blob: b88814c1c8f6d9da3e127b4d9de2c44332cac38e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_result.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_input.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_provider.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_provider_client.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/match_compare.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_pedal.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_pedal_provider.h"
#include "components/omnibox/common/omnibox_features.h"
#include "components/strings/grit/components_strings.h"
#include "components/url_formatter/url_fixer.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/omnibox_event.pb.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/omnibox_input_type.pb.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
typedef AutocompleteMatchType ACMatchType;
struct MatchGURLHash {
// The |bool| is whether the match is a calculator suggestion. We want them
// compare differently against other matches with the same URL.
size_t operator()(const std::pair<GURL, bool>& p) const {
return std::hash<std::string>()(p.first.spec()) + p.second;
// static
size_t AutocompleteResult::GetMaxMatches() {
constexpr size_t kDefaultMaxAutocompleteMatches = 6;
return base::GetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsInt(
AutocompleteResult::AutocompleteResult() {
// Reserve space for the max number of matches we'll show.
// It's probably safe to do this in the initializer list, but there's little
// penalty to doing it here and it ensures our object is fully constructed
// before calling member functions.
default_match_ = end();
AutocompleteResult::~AutocompleteResult() {}
void AutocompleteResult::CopyOldMatches(
const AutocompleteInput& input,
AutocompleteResult* old_matches,
TemplateURLService* template_url_service) {
if (old_matches->empty())
if (empty()) {
// If we've got no matches we can copy everything from the last result.
for (auto i(begin()); i != end(); ++i)
i->from_previous = true;
// In hopes of providing a stable popup we try to keep the number of matches
// per provider consistent. Other schemes (such as blindly copying the most
// relevant matches) typically result in many successive 'What You Typed'
// results filling all the matches, which looks awful.
// Instead of starting with the current matches and then adding old matches
// until we hit our overall limit, we copy enough old matches so that each
// provider has at least as many as before, and then use SortAndCull() to
// clamp globally. This way, old high-relevance matches will starve new
// low-relevance matches, under the assumption that the new matches will
// ultimately be similar. If the assumption holds, this prevents seeing the
// new low-relevance match appear and then quickly get pushed off the bottom;
// if it doesn't, then once the providers are done and we expire the old
// matches, the new ones will all become visible, so we won't have lost
// anything permanently.
// Note that culling tail suggestions (see |MaybeCullTailSuggestions()|)
// relies on the behavior below of capping the total number of suggestions to
// the higher of the number of new and old suggestions. Without it, a
// provider could have one old and one new suggestion, cull tail suggestions,
// expire the old suggestion, and restore tail suggestions. This would be
// visually unappealing, and could occur on each keystroke.
ProviderToMatches matches_per_provider, old_matches_per_provider;
for (ProviderToMatches::const_iterator i(old_matches_per_provider.begin());
i != old_matches_per_provider.end(); ++i) {
i->second, matches_per_provider[i->first]);
SortAndCull(input, template_url_service);
void AutocompleteResult::AppendMatches(const AutocompleteInput& input,
const ACMatches& matches) {
for (const auto& i : matches) {
DCHECK_EQ(AutocompleteMatch::SanitizeString(i.contents), i.contents);
if (!AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(i.type) &&
i.type != ACMatchType::DOCUMENT_SUGGESTION) {
const OmniboxFieldTrial::EmphasizeTitlesCondition condition(
bool emphasize = false;
switch (condition) {
case OmniboxFieldTrial::EMPHASIZE_WHEN_NONEMPTY:
emphasize = !i.description.empty();
emphasize = !i.description.empty() &&
emphasize = !i.description.empty() &&
AutocompleteMatch::HasMatchStyle(i.description_class) &&
case OmniboxFieldTrial::EMPHASIZE_NEVER:
matches_.back().swap_contents_and_description = emphasize;
default_match_ = end();
alternate_nav_url_ = GURL();
void AutocompleteResult::SortAndCull(
const AutocompleteInput& input,
TemplateURLService* template_url_service) {
for (auto i(matches_.begin()); i != matches_.end(); ++i)
i->ComputeStrippedDestinationURL(input, template_url_service);
#if !(defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS))
// Do not cull the tail suggestions for zero prefix query suggetions of
// chromeOS launcher case, since there won't be any default match in this
// scenario.
if (!(input.text().empty() &&
input.current_page_classification() ==
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::CHROMEOS_APP_LIST)) {
// Wipe tail suggestions if not exclusive (minus default match).
SortAndDedupMatches(input.current_page_classification(), &matches_);
// Sort and trim to the most relevant GetMaxMatches() matches.
CompareWithDemoteByType<AutocompleteMatch> comparing_object(
std::sort(matches_.begin(), matches_.end(), comparing_object);
// Top match is not allowed to be the default match. Find the most
// relevant legal match and shift it to the front.
auto it = FindTopMatch(&matches_);
if (it != matches_.end())
std::rotate(matches_.begin(), it, it + 1);
// In the process of trimming, drop all matches with a demoted relevance
// score of 0.
const size_t max_num_matches = std::min(GetMaxMatches(), matches_.size());
size_t num_matches;
for (num_matches = 0u; (num_matches < max_num_matches) &&
(comparing_object.GetDemotedRelevance(*match_at(num_matches)) > 0);
++num_matches) {}
// There is no default match for chromeOS launcher zero prefix query
// suggestions.
if ((input.text().empty() &&
input.current_page_classification() ==
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::CHROMEOS_APP_LIST)) {
default_match_ = end();
alternate_nav_url_ = GURL();
default_match_ = matches_.begin();
if (default_match_ != matches_.end()) {
const base::string16 debug_info =
base::ASCIIToUTF16("fill_into_edit=") + default_match_->fill_into_edit +
base::ASCIIToUTF16(", provider=") +
((default_match_->provider != nullptr)
? base::ASCIIToUTF16(default_match_->provider->GetName())
: base::string16()) +
base::ASCIIToUTF16(", input=") + input.text();
// We should only get here with an empty omnibox for automatic suggestions
// on focus on the NTP; in these cases hitting enter should do nothing, so
// there should be no default match. Otherwise, we're doing automatic
// suggestions for the currently visible URL (and hitting enter should
// reload it), or the user is typing; in either of these cases, there should
// be a default match.
DCHECK_NE(input.text().empty(), default_match_->allowed_to_be_default_match)
<< debug_info;
// For navigable default matches, make sure the destination type is what the
// user would expect given the input.
if (default_match_->allowed_to_be_default_match &&
default_match_->destination_url.is_valid()) {
if (AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(default_match_->type)) {
// We shouldn't get query matches for URL inputs.
DCHECK_NE(metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL, input.type()) << debug_info;
} else {
// If the user explicitly typed a scheme, the default match should
// have the same scheme.
if ((input.type() == metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL) && {
const std::string& in_scheme = base::UTF16ToUTF8(input.scheme());
const std::string& dest_scheme =
DCHECK(url_formatter::IsEquivalentScheme(in_scheme, dest_scheme))
<< debug_info;
// Set the alternate nav URL.
alternate_nav_url_ = (default_match_ == matches_.end()) ?
GURL() : ComputeAlternateNavUrl(input, *default_match_);
void AutocompleteResult::AppendDedicatedPedalMatches(
AutocompleteProviderClient* client,
const AutocompleteInput& input) {
const OmniboxPedalProvider* provider = client->GetPedalProvider();
ACMatches pedal_suggestions;
// Map from Pedal to a vector and index so that we can update instead of
// adding a duplicate. Existing Pedals are fully indexed before the next
// loop that adds|updates because, e.g. the first match may trigger a Pedal
// which is already applied on the last. We should update it, but without the
// fully built index the below logic would add new, resulting in a duplicate.
std::unordered_map<OmniboxPedal*, std::pair<ACMatches&, size_t>> pedals_found;
for (size_t match_index = 0; match_index < matches_.size(); ++match_index) {
OmniboxPedal* const pedal = matches_[match_index].pedal;
if (pedal) {
const auto insertion =
pedals_found.insert({pedal, {matches_, match_index}});
DCHECK(insertion.second) << "Found existing duplicate Pedal suggestion.";
for (const auto& match : matches_) {
if (match.pedal)
OmniboxPedal* const pedal = provider->FindPedalMatch(match.contents);
if (pedal) {
const auto insertion = pedals_found.insert(
{pedal, {pedal_suggestions, pedal_suggestions.size()}});
if (insertion.second) {
// This is the first use of the found pedal; add new suggestion.
} else {
// This is a subsequent use of the found pedal; update its suggestion to
// ensure that it is derived from the most relevant matching suggestion.
const auto& map_value_pair = insertion.first->second;
auto& suggestion = map_value_pair.first[map_value_pair.second];
if (suggestion.relevance < match.relevance - 1) {
suggestion = match.DerivePedalSuggestion(pedal);
if (!pedal_suggestions.empty()) {
AppendMatches(input, pedal_suggestions);
void AutocompleteResult::ConvertOpenTabMatches(
AutocompleteProviderClient* client,
const AutocompleteInput* input) {
for (auto& match : matches_) {
// If already converted this match, don't re-search through open tabs and
// possibly re-change the description.
if (match.has_tab_match)
// If URL is in a tab, remember that.
if (client->IsTabOpenWithURL(match.destination_url, input))
match.has_tab_match = true;
bool AutocompleteResult::HasCopiedMatches() const {
for (auto i(begin()); i != end(); ++i) {
if (i->from_previous)
return true;
return false;
size_t AutocompleteResult::size() const {
return matches_.size();
bool AutocompleteResult::empty() const {
return matches_.empty();
AutocompleteResult::const_iterator AutocompleteResult::begin() const {
return matches_.begin();
AutocompleteResult::iterator AutocompleteResult::begin() {
return matches_.begin();
AutocompleteResult::const_iterator AutocompleteResult::end() const {
return matches_.end();
AutocompleteResult::iterator AutocompleteResult::end() {
return matches_.end();
// Returns the match at the given index.
const AutocompleteMatch& AutocompleteResult::match_at(size_t index) const {
DCHECK_LT(index, matches_.size());
return matches_[index];
AutocompleteMatch* AutocompleteResult::match_at(size_t index) {
DCHECK_LT(index, matches_.size());
return &matches_[index];
bool AutocompleteResult::TopMatchIsStandaloneVerbatimMatch() const {
if (empty() || !match_at(0).IsVerbatimType())
return false;
// Skip any copied matches, under the assumption that they'll be expired and
// disappear. We don't want this disappearance to cause the visibility of the
// top match to change.
for (auto i(begin() + 1); i != end(); ++i) {
if (!i->from_previous)
return !i->IsVerbatimType();
return true;
// static
ACMatches::const_iterator AutocompleteResult::FindTopMatch(
const ACMatches& matches) {
auto it = matches.begin();
while ((it != matches.end()) && !it->allowed_to_be_default_match)
return it;
// static
ACMatches::iterator AutocompleteResult::FindTopMatch(ACMatches* matches) {
auto it = matches->begin();
while ((it != matches->end()) && !it->allowed_to_be_default_match)
return it;
void AutocompleteResult::Reset() {
default_match_ = end();
void AutocompleteResult::Swap(AutocompleteResult* other) {
const size_t default_match_offset = default_match_ - begin();
const size_t other_default_match_offset =
other->default_match_ - other->begin();
default_match_ = begin() + other_default_match_offset;
other->default_match_ = other->begin() + default_match_offset;
void AutocompleteResult::CopyFrom(const AutocompleteResult& rhs) {
if (this == &rhs)
matches_ = rhs.matches_;
// Careful! You can't just copy iterators from another container, you have to
// reconstruct them.
default_match_ = (rhs.default_match_ == rhs.end())
? end()
: (begin() + (rhs.default_match_ - rhs.begin()));
alternate_nav_url_ = rhs.alternate_nav_url_;
void AutocompleteResult::Validate() const {
for (auto i(begin()); i != end(); ++i)
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
// static
GURL AutocompleteResult::ComputeAlternateNavUrl(
const AutocompleteInput& input,
const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
return ((input.type() == metrics::OmniboxInputType::UNKNOWN) &&
(AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match.type)) &&
(input.canonicalized_url() != match.destination_url))
? input.canonicalized_url()
: GURL();
void AutocompleteResult::SortAndDedupMatches(
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification page_classification,
ACMatches* matches) {
// Group matches by stripped URL and whether it's a calculator suggestion.
std::unordered_map<std::pair<GURL, bool>, std::list<ACMatches::iterator>,
for (auto i = matches->begin(); i != matches->end(); ++i) {
std::pair<GURL, bool> p = GetMatchComparisonFields(*i);
// For each group of duplicate matches, choose the one that's considered best.
for (auto& group : url_to_matches) {
const auto& key = group.first;
const GURL& gurl = key.first;
// The list of matches whose URL are equivalent.
std::list<ACMatches::iterator>& duplicate_matches = group.second;
if (gurl.is_empty() || duplicate_matches.size() == 1)
// Find the best match.
auto best_match = duplicate_matches.begin();
for (auto i = std::next(best_match); i != duplicate_matches.end(); ++i) {
best_match = BetterMatch(i, best_match, page_classification);
// Rotate the chosen match to be first, if necessary, so we know to keep it.
if (best_match != duplicate_matches.begin()) {
duplicate_matches.splice(duplicate_matches.begin(), duplicate_matches,
// For each duplicate match, append its duplicates to that of the best
// match, then append it, before we erase it.
for (auto i = std::next(best_match); i != duplicate_matches.end(); ++i) {
// Erase duplicate matches.
base::EraseIf(*matches, [&url_to_matches](const AutocompleteMatch& m) {
std::pair<GURL, bool> p = GetMatchComparisonFields(m);
return !m.stripped_destination_url.is_empty() &&
&(*url_to_matches[p].front()) != &m;
void AutocompleteResult::InlineTailPrefixes() {
base::string16 common_prefix;
for (const auto& match : matches_) {
if (match.type == ACMatchType::SEARCH_SUGGEST_TAIL) {
int common_length;
common_prefix = base::UTF8ToUTF16(match.GetAdditionalInfo(
.substr(0, common_length);
if (common_prefix.size()) {
for (auto& match : matches_)
size_t AutocompleteResult::EstimateMemoryUsage() const {
size_t res = 0;
res += base::trace_event::EstimateMemoryUsage(matches_);
res += base::trace_event::EstimateMemoryUsage(alternate_nav_url_);
return res;
// static
std::list<ACMatches::iterator>::iterator AutocompleteResult::BetterMatch(
std::list<ACMatches::iterator>::iterator first,
std::list<ACMatches::iterator>::iterator second,
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification page_classification) {
std::list<ACMatches::iterator>::iterator preferred_match;
std::list<ACMatches::iterator>::iterator non_preferred_match;
// This object implements greater than.
CompareWithDemoteByType<AutocompleteMatch> compare_demote_by_type(
// The following logic enforces two constraints we care about regarding the
// the characteristics of the candidate matches.
// Entity suggestions:
// Entity suggestions are always preferred over non-entity suggestions,
// assuming both candidates have the same fill_into_edit value. In these
// cases, because the fill_into_edit value is the same in both and the
// selection of the entity suggestion appears to the user as simply a
// "promotion" of an equivalent suggestion by adding additional decoration,
// the entity suggestion is allowed to inherit the
// allowed_to_be_default_match and inline_autocompletion values from the
// other suggestion.
// allowed_to_be_default_match:
// A suggestion that is allowed to be the default match is always preferred
// over one that is not.
// Note that together these two constraints enforce an overall constraint,
// that if either candidate has allowed_to_be_default_match = true, the match
// which is preferred will always have allowed_to_be_default_match = true.
if ((*first)->type == ACMatchType::SEARCH_SUGGEST_ENTITY &&
(*second)->type != ACMatchType::SEARCH_SUGGEST_ENTITY &&
(*first)->fill_into_edit == (*second)->fill_into_edit) {
preferred_match = first;
non_preferred_match = second;
if ((*non_preferred_match)->allowed_to_be_default_match) {
(*preferred_match)->allowed_to_be_default_match = true;
(*preferred_match)->inline_autocompletion =
} else if ((*first)->type != ACMatchType::SEARCH_SUGGEST_ENTITY &&
(*second)->type == ACMatchType::SEARCH_SUGGEST_ENTITY &&
(*first)->fill_into_edit == (*second)->fill_into_edit) {
preferred_match = second;
non_preferred_match = first;
if ((*non_preferred_match)->allowed_to_be_default_match) {
(*preferred_match)->allowed_to_be_default_match = true;
(*preferred_match)->inline_autocompletion =
} else if ((*first)->allowed_to_be_default_match &&
!(*second)->allowed_to_be_default_match) {
preferred_match = first;
non_preferred_match = second;
} else if ((*second)->allowed_to_be_default_match &&
!(*first)->allowed_to_be_default_match) {
preferred_match = second;
non_preferred_match = first;
} else {
// By default, simply prefer the match with the higher type-adjusted score.
return compare_demote_by_type(**first, **second) ? first : second;
// If a match is preferred despite having a lower score, boost its score
// to that of the other match.
if (compare_demote_by_type(**non_preferred_match, **preferred_match)) {
(*preferred_match)->relevance = (*non_preferred_match)->relevance;
return preferred_match;
// static
bool AutocompleteResult::HasMatchByDestination(const AutocompleteMatch& match,
const ACMatches& matches) {
for (auto i(matches.begin()); i != matches.end(); ++i) {
if (i->destination_url == match.destination_url)
return true;
return false;
// static
void AutocompleteResult::MaybeCullTailSuggestions(ACMatches* matches) {
std::function<bool(const AutocompleteMatch&)> is_tail =
[](const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
return match.type == ACMatchType::SEARCH_SUGGEST_TAIL;
auto non_tail_default = std::find_if(
matches->begin(), matches->end(), [&](const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
return match.allowed_to_be_default_match && !is_tail(match);
// If the only default matches are tail suggestions, let them remain and
// instead remove the non-tail suggestions. This is necessary because we do
// not want to display tail suggestions mixed with other suggestions in the
// dropdown below the first item (the default match). In this case, we
// cannot remove the tail suggestions because we'll be left without a legal
// default match--the non-tail ones much go. This situation though is
// unlikely, as we normally would expect the search-what-you-typed suggestion
// as a default match (and that's a non-tail suggestion).
if (non_tail_default == matches->end()) {
base::EraseIf(*matches, std::not1(is_tail));
// Determine if there are both tail and non-tail matches, excluding the
// non-tail default match.
bool any_tail = false, any_non_tail = false;
for (auto i = matches->begin();
i != matches->end() && !(any_tail && any_non_tail); ++i) {
// We allow one default non-tail match.
if (i != non_tail_default) {
if (is_tail(*i))
any_tail = true;
any_non_tail = true;
// If both tail and non-tail matches, remove tail. Note that this can
// remove the highest rated suggestions.
if (any_tail) {
if (any_non_tail) {
base::EraseIf(*matches, is_tail);
} else {
// We want the non-tail default match to be first. Mark tail suggestions
// as not a legal default match, so that the default match will be moved
// up explicitly.
for (auto& match : *matches) {
if (is_tail(match))
match.allowed_to_be_default_match = false;
void AutocompleteResult::BuildProviderToMatches(
ProviderToMatches* provider_to_matches) const {
for (auto i(begin()); i != end(); ++i)
void AutocompleteResult::MergeMatchesByProvider(
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification page_classification,
const ACMatches& old_matches,
const ACMatches& new_matches) {
if (new_matches.size() >= old_matches.size())
// Prevent old matches from this provider from outranking new ones and
// becoming the default match by capping old matches' scores to be less than
// the highest-scoring allowed-to-be-default match from this provider.
auto i = std::find_if(
new_matches.begin(), new_matches.end(),
[](const AutocompleteMatch& m) { return m.allowed_to_be_default_match; });
// If the provider doesn't have any matches that are allowed-to-be-default,
// cap scores below the global allowed-to-be-default match.
// AutocompleteResult maintains the invariant that the first item in
// |matches_| is always such a match.
if (i == new_matches.end())
i = matches_.begin();
const int max_relevance = i->relevance - 1;
// Because the goal is a visibly-stable popup, rather than one that preserves
// the highest-relevance matches, we copy in the lowest-relevance matches
// first. This means that within each provider's "group" of matches, any
// synchronous matches (which tend to have the highest scores) will
// "overwrite" the initial matches from that provider's previous results,
// minimally disturbing the rest of the matches.
size_t delta = old_matches.size() - new_matches.size();
for (auto i(old_matches.rbegin()); i != old_matches.rend() && delta > 0;
++i) {
if (!HasMatchByDestination(*i, new_matches)) {
AutocompleteMatch match = *i;
match.relevance = std::min(max_relevance, match.relevance);
match.from_previous = true;
std::pair<GURL, bool> AutocompleteResult::GetMatchComparisonFields(
const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
return std::make_pair(match.stripped_destination_url,
match.type == ACMatchType::CALCULATOR);