blob: a4e829f2a8703a4084df1fc5648e4860cc61a7e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxPainter.h"
#include "core/HTMLNames.h"
#include "core/frame/Settings.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h"
#include "core/layout/ImageQualityController.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBox.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBoxModelObject.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutObject.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTable.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTheme.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutView.h"
#include "core/layout/compositing/CompositedLayerMapping.h"
#include "core/style/BorderEdge.h"
#include "core/style/ShadowList.h"
#include "core/paint/BackgroundImageGeometry.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxBorderPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxDecorationData.h"
#include "core/paint/LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder.h"
#include "core/paint/NinePieceImagePainter.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintInfo.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintLayer.h"
#include "core/paint/RoundedInnerRectClipper.h"
#include "core/paint/ThemePainter.h"
#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutPoint.h"
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutRectOutsets.h"
#include "platform/graphics/GraphicsContextStateSaver.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/CompositingDisplayItem.h"
#include "wtf/Optional.h"
namespace blink {
void BoxPainter::paint(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + m_layoutBox.location();
// default implementation. Just pass paint through to the children
PaintInfo childInfo(paintInfo);
for (LayoutObject* child = m_layoutBox.slowFirstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
child->paint(childInfo, adjustedPaintOffset);
void BoxPainter::paintBoxDecorationBackground(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(&m_layoutBox))
LayoutRect paintRect = m_layoutBox.borderBoxRect();
paintBoxDecorationBackgroundWithRect(paintInfo, paintOffset, paintRect);
LayoutRect BoxPainter::boundsForDrawingRecorder(const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
// Use the visual overflow rect here, because it will include overflow introduced by the theme.
LayoutRect bounds = m_layoutBox.visualOverflowRect();
return bounds;
namespace {
bool bleedAvoidanceIsClipping(BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance)
return bleedAvoidance == BackgroundBleedClipOnly || bleedAvoidance == BackgroundBleedClipLayer;
} // anonymous namespace
void BoxPainter::paintBoxDecorationBackgroundWithRect(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, const LayoutRect& paintRect)
const ComputedStyle& style = m_layoutBox.styleRef();
// FIXME: For now we don't have notification on media buffered range change from media player
// and miss paint invalidation on buffered range change.
Optional<DisplayItemCacheSkipper> cacheSkipper;
if (style.appearance() == MediaSliderPart)
if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(*paintInfo.context, m_layoutBox, DisplayItem::BoxDecorationBackground, paintOffset))
LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder recorder(*paintInfo.context, m_layoutBox, DisplayItem::BoxDecorationBackground, boundsForDrawingRecorder(paintOffset), paintOffset);
BoxDecorationData boxDecorationData(m_layoutBox);
// FIXME: Should eventually give the theme control over whether the box shadow should paint, since controls could have
// custom shadows of their own.
if (!m_layoutBox.boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground(boxDecorationData.bleedAvoidance))
paintBoxShadow(paintInfo, paintRect, style, Normal);
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*paintInfo.context, false);
if (bleedAvoidanceIsClipping(boxDecorationData.bleedAvoidance)) {;
FloatRoundedRect border = style.getRoundedBorderFor(paintRect);
if (boxDecorationData.bleedAvoidance == BackgroundBleedClipLayer)
// If we have a native theme appearance, paint that before painting our background.
// The theme will tell us whether or not we should also paint the CSS background.
IntRect snappedPaintRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(paintRect));
ThemePainter& themePainter = LayoutTheme::theme().painter();
bool themePainted = boxDecorationData.hasAppearance && !themePainter.paint(m_layoutBox, paintInfo, snappedPaintRect);
if (!themePainted) {
paintBackground(paintInfo, paintRect, boxDecorationData.backgroundColor, boxDecorationData.bleedAvoidance);
if (boxDecorationData.hasAppearance)
themePainter.paintDecorations(m_layoutBox, paintInfo, snappedPaintRect);
paintBoxShadow(paintInfo, paintRect, style, Inset);
// The theme will tell us whether or not we should also paint the CSS border.
