blob: fd310e7bfa05c0202e6c91bb66ae3ec3b0750035 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGLayoutResult_h
#define NGLayoutResult_h
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_bfc_offset.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_margin_strut.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_out_of_flow_positioned_descendant.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_physical_fragment.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyleConstants.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Vector.h"
namespace blink {
class NGExclusionSpace;
struct NGPositionedFloat;
struct NGUnpositionedFloat;
// The NGLayoutResult stores the resulting data from layout. This includes
// geometry information in form of a NGPhysicalFragment, which is kept around
// for painting, hit testing, etc., as well as additional data which is only
// necessary during layout and stored on this object.
// Layout code should access the NGPhysicalFragment through the wrappers in
// NGFragment et al.
class CORE_EXPORT NGLayoutResult : public RefCounted<NGLayoutResult> {
enum NGLayoutResultStatus {
kSuccess = 0,
kBfcOffsetResolved = 1,
// When adding new values, make sure the bit size of |status_| is large
// enough to store.
scoped_refptr<NGPhysicalFragment> PhysicalFragment() const {
return physical_fragment_;
scoped_refptr<NGPhysicalFragment>& MutablePhysicalFragment() {
return physical_fragment_;
const Vector<NGOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant>&
OutOfFlowPositionedDescendants() const {
return oof_positioned_descendants_;
// A line-box can have a list of positioned floats. These should be added to
// the line-box's parent fragment (as floats which occur within a line-box do
// not appear a children).
const Vector<NGPositionedFloat>& PositionedFloats() const {
DCHECK(physical_fragment_->Type() == NGPhysicalFragment::kFragmentLineBox);
return positioned_floats_;
// List of floats that need to be positioned by the next in-flow child that
// can determine its position in space.
// Use case example where it may be needed:
// <div><float></div>
// <div style="margin-top: 10px; height: 20px"></div>
// The float cannot be positioned right away inside of the 1st div because
// the vertical position is not known at that moment. It will be known only
// after the 2nd div collapses its margin with its parent.
const Vector<scoped_refptr<NGUnpositionedFloat>>& UnpositionedFloats() const {
return unpositioned_floats_;
const NGExclusionSpace* ExclusionSpace() const {
return exclusion_space_.get();
NGLayoutResultStatus Status() const {
return static_cast<NGLayoutResultStatus>(status_);
const WTF::Optional<NGBfcOffset>& BfcOffset() const { return bfc_offset_; }
const NGMarginStrut EndMarginStrut() const { return end_margin_strut_; }
const LayoutUnit IntrinsicBlockSize() const {
DCHECK(physical_fragment_->Type() == NGPhysicalFragment::kFragmentBox);
return intrinsic_block_size_;
LayoutUnit MinimalSpaceShortage() const { return minimal_space_shortage_; }
// The break-before value on the first child needs to be propagated to the
// container, in search of a valid class A break point.
EBreakBetween InitialBreakBefore() const { return initial_break_before_; }
// The break-after value on the last child needs to be propagated to the
// container, in search of a valid class A break point.
EBreakBetween FinalBreakAfter() const { return final_break_after_; }
// Return true if the fragment broke because a forced break before a child.
bool HasForcedBreak() const { return has_forced_break_; }
// Return true if this fragment got its block offset increased by the presence
// of floats.
bool IsPushedByFloats() const { return is_pushed_by_floats_; }
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> CloneWithoutOffset() const;
friend class NGFragmentBuilder;
friend class NGLineBoxFragmentBuilder;
scoped_refptr<NGPhysicalFragment> physical_fragment,
Vector<NGPositionedFloat>& positioned_floats,
Vector<scoped_refptr<NGUnpositionedFloat>>& unpositioned_floats,
std::unique_ptr<const NGExclusionSpace> exclusion_space,
const WTF::Optional<NGBfcOffset> bfc_offset,
const NGMarginStrut end_margin_strut,
const LayoutUnit intrinsic_block_size,
LayoutUnit minimal_space_shortage,
EBreakBetween initial_break_before,
EBreakBetween final_break_after,
bool has_forced_break,
bool is_pushed_by_floats,
NGLayoutResultStatus status);
scoped_refptr<NGPhysicalFragment> physical_fragment_;
Vector<NGOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant> oof_positioned_descendants_;
Vector<NGPositionedFloat> positioned_floats_;
Vector<scoped_refptr<NGUnpositionedFloat>> unpositioned_floats_;
const std::unique_ptr<const NGExclusionSpace> exclusion_space_;
const WTF::Optional<NGBfcOffset> bfc_offset_;
const NGMarginStrut end_margin_strut_;
const LayoutUnit intrinsic_block_size_;
const LayoutUnit minimal_space_shortage_;
EBreakBetween initial_break_before_;
EBreakBetween final_break_after_;
unsigned has_forced_break_ : 1;
unsigned is_pushed_by_floats_ : 1;
unsigned status_ : 1;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGLayoutResult_h