blob: dbf49275b0791205483327bbe921ae3883f84b78 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A bare-bones test server for testing cloud policy support.
This implements a simple cloud policy test server that can be used to test
chrome's device management service client. The policy information is read from
the file named device_management in the server's data directory. It contains
enforced and recommended policies for the device and user scope, and a list
of managed users.
The format of the file is JSON. The root dictionary contains a list under the
key "managed_users". It contains auth tokens for which the server will claim
that the user is managed. The token string "*" indicates that all users are
claimed to be managed. Other keys in the root dictionary identify request
scopes. The user-request scope is described by a dictionary that holds two
sub-dictionaries: "mandatory" and "recommended". Both these hold the policy
definitions as key/value stores, their format is identical to what the Linux
implementation reads from /etc.
The device-scope holds the policy-definition directly as key/value stores in the
"google/chromeos/device" : {
"guest_mode_enabled" : false
"google/chromeos/user" : {
"mandatory" : {
"HomepageLocation" : "",
"IncognitoEnabled" : false
"recommended" : {
"JavascriptEnabled": false
"google/chromeos/publicaccount/" : {
"mandatory" : {
"HomepageLocation" : ""
"recommended" : {
"managed_users" : [
"current_key_index": 0,
"robot_api_auth_code": "",
"invalidation_source": 1025,
"invalidation_name": "UENUPOL",
"available_licenses" : {
"annual": 10,
"perpetual": 20
"token_enrollment": {
"token": "abcd-ef01-123123123",
"username": ""
"expected_errors": {
"register": 500,
"allow_set_device_attributes" : false,
"initial_enrollment_state": {
"TEST_serial": {
"initial_enrollment_mode": 2,
"management_domain": "",
"is_license_packaged_with_device": true
import base64
import BaseHTTPServer
import cgi
import glob
import google.protobuf.text_format
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import re
import sys
import time
import tlslite
import tlslite.api
import tlslite.utils
import tlslite.utils.cryptomath
import urllib
import urllib2
import urlparse
import asn1der
import testserver_base
import device_management_backend_pb2 as dm
import cloud_policy_pb2 as cp
# Policy for extensions is not supported on Android.
import chrome_extension_policy_pb2 as ep
except ImportError:
ep = None
# Device policy is only available on Chrome OS builds.
import chrome_device_policy_pb2 as dp
except ImportError:
dp = None
# ASN.1 object identifier for PKCS#1/RSA.
PKCS1_RSA_OID = '\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x01\x01\x01'
# List of machines that trigger the server to send kiosk enrollment response
# for the register request.
# Dictionary containing base64-encoded policy signing keys plus per-domain
# signatures. Format is:
# {
# 'key': <base64-encoded PKCS8-format private key>,
# 'signatures': {
# <domain1>: <base64-encdoded SHA256 signature for key + domain1>
# <domain2>: <base64-encdoded SHA256 signature for key + domain2>
# ...
# }
# }
# Key1
# Key2
# Key2 signatures
'perpetual': dm.LicenseType.CDM_PERPETUAL,
'annual': dm.LicenseType.CDM_ANNUAL,
'kiosk': dm.LicenseType.KIOSK,
INVALID_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN = 'invalid_enrollment_token'
class PolicyRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
"""Decodes and handles device management requests from clients.
The handler implements all the request parsing and protobuf message decoding
and encoding. It calls back into the server to lookup, register, and
unregister clients.
def __init__(self, request, client_address, server):
"""Initialize the handler.
request: The request data received from the client as a string.
client_address: The client address.
server: The TestServer object to use for (un)registering clients.
BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, request,
client_address, server)
def GetUniqueParam(self, name):
"""Extracts a unique query parameter from the request.
name: Names the parameter to fetch.
The parameter value or None if the parameter doesn't exist or is not
if not hasattr(self, '_params'):
self._params = cgi.parse_qs(self.path[self.path.find('?') + 1:])
param_list = self._params.get(name, [])
if len(param_list) == 1:
return param_list[0]
return None
def do_GET(self):
"""Handles GET requests.
Currently this is only used to serve external policy data."""
sep = self.path.find('?')
path = self.path if sep == -1 else self.path[:sep]
if path == '/externalpolicydata':
http_response, raw_reply = self.HandleExternalPolicyDataRequest()
elif path == '/configuration/test/exit':
# This is not part of the standard DM server protocol.
# This extension is added to make the test server exit gracefully
# when the test is complete.
self.server.stop = True
http_response = 200
raw_reply = 'OK'
elif path == '/test/ping':
# This path and reply are used by the test setup of host-driven tests for
# Android to determine if the server is up, and are not part of the
# DM protocol.
http_response = 200
raw_reply = 'Policy server is up.'
http_response = 404
raw_reply = 'Invalid path'
def do_POST(self):
http_response, raw_reply = self.HandleRequest()
if (http_response == 200):
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuffer')
def HandleExternalPolicyDataRequest(self):
"""Handles a request to download policy data for a component."""
policy_key = self.GetUniqueParam('key')
if not policy_key:
return (400, 'Missing key parameter')
data = self.server.ReadPolicyDataFromDataDir(policy_key)
if data is None:
return (404, 'Policy not found for ' + policy_key)
return (200, data)
def HandleRequest(self):
"""Handles a request.
Parses the data supplied at construction time and returns a pair indicating
http status code and response data to be sent back to the client.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
rmsg = dm.DeviceManagementRequest()
length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length'))
logging.debug('gaia auth token -> ' +
self.headers.getheader('Authorization', ''))
logging.debug('oauth token -> ' + str(self.GetUniqueParam('oauth_token')))
logging.debug('deviceid -> ' + str(self.GetUniqueParam('deviceid')))
self.DumpMessage('Request', rmsg)
request_type = self.GetUniqueParam('request')
# Check server side requirements, as defined in
# device_management_backend.proto.
if (self.GetUniqueParam('devicetype') != '2' or
self.GetUniqueParam('apptype') != 'Chrome' or
(self.GetUniqueParam('deviceid') is not None and
len(self.GetUniqueParam('deviceid')) >= 64)):
return (400, 'Invalid request parameter')
expected_error = self.GetExpectedError(request_type)
if expected_error:
return expected_error
if request_type == 'register':
response = self.ProcessRegister(rmsg.register_request)
elif request_type == 'certificate_based_register':
response = self.ProcessCertBasedRegister(
elif request_type == 'api_authorization':
response = self.ProcessApiAuthorization(rmsg.service_api_access_request)
elif request_type == 'unregister':
response = self.ProcessUnregister(rmsg.unregister_request)
elif request_type == 'policy':
response = self.ProcessPolicy(rmsg, request_type)
elif request_type == 'enterprise_check':
response = self.ProcessAutoEnrollment(rmsg.auto_enrollment_request)
elif request_type == 'device_initial_enrollment_state':
response = self.ProcessDeviceInitialEnrollmentState(
elif request_type == 'device_state_retrieval':
response = self.ProcessDeviceStateRetrievalRequest(
elif request_type == 'status_upload':
response = self.ProcessStatusUploadRequest(
rmsg.device_status_report_request, rmsg.session_status_report_request)
elif request_type == 'device_attribute_update_permission':
response = self.ProcessDeviceAttributeUpdatePermissionRequest()
elif request_type == 'device_attribute_update':
response = self.ProcessDeviceAttributeUpdateRequest()
elif request_type == 'check_device_license':
response = self.ProcessCheckDeviceLicenseRequest()
elif request_type == 'remote_commands':
response = self.ProcessRemoteCommandsRequest()
elif request_type == 'check_android_management':
response = self.ProcessCheckAndroidManagementRequest(
elif request_type == 'register_browser':
response = self.ProcessRegisterBrowserRequest(
elif request_type == 'chrome_desktop_report':
response = self.ProcessChromeDesktopReportUploadRequest(
elif request_type == 'app_install_report':
response = self.ProcessAppInstallReportRequest(
return (400, 'Invalid request parameter')
if isinstance(response[1], basestring):
body = response[1]
elif isinstance(response[1], google.protobuf.message.Message):
self.DumpMessage('Response', response[1])
body = response[1].SerializeToString()
body = ''
return (response[0], body)
def CreatePolicyForExternalPolicyData(self, policy_key):
"""Returns an ExternalPolicyData protobuf for policy_key.
If there is policy data for policy_key then the download url will be
set so that it points to that data, and the appropriate hash is also set.
Otherwise, the protobuf will be empty.
policy_key: The policy type and settings entity id, joined by '/'.
A serialized ExternalPolicyData.
settings = ep.ExternalPolicyData()
data = self.server.ReadPolicyDataFromDataDir(policy_key)
if data:
settings.download_url = urlparse.urljoin(
self.server.GetBaseURL(), 'externalpolicydata?key=%s' % policy_key)
settings.secure_hash = hashlib.sha256(data).digest()
return settings.SerializeToString()
return None
def CheckGoogleLogin(self):
"""Extracts the auth token from the request and returns it. The token may
either be a GoogleLogin token from an Authorization header, or an OAuth V2
token from the oauth_token query parameter. Returns None if no token is
oauth_token = self.GetUniqueParam('oauth_token')
if oauth_token:
return oauth_token
match = re.match('GoogleLogin auth=(\\w+)',
self.headers.getheader('Authorization', ''))
if match:
return None
def CheckEnrollmentToken(self):
"""Extracts the enrollment token from the request and returns it. The token
is GoogleEnrollmentToken token from an Authorization header. Returns None
if no token is present.
match = re.match('GoogleEnrollmentToken token=(\\S+)',
self.headers.getheader('Authorization', ''))
if match:
return None
def ProcessRegister(self, msg):
"""Handles a register request.
Checks the query for authorization and device identifier, registers the
device with the server and constructs a response.
msg: The DeviceRegisterRequest message received from the client.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
policy = self.server.GetPolicies()
# Check the auth token and device ID.
auth = self.CheckGoogleLogin()
if not auth:
return (403, 'No authorization')
if ('managed_users' not in policy):
return (500, 'Error in config - no managed users')
username = self.server.ResolveUser(auth)
if ('*' not in policy['managed_users'] and
username not in policy['managed_users']):
return (403, 'Unmanaged')
return self.RegisterDeviceAndSendResponse(msg, username)
def ProcessCertBasedRegister(self, signed_msg):
"""Handles a certificate based register request.
Checks the query for the cert and device identifier, registers the
device with the server and constructs a response.
msg: The CertificateBasedDeviceRegisterRequest message received from
the client.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
# Unwrap the request
req = self.UnwrapCertificateBasedDeviceRegistrationData(
except (IOError):
return(400, 'Invalid request')
# TODO(drcrash): Check the certificate itself.
if req.certificate_type != dm.CertificateBasedDeviceRegistrationData.\
return(403, 'Invalid certificate type for registration')
register_req = req.device_register_request
username = None
if (register_req.flavor == dm.DeviceRegisterRequest.
enrollment_token = self.CheckEnrollmentToken()
policy = self.server.GetPolicies()
if not enrollment_token:
return (401, 'Missing enrollment token.')
if ((not policy['token_enrollment']) or
(not policy['token_enrollment']['token']) or
(not policy['token_enrollment']['username'])):
return (500, 'Error in config - no token-based enrollment')
if policy['token_enrollment']['token'] != enrollment_token:
return (403, 'Invalid enrollment token')
username = policy['token_enrollment']['username']
return self.RegisterDeviceAndSendResponse(register_req, username)
def RegisterDeviceAndSendResponse(self, msg, username):
"""Registers a device and send a response to the client.
Checks that a device identifier was sent, registers the device
with the server and constructs a response.
device_id = self.GetUniqueParam('deviceid')
if not device_id:
return (400, 'Missing device identifier')
token_info = self.server.RegisterDevice(
device_id, msg.machine_id, msg.type, username)
# Send back the reply.
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
response.register_response.device_management_token = (
response.register_response.machine_name = token_info['machine_name']
response.register_response.enrollment_type = token_info['enrollment_mode']
return (200, response)
def UnwrapCertificateBasedDeviceRegistrationData(self, msg):
"""Verifies the signature of |msg| and if it is valid, return the
certificate based device registration data. If not, throws an
msg: SignedData received from the client.
# TODO(drcrash): Verify signature.
rdata = dm.CertificateBasedDeviceRegistrationData()
rdata.ParseFromString([:len( - msg.extra_data_bytes])
return rdata
def ProcessApiAuthorization(self, msg):
"""Handles an API authorization request.
msg: The DeviceServiceApiAccessRequest message received from the client.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
policy = self.server.GetPolicies()
# Return the auth code from the config file if it's defined. Default to an
# empty auth code, which will instruct the enrollment flow to skip robot
# auth setup.
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
response.service_api_access_response.auth_code = policy.get(
'robot_api_auth_code', '')
return (200, response)
def ProcessUnregister(self, msg):
"""Handles a register request.
Checks for authorization, unregisters the device and constructs the
msg: The DeviceUnregisterRequest message received from the client.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
# Check the management token.
token, response = self.CheckToken()
if not token:
return response
# Unregister the device.
# Prepare and send the response.
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
return (200, response)
def ProcessPolicy(self, msg, request_type):
"""Handles a policy request.
Checks for authorization, encodes the policy into protobuf representation
and constructs the response.
msg: The DeviceManagementRequest message received from the client.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
token_info, error = self.CheckToken()
if not token_info:
return error
key_update_request = msg.device_state_key_update_request
if len(key_update_request.server_backed_state_keys) > 0:
# See whether the |username| for the client is known. During policy
# validation, the client verifies that the policy blob is bound to the
# appropriate user by comparing against this value. In case the server is
# configured to resolve the actual user name from the access token via the
# token info endpoint, the resolved |username| has been stored in
# |token_info| when the client registered. If not, pass None as the
# |username| in which case a value from the configuration file will be used.
username = token_info.get('username')
# If this is a |publicaccount| request, use the |settings_entity_id| from
# the request as the |username|. This is required to validate policy for
# extensions in device-local accounts.
for request in msg.policy_request.requests:
if request.policy_type == 'google/chromeos/publicaccount':
username = request.settings_entity_id
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
for request in msg.policy_request.requests:
if (request.policy_type in
fetch_response = response.policy_response.responses.add()
self.ProcessCloudPolicy(request, token_info, fetch_response, username)
elif (request.policy_type in
request, response.policy_response, token_info, username)
fetch_response.error_code = 400
fetch_response.error_message = 'Invalid policy_type'
return (200, response)
def ProcessAutoEnrollment(self, msg):
"""Handles an auto-enrollment check request.
The reply depends on the value of the modulus:
1: replies with no new modulus and corresponding sha256 hashes.
2: replies with a new modulus, 4.
4: replies with a new modulus, 2.
8: fails with error 400.
16: replies with a new modulus, 16.
32: replies with a new modulus, 1.
anything else: replies with no new modulus and an empty list of hashes
These allow the client to pick the testing scenario its wants to simulate.
msg: The DeviceAutoEnrollmentRequest message received from the client.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
auto_enrollment_response = dm.DeviceAutoEnrollmentResponse()
if msg.modulus == 1:
if (msg.enrollment_check_type == dm.DeviceAutoEnrollmentRequest.
self.server.GetMatchingStateKeyHashes(msg.modulus, msg.remainder))
elif (msg.enrollment_check_type == dm.DeviceAutoEnrollmentRequest.
self.server.GetMatchingSerialHashes(msg.modulus, msg.remainder))
elif msg.modulus == 2:
auto_enrollment_response.expected_modulus = 4
elif msg.modulus == 4:
auto_enrollment_response.expected_modulus = 2
elif msg.modulus == 8:
return (400, 'Server error')
elif msg.modulus == 16:
auto_enrollment_response.expected_modulus = 16
elif msg.modulus == 32:
auto_enrollment_response.expected_modulus = 1
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
return (200, response)
def ProcessDeviceInitialEnrollmentState(self, msg):
"""Handles a device initial enrollment state request.