if (boxDecorationData.hasBorderDecoration
&& (!boxDecorationData.hasAppearance || (!themePainted && LayoutTheme::theme().painter().paintBorderOnly(m_layoutBox, paintInfo, snappedPaintRect)))
&& !(m_layoutBox.isTable() && toLayoutTable(&m_layoutBox)->collapseBorders()))
paintBorder(m_layoutBox, paintInfo, paintRect, style, boxDecorationData.bleedAvoidance);
if (boxDecorationData.bleedAvoidance == BackgroundBleedClipLayer)
void BoxPainter::paintBackground(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutRect& paintRect, const Color& backgroundColor, BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance)
if (m_layoutBox.isDocumentElement())
if (m_layoutBox.backgroundStolenForBeingBody())
if (m_layoutBox.boxDecorationBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured())
paintFillLayers(paintInfo, backgroundColor,>backgroundLayers(), paintRect, bleedAvoidance);
static bool isFillLayerOpaque(const FillLayer& layer, const LayoutObject& imageClient)
return layer.hasOpaqueImage(&imageClient)
&& layer.image()->canRender(imageClient,>effectiveZoom())
&& !layer.image()->imageSize(&imageClient,>effectiveZoom()).isEmpty()
&& layer.hasRepeatXY();
bool BoxPainter::calculateFillLayerOcclusionCulling(FillLayerOcclusionOutputList &reversedPaintList, const FillLayer& fillLayer)
bool isNonAssociative = false;
for (auto currentLayer = &fillLayer; currentLayer; currentLayer = currentLayer->next()) {
// Stop traversal when an opaque layer is encountered.
// FIXME : It would be possible for the following occlusion culling test to be more aggressive
// on layers with no repeat by testing whether the image covers the layout rect.
// Testing that here would imply duplicating a lot of calculations that are currently done in
// LayoutBoxModelObject::paintFillLayerExtended. A more efficient solution might be to move
// the layer recursion into paintFillLayerExtended, or to compute the layer geometry here
// and pass it down.
// TODO(trchen): Need to check compositing mode as well.
if (currentLayer->blendMode() != WebBlendModeNormal)
isNonAssociative = true;
// TODO(trchen): A fill layer cannot paint if the calculated tile size is empty.
// This occlusion check can be wrong.
if (currentLayer->clipOccludesNextLayers()
&& isFillLayerOpaque(*currentLayer, m_layoutBox)) {
if (currentLayer->clip() == BorderFillBox)
isNonAssociative = false;
return isNonAssociative;
void BoxPainter::paintFillLayers(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const Color& c, const FillLayer& fillLayer, const LayoutRect& rect, BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance, SkXfermode::Mode op, const LayoutObject* backgroundObject)
// TODO(trchen): Box shadow optimization and background color are concepts that only
// apply to background layers. Ideally we should refactor those out of paintFillLayer.
FillLayerOcclusionOutputList reversedPaintList;
bool shouldDrawBackgroundInSeparateBuffer = false;
if (!m_layoutBox.boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground(bleedAvoidance)) {
shouldDrawBackgroundInSeparateBuffer = calculateFillLayerOcclusionCulling(reversedPaintList, fillLayer);
} else {
// If we are responsible for painting box shadow, don't perform fill layer culling.
// TODO(trchen): In theory we only need to make sure the last layer has border box clipping
// and make it paint the box shadow. Investigate optimization opportunity later.
for (auto currentLayer = &fillLayer; currentLayer; currentLayer = currentLayer->next()) {
if (currentLayer->composite() != CompositeSourceOver || currentLayer->blendMode() != WebBlendModeNormal)
shouldDrawBackgroundInSeparateBuffer = true;
// TODO(trchen): We can optimize out isolation group if we have a non-transparent
// background color and the bottom layer encloses all other layers.
GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
if (!context)
shouldDrawBackgroundInSeparateBuffer = false;
if (shouldDrawBackgroundInSeparateBuffer)
for (auto it = reversedPaintList.rbegin(); it != reversedPaintList.rend(); ++it)
paintFillLayer(paintInfo, c, **it, rect, bleedAvoidance, op, backgroundObject);
if (shouldDrawBackgroundInSeparateBuffer)
void BoxPainter::paintFillLayer(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const Color& c, const FillLayer& fillLayer, const LayoutRect& rect,
BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance, SkXfermode::Mode op, const LayoutObject* backgroundObject)
BoxPainter::paintFillLayerExtended(m_layoutBox, paintInfo, c, fillLayer, rect, bleedAvoidance, 0, LayoutSize(), op, backgroundObject);
void BoxPainter::applyBoxShadowForBackground(GraphicsContext* context, const LayoutObject& obj)
const ShadowList* shadowList =>boxShadow();
for (size_t i = shadowList->shadows().size(); i--; ) {
const ShadowData& boxShadow = shadowList->shadows()[i];
if ( != Normal)
FloatSize shadowOffset(boxShadow.x(), boxShadow.y());
context->setShadow(shadowOffset, boxShadow.blur(),
DrawLooperBuilder::ShadowRespectsTransforms, DrawLooperBuilder::ShadowIgnoresAlpha);
FloatRoundedRect BoxPainter::getBackgroundRoundedRect(const LayoutObject& obj, const LayoutRect& borderRect,
const InlineFlowBox* box, LayoutUnit inlineBoxWidth, LayoutUnit inlineBoxHeight,
bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge)
FloatRoundedRect border =>getRoundedBorderFor(borderRect, includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
if (box && (box->nextLineBox() || box->prevLineBox())) {
FloatRoundedRect segmentBorder =>getRoundedBorderFor(LayoutRect(0, 0, inlineBoxWidth, inlineBoxHeight),
includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
return border;
FloatRoundedRect BoxPainter::backgroundRoundedRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance(const LayoutObject& obj,
const LayoutRect& borderRect, BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance, const InlineFlowBox* box,
const LayoutSize& boxSize, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge)
if (bleedAvoidance == BackgroundBleedShrinkBackground) {
// Inset the background rect by a "safe" amount: 1/2 border-width for opaque border styles,
// 1/6 border-width for double borders.
// TODO(fmalita): we should be able to fold these parameters into BoxBorderInfo or
// BoxDecorationData and avoid calling getBorderEdgeInfo redundantly here.
BorderEdge edges[4];>getBorderEdgeInfo(edges, includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
// Use the most conservative inset to avoid mixed-style corner issues.
float fractionalInset = 1.0f / 2;
for (auto& edge : edges) {
if (edge.borderStyle() == DOUBLE) {
fractionalInset = 1.0f / 6;
FloatRectOutsets insets(
-fractionalInset * edges[BSTop].width,
-fractionalInset * edges[BSRight].width,
-fractionalInset * edges[BSBottom].width,
-fractionalInset * edges[BSLeft].width);
FloatRoundedRect backgroundRoundedRect = getBackgroundRoundedRect(obj, borderRect, box, boxSize.width(), boxSize.height(),
includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
FloatRect insetRect(backgroundRoundedRect.rect());
FloatRoundedRect::Radii insetRadii(backgroundRoundedRect.radii());
insetRadii.shrink(, -insets.bottom(), -insets.left(), -insets.right());
return FloatRoundedRect(insetRect, insetRadii);
return getBackgroundRoundedRect(obj, borderRect, box, boxSize.width(), boxSize.height(), includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
void BoxPainter::paintFillLayerExtended(const LayoutBoxModelObject& obj, const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const Color& color, const FillLayer& bgLayer, const LayoutRect& rect, BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance, const InlineFlowBox* box, const LayoutSize& boxSize, SkXfermode::Mode op, const LayoutObject* backgroundObject)
GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
if (rect.isEmpty())
bool includeLeftEdge = box ? box->includeLogicalLeftEdge() : true;
bool includeRightEdge = box ? box->includeLogicalRightEdge() : true;
bool hasRoundedBorder =>hasBorderRadius() && (includeLeftEdge || includeRightEdge);
bool clippedWithLocalScrolling = obj.hasOverflowClip() && bgLayer.attachment() == LocalBackgroundAttachment;
bool isBorderFill = bgLayer.clip() == BorderFillBox;
bool isBottomLayer = !;
Color bgColor = color;
StyleImage* bgImage = bgLayer.image();
bool forceBackgroundToWhite = shouldForceWhiteBackgroundForPrintEconomy(obj.styleRef(), obj.document());
// When printing backgrounds is disabled or using economy mode,
// change existing background colors and images to a solid white background.
