blob: 624b00e645e1fa10fb85a02fd9ef75feb937911a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
* in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef WebViewImpl_h
#define WebViewImpl_h
#include "core/page/ContextMenuProvider.h"
#include "core/page/EventWithHitTestResults.h"
#include "platform/geometry/IntPoint.h"
#include "platform/geometry/IntRect.h"
#include "platform/graphics/GraphicsLayer.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "public/platform/WebCompositorAnimationTimeline.h"
#include "public/platform/WebDisplayMode.h"
#include "public/platform/WebFloatSize.h"
#include "public/platform/WebGestureCurveTarget.h"
#include "public/platform/WebLayer.h"
#include "public/platform/WebPoint.h"
#include "public/platform/WebRect.h"
#include "public/platform/WebSize.h"
#include "public/platform/WebString.h"
#include "public/platform/WebVector.h"
#include "public/web/WebInputEvent.h"
#include "public/web/WebNavigationPolicy.h"
#include "public/web/WebPageImportanceSignals.h"
#include "public/web/WebView.h"
#include "web/ChromeClientImpl.h"
#include "web/ContextMenuClientImpl.h"
#include "web/DragClientImpl.h"
#include "web/EditorClientImpl.h"
#include "web/MediaKeysClientImpl.h"
#include "web/PageWidgetDelegate.h"
#include "web/SpellCheckerClientImpl.h"
#include "web/StorageClientImpl.h"
#include "wtf/HashSet.h"
#include "wtf/OwnPtr.h"
#include "wtf/RefCounted.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
namespace blink {
class DataObject;
class DevToolsEmulator;
class Frame;
class FullscreenController;
class InspectorOverlay;
class LinkHighlightImpl;
class PageOverlay;
class PageScaleConstraintsSet;
class PaintLayerCompositor;
class TopControls;
class UserGestureToken;
class WebActiveGestureAnimation;
class WebDevToolsAgentImpl;
class WebElement;
class WebLayerTreeView;
class WebLocalFrameImpl;
class WebImage;
class WebPagePopupImpl;
class WebPlugin;
class WebSelection;
class WebSettingsImpl;
class WebViewScheduler;
class WebViewImpl final : public WebView
, public RefCounted<WebViewImpl>
, public WebGestureCurveTarget
, public PageWidgetEventHandler {
static WebViewImpl* create(WebViewClient*);
static HashSet<WebViewImpl*>& allInstances();
// WebWidget methods:
void close() override;
WebSize size() override;
void willStartLiveResize() override;
void resize(const WebSize&) override;
void resizeVisualViewport(const WebSize&) override;
void willEndLiveResize() override;
void didEnterFullScreen() override;
void didExitFullScreen() override;
void beginFrame(double lastFrameTimeMonotonic) override;
void updateAllLifecyclePhases() override;
void paint(WebCanvas*, const WebRect&) override;
void paintCompositedDeprecated(WebCanvas*, const WebRect&) override;
void layoutAndPaintAsync(WebLayoutAndPaintAsyncCallback*) override;
void compositeAndReadbackAsync(WebCompositeAndReadbackAsyncCallback*) override;
void themeChanged() override;
bool handleInputEvent(const WebInputEvent&) override;
void setCursorVisibilityState(bool isVisible) override;
bool hasTouchEventHandlersAt(const WebPoint&) override;
void applyViewportDeltas(
const WebFloatSize& visualViewportDelta,
const WebFloatSize& layoutViewportDelta,
const WebFloatSize& elasticOverscrollDelta,
float pageScaleDelta,
float topControlsShownRatioDelta) override;
void recordFrameTimingEvent(enum FrameTimingEventType, int64_t, const WebVector<WebFrameTimingEvent>&) override;
void mouseCaptureLost() override;
void setFocus(bool enable) override;
bool setComposition(
const WebString& text,
const WebVector<WebCompositionUnderline>& underlines,
int selectionStart,
int selectionEnd) override;
bool confirmComposition() override;
bool confirmComposition(ConfirmCompositionBehavior selectionBehavior) override;
bool confirmComposition(const WebString& text) override;
