blob: 083f3f500742a22ebeaa10beed9180c7262d60dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
namespace chromeos {
// A utility class to run account migrations for |chromeos::AccountManager|. It
// enables the specification of a series of async migration |Step|s in a
// declarative style (see the test cases for usage examples). If any of these
// |Step|s fail, the entire migration fails, without running subsequent steps.
class AccountMigrationRunner {
enum class Status {
// Migration has not started yet.
// Migration is in progress.
// All migration steps completed successfully.
// Migration failed at some |Step|.
struct MigrationResult {
// Final status of migration.
Status final_status;
// If |final_status| is |FAILURE|, this field will contain the id of the
// step, that caused migration to fail.
std::string failed_step_id;
// Type alias for the callback called at the end of a migration run.
using OnMigrationDone = base::OnceCallback<void(const MigrationResult&)>;
// Abstract base class for a migration step.
class Step {
// |id| is an identifier for this step. This should be unique across |Step|s
// added to |AccountMigrationRunner::AddStep| but maintaining this
// uniqueness is a responsibility of the callers and not enforced by
// |AccountMigrationRunner|.
explicit Step(const std::string& id);
virtual ~Step();
// Runs the migration step.
// Implementations must call |FinishWithSuccess| or |FinishWithFailure| at
// the end of their execution.
// Note that |AccountMigrationRunner| does not guarantee anything about the
// lifetime of a |Step| once it has been added via
// |AccountMigrationRunner::AddStep|.
virtual void Run() = 0;
// Gets this |Step|'s identifier.
const std::string& GetId() const;
// Called by implementations of |Step| to signal a successful execution.
void FinishWithSuccess();
// Called by implementations of |Step| to signal an unsuccessful execution.
void FinishWithFailure(bool emit_uma_stats = true);
friend class AccountMigrationRunner;
// Called by |AccountMigrationRunner| to execute |this| |Step|.
void RunInternal(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback);
// Gets the name of the UMA metric that tracks the success / failure of
// running |this| |Step|.
std::string GetStepResultMetricName() const;
// An identifier for |this| |Step|.
const std::string id_;
// Used to signal |AccountMigrationRunner| about the success (|true|) or
// failure (|false|) of |this| |Step|.
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback_;
// Gets the current status of migration.
Status GetStatus() const;
// Adds a migration step. |AddStep| must be called before |Run| has been
// called. Calls to |AddStep| create a dependency between the supplied
// |step|s, i.e. |step|s will be executed in the order in which they were
// supplied via |AddStep|. If any |step| fails, none of the following steps
// will be executed.
void AddStep(std::unique_ptr<Step> step);
// Runs all the migration steps that have previously been added via |AddStep|.
// |Run| must be called at most once during the lifetime of |this| object.
// Subsequent calls to |Run| are silently ignored.
// |callback| is called with the final result of the migration run.
void Run(OnMigrationDone callback);
// Runs the next migration step in |steps_|.
void RunNextStep();
// Callback from a migration |Step|.
void OnStepCompleted(bool result);
// Immediately finishes migration with a |Status::SUCCESS| and informs the
// caller of |Run| about the result of the migration.
void FinishWithSuccess();
// Immediately finishes migration with a |Status::FAILURE| and informs the
// caller of |Run| about the result of the migration.
void FinishWithFailure();
// Current status of migration.
Status status_ = Status::kNotStarted;
// A list of migration steps.
std::queue<std::unique_ptr<Step>> steps_;
// The current step being executed.
std::unique_ptr<Step> current_step_ = nullptr;
// Supplied by the caller of |Run| to get the overall result of migration.
OnMigrationDone callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AccountMigrationRunner> weak_factory_;
} // namespace chromeos