Response data is taken from server configuration.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
device_initial_enrollment_state_response = (
brand_serial_id = msg.brand_code + '_' + msg.serial_number;
initial_state_dict = (self.server.GetPolicies().
get('initial_enrollment_state', {}))
state = initial_state_dict.get(brand_serial_id, {})
for field in FIELDS:
if field in state:
setattr(device_initial_enrollment_state_response, field, state[field])
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
return (200, response)
def ProcessDeviceStateRetrievalRequest(self, msg):
"""Handles a device state retrieval request.
Response data is taken from server configuration.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
device_state_retrieval_response = dm.DeviceStateRetrievalResponse()
client = self.server.LookupByStateKey(msg.server_backed_state_key)
if client is not None:
state = self.server.GetPolicies().get('device_state', {})
for field in FIELDS:
if field in state:
setattr(device_state_retrieval_response, field, state[field])
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
return (200, response)
def ProcessStatusUploadRequest(self, device_status, session_status):
"""Handles a device/session status upload request.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
# Empty responses indicate a successful upload.
device_status_report_response = dm.DeviceStatusReportResponse()
session_status_report_response = dm.SessionStatusReportResponse()
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
return (200, response)
def ProcessDeviceAttributeUpdatePermissionRequest(self):
"""Handles a device attribute update permission request.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
policy = self.server.GetPolicies()
update_allowed = True
if ('allow_set_device_attributes' in policy):
update_allowed = policy['allow_set_device_attributes']
response.device_attribute_update_permission_response.result = (
if update_allowed else
return (200, response)
def ProcessDeviceAttributeUpdateRequest(self):
"""Handles a device attribute update request.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
response.device_attribute_update_response.result = (
return (200, response)
def ProcessCheckDeviceLicenseRequest(self):
"""Handles a device license check request.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
license_response = response.check_device_license_response
policy = self.server.GetPolicies()
selection_mode = dm.CheckDeviceLicenseResponse.ADMIN_SELECTION
if ('available_licenses' in policy):
available_licenses = policy['available_licenses']
selection_mode = dm.CheckDeviceLicenseResponse.USER_SELECTION
for license_type in available_licenses:
license = license_response.license_availabilities.add()
license.license_type.license_type = LICENSE_TYPES[license_type]
license.available_licenses = available_licenses[license_type]
license_response.license_selection_mode = (selection_mode)
return (200, response)
def ProcessRemoteCommandsRequest(self):
"""Handles a remote command request.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
return (200, '')
def ProcessCheckAndroidManagementRequest(self, msg, oauth_token):
"""Handles a check Android management request.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
check_android_management_response = dm.CheckAndroidManagementResponse()
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
if oauth_token == 'managed-auth-token':
return (409, response)
elif oauth_token == 'unmanaged-auth-token':
return (200, response)
return (403, response)
def ProcessAppInstallReportRequest(self, app_install_report):
"""Handles a push-installed app report upload request.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
app_install_report_response = dm.AppInstallReportResponse()
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
return (200, response)
def ProcessRegisterBrowserRequest(self, msg):
"""Handles a browser registration request.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
enrollment_token = None
match = re.match('GoogleEnrollmentToken token=(\\w+)',
self.headers.getheader('Authorization', ''))
if match:
enrollment_token =
if not enrollment_token:
return (401, 'Missing enrollment token.')
device_id = self.GetUniqueParam('deviceid')
if not device_id:
return (400, 'Parameter deviceid is missing.')
if not msg.machine_name:
return (400, 'Invalid machine name: ')
if enrollment_token == INVALID_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN:
return (401, 'Invalid enrollment token')
dm_token = 'fake_device_management_token'
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
response.register_response.device_management_token = (
self.server.RegisterBrowser(dm_token, device_id, msg.machine_name)
return (200, response)
def ProcessChromeDesktopReportUploadRequest(self, chrome_desktop_report):
"""Handles a chrome desktop report upload request.
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client.
