blob: 6e943ac9057b849edb7b9c25442651fb0c95fa4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/variations/variations_associated_data.h"
// Defines a FieldTrial group.
class LocalNtpFirstRunFieldTrialGroup {
LocalNtpFirstRunFieldTrialGroup(const std::string& name,
variations::VariationID variation,
base::FieldTrial::Probability percentage);
// Accessors for this FieldTrial group.
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
variations::VariationID variation() const { return variation_; }
base::FieldTrial::Probability percentage() const { return percentage_; }
std::string name_;
variations::VariationID variation_;
base::FieldTrial::Probability percentage_;
// Defines a FieldTrial configuration that will be valid at the time of Chrome
// First Run. Since server-provided FieldTrial configurations need to be
// downloaded, they do not take effect until at least the second run.
// FieldTrials involving substantial UI changes that need to take effect at
// first run must be pre-defined in client code.
class LocalNtpFirstRunFieldTrialConfig {
// Initializes with |trial_name| as the name of the FieldTrial with default
// duration.
explicit LocalNtpFirstRunFieldTrialConfig(const std::string& trial_name);
// Adds a new FieldTrial group of |name| with a probability of |percentage|.
// |variation| defines a server-side variation configuration.
void AddGroup(const std::string& name,
variations::VariationID variation,
base::FieldTrial::Probability percentage);
// Returns a vector of FieldTrial groups for this FieldTrial configuration.
const std::vector<LocalNtpFirstRunFieldTrialGroup>& groups() const {
return groups_;
// Accessors for this FieldTrial.
const std::string& trial_name() { return trial_name_; }
int expire_year() { return expire_year_; }
int expire_month() { return expire_month_; }
int expire_day_of_month() { return expire_day_of_month_; }
std::string trial_name_;
std::vector<LocalNtpFirstRunFieldTrialGroup> groups_;
int expire_year_;
int expire_month_;
int expire_day_of_month_;