// If there's no bg color or image, leave it untouched to avoid affecting transparency.
// We don't try to avoid loading the background images, because this style flag is only set
// when printing, and at that point we've already loaded the background images anyway. (To avoid
// loading the background images we'd have to do this check when applying styles rather than
// while layout.)
if (forceBackgroundToWhite) {
// Note that we can't reuse this variable below because the bgColor might be changed
bool shouldPaintBackgroundColor = isBottomLayer && bgColor.alpha();
if (bgImage || shouldPaintBackgroundColor) {
bgColor = Color::white;
bgImage = nullptr;
// Fast path for drawing simple color backgrounds.
if (!clippedWithLocalScrolling && !bgImage && isBorderFill && isBottomLayer) {
if (!bgColor.alpha())
bool boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground = obj.boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground(bleedAvoidance, box);
GraphicsContextStateSaver shadowStateSaver(*context, boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground);
if (boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground)
BoxPainter::applyBoxShadowForBackground(context, obj);
if (hasRoundedBorder && !bleedAvoidanceIsClipping(bleedAvoidance)) {
FloatRoundedRect border = backgroundRoundedRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance(obj, rect,
bleedAvoidance, box, boxSize, includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge);
if (border.isRenderable()) {
context->fillRoundedRect(border, bgColor);
} else {
RoundedInnerRectClipper clipper(obj, paintInfo, rect, border, ApplyToContext);
context->fillRect(border.rect(), bgColor);
} else {
context->fillRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(rect), bgColor);
// BorderFillBox radius clipping is taken care of by BackgroundBleedClip{Only,Layer}
bool clipToBorderRadius = hasRoundedBorder && !(isBorderFill && bleedAvoidanceIsClipping(bleedAvoidance));
Optional<RoundedInnerRectClipper> clipToBorder;
if (clipToBorderRadius) {
FloatRoundedRect border = isBorderFill
? backgroundRoundedRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance(obj, rect, bleedAvoidance, box, boxSize, includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge)
: getBackgroundRoundedRect(obj, rect, box, boxSize.width(), boxSize.height(), includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge);
// Clip to the padding or content boxes as necessary.
if (bgLayer.clip() == ContentFillBox) {
border =>getRoundedInnerBorderFor(LayoutRect(border.rect()),
-(obj.paddingTop() + obj.borderTop()),
-(obj.paddingRight() + obj.borderRight()),
-(obj.paddingBottom() + obj.borderBottom()),
-(obj.paddingLeft() + obj.borderLeft())),
includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge);
} else if (bgLayer.clip() == PaddingFillBox) {
border =>getRoundedInnerBorderFor(LayoutRect(border.rect()), includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge);
clipToBorder.emplace(obj, paintInfo, rect, border, ApplyToContext);
int bLeft = includeLeftEdge ? obj.borderLeft() : 0;
int bRight = includeRightEdge ? obj.borderRight() : 0;
LayoutUnit pLeft = includeLeftEdge ? obj.paddingLeft() : LayoutUnit();
LayoutUnit pRight = includeRightEdge ? obj.paddingRight() : LayoutUnit();
GraphicsContextStateSaver clipWithScrollingStateSaver(*context, clippedWithLocalScrolling);
LayoutRect scrolledPaintRect = rect;
if (clippedWithLocalScrolling) {
// Clip to the overflow area.
const LayoutBox& thisBox = toLayoutBox(obj);
// TODO(chrishtr): this should be pixel-snapped.
// Adjust the paint rect to reflect a scrolled content box with borders at the ends.
