blob: 65c685ea053594ee51db4efacb44f87f165635af [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef InlineFlowBox_h
#define InlineFlowBox_h
#include "core/layout/OverflowModel.h"
#include "core/layout/api/SelectionState.h"
#include "core/layout/line/InlineBox.h"
#include "core/style/ShadowData.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
class HitTestResult;
class InlineTextBox;
class LineBoxList;
class SimpleFontData;
class VerticalPositionCache;
struct GlyphOverflow;
typedef HashMap<const InlineTextBox*,
std::pair<Vector<const SimpleFontData*>, GlyphOverflow>>
class InlineFlowBox : public InlineBox {
InlineFlowBox(LineLayoutItem line_layout_item)
: InlineBox(line_layout_item),
// Internet Explorer and Firefox always create a marker for list items, even
// when the list-style-type is none. We do not make a marker in the
// list-style-type: none case, since it is wasteful to do so.
// However, in order to match other browsers we have to pretend like an
// invisible marker exists. The side effect of having an invisible marker
// is that the quirks mode behavior of shrinking lines with no text children
// must not apply. This change also means that gaps will exist between image
// bullet list items. Even when the list bullet is an image, the line is
// still considered to be immune from the quirk.
has_text_children_ =
line_layout_item.Style()->Display() == EDisplay::kListItem;
has_text_descendants_ = has_text_children_;
~InlineFlowBox() override;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void DumpLineTreeAndMark(StringBuilder&,
const InlineBox* = nullptr,
const char* = nullptr,
const InlineBox* = nullptr,
const char* = nullptr,
const LayoutObject* = nullptr,
int = 0) const override;
const char* BoxName() const override;
InlineFlowBox* PrevLineBox() const { return prev_line_box_; }
InlineFlowBox* NextLineBox() const { return next_line_box_; }
void SetNextLineBox(InlineFlowBox* n) { next_line_box_ = n; }
void SetPreviousLineBox(InlineFlowBox* p) { prev_line_box_ = p; }
InlineBox* FirstChild() const { return first_child_; }
InlineBox* LastChild() const { return last_child_; }
bool IsLeaf() const final { return false; }
InlineBox* FirstLeafChild() const;
InlineBox* LastLeafChild() const;
typedef void (*CustomInlineBoxRangeReverse)(
Vector<InlineBox*>::iterator first,
Vector<InlineBox*>::iterator last);
void CollectLeafBoxesInLogicalOrder(
CustomInlineBoxRangeReverse custom_reverse_implementation =
nullptr) const;
void SetConstructed() final {
for (InlineBox* child = FirstChild(); child; child = child->NextOnLine())
void AddToLine(InlineBox* child);
void DeleteLine() final;
void ExtractLine() final;
void AttachLine() final;
void Move(const LayoutSize&) override;
virtual void ExtractLineBoxFromLayoutObject();
virtual void AttachLineBoxToLayoutObject();
virtual void RemoveLineBoxFromLayoutObject();
void ClearTruncation() override;
LayoutRect FrameRect() const;
void Paint(const PaintInfo&,
const LayoutPoint&,
LayoutUnit line_top,
LayoutUnit line_bottom) const override;
bool NodeAtPoint(HitTestResult&,
const HitTestLocation& location_in_container,
const LayoutPoint& accumulated_offset,
LayoutUnit line_top,
LayoutUnit line_bottom) override;
bool BoxShadowCanBeAppliedToBackground(const FillLayer&) const;
virtual LineBoxList* LineBoxes() const;
// logicalLeft = left in a horizontal line and top in a vertical line.