bool compositionRange(size_t* location, size_t* length) override;
WebTextInputInfo textInputInfo() override;
WebTextInputType textInputType() override;
WebColor backgroundColor() const override;
WebPagePopup* pagePopup() const override;
bool selectionBounds(WebRect& anchor, WebRect& focus) const override;
bool selectionTextDirection(WebTextDirection& start, WebTextDirection& end) const override;
bool isSelectionAnchorFirst() const override;
bool caretOrSelectionRange(size_t* location, size_t* length) override;
void setTextDirection(WebTextDirection) override;
bool isAcceleratedCompositingActive() const override;
void willCloseLayerTreeView() override;
void didAcquirePointerLock() override;
void didNotAcquirePointerLock() override;
void didLosePointerLock() override;
void didChangeWindowResizerRect() override;
// WebView methods:
virtual bool isWebView() const { return true; }
void setMainFrame(WebFrame*) override;
void setCredentialManagerClient(WebCredentialManagerClient*) override;
void setPrerendererClient(WebPrerendererClient*) override;
void setSpellCheckClient(WebSpellCheckClient*) override;
WebSettings* settings() override;
WebString pageEncoding() const override;
void setPageEncoding(const WebString&) override;
bool isTransparent() const override;
void setIsTransparent(bool value) override;
void setBaseBackgroundColor(WebColor) override;
bool tabsToLinks() const override;
void setTabsToLinks(bool value) override;
bool tabKeyCyclesThroughElements() const override;
void setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(bool value) override;
bool isActive() const override;
void setIsActive(bool value) override;
void setDomainRelaxationForbidden(bool, const WebString& scheme) override;
void setWindowFeatures(const WebWindowFeatures&) override;
void setOpenedByDOM() override;
WebFrame* mainFrame() override;
WebFrame* findFrameByName(
const WebString& name, WebFrame* relativeToFrame) override;
WebFrame* focusedFrame() override;
void setFocusedFrame(WebFrame*) override;
void focusDocumentView(WebFrame*) override;
void setInitialFocus(bool reverse) override;
void clearFocusedElement() override;
bool scrollFocusedNodeIntoRect(const WebRect&) override;
void smoothScroll(int targetX, int targetY, long durationMs) override;
void zoomToFindInPageRect(const WebRect&);
void advanceFocus(bool reverse) override;
double zoomLevel() override;
double setZoomLevel(double) override;
void zoomLimitsChanged(double minimumZoomLevel, double maximumZoomLevel) override;
float textZoomFactor() override;
float setTextZoomFactor(float) override;
bool zoomToMultipleTargetsRect(const WebRect&) override;
float pageScaleFactor() const override;
void setDefaultPageScaleLimits(float minScale, float maxScale) override;
void setInitialPageScaleOverride(float) override;
void setMaximumLegibleScale(float) override;
void setPageScaleFactor(float) override;
void setVisualViewportOffset(const WebFloatPoint&) override;
WebFloatPoint visualViewportOffset() const override;
WebFloatSize visualViewportSize() const override;
void resetScrollAndScaleState() override;
void setIgnoreViewportTagScaleLimits(bool) override;
WebSize contentsPreferredMinimumSize() override;
void setDisplayMode(WebDisplayMode) override;
float deviceScaleFactor() const override;
void setDeviceScaleFactor(float) override;
void setZoomFactorForDeviceScaleFactor(float) override;
void setDeviceColorProfile(const WebVector<char>&) override;
void resetDeviceColorProfile() override;
void enableAutoResizeMode(
const WebSize& minSize,
const WebSize& maxSize) override;
void disableAutoResizeMode() override;
void performMediaPlayerAction(
const WebMediaPlayerAction& action,
const WebPoint& location) override;
void performPluginAction(
const WebPluginAction&,
const WebPoint&) override;
WebHitTestResult hitTestResultAt(const WebPoint&) override;