IntSize offset = thisBox.scrolledContentOffset();
scrolledPaintRect.setWidth(bLeft + thisBox.scrollWidth() + bRight);
scrolledPaintRect.setHeight(thisBox.borderTop() + thisBox.scrollHeight() + thisBox.borderBottom());
GraphicsContextStateSaver backgroundClipStateSaver(*context, false);
IntRect maskRect;
switch (bgLayer.clip()) {
case PaddingFillBox:
case ContentFillBox: {
if (clipToBorderRadius)
// Clip to the padding or content boxes as necessary.
bool includePadding = bgLayer.clip() == ContentFillBox;
LayoutRect clipRect(scrolledPaintRect.x() + bLeft + (includePadding ? pLeft : LayoutUnit()),
scrolledPaintRect.y() + obj.borderTop() + (includePadding ? obj.paddingTop() : LayoutUnit()),
scrolledPaintRect.width() - bLeft - bRight - (includePadding ? pLeft + pRight : LayoutUnit()),
scrolledPaintRect.height() - obj.borderTop() - obj.borderBottom() - (includePadding ? obj.paddingTop() + obj.paddingBottom() : LayoutUnit()));;
// TODO(chrishtr): this should be pixel-snapped.
case TextFillBox: {
// First figure out how big the mask has to be. It should be no bigger than what we need
// to actually render, so we should intersect the dirty rect with the border box of the background.
maskRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(rect);
// We draw the background into a separate layer, to be later masked with yet another layer
// holding the text content.;
case BorderFillBox:
BackgroundImageGeometry geometry;
if (bgImage)
geometry.calculate(obj, paintInfo.paintContainer(), paintInfo.globalPaintFlags(), bgLayer, scrolledPaintRect, backgroundObject);
bool shouldPaintBackgroundImage = bgImage && bgImage->canRender(obj,>effectiveZoom());
// Paint the color first underneath all images, culled if background image occludes it.
// TODO(trchen): In the !bgLayer.hasRepeatXY() case, we could improve the culling test
// by verifying whether the background image covers the entire painting area.
if (isBottomLayer) {
IntRect backgroundRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(scrolledPaintRect));
bool boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground = obj.boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground(bleedAvoidance, box);
bool backgroundImageOccludesBackgroundColor = shouldPaintBackgroundImage && isFillLayerOpaque(bgLayer, obj);
if (boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground || !backgroundImageOccludesBackgroundColor) {
GraphicsContextStateSaver shadowStateSaver(*context, boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground);
if (boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground)
BoxPainter::applyBoxShadowForBackground(context, obj);
if (bgColor.alpha())
context->fillRect(backgroundRect, bgColor);
// no progressive loading of the background image
if (shouldPaintBackgroundImage) {
if (!geometry.destRect().isEmpty()) {
SkXfermode::Mode bgOp = WebCoreCompositeToSkiaComposite(bgLayer.composite(), bgLayer.blendMode());
// if op != SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode, a mask is being painted.
SkXfermode::Mode compositeOp = op == SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode ? bgOp : op;
const LayoutObject* clientForBackgroundImage = backgroundObject ? backgroundObject : &obj;
RefPtr<Image> image = bgImage->image(clientForBackgroundImage, geometry.tileSize());
InterpolationQuality interpolationQuality = chooseInterpolationQuality(*clientForBackgroundImage, context, image.get(), &bgLayer, LayoutSize(geometry.tileSize()));
if (bgLayer.maskSourceType() == MaskLuminance)
InterpolationQuality previousInterpolationQuality = context->imageInterpolationQuality();
TRACE_EVENT1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("devtools.timeline"), "PaintImage", "data", InspectorPaintImageEvent::data(obj, *bgImage));
context->drawTiledImage(image.get(), geometry.destRect(), geometry.phase(), geometry.tileSize(),
compositeOp, geometry.spaceSize());
if (bgLayer.clip() == TextFillBox) {
// Create the text mask layer.
context->beginLayer(1, SkXfermode::kDstIn_Mode);
// Now draw the text into the mask. We do this by painting using a special paint phase that signals to
// InlineTextBoxes that they should just add their contents to the clip.