LayoutUnit MarginBorderPaddingLogicalLeft() const {
return MarginLogicalLeft() + BorderLogicalLeft() + PaddingLogicalLeft();
LayoutUnit MarginBorderPaddingLogicalRight() const {
return MarginLogicalRight() + BorderLogicalRight() + PaddingLogicalRight();
LayoutUnit MarginLogicalLeft() const {
if (!IncludeLogicalLeftEdge())
return LayoutUnit();
return IsHorizontal() ? BoxModelObject().MarginLeft()
: BoxModelObject().MarginTop();
LayoutUnit MarginLogicalRight() const {
if (!IncludeLogicalRightEdge())
return LayoutUnit();
return IsHorizontal() ? BoxModelObject().MarginRight()
: BoxModelObject().MarginBottom();
LayoutUnit MarginLogicalWidth() const {
return MarginLogicalLeft() + MarginLogicalRight();
LayoutUnit BorderLogicalLeft() const {
if (!IncludeLogicalLeftEdge())
return LayoutUnit();
return LayoutUnit(
? GetLineLayoutItem().Style(IsFirstLineStyle())->BorderLeftWidth()
: GetLineLayoutItem().Style(IsFirstLineStyle())->BorderTopWidth());
LayoutUnit BorderLogicalRight() const {
if (!IncludeLogicalRightEdge())
return LayoutUnit();
return LayoutUnit(
? GetLineLayoutItem().Style(IsFirstLineStyle())->BorderRightWidth()
: GetLineLayoutItem()
int PaddingLogicalLeft() const {
if (!IncludeLogicalLeftEdge())
return 0;
return (IsHorizontal() ? BoxModelObject().PaddingLeft()
: BoxModelObject().PaddingTop())
int PaddingLogicalRight() const {
if (!IncludeLogicalRightEdge())
return 0;
return (IsHorizontal() ? BoxModelObject().PaddingRight()
: BoxModelObject().PaddingBottom())
bool IncludeLogicalLeftEdge() const { return include_logical_left_edge_; }
bool IncludeLogicalRightEdge() const { return include_logical_right_edge_; }
void SetEdges(bool include_left, bool include_right) {
include_logical_left_edge_ = include_left;
include_logical_right_edge_ = include_right;
// Helper functions used during line construction and placement.
void DetermineSpacingForFlowBoxes(
bool last_line,
bool is_logically_last_run_wrapped,
LineLayoutItem logically_last_run_layout_object);
LayoutUnit GetFlowSpacingLogicalWidth();
LayoutUnit PlaceBoxesInInlineDirection(LayoutUnit logical_left,
bool& needs_word_spacing);
void ComputeLogicalBoxHeights(RootInlineBox*,
LayoutUnit& max_position_top,
LayoutUnit& max_position_bottom,
LayoutUnit& max_ascent,
LayoutUnit& max_descent,
bool& set_max_ascent,
bool& set_max_descent,
bool no_quirks_mode,
void AdjustMaxAscentAndDescent(LayoutUnit& max_ascent,
LayoutUnit& max_descent,
int max_position_top,
int max_position_bottom);
void PlaceBoxesInBlockDirection(LayoutUnit logical_top,
LayoutUnit max_height,
LayoutUnit max_ascent,
bool no_quirks_mode,
LayoutUnit& line_top,
LayoutUnit& line_bottom,
LayoutUnit& selection_bottom,
bool& set_line_top,
LayoutUnit& line_top_including_margins,
LayoutUnit& line_bottom_including_margins,
bool& has_annotations_before,
bool& has_annotations_after,
void FlipLinesInBlockDirection(LayoutUnit line_top, LayoutUnit line_bottom);
FontBaseline DominantBaseline() const;
LayoutUnit ComputeOverAnnotationAdjustment(LayoutUnit allowed_position) const;
LayoutUnit ComputeUnderAnnotationAdjustment(
LayoutUnit allowed_position) const;
void ComputeOverflow(LayoutUnit line_top,
LayoutUnit line_bottom,
void RemoveChild(InlineBox* child, MarkLineBoxes);
SelectionState GetSelectionState() const override;
bool CanAccommodateEllipsis(bool ltr,
LayoutUnit block_edge,
LayoutUnit ellipsis_width) const final;
LayoutUnit PlaceEllipsisBox(bool ltr,
LayoutUnit block_left_edge,
LayoutUnit block_right_edge,
LayoutUnit ellipsis_width,
LayoutUnit& truncated_width,
LayoutUnit logical_left_offset) override;
bool HasTextChildren() const { return has_text_children_; }
bool HasTextDescendants() const { return has_text_descendants_; }
void SetHasTextDescendants() { has_text_descendants_ = true; }
void SetHasBadChildList();
// Line visual and layout overflow are in the coordinate space of the block.