WebHitTestResult hitTestResultForTap(const WebPoint&, const WebSize&) override;
void copyImageAt(const WebPoint&) override;
void saveImageAt(const WebPoint&) override;
void dragSourceEndedAt(
const WebPoint& clientPoint,
const WebPoint& screenPoint,
WebDragOperation) override;
void dragSourceSystemDragEnded() override;
WebDragOperation dragTargetDragEnter(
const WebDragData&,
const WebPoint& clientPoint,
const WebPoint& screenPoint,
WebDragOperationsMask operationsAllowed,
int modifiers) override;
WebDragOperation dragTargetDragOver(
const WebPoint& clientPoint,
const WebPoint& screenPoint,
WebDragOperationsMask operationsAllowed,
int modifiers) override;
void dragTargetDragLeave() override;
void dragTargetDrop(
const WebPoint& clientPoint,
const WebPoint& screenPoint,
int modifiers) override;
void spellingMarkers(WebVector<uint32_t>* markers) override;
void removeSpellingMarkersUnderWords(const WebVector<WebString>& words) override;
unsigned long createUniqueIdentifierForRequest() override;
void enableDeviceEmulation(const WebDeviceEmulationParams&) override;
void disableDeviceEmulation() override;
WebAXObject accessibilityObject() override;
void setSelectionColors(unsigned activeBackgroundColor,
unsigned activeForegroundColor,
unsigned inactiveBackgroundColor,
unsigned inactiveForegroundColor) override;
void performCustomContextMenuAction(unsigned action) override;
void showContextMenu() override;
void extractSmartClipData(WebRect, WebString&, WebString&, WebRect&) override;
void hidePopups() override;
void setPageOverlayColor(WebColor) override;
WebPageImportanceSignals* pageImportanceSignals() override;
void transferActiveWheelFlingAnimation(const WebActiveWheelFlingParameters&) override;
bool endActiveFlingAnimation() override;
void setShowPaintRects(bool) override;
void setShowDebugBorders(bool);
void setShowFPSCounter(bool) override;
void setShowScrollBottleneckRects(bool) override;
void acceptLanguagesChanged() override;
// WebViewImpl
void enableViewport();
void disableViewport();
float defaultMinimumPageScaleFactor() const;
float defaultMaximumPageScaleFactor() const;
float minimumPageScaleFactor() const;
float maximumPageScaleFactor() const;
float clampPageScaleFactorToLimits(float) const;
void resetScrollAndScaleStateImmediately();
HitTestResult coreHitTestResultAt(const WebPoint&);
void invalidateRect(const IntRect&);
void setIgnoreInputEvents(bool newValue);
void setBackgroundColorOverride(WebColor);
void setZoomFactorOverride(float);
void updateShowFPSCounter();
void setCompositorDeviceScaleFactorOverride(float);
void setRootLayerTransform(const WebSize& offset, float scale);
Color baseBackgroundColor() const { return m_baseBackgroundColor; }
WebColor backgroundColorOverride() const { return m_backgroundColorOverride; }
const WebPoint& lastMouseDownPoint() const
return m_lastMouseDownPoint;
Frame* focusedCoreFrame() const;
// Returns the currently focused Element or null if no element has focus.
Element* focusedElement() const;
static WebViewImpl* fromPage(Page*);
WebViewClient* client()
return m_client;
WebSpellCheckClient* spellCheckClient()
return m_spellCheckClient;
// Returns the page object associated with this view. This may be null when
// the page is shutting down, but will be valid at all other times.
Page* page() const
return m_page.get();
WebDevToolsAgentImpl* mainFrameDevToolsAgentImpl();
DevToolsEmulator* devToolsEmulator() const
return m_devToolsEmulator.get();
// Returns the main frame associated with this view. This may be null when
// the page is shutting down, but will be valid at all other times.
WebLocalFrameImpl* mainFrameImpl() const;
// FIXME: Temporary method to accommodate out-of-process frame ancestors;
// will be removed when there can be multiple WebWidgets for a single page.
WebLocalFrameImpl* localFrameRootTemporary() const;
// Event related methods:
void mouseContextMenu(const WebMouseEvent&);
void mouseDoubleClick(const WebMouseEvent&);
bool detectContentOnTouch(const GestureEventWithHitTestResults& targetedEvent);
bool startPageScaleAnimation(const IntPoint& targetPosition, bool useAnchor, float newScale, double durationInSeconds);
void hasTouchEventHandlers(bool);
// WebGestureCurveTarget implementation for fling.
bool scrollBy(const WebFloatSize& delta, const WebFloatSize& velocity) override;
// Handles context menu events orignated via the the keyboard. These
// include the VK_APPS virtual key and the Shift+F10 combine. Code is
// based on the Webkit function bool WebView::handleContextMenuEvent(WPARAM
// wParam, LPARAM lParam) in webkit\webkit\win\WebView.cpp. The only
// significant change in this function is the code to convert from a
// Keyboard event to the Right Mouse button down event.
bool sendContextMenuEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent&);
void showContextMenuAtPoint(float x, float y, PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<ContextMenuProvider>);
void showContextMenuForElement(WebElement);
// Notifies the WebView that a load has been committed. isNewNavigation
// will be true if a new session history item should be created for that
// load. isNavigationWithinPage will be true if the navigation does
// not take the user away from the current page.
void didCommitLoad(bool isNewNavigation, bool isNavigationWithinPage);
void postLayoutResize(WebLocalFrameImpl* webframe);
// Indicates two things:
// 1) This view may have a new layout now.
// 2) Calling updateAllLifecyclePhases() is a no-op.
// After calling WebWidget::updateAllLifecyclePhases(), expect to get this notification
// unless the view did not need a layout.
void layoutUpdated(WebLocalFrameImpl*);
void documentElementAvailable(WebLocalFrameImpl*);
void willInsertBody(WebLocalFrameImpl*);
void didRemoveAllPendingStylesheet(WebLocalFrameImpl*);
void didFinishDocumentLoad(WebLocalFrameImpl*);
void didChangeContentsSize();
void pageScaleFactorChanged();
// Returns true if popup menus should be rendered by the browser, false if
// they should be rendered by WebKit (which is the default).
static bool useExternalPopupMenus();
bool shouldAutoResize() const
return m_shouldAutoResize;
IntSize minAutoSize() const
return m_minAutoSize;
IntSize maxAutoSize() const
return m_maxAutoSize;
void updateMainFrameLayoutSize();
void updatePageDefinedViewportConstraints(const ViewportDescription&);
// Start a system drag and drop operation.
void startDragging(
const WebDragData& dragData,
WebDragOperationsMask mask,
const WebImage& dragImage,
const WebPoint& dragImageOffset);
PagePopup* openPagePopup(PagePopupClient*);
void closePagePopup(PagePopup*);
LocalDOMWindow* pagePopupWindow() const;
// Returns the input event we're currently processing. This is used in some
// cases where the WebCore DOM event doesn't have the information we need.
static const WebInputEvent* currentInputEvent()
return m_currentInputEvent;
GraphicsLayer* rootGraphicsLayer();
void setRootGraphicsLayer(GraphicsLayer*);
GraphicsLayerFactory* graphicsLayerFactory() const;
PaintLayerCompositor* compositor() const;
void registerForAnimations(WebLayer*);
void scheduleAnimation();
void attachCompositorAnimationTimeline(WebCompositorAnimationTimeline*);
void detachCompositorAnimationTimeline(WebCompositorAnimationTimeline*);
WebCompositorAnimationTimeline* linkHighlightsTimeline() const { return m_linkHighlightsTimeline.get(); }
void setVisibilityState(WebPageVisibilityState, bool) override;
bool hasOpenedPopup() const { return m_pagePopup; }
// Returns true if the event leads to scrolling.
static bool mapKeyCodeForScroll(
int keyCode,
// Called by a full frame plugin inside this view to inform it that its
// zoom level has been updated. The plugin should only call this function
// if the zoom change was triggered by the browser, it's only needed in case
// a plugin can update its own zoom, say because of its own UI.