PaintInfo info(context, maskRect, PaintPhaseTextClip, GlobalPaintNormalPhase, 0);
if (box) {
const RootInlineBox& root = box->root();
box->paint(info, LayoutPoint(scrolledPaintRect.x() - box->x(), scrolledPaintRect.y() - box->y()), root.lineTop(), root.lineBottom());
} else {
// FIXME: this should only have an effect for the line box list within |obj|. Change this to create a LineBoxListPainter directly.
LayoutSize localOffset = obj.isBox() ? toLayoutBox(&obj)->locationOffset() : LayoutSize();
obj.paint(info, scrolledPaintRect.location() - localOffset);
void BoxPainter::paintMask(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(&m_layoutBox) ||>visibility() != VISIBLE || paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask)
if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(*paintInfo.context, m_layoutBox, paintInfo.phase, paintOffset))
LayoutRect visualOverflowRect(m_layoutBox.visualOverflowRect());
LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder recorder(*paintInfo.context, m_layoutBox, paintInfo.phase, visualOverflowRect, paintOffset);
LayoutRect paintRect = LayoutRect(paintOffset, m_layoutBox.size());
paintMaskImages(paintInfo, paintRect);
void BoxPainter::paintMaskImages(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutRect& paintRect)
// Figure out if we need to push a transparency layer to render our mask.
bool pushTransparencyLayer = false;
bool compositedMask = m_layoutBox.hasLayer() && m_layoutBox.layer()->hasCompositedMask();
bool flattenCompositingLayers = paintInfo.globalPaintFlags() & GlobalPaintFlattenCompositingLayers;
bool allMaskImagesLoaded = true;
if (!compositedMask || flattenCompositingLayers) {
pushTransparencyLayer = true;
StyleImage* maskBoxImage =>maskBoxImage().image();
const FillLayer& maskLayers =>maskLayers();
// Don't render a masked element until all the mask images have loaded, to prevent a flash of unmasked content.
if (maskBoxImage)
allMaskImagesLoaded &= maskBoxImage->isLoaded();
allMaskImagesLoaded &= maskLayers.imagesAreLoaded();
paintInfo.context->beginLayer(1, SkXfermode::kDstIn_Mode);
if (allMaskImagesLoaded) {
paintFillLayers(paintInfo, Color::transparent,>maskLayers(), paintRect);
paintNinePieceImage(m_layoutBox, paintInfo.context, paintRect, m_layoutBox.styleRef(),>maskBoxImage());
if (pushTransparencyLayer)
void BoxPainter::paintClippingMask(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
ASSERT(paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseClippingMask);
if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(&m_layoutBox) ||>visibility() != VISIBLE)
if (!m_layoutBox.layer() || m_layoutBox.layer()->compositingState() != PaintsIntoOwnBacking)
if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(*paintInfo.context, m_layoutBox, paintInfo.phase, paintOffset))
IntRect paintRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset, m_layoutBox.size()));
LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder drawingRecorder(*paintInfo.context, m_layoutBox, paintInfo.phase, paintRect, paintOffset);
paintInfo.context->fillRect(paintRect, Color::black);
InterpolationQuality BoxPainter::chooseInterpolationQuality(const LayoutObject& obj, GraphicsContext* context, Image* image, const void* layer, const LayoutSize& size)
return ImageQualityController::imageQualityController()->chooseInterpolationQuality(context, &obj, image, layer, size);
bool BoxPainter::paintNinePieceImage(const LayoutBoxModelObject& obj, GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const LayoutRect& rect, const ComputedStyle& style, const NinePieceImage& ninePieceImage, SkXfermode::Mode op)
NinePieceImagePainter ninePieceImagePainter(obj);
return ninePieceImagePainter.paint(graphicsContext, rect, style, ninePieceImage, op);
void BoxPainter::paintBorder(const LayoutBoxModelObject& obj, const PaintInfo& info,
const LayoutRect& rect, const ComputedStyle& style, BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance,
bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge)
// border-image is not affected by border-radius.
if (paintNinePieceImage(obj, info.context, rect, style, style.borderImage()))
const BoxBorderPainter borderPainter(rect, style, bleedAvoidance,
includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
borderPainter.paintBorder(info, rect);
void BoxPainter::paintBoxShadow(const PaintInfo& info, const LayoutRect& paintRect, const ComputedStyle& style, ShadowStyle shadowStyle, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge)
// FIXME: Deal with border-image. Would be great to use border-image as a mask.
GraphicsContext* context = info.context;
if (!style.boxShadow())
FloatRoundedRect border = (shadowStyle == Inset) ? style.getRoundedInnerBorderFor(paintRect, includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge)
: style.getRoundedBorderFor(paintRect, includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
bool hasBorderRadius = style.hasBorderRadius();
bool isHorizontal = style.isHorizontalWritingMode();
bool hasOpaqueBackground = style.visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor).alpha() == 255;
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context, false);
const ShadowList* shadowList = style.boxShadow();
for (size_t i = shadowList->shadows().size(); i--; ) {
const ShadowData& shadow = shadowList->shadows()[i];
if ( != shadowStyle)
FloatSize shadowOffset(shadow.x(), shadow.y());
float shadowBlur = shadow.blur();
float shadowSpread = shadow.spread();
if (shadowOffset.isZero() && !shadowBlur && !shadowSpread)
const Color& shadowColor = shadow.color().resolve(style.visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor));
if ( == Normal) {
FloatRect fillRect = border.rect();
if (fillRect.isEmpty())
FloatRect shadowRect(border.rect());
shadowRect.inflate(shadowBlur + shadowSpread);
// Save the state and clip, if not already done.
// The clip does not depend on any shadow-specific properties.
if (!stateSaver.saved()) {;
if (hasBorderRadius) {
FloatRoundedRect rectToClipOut = border;
// If the box is opaque, it is unnecessary to clip it out. However, doing so saves time
// when painting the shadow. On the other hand, it introduces subpixel gaps along the
// corners. Those are avoided by insetting the clipping path by one CSS pixel.
if (hasOpaqueBackground)
if (!rectToClipOut.isEmpty())
} else {
// This IntRect is correct even with fractional shadows, because it is used for the rectangle
// of the box itself, which is always pixel-aligned.
FloatRect rectToClipOut = border.rect();
// If the box is opaque, it is unnecessary to clip it out. However, doing so saves time
// when painting the shadow. On the other hand, it introduces subpixel gaps along the
// edges if they are not pixel-aligned. Those are avoided by insetting the clipping path
// by one CSS pixel.
if (hasOpaqueBackground)
if (!rectToClipOut.isEmpty())
// Draw only the shadow.
context->setShadow(shadowOffset, shadowBlur, shadowColor, DrawLooperBuilder::ShadowRespectsTransforms, DrawLooperBuilder::ShadowIgnoresAlpha, DrawShadowOnly);
if (hasBorderRadius) {
FloatRoundedRect influenceRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(shadowRect)), border.radii());
float changeAmount = 2 * shadowBlur + shadowSpread;
if (changeAmount >= 0)
// TODO: support non-integer shadows -
FloatRoundedRect roundedFillRect = border;
if (shadowSpread >= 0)
if (!roundedFillRect.isRenderable())
context->fillRoundedRect(roundedFillRect, Color::black);
} else {
context->fillRect(fillRect, Color::black);
} else {
// The inset shadow case.
GraphicsContext::Edges clippedEdges = GraphicsContext::NoEdge;
if (!includeLogicalLeftEdge) {
if (isHorizontal)
clippedEdges |= GraphicsContext::LeftEdge;
clippedEdges |= GraphicsContext::TopEdge;
if (!includeLogicalRightEdge) {
if (isHorizontal)
clippedEdges |= GraphicsContext::RightEdge;
clippedEdges |= GraphicsContext::BottomEdge;
// TODO: support non-integer shadows -
context->drawInnerShadow(border, shadowColor, flooredIntSize(shadowOffset), shadowBlur, shadowSpread, clippedEdges);
bool BoxPainter::shouldForceWhiteBackgroundForPrintEconomy(const ComputedStyle& style, const Document& document)
return document.printing() && style.printColorAdjust() == PrintColorAdjustEconomy
&& (!document.settings() || !document.settings()->shouldPrintBackgrounds());
} // namespace blink