// This means that they aren't purely physical directions. For horizontal-tb
// and vertical-lr they will match physical directions, but for vertical-rl,
// the left/right respectively are flipped when compared to their physical
// counterparts. For example minX is on the left in vertical-lr, but it is on
// the right in vertical-rl.
LayoutRect LayoutOverflowRect(LayoutUnit line_top,
LayoutUnit line_bottom) const {
return overflow_ ? overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect()
: FrameRectIncludingLineHeight(line_top, line_bottom);
LayoutUnit LogicalTopLayoutOverflow(LayoutUnit line_top) const {
if (overflow_)
return IsHorizontal() ? overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect().Y()
: overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect().X();
return line_top;
LayoutUnit LogicalBottomLayoutOverflow(LayoutUnit line_bottom) const {
if (overflow_)
return IsHorizontal() ? overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect().MaxY()
: overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect().MaxX();
return line_bottom;
LayoutRect LogicalLayoutOverflowRect(LayoutUnit line_top,
LayoutUnit line_bottom) const {
LayoutRect result = LayoutOverflowRect(line_top, line_bottom);
if (!GetLineLayoutItem().IsHorizontalWritingMode())
result = result.TransposedRect();
return result;
LayoutUnit LogicalRightLayoutOverflow() const {
if (overflow_) {
return IsHorizontal() ? overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect().MaxX()
: overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect().MaxY();
return LogicalRight();
LayoutUnit LogicalLeftLayoutOverflow() const {
if (overflow_) {
return IsHorizontal() ? overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect().X()
: overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect().Y();
return LogicalLeft();
LayoutRect VisualOverflowRect(LayoutUnit line_top,
LayoutUnit line_bottom) const {
return overflow_ ? overflow_->VisualOverflowRect()
: FrameRectIncludingLineHeight(line_top, line_bottom);
LayoutUnit LogicalLeftVisualOverflow() const {
return overflow_ ? (IsHorizontal() ? overflow_->VisualOverflowRect().X()
: overflow_->VisualOverflowRect().Y())
: LogicalLeft();
LayoutUnit LogicalRightVisualOverflow() const {
return overflow_ ? (IsHorizontal() ? overflow_->VisualOverflowRect().MaxX()
: overflow_->VisualOverflowRect().MaxY())
: static_cast<LayoutUnit>(LogicalRight().Ceil());
LayoutUnit LogicalTopVisualOverflow(LayoutUnit line_top) const {
if (overflow_)
return IsHorizontal() ? overflow_->VisualOverflowRect().Y()
: overflow_->VisualOverflowRect().X();
return line_top;
LayoutUnit LogicalBottomVisualOverflow(LayoutUnit line_bottom) const {
if (overflow_)
return IsHorizontal() ? overflow_->VisualOverflowRect().MaxY()
: overflow_->VisualOverflowRect().MaxX();
return line_bottom;
LayoutRect LogicalVisualOverflowRect(LayoutUnit line_top,
LayoutUnit line_bottom) const {
LayoutRect result = VisualOverflowRect(line_top, line_bottom);
if (!GetLineLayoutItem().IsHorizontalWritingMode())
result = result.TransposedRect();
return result;
LayoutRect FrameRectIncludingLineHeight(LayoutUnit line_top,
LayoutUnit line_bottom) const {
if (IsHorizontal())
return LayoutRect(X(), line_top, LogicalWidth(), line_bottom - line_top);
return LayoutRect(line_top, Y(), line_bottom - line_top, LogicalWidth());
LayoutRect LogicalFrameRectIncludingLineHeight(LayoutUnit line_top,
LayoutUnit line_bottom) const {
return LayoutRect(LogicalLeft(), line_top, LogicalWidth(),
line_bottom - line_top);
bool DescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline() const {
return descendants_have_same_line_height_and_baseline_;
void ClearDescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline() {
descendants_have_same_line_height_and_baseline_ = false;
if (Parent() && Parent()->DescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline())
bool IsFirstAfterPageBreak() const { return is_first_after_page_break_; }
void SetIsFirstAfterPageBreak(bool is_first_after_page_break) {
is_first_after_page_break_ = is_first_after_page_break;
// Some callers (LayoutListItem) needs to set extra overflow on their line
// box.