void fullFramePluginZoomLevelChanged(double zoomLevel);
void computeScaleAndScrollForBlockRect(const WebPoint& hitPoint, const WebRect& blockRect, float padding, float defaultScaleWhenAlreadyLegible, float& scale, WebPoint& scroll);
Node* bestTapNode(const GestureEventWithHitTestResults& targetedTapEvent);
void enableTapHighlightAtPoint(const GestureEventWithHitTestResults& targetedTapEvent);
void enableTapHighlights(WillBeHeapVector<RawPtrWillBeMember<Node>>&);
void computeScaleAndScrollForFocusedNode(Node* focusedNode, bool zoomInToLegibleScale, float& scale, IntPoint& scroll, bool& needAnimation);
void animateDoubleTapZoom(const IntPoint&);
void enableFakePageScaleAnimationForTesting(bool);
bool fakeDoubleTapAnimationPendingForTesting() const { return m_doubleTapZoomPending; }
IntPoint fakePageScaleAnimationTargetPositionForTesting() const { return m_fakePageScaleAnimationTargetPosition; }
float fakePageScaleAnimationPageScaleForTesting() const { return m_fakePageScaleAnimationPageScaleFactor; }
bool fakePageScaleAnimationUseAnchorForTesting() const { return m_fakePageScaleAnimationUseAnchor; }
void enterFullScreenForElement(Element*);
void exitFullScreenForElement(Element*);
void clearCompositedSelection();
void updateCompositedSelection(const WebSelection&);
// Exposed for the purpose of overriding device metrics.
void sendResizeEventAndRepaint();
// Exposed for testing purposes.
bool hasHorizontalScrollbar();
bool hasVerticalScrollbar();
// Pointer Lock calls allow a page to capture all mouse events and
// disable the system cursor.
bool requestPointerLock();
void requestPointerUnlock();
bool isPointerLocked();
// Exposed for tests.
unsigned numLinkHighlights() { return m_linkHighlights.size(); }
LinkHighlightImpl* linkHighlight(int i) { return m_linkHighlights[i].get(); }
WebSettingsImpl* settingsImpl();
// Returns the bounding box of the block type node touched by the WebPoint.
WebRect computeBlockBound(const WebPoint&, bool ignoreClipping);
WebLayerTreeView* layerTreeView() const { return m_layerTreeView; }
bool matchesHeuristicsForGpuRasterizationForTesting() const { return m_matchesHeuristicsForGpuRasterization; }
void setTopControlsHeight(float height, bool topControlsShrinkLayoutSize) override;
void updateTopControlsState(WebTopControlsState constraint, WebTopControlsState current, bool animate) override;
TopControls& topControls();
// Called anytime top controls layout height or content offset have changed.
void didUpdateTopControls();
void forceNextWebGLContextCreationToFail() override;
void forceNextDrawingBufferCreationToFail() override;
IntSize mainFrameSize();
WebDisplayMode displayMode() const { return m_displayMode; }
PageScaleConstraintsSet& pageScaleConstraintsSet() const;
FloatSize elasticOverscroll() const { return m_elasticOverscroll; }
WebViewScheduler* scheduler() const { return m_scheduler.get(); }
InspectorOverlay* inspectorOverlay();
void setPageScaleFactorAndLocation(float, const FloatPoint&);
void scrollAndRescaleViewports(float scaleFactor, const IntPoint& mainFrameOrigin, const FloatPoint& visualViewportOrigin);
float maximumLegiblePageScale() const;
void refreshPageScaleFactorAfterLayout();
void resetScrollAndScaleState(bool immediately);
void resumeTreeViewCommitsIfRenderingReady();
IntSize contentsSize() const;
void performResize();
void resizeViewWhileAnchored(FrameView*);
friend class WebView; // So WebView::Create can call our constructor
friend class WTF::RefCounted<WebViewImpl>;
friend void setCurrentInputEventForTest(const WebInputEvent*);
enum DragAction {
explicit WebViewImpl(WebViewClient*);
~WebViewImpl() override;
int textInputFlags();
WebString inputModeOfFocusedElement();
// Returns true if the event was actually processed.
bool keyEventDefault(const WebKeyboardEvent&);
bool confirmComposition(const WebString& text, ConfirmCompositionBehavior);
// Returns true if the view was scrolled.
bool scrollViewWithKeyboard(int keyCode, int modifiers);
void hideSelectPopup();
HitTestResult hitTestResultForRootFramePos(const IntPoint&);
HitTestResult hitTestResultForViewportPos(const IntPoint&);
// Consolidate some common code between starting a drag over a target and
// updating a drag over a target. If we're starting a drag, |isEntering|
// should be true.
