blob: e9c8b37c5ef02d10e617c612e8d0b98a11cb2daf [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>IsInputPending: clicks should be reported during main thread contention</title>
Click the button twice and expect two green lines of text.
This test should be run under --enable-blink-features=ExperimentalIsInputPending
<button onclick="next()">Start</button>
<p id="preClickResult"></p>
<p id="postClickResult"></p>
function hasPendingClick() {
return navigator.scheduling.isInputPending(['click']);
// |expected| is the expected value from isInputPending(['click']).
function createResult(actual, expected) {
const result = document.createElement('div');
if (actual == expected) {
result.innerHTML = 'PASSED: isInputPending was ' + actual; = 'color:green';
else {
result.innerHTML = 'FAILED: isInputPending was ' + actual; = 'color:red';
return result;
let state = "start";
function next() {
switch (state) {
case "start":
// Don't return from the event loop until a click is detected.
while (!hasPendingClick()) {}
const preClickResult = document.querySelector("#preClickResult");
preClickResult.appendChild(createResult(true, true));
state = "clicked";
case "clicked":
// In the click event handler, expect no pending clicks.
const postClickResult = document.querySelector("#postClickResult");
postClickResult.appendChild(createResult(hasPendingClick(), false));
state = "end";
case "end":