; }
void SetClipRule(WindRule val) { svg_inherited_flags.clip_rule = val; }
void SetColorInterpolation(EColorInterpolation val) {
svg_inherited_flags.color_interpolation = val;
void SetColorInterpolationFilters(EColorInterpolation val) {
svg_inherited_flags.color_interpolation_filters = val;
void SetColorRendering(EColorRendering val) {
svg_inherited_flags.color_rendering = val;
void SetFillRule(WindRule val) { svg_inherited_flags.fill_rule = val; }
void SetJoinStyle(LineJoin val) { svg_inherited_flags.join_style = val; }
void SetShapeRendering(EShapeRendering val) {
svg_inherited_flags.shape_rendering = val;
void SetTextAnchor(ETextAnchor val) { svg_inherited_flags.text_anchor = val; }
void SetMaskType(EMaskType val) { svg_noninherited_flags.f.mask_type = val; }
void SetPaintOrder(EPaintOrder val) {
svg_inherited_flags.paint_order = (int)val;
void SetD(scoped_refptr<StylePath> d) {
if (!(geometry->d == d))
geometry.Access()->d = std::move(d);
void SetCx(const Length& obj) {
if (!(geometry->cx == obj))
geometry.Access()->cx = obj;
void SetCy(const Length& obj) {
if (!(geometry->cy == obj))
geometry.Access()->cy = obj;
void SetX(const Length& obj) {
if (!(geometry->x == obj))
geometry.Access()->x = obj;
void SetY(const Length& obj) {
if (!(geometry->y == obj))
geometry.Access()->y = obj;
void SetR(const Length& obj) {
if (!(geometry->r == obj))
geometry.Access()->r = obj;
void SetRx(const Length& obj) {
if (!(geometry->rx == obj))
geometry.Access()->rx = obj;
void SetRy(const Length& obj) {
if (!(geometry->ry == obj))
geometry.Access()->ry = obj;
void SetFillOpacity(float obj) {
if (!(fill->opacity == obj))
fill.Access()->opacity = obj;
void SetFillPaint(const SVGPaint& paint) {
if (!(fill->paint == paint))
fill.Access()->paint = paint;
void SetVisitedLinkFillPaint(const SVGPaint& paint) {
if (!(fill->visited_link_paint == paint))
fill.Access()->visited_link_paint = paint;
void SetStrokeOpacity(float obj) {
if (!(stroke->opacity == obj))
stroke.Access()->opacity = obj;
void SetStrokePaint(const SVGPaint& paint) {
if (!(stroke->paint == paint))
stroke.Access()->paint = paint;
void SetVisitedLinkStrokePaint(const SVGPaint& paint) {
if (!(stroke->visited_link_paint == paint))
stroke.Access()->visited_link_paint = paint;
void SetStrokeDashArray(scoped_refptr<SVGDashArray> dash_array) {
if (*stroke->dash_array != *dash_array)
stroke.Access()->dash_array = std::move(dash_array);
void SetStrokeMiterLimit(float obj) {
if (!(stroke->miter_limit == obj))
stroke.Access()->miter_limit = obj;
void SetStrokeWidth(const UnzoomedLength& stroke_width) {
if (!(stroke->width == stroke_width))
stroke.Access()->width = stroke_width;
void SetStrokeDashOffset(const Length& dash_offset) {
if (!(stroke->dash_offset == dash_offset))
stroke.Access()->dash_offset = dash_offset;
void SetStopOpacity(float obj) {
if (!(stops->opacity == obj))
stops.Access()->opacity = obj;
void SetStopColor(const StyleColor& obj) {
if (!(stops->color == obj))
stops.Access()->color = obj;
void SetFloodOpacity(float obj) {
if (!(misc->flood_opacity == obj))
misc.Access()->flood_opacity = obj;
void SetFloodColor(const StyleColor& style_color) {
if (FloodColor() != style_color) {
StyleMiscData* mutable_misc = misc.Access();
mutable_misc->flood_color = style_color.Resolve(Color());
mutable_misc->flood_color_is_current_color = style_color.IsCurrentColor();
void SetLightingColor(const StyleColor& style_color) {
if (LightingColor() != style_color) {
StyleMiscData* mutable_misc = misc.Access();
mutable_misc->lighting_color = style_color.Resolve(Color());
mutable_misc->lighting_color_is_current_color =
void SetBaselineShiftValue(const Length& baseline_shift_value) {
if (!(misc->baseline_shift_value == baseline_shift_value))
misc.Access()->baseline_shift_value = baseline_shift_value;
// Setters for non-inherited resources
void SetMaskerResource(scoped_refptr<StyleSVGResource> resource);
// Setters for inherited resources