WebDragOperation dragTargetDragEnterOrOver(const WebPoint& clientPoint,
const WebPoint& screenPoint,
int modifiers);
void configureAutoResizeMode();
void initializeLayerTreeView();
void setIsAcceleratedCompositingActive(bool);
void doComposite();
void reallocateRenderer();
void updateLayerTreeViewport();
void updateLayerTreeBackgroundColor();
void updateRootLayerTransform();
void updateLayerTreeDeviceScaleFactor();
// Helper function: Widens the width of |source| by the specified margins
// while keeping it smaller than page width.
WebRect widenRectWithinPageBounds(const WebRect& source, int targetMargin, int minimumMargin);
void pointerLockMouseEvent(const WebInputEvent&);
// PageWidgetEventHandler functions
void handleMouseLeave(LocalFrame&, const WebMouseEvent&) override;
void handleMouseDown(LocalFrame&, const WebMouseEvent&) override;
void handleMouseUp(LocalFrame&, const WebMouseEvent&) override;
bool handleMouseWheel(LocalFrame&, const WebMouseWheelEvent&) override;
bool handleGestureEvent(const WebGestureEvent&) override;
bool handleKeyEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent&) override;
bool handleCharEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent&) override;
bool handleSyntheticWheelFromTouchpadPinchEvent(const WebGestureEvent&);
WebPlugin* focusedPluginIfInputMethodSupported(LocalFrame*);
void enablePopupMouseWheelEventListener();
void disablePopupMouseWheelEventListener();
void cancelPagePopup();
void updatePageOverlays();
WebViewClient* m_client; // Can be 0 (e.g. unittests, shared workers, etc.)
WebSpellCheckClient* m_spellCheckClient;
OwnPtrWillBePersistent<ChromeClientImpl> m_chromeClientImpl;
ContextMenuClientImpl m_contextMenuClientImpl;
DragClientImpl m_dragClientImpl;
EditorClientImpl m_editorClientImpl;
SpellCheckerClientImpl m_spellCheckerClientImpl;
StorageClientImpl m_storageClientImpl;
WebSize m_size;
// If true, automatically resize the layout view around its content.
bool m_shouldAutoResize;
// The lower bound on the size when auto-resizing.
IntSize m_minAutoSize;
// The upper bound on the size when auto-resizing.
IntSize m_maxAutoSize;
OwnPtrWillBePersistent<Page> m_page;
// An object that can be used to manipulate m_page->settings() without linking
// against WebCore. This is lazily allocated the first time GetWebSettings()
// is called.
OwnPtr<WebSettingsImpl> m_webSettings;
// A copy of the web drop data object we received from the browser.
Persistent<DataObject> m_currentDragData;
// The point relative to the client area where the mouse was last pressed
// down. This is used by the drag client to determine what was under the
// mouse when the drag was initiated. We need to track this here in
// WebViewImpl since DragClient::startDrag does not pass the position the
// mouse was at when the drag was initiated, only the current point, which
// can be misleading as it is usually not over the element the user actually
// dragged by the time a drag is initiated.
WebPoint m_lastMouseDownPoint;
// Keeps track of the current zoom level. 0 means no zoom, positive numbers
// mean zoom in, negative numbers mean zoom out.
double m_zoomLevel;
double m_minimumZoomLevel;
double m_maximumZoomLevel;
// Additional zoom factor used to scale the content by device scale factor.
double m_zoomFactorForDeviceScaleFactor;
// This value, when multiplied by the font scale factor, gives the maximum
// page scale that can result from automatic zooms.
float m_maximumLegibleScale;
// The scale moved to by the latest double tap zoom, if any.
float m_doubleTapZoomPageScaleFactor;
// Have we sent a double-tap zoom and not yet heard back the scale?
bool m_doubleTapZoomPending;
// Used for testing purposes.
bool m_enableFakePageScaleAnimationForTesting;
IntPoint m_fakePageScaleAnimationTargetPosition;
float m_fakePageScaleAnimationPageScaleFactor;
bool m_fakePageScaleAnimationUseAnchor;
bool m_doingDragAndDrop;
bool m_ignoreInputEvents;
float m_compositorDeviceScaleFactorOverride;
WebSize m_rootLayerOffset;
float m_rootLayerScale;
// Webkit expects keyPress events to be suppressed if the associated keyDown
// event was handled. Safari implements this behavior by peeking out the
// associated WM_CHAR event if the keydown was handled. We emulate
// this behavior by setting this flag if the keyDown was handled.
bool m_suppressNextKeypressEvent;
// Represents whether or not this object should process incoming IME events.
bool m_imeAcceptEvents;
// The available drag operations (copy, move link...) allowed by the source.
WebDragOperation m_operationsAllowed;
// The current drag operation as negotiated by the source and destination.
// When not equal to DragOperationNone, the drag data can be dropped onto the
// current drop target in this WebView (the drop target can accept the drop).
WebDragOperation m_dragOperation;
// The popup associated with an input/select element.
RefPtr<WebPagePopupImpl> m_pagePopup;
OwnPtrWillBePersistent<InspectorOverlay> m_inspectorOverlay;
OwnPtrWillBePersistent<DevToolsEmulator> m_devToolsEmulator;
OwnPtr<PageOverlay> m_pageColorOverlay;
// Whether the webview is rendering transparently.
bool m_isTransparent;
// Whether the user can press tab to focus links.
bool m_tabsToLinks;
// If set, the (plugin) node which has mouse capture.
RefPtrWillBePersistent<Node> m_mouseCaptureNode;
RefPtr<UserGestureToken> m_mouseCaptureGestureToken;
RefPtr<UserGestureToken> m_pointerLockGestureToken;
IntRect m_rootLayerScrollDamage;
WebLayerTreeView* m_layerTreeView;
WebLayer* m_rootLayer;
GraphicsLayer* m_rootGraphicsLayer;
GraphicsLayer* m_rootTransformLayer;
OwnPtr<GraphicsLayerFactory> m_graphicsLayerFactory;
bool m_matchesHeuristicsForGpuRasterization;
// If true, the graphics context is being restored.
bool m_recreatingGraphicsContext;
static const WebInputEvent* m_currentInputEvent;
MediaKeysClientImpl m_mediaKeysClientImpl;
OwnPtr<WebActiveGestureAnimation> m_gestureAnimation;
WebPoint m_positionOnFlingStart;
WebPoint m_globalPositionOnFlingStart;
int m_flingModifier;
WebGestureDevice m_flingSourceDevice;
Vector<OwnPtr<LinkHighlightImpl>> m_linkHighlights;
OwnPtr<WebCompositorAnimationTimeline> m_linkHighlightsTimeline;
OwnPtrWillBePersistent<FullscreenController> m_fullscreenController;
bool m_showFPSCounter;
WebColor m_baseBackgroundColor;
WebColor m_backgroundColorOverride;
float m_zoomFactorOverride;
bool m_userGestureObserved;
bool m_shouldDispatchFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout;
bool m_shouldDispatchFirstLayoutAfterFinishedParsing;
bool m_shouldDispatchFirstLayoutAfterFinishedLoading;
WebDisplayMode m_displayMode;
FloatSize m_elasticOverscroll;
RefPtrWillBePersistent<EventListener> m_popupMouseWheelEventListener;
WebPageImportanceSignals m_pageImportanceSignals;
const OwnPtr<WebViewScheduler> m_scheduler;
DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(WebViewImpl, WebWidget, widget, widget->isWebView(), widget.isWebView());
// We have no ways to check if the specified WebView is an instance of
// WebViewImpl because WebViewImpl is the only implementation of WebView.
DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(WebViewImpl, WebView, webView, true, true);
} // namespace blink