blob: 488a2a3b68c5134ae9d75721e8d26f1fdc33b356 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef PaintTiming_h
#define PaintTiming_h
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/paint/FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector.h"
#include "platform/Supplementable.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "wtf/Noncopyable.h"
namespace blink {
class LocalFrame;
// PaintTiming is responsible for tracking paint-related timings for a given
// document.
class CORE_EXPORT PaintTiming final
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<PaintTiming>,
public Supplement<Document> {
virtual ~PaintTiming() {}
static PaintTiming& from(Document&);
// mark*() methods record the time for the given paint event, record a trace
// event, and notify that paint timing has changed. These methods do nothing
// (early return) if a time has already been recorded for the given paint
// event.
void markFirstPaint();
// markFirstTextPaint, markFirstImagePaint, and markFirstContentfulPaint
// will also record first paint if first paint hasn't been recorded yet.
void markFirstContentfulPaint();
// markFirstTextPaint and markFirstImagePaint will also record first
// contentful paint if first contentful paint hasn't been recorded yet.
void markFirstTextPaint();
void markFirstImagePaint();
void setFirstMeaningfulPaint(double stamp);
void notifyPaint(bool isFirstPaint, bool textPainted, bool imagePainted);
// The getters below return monotonically-increasing seconds, or zero if the
// given paint event has not yet occurred. See the comments for
// monotonicallyIncreasingTime in wtf/CurrentTime.h for additional details.
// firstPaint returns the first time that anything was painted for the
// current document.
double firstPaint() const { return m_firstPaint; }
// firstContentfulPaint returns the first time that 'contentful' content was
// painted. For instance, the first time that text or image content was
// painted.
double firstContentfulPaint() const { return m_firstContentfulPaint; }
// firstTextPaint returns the first time that text content was painted.
double firstTextPaint() const { return m_firstTextPaint; }
// firstImagePaint returns the first time that image content was painted.
double firstImagePaint() const { return m_firstImagePaint; }
// firstMeaningfulPaint returns the first time that page's primary content
// was painted.
double firstMeaningfulPaint() const { return m_firstMeaningfulPaint; }
Document* document() { return m_document.get(); }
FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector& firstMeaningfulPaintDetector() {
return *m_fmpDetector;
explicit PaintTiming(Document&);
LocalFrame* frame() const;
void notifyPaintTimingChanged();
// set*() set the timing for the given paint event to the given timestamp
// and record a trace event if the value is currently zero, but do not
// notify that paint timing changed. These methods can be invoked from other
// mark*() or set*() methods to make sure that first paint is marked as part
// of marking first contentful paint, or that first contentful paint is
// marked as part of marking first text/image paint, for example.
void setFirstPaint(double stamp);
// setFirstContentfulPaint will also set first paint time if first paint
// time has not yet been recorded.
void setFirstContentfulPaint(double stamp);
double m_firstPaint = 0.0;
double m_firstTextPaint = 0.0;
double m_firstImagePaint = 0.0;
double m_firstContentfulPaint = 0.0;
double m_firstMeaningfulPaint = 0.0;
Member<Document> m_document;
Member<FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector> m_fmpDetector;
} // namespace blink