blob: 88040e5cfb83e9a82c4af3f3f6e29f9ead31ca4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/loader/AllowedByNosniff.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/frame/UseCounter.h"
#include "core/testing/DummyPageHolder.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/ResourceResponse.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace blink {
class AllowedByNosniffTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
// Create a new dummy page holder for each test, so that we get a fresh
// set of counters for each.
dummy_page_holder_ = DummyPageHolder::Create();
Document* doc() { return &dummy_page_holder_->GetDocument(); }
std::unique_ptr<DummyPageHolder> dummy_page_holder_;
TEST_F(AllowedByNosniffTest, SanityCheckSetUp) {
// UseCounter counts will be silently swallowed under various conditions,
// e.g. if the document doesn't actually hold a frame. This test is a sanity
// test that UseCounter::Count + UseCounter::IsCounted work at all with the
// current test setup. If this test fails, we know that the setup is wrong,
// rather than the code under test.
WebFeature f = WebFeature::kSameOriginTextScript;
EXPECT_FALSE(UseCounter::IsCounted(*doc(), f));
UseCounter::Count(doc(), f);
EXPECT_TRUE(UseCounter::IsCounted(*doc(), f));
TEST_F(AllowedByNosniffTest, AllowedOrNot) {
struct {
const char* mimetype;
bool allowed;
} data[] = {
// Supported mimetypes:
{"text/javascript", true},
{"application/javascript", true},
{"text/ecmascript", true},
// Blocked mimetpyes:
{"image/png", false},
{"text/csv", false},
{"video/mpeg", false},
// Legacy mimetypes:
{"text/html", true},
{"text/plain", true},
{"application/xml", true},
{"application/octet-stream", true},
// Made-up mimetypes:
{"text/potato", true},
{"potato/text", true},
{"aaa/aaa", true},
{"zzz/zzz", true},
// Parameterized mime types
{"text/javascript; charset=utf-8", true},
{"text/javascript;charset=utf-8", true},
{"text/javascript;bla;bla", true},
{"text/csv; charset=utf-8", false},
{"text/csv;charset=utf-8", false},
{"text/csv;bla;bla", false},
// Funky capitalization:
{"text/html", true},
{"Text/html", true},
{"text/Html", true},
{"TeXt/HtMl", true},
{"TEXT/HTML", true},
for (auto& testcase : data) {
<< "\n mime type: " << testcase.mimetype
<< "\n allowed: " << (testcase.allowed ? "true" : "false"));
const KURL url("");
ResourceResponse response(url);
response.SetHTTPHeaderField("Content-Type", testcase.mimetype);
AllowedByNosniff::MimeTypeAsScript(doc(), response));
TEST_F(AllowedByNosniffTest, Counters) {
const char* bla = "";
const char* blubb = "";
struct {
const char* url;
const char* origin;
const char* mimetype;
WebFeature expected;
} data[] = {
// Test same- vs cross-origin cases.
{bla, "", "text/plain", WebFeature::kCrossOriginTextScript},
{bla, "", "text/plain", WebFeature::kCrossOriginTextPlain},
{bla, blubb, "text/plain", WebFeature::kCrossOriginTextScript},
{bla, blubb, "text/plain", WebFeature::kCrossOriginTextPlain},
{bla, bla, "text/plain", WebFeature::kSameOriginTextScript},
{bla, bla, "text/plain", WebFeature::kSameOriginTextPlain},
// Test mime type and subtype handling.
{bla, bla, "text/xml", WebFeature::kSameOriginTextScript},
{bla, bla, "text/xml", WebFeature::kSameOriginTextXml},
// Test mime types from, with random cross/same site
// origins.
{bla, bla, "text/plain", WebFeature::kSameOriginTextPlain},
{bla, blubb, "text/xml", WebFeature::kCrossOriginTextXml},
{blubb, blubb, "application/octet-stream",
{blubb, bla, "application/xml", WebFeature::kCrossOriginApplicationXml},
{bla, bla, "text/html", WebFeature::kSameOriginTextHtml},
for (auto& testcase : data) {
<< "\n url: " << testcase.url << "\n origin: "
<< testcase.origin << "\n mime type: " << testcase.mimetype
<< "\n webfeature: " << testcase.expected);
ResourceResponse response(KURL(testcase.url));
response.SetHTTPHeaderField("Content-Type", testcase.mimetype);
AllowedByNosniff::MimeTypeAsScript(doc(), response);
EXPECT_TRUE(UseCounter::IsCounted(*doc(), testcase.expected));
} // namespace blink