# Empty responses indicate a successful upload.
chrome_desktop_report_response = dm.ChromeDesktopReportResponse()
response = dm.DeviceManagementResponse()
return (200, response)
def SetProtoRepeatedField(self, group_message, field, field_value):
assert type(field_value) == list
entries = group_message.__getattribute__(
if field.message_type is None:
for list_item in field_value:
# This field is itself a protobuf.
sub_type = field.message_type
for sub_value in field_value:
assert type(sub_value) == dict
# Add a new sub-protobuf per list entry.
sub_message = entries.add()
# Now iterate over its fields and recursively add them.
for sub_field in sub_message.DESCRIPTOR.fields:
if in sub_value:
sub_field_value = sub_value[]
sub_field, sub_field_value)
def SetProtoMessageField(self, group_message, field, field_value):
if == 'StringList':
assert type(field_value) == list
entries = group_message.__getattribute__(
for list_item in field_value:
assert type(field_value) == dict
sub_message = group_message.__getattribute__(
for sub_field in sub_message.DESCRIPTOR.fields:
if in field_value:
sub_field_value = field_value[]
self.SetProtobufMessageField(sub_message, sub_field, sub_field_value)
def SetProtoField(self, group_message, field, field_value):
if field.type == field.TYPE_BOOL:
assert type(field_value) == bool
elif field.type == field.TYPE_STRING:
assert type(field_value) in [str, unicode]
elif field.type == field.TYPE_BYTES:
assert type(field_value) in [str, unicode]
field_value = field_value.decode('hex')
elif (field.type == field.TYPE_INT64 or
field.type == field.TYPE_INT32 or
field.type == field.TYPE_ENUM):
assert type(field_value) == int
return False
setattr(group_message,, field_value)
return True
def SetProtobufMessageField(self, group_message, field, field_value):
"""Sets a field in a protobuf message.
group_message: The protobuf message.
field: The field of the message to set, it should be a member of
field_value: The value to set.
if field.label == field.LABEL_REPEATED:
self.SetProtoRepeatedField(group_message, field, field_value)
elif field.type == field.TYPE_MESSAGE:
self.SetProtoMessageField(group_message, field, field_value)
elif not self.SetProtoField(group_message, field, field_value):
raise Exception('Unknown field type %s' % field.type)
def GatherExtensionPolicySettings(self, settings, policies):
"""Copies all the policies from a dictionary into a protobuf of type
settings: The destination: a ExternalPolicyData protobuf.
policies: The source: a dictionary containing the extension policies.
for field in settings.DESCRIPTOR.fields:
# |field| is the entry for a specific policy in the top-level
# ExternalPolicyData proto.
field_value = policies.get(
if field_value is None:
field_descriptor = settings.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name[]
self.SetProtobufMessageField(settings, field_descriptor,
def GatherDevicePolicySettings(self, settings, policies):
"""Copies all the policies from a dictionary into a protobuf of type
settings: The destination ChromeDeviceSettingsProto protobuf.
policies: The source dictionary containing policies in JSON format.
for group in settings.DESCRIPTOR.fields:
# Create protobuf message for group.
group_message = eval('dp.' + + '()')
# Indicates if at least one field was set in |group_message|.
got_fields = False
# Iterate over fields of the message and feed them from the
# policy config file.
for field in group_message.DESCRIPTOR.fields:
field_value = None
if in policies:
got_fields = True
field_value = policies[]
self.SetProtobufMessageField(group_message, field, field_value)
if got_fields:
def GatherUserPolicySettings(self, settings, policies):
"""Copies all the policies from a dictionary into a protobuf of type
settings: The destination: a CloudPolicySettings protobuf.
policies: The source: a dictionary containing policies under keys
'recommended' and 'mandatory'.
for field in settings.DESCRIPTOR.fields:
# |field| is the entry for a specific policy in the top-level
# CloudPolicySettings proto.
# Look for this policy's value in the mandatory or recommended dicts.
if in policies.get('mandatory', {}):
mode = cp.PolicyOptions.MANDATORY
value = policies['mandatory'][]
elif in policies.get('recommended', {}):
mode = cp.PolicyOptions.RECOMMENDED
value = policies['recommended'][]
# Create protobuf message for this policy.
policy_message = eval('cp.' + + '()')
policy_message.policy_options.mode = mode
field_descriptor = policy_message.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name['value']
self.SetProtobufMessageField(policy_message, field_descriptor, value)
def ProcessCloudPolicyForExtensions(self, request, response, token