blob: a22b7a23b8957db5617490e81565256779909ecb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates a script in the bin directory that runs
# //build/android/ against the provided apk.
# Variables:
# apk: The APK target against which should run.
template("android_resource_sizes_test") {
generate_android_wrapper(target_name) {
executable = "//build/android/"
wrapper_script = "$root_out_dir/bin/${target_name}"
# Getting the _apk_path below at build time requires the APK's
# build config.
deps = [
data_deps = [
_apk_build_config = get_label_info(invoker.apk, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(invoker.apk, "name") + ".build_config"
_rebased_apk_build_config = rebase_path(_apk_build_config, root_build_dir)
_apk_path =
executable_args = [