void SetMarkerStartResource(scoped_refptr<StyleSVGResource> resource);
void SetMarkerMidResource(scoped_refptr<StyleSVGResource> resource);
void SetMarkerEndResource(scoped_refptr<StyleSVGResource> resource);
// Read accessors for all the properties
EAlignmentBaseline AlignmentBaseline() const {
return (EAlignmentBaseline)svg_noninherited_flags.f.alignment_baseline;
EDominantBaseline DominantBaseline() const {
return (EDominantBaseline)svg_inherited_flags.dominant_baseline;
EBaselineShift BaselineShift() const {
return (EBaselineShift)svg_noninherited_flags.f.baseline_shift;
EVectorEffect VectorEffect() const {
return (EVectorEffect)svg_noninherited_flags.f.vector_effect;
EBufferedRendering BufferedRendering() const {
return (EBufferedRendering)svg_noninherited_flags.f.buffered_rendering;
LineCap CapStyle() const { return (LineCap)svg_inherited_flags.cap_style; }
WindRule ClipRule() const { return (WindRule)svg_inherited_flags.clip_rule; }
EColorInterpolation ColorInterpolation() const {
return (EColorInterpolation)svg_inherited_flags.color_interpolation;
EColorInterpolation ColorInterpolationFilters() const {
return (EColorInterpolation)svg_inherited_flags.color_interpolation_filters;
EColorRendering ColorRendering() const {
return (EColorRendering)svg_inherited_flags.color_rendering;
WindRule FillRule() const { return (WindRule)svg_inherited_flags.fill_rule; }
LineJoin JoinStyle() const {
return (LineJoin)svg_inherited_flags.join_style;
EShapeRendering ShapeRendering() const {
return (EShapeRendering)svg_inherited_flags.shape_rendering;
ETextAnchor TextAnchor() const {
return (ETextAnchor)svg_inherited_flags.text_anchor;
float FillOpacity() const { return fill->opacity; }
const SVGPaint& FillPaint() const { return fill->paint; }
float StrokeOpacity() const { return stroke->opacity; }
const SVGPaint& StrokePaint() const { return stroke->paint; }
SVGDashArray* StrokeDashArray() const { return stroke->dash_array.get(); }
float StrokeMiterLimit() const { return stroke->miter_limit; }
const UnzoomedLength& StrokeWidth() const { return stroke->width; }
const Length& StrokeDashOffset() const { return stroke->dash_offset; }
float StopOpacity() const { return stops->opacity; }
const StyleColor& StopColor() const { return stops->color; }
float FloodOpacity() const { return misc->flood_opacity; }
StyleColor FloodColor() const {
return misc->flood_color_is_current_color ? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(misc->flood_color);
StyleColor LightingColor() const {
return misc->lighting_color_is_current_color
? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(misc->lighting_color);
const Length& BaselineShiftValue() const {
return misc->baseline_shift_value;
StylePath* D() const { return geometry->d.get(); }
const Length& Cx() const { return geometry->cx; }
const Length& Cy() const { return geometry->cy; }
const Length& X() const { return geometry->x; }
const Length& Y() const { return geometry->y; }
const Length& R() const { return geometry->r; }
const Length& Rx() const { return geometry->rx; }
const Length& Ry() const { return geometry->ry; }
StyleSVGResource* MaskerResource() const { return resources->masker.get(); }
StyleSVGResource* MarkerStartResource() const {
return inherited_resources->marker_start.get();
StyleSVGResource* MarkerMidResource() const {
return inherited_resources->marker_mid.get();
StyleSVGResource* MarkerEndResource() const {
return inherited_resources->marker_end.get();
EMaskType MaskType() const {
return (EMaskType)svg_noninherited_flags.f.mask_type;
EPaintOrder PaintOrder() const {
return (EPaintOrder)svg_inherited_flags.paint_order;
EPaintOrderType PaintOrderType(unsigned index) const;
const SVGPaint& VisitedLinkFillPaint() const {
return fill->visited_link_paint;
const SVGPaint& VisitedLinkStrokePaint() const {
return stroke->visited_link_paint;
bool IsFillColorCurrentColor() const {
return FillPaint().HasCurrentColor() ||
bool IsStrokeColorCurrentColor() const {
return StrokePaint().HasCurrentColor() ||
// convenience
bool HasMasker() const { return MaskerResource(); }
bool HasMarkers() const {
return MarkerStartResource() || MarkerMidResource() || MarkerEndResource();
bool HasStroke() const { return !StrokePaint().IsNone(); }
bool HasVisibleStroke() const {
return HasStroke() && !StrokeWidth().IsZero();
bool HasFill() const { return !FillPaint().IsNone(); }
// inherit
struct InheritedFlags {
bool operator==(const InheritedFlags& other) const {
return (color_rendering == other.color_rendering) &&
(shape_rendering == other.shape_rendering) &&
(clip_rule == other.clip_rule) && (fill_rule == other.fill_rule) &&
(cap_style == other.cap_style) &&
(join_style == other.join_style) &&
(text_anchor == other.text_anchor) &&
(color_interpolation == other.color_interpolation) &&
(color_interpolation_filters ==
other.color_interpolation_filters) &&
(paint_order == other.paint_order) &&
(dominant_baseline == other.dominant_baseline);
bool operator!=(const InheritedFlags& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
unsigned color_rendering : 2; // EColorRendering
unsigned shape_rendering : 2; // EShapeRendering
unsigned clip_rule : 1; // WindRule
unsigned fill_rule : 1; // WindRule
unsigned cap_style : 2; // LineCap
unsigned join_style : 2; // LineJoin
unsigned text_anchor : 2; // ETextAnchor
unsigned color_interpolation : 2; // EColorInterpolation
unsigned color_interpolation_filters : 2; // EColorInterpolation_
unsigned paint_order : 3; // EPaintOrder
unsigned dominant_baseline : 4; // EDominantBaseline
} svg_inherited_flags;
// don't inherit
struct NonInheritedFlags {
// 32 bit non-inherited, don't add to the struct, or the operator will
// break.
bool operator==(const NonInheritedFlags& other) const {
return niflags == other.niflags;
bool operator!=(const NonInheritedFlags& other) const {
return niflags != other.niflags;
union {
struct {
unsigned alignment_baseline : 4; // EAlignmentBaseline
unsigned baseline_shift : 2; // EBaselineShift
unsigned vector_effect : 1; // EVectorEffect
unsigned buffered_rendering : 2; // EBufferedRendering
unsigned mask_type : 1; // EMaskType
// 18 bits unused
} f;
uint32_t niflags;
} svg_noninherited_flags;
// inherited attributes
DataRef<StyleFillData> fill;
DataRef<StyleStrokeData> stroke;
DataRef<StyleInheritedResourceData> inherited_resources;
// non-inherited attributes
DataRef<StyleStopData> stops;
DataRef<StyleMiscData> misc;
DataRef<StyleGeometryData> geometry;
DataRef<StyleResourceData> resources;
enum CreateInitialType { kCreateInitial };
CORE_EXPORT SVGComputedStyle();
SVGComputedStyle(const SVGComputedStyle&);
CreateInitialType); // Used to create the initial style singleton.
bool DiffNeedsLayoutAndPaintInvalidation(const SVGComputedStyle* other) const;
bool DiffNeedsPaintInvalidation(const SVGComputedStyle* other) const;
void SetBitDefaults() {
svg_inherited_flags.clip_rule = InitialClipRule();
svg_inherited_flags.color_rendering = InitialColorRendering();
svg_inherited_flags.fill_rule = InitialFillRule();
svg_inherited_flags.shape_rendering = InitialShapeRendering();
svg_inherited_flags.text_anchor = InitialTextAnchor();
svg_inherited_flags.cap_style = InitialCapStyle();
svg_inherited_flags.join_style = InitialJoinStyle();
svg_inherited_flags.color_interpolation = InitialColorInterpolation();
svg_inherited_flags.color_interpolation_filters =
svg_inherited_flags.paint_order = InitialPaintOrder();
svg_inherited_flags.dominant_baseline = InitialDominantBaseline();
svg_noninherited_flags.niflags = 0;
svg_noninherited_flags.f.alignment_baseline = InitialAlignmentBaseline();
svg_noninherited_flags.f.baseline_shift = InitialBaselineShift();
svg_noninherited_flags.f.vector_effect = InitialVectorEffect();
svg_noninherited_flags.f.buffered_rendering = InitialBufferedRendering();
svg_noninherited_flags.f.mask_type = InitialMaskType();
} // namespace blink