blob: d136a8d239dc39d5373b6647fd79beec5af3f15c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/public/cpp/projector/projector_new_screencast_precondition.h"
#include "ash/webui/projector_app/projector_app_client.h"
#include "ash/webui/projector_app/projector_oauth_token_fetcher.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_ui_message_handler.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/google_service_auth_error.h"
namespace signin {
struct AccessTokenInfo;
} // namespace signin
class PrefService;
namespace ash {
class ProjectorXhrSender;
struct ProjectorScreencastVideo;
// Enum to record the different errors that may occur in the Projector app.
enum class ProjectorError {
kNone = 0,
// Handles messages from the Projector WebUIs (i.e. chrome://projector).
class ProjectorMessageHandler : public content::WebUIMessageHandler,
public ProjectorAppClient::Observer {
explicit ProjectorMessageHandler(PrefService* pref_service);
ProjectorMessageHandler(const ProjectorMessageHandler&) = delete;
ProjectorMessageHandler& operator=(const ProjectorMessageHandler&) = delete;
~ProjectorMessageHandler() override;
base::WeakPtr<ProjectorMessageHandler> GetWeakPtr();
// content::WebUIMessageHandler:
void RegisterMessages() override;
// ProjectorAppClient:Observer:
void OnNewScreencastPreconditionChanged(
const NewScreencastPrecondition& precondition) override;
void set_web_ui_for_test(content::WebUI* web_ui) { set_web_ui(web_ui); }
// ProjectorAppClient::Observer:
// Notifies the Projector SWA the pending screencasts' state change and
// updates the pending list in Projector SWA.
void OnScreencastsPendingStatusChanged(
const PendingScreencastSet& pending_screencast) override;
void OnSodaProgress(int percentage) override;
void OnSodaError() override;
void OnSodaInstalled() override;
// Called when the XHR request is completed. Resolves the javascript promise
// created by ProjectorBrowserProxy.sendXhr by calling the `js_callback_id`.
virtual void OnXhrRequestCompleted(const std::string& js_callback_id,
bool success,
const std::string& response_body,
const std::string& error);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to list the available accounts (primary and
// secondary accounts) in the current session. The list of accounts will be
// used in the account picker in the SWA.
void GetAccounts(const base::Value::List& args);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to check the new screencast precondition
// state.
void GetNewScreencastPrecondition(const base::Value::List& args);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to start a new Projector session if it is
// possible.
void StartProjectorSession(const base::Value::List& args);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to get access to the OAuth token for the
// account email provided in the `args`.
void GetOAuthTokenForAccount(const base::Value::List& args);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to send XHR request.
void SendXhr(const base::Value::List& args);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to check if SODA is not available and should
// be downloaded. Returns false if the device doesn't support SODA.
void ShouldDownloadSoda(const base::Value::List& args);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to trigger SODA installation.
void InstallSoda(const base::Value::List& args);
// Called by the Projector SWA when an error occurred.
void OnError(const base::Value::List& args);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to get access to a particular user pref.
void GetUserPref(const base::Value::List& args);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to set the value of a user pref.
void SetUserPref(const base::Value::List& args);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to open the Chrome feedback dialog.
void OpenFeedbackDialog(const base::Value::List& args);
// Called when OAuth token fetch request is completed by
// ProjectorOAuthTokenFetcher. Resolves the javascript promise created by
// ProjectorBrowserProxy.getOAuthTokenForAccount by calling the
// `js_callback_id`.
void OnAccessTokenRequestCompleted(const std::string& js_callback_id,
const std::string& email,
GoogleServiceAuthError error,
const signin::AccessTokenInfo& info);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to fetch a list of screencasts pending to
// upload or failed to upload.
void GetPendingScreencasts(const base::Value::List& args);
// Requested by the Projector SWA to fetch a single video from DriveFS with
// the Drive item id specified by `args`.
void GetVideo(const base::Value::List& args);
// Called when video file fetch by item id request is complete. Resolves the
// javascript promise created by ProjectorBrowserProxy.getScreencast by
// calling the `js_callback_id`.
void OnVideoLocated(const std::string& js_callback_id,
std::unique_ptr<ProjectorScreencastVideo> video,
const std::string& error_message);
ProjectorOAuthTokenFetcher oauth_token_fetcher_;
std::unique_ptr<ProjectorXhrSender> xhr_sender_;
// Primary user pref service.
PrefService* const pref_service_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProjectorMessageHandler> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash