blob: adeb6b8200d6f5c950bd36963d57b1a9c798d039 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "skia/ext/test_fonts.h"
#include "skia/ext/fontmgr_default.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkFontMgr.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/ports/SkFontMgr_android.h"
namespace {
// The root directory on the device to which resources will be pushed. This
// value needs to be equal to that set in
#define DEVICE_SOURCE_ROOT_DIR "/data/local/tmp/content_shell/"
// Primary font configuration file on the device for Skia.
const char kPrimaryFontConfig[] =
DEVICE_SOURCE_ROOT_DIR "android_main_fonts.xml";
// The file on the device containing the fallback font configuration for Skia.
const char kFallbackFontConfig[] =
DEVICE_SOURCE_ROOT_DIR "android_fallback_fonts.xml";
// The directory in which fonts will be stored on the Android device.
const char kFontDirectory[] = DEVICE_SOURCE_ROOT_DIR "fonts/";
} // namespace
namespace skia {
void ConfigureTestFont() {
SkFontMgr_Android_CustomFonts custom;
custom.fSystemFontUse = SkFontMgr_Android_CustomFonts::kOnlyCustom;
custom.fBasePath = kFontDirectory;
custom.fFontsXml = kPrimaryFontConfig;
custom.fFallbackFontsXml = kFallbackFontConfig;
custom.fIsolated = false;
} // namespace skia