void OverrideOverflowFromLogicalRects(
const LayoutRect& logical_layout_overflow,
const LayoutRect& logical_visual_overflow,
LayoutUnit line_top,
LayoutUnit line_bottom) {
// If we are setting an overflow, then we can't pretend not to have an
// overflow.
logical_visual_overflow, line_top, line_bottom);
LayoutUnit FarthestPositionForUnderline(LineLayoutItem decorating_box,
LayoutUnit current) const;
void PlaceBoxRangeInInlineDirection(InlineBox* first_child,
InlineBox* last_child,
LayoutUnit& logical_left,
LayoutUnit& min_logical_left,
LayoutUnit& max_logical_right,
bool& needs_word_spacing);
void BeginPlacingBoxRangesInInlineDirection(LayoutUnit logical_left) {
void EndPlacingBoxRangesInInlineDirection(LayoutUnit logical_left,
LayoutUnit logical_right,
LayoutUnit min_logical_left,
LayoutUnit max_logical_right) {
SetLogicalWidth(logical_right - logical_left);
if (KnownToHaveNoOverflow() &&
(min_logical_left < logical_left || max_logical_right > logical_right))
void AddBoxShadowVisualOverflow(LayoutRect& logical_visual_overflow);
void AddBorderOutsetVisualOverflow(LayoutRect& logical_visual_overflow);
void AddOutlineVisualOverflow(LayoutRect& logical_visual_overflow);
void AddTextBoxVisualOverflow(InlineTextBox*,
LayoutRect& logical_visual_overflow);
void AddReplacedChildOverflow(const InlineBox*,
LayoutRect& logical_layout_overflow,
LayoutRect& logical_visual_overflow);
bool HasEmphasisMarkBefore(const InlineTextBox*) const;
bool HasEmphasisMarkOver(const InlineTextBox*) const;
bool HasEmphasisMarkUnder(const InlineTextBox*) const;
void SetLayoutOverflow(const LayoutRect&, const LayoutRect&);
void SetVisualOverflow(const LayoutRect&, const LayoutRect&);
void SetOverflowFromLogicalRects(const LayoutRect& logical_layout_overflow,
const LayoutRect& logical_visual_overflow,
LayoutUnit line_top,
LayoutUnit line_bottom);
std::unique_ptr<SimpleOverflowModel> overflow_;
bool IsInlineFlowBox() const final { return true; }
InlineBox* first_child_;
InlineBox* last_child_;
prev_line_box_; // The previous box that also uses our LayoutObject
next_line_box_; // The next box that also uses our LayoutObject
unsigned include_logical_left_edge_ : 1;
unsigned include_logical_right_edge_ : 1;
unsigned has_text_children_ : 1;
unsigned has_text_descendants_ : 1;
unsigned descendants_have_same_line_height_and_baseline_ : 1;
// The following members are only used by RootInlineBox but moved here to keep
// the bits packed.
// Whether or not this line uses alphabetic or ideographic baselines by
// default.
unsigned baseline_type_ : 1; // FontBaseline
// If the line contains any ruby runs, then this will be true.
unsigned has_annotations_before_ : 1;
unsigned has_annotations_after_ : 1;
unsigned line_break_bidi_status_eor_ : 5; // WTF::Unicode::Direction
unsigned line_break_bidi_status_last_strong_ : 5; // WTF::Unicode::Direction
unsigned line_break_bidi_status_last_ : 5; // WTF::Unicode::Direction
unsigned is_first_after_page_break_ : 1;
// End of RootInlineBox-specific members.
unsigned has_bad_child_list_ : 1;
inline void InlineFlowBox::SetHasBadChildList() {
has_bad_child_list_ = true;
} // namespace blink
#endif // InlineFlowBox_h