Roll src/ios/third_party/edo/src/ 4ec31ccbe..0146bd6e1 (72 commits)

$ git log 4ec31ccbe..0146bd6e1 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-03-12 ynzhang Removing unnecessary log.
2019-03-11 haowoo Clean up the executor after the test finishes.
2019-03-11 ynzhang Add missing semaphore wait for connector.
2019-03-11 ynzhang Minor refactoring and some extra comments for implementation.
2019-03-08 ynzhang Use dispatch_after instead of CFRunloop since CFRunloop in background thread does not have a timer or source.
2019-03-07 ynzhang Fix the return logic of register service on device.
2019-03-06 ynzhang Use NSLog instead of NSAssert to avoid unused variable warning.
2019-03-06 ynzhang Optimize API for device support.
2019-03-04 ynzhang Add custom user info keys for device info of attachment/detachment notifications.
2019-02-27 ynzhang Update documents for API connectToDevice:onPort:error:.
2019-02-26 ynzhang Refactor DeviceLib into a separate target.
2019-02-15 haowoo Add more debugging info when sending request fails.
2019-02-14 haowoo Defer to request the hostPort.
2019-02-12 haowoo Invalidate the service after the test is done.
2019-02-11 rrallo Update
2019-01-30 haowoo Fix the strong self reference when creating the listen socket.
2019-01-23 ynzhang Split the device channel creation method into a particular category.
2019-01-21 ynzhang Add a flag in the initializer to explicitly indicate device registration when starting host service, and update related log info.
2019-01-18 ynzhang Add device support for eDO.
2019-01-16 ynzhang Allow EDOSocketChannel to initialize with dispatch_io_t.
2019-01-16 haowoo Remove the unneeded test and rephrase the comment.
2019-01-15 haowoo Forward the -description of EDOObject.
2019-01-11 ynzhang Add device serial information to EDOObject from requests.
2019-01-09 haowoo Resolve EDOObject to the same ones for the same underlying objects in the arguments.
2019-01-08 ynzhang Extend EDOServicePort to include service name and device serial information.
2019-01-07 haowoo Increase test timeout to reduce flakiness on the slower machines.
2019-01-07 ynzhang Fix race condition of EDOChannelPool by always waiting before entering synchronization queue to update channels.
2019-01-04 ynzhang Updated channel pool fetch from async to sync, and added a semaphore for each host port to guarantee channel availability on creation.
2019-01-03 ynzhang Minor cleanup for EDOChannelPool by removing unnecessary check and making once token of service connection port an ivar.
2019-01-03 ynzhang Refactor EDOSocketChannel to extract frame header logic into a util file, and extend EDOHostNamingService to support service registration with name.
2019-01-02 ynzhang Minor cleanup for comments and code readability with moving content in EDOHostService invocation category to EDOHostService private category.
2019-01-01 ynzhang Refactor EDOHostService to extract requests receiving logic for reuse.
2018-12-27 ynzhang Rename sharedObject of EDOHostNamingService to sharedService to be consistent.
2018-12-25 ynzhang Added EDOHostNamingServiceObject to provide service ports information.
2018-12-17 ynzhang Refactoring for code clean up by removing redundant method and add extra #pragma.
2018-12-12 haowoo Add libMeasure dependency to libeDO.
2018-12-12 haowoo Add the client statistics for the connection, request, and response.
2018-12-10 haowoo Revert Xcode version.
2018-12-10 haowoo Fix the mismatched filename EDOServiceUtils.
2018-12-10 haowoo Refactor how to collect the response handling time spent.
2018-12-03 ynzhang Use EDOChannel protocol instead of EDOSocketChannel type in EDOSocketChannelPool to make it more generic.
2018-12-03 ynzhang Update the error log to be more readable.
2018-11-30 haowoo Add the measure support.
2018-11-28 ynzhang Add missing files to the Xcode project file.
2018-11-28 ynzhang Add optional device serial information in host port key.
2018-11-28 haowoo Calculate and save the time spent on handling a single request.
2018-11-19 haowoo Create the listen socket lazily if the object or port is not given.
2018-11-14 haowoo Add comment for unwrapping nullable objects.
2018-11-13 haowoo Create a temporary service when sending a remote request if needed.
2018-11-13 haowoo Move the send and receive data from EDOExecutor to EDOClientService.
2018-11-12 haowoo Remove the executor dependency on the channels.
2018-11-05 haowoo Use the correct return type to avoid memory corruption.
2018-11-02 haowoo Refactor EDOMessageQueue to handle the last message.
2018-10-31 haowoo Unwrap an object from EDOClientService.
2018-10-30 haowoo Resolve the outvar to be local whenever possible.
2018-10-26 haowoo Refactor the executor message to be able to wait on the response.
2018-10-26 ynzhang Add new files references into the Xcode proj file.
2018-10-26 ynzhang Make ping message optional when sending request.
2018-10-26 wuhao.wise Add email notifications for travis failures
2018-10-25 ynzhang Small fixes for comments and category name.
2018-10-25 ynzhang Exposed the public API for users to enable their custom class to be pass-by-value by default.
2018-10-23 wuhao.wise Marks EDOMessageQueue.empty readonly as it should be.
2018-10-22 wuhao.wise Refactor the message queue.
2018-10-22 wuhao.wise Fix the missing generic type.
2018-10-19 wuhao.wise Fix all missing NSSecureCoding support.
2018-10-19 wuhao.wise Expose API to retrieve the EDOHostService from a given queue.
2018-10-18 ynzhang Use value type for NSURL since it is immutable and implements NSCoding.
2018-10-15 wuhao.wise Turn off secureEncoding as there is an unexpected read error during decoding.
2018-10-15 wuhao.wise iOS 12 API deprecation and support NSSecureCoding.
2018-10-12 wuhao.wise Add -hash to EDOObject.
2018-10-11 wuhao.wise Revert replace the deprecated archiver and unarchiver's API's.
2018-10-11 wuhao.wise Replace the deprecated archiver and unarchiver's API's.

Created with:
  roll-dep src/ios/third_party/edo/src

Change-Id: I646df4dc83341e54b17231c2e0351626cb6e143a
Reviewed-by: Justin Cohen <>
Commit-Queue: Rohit Rao <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#640882}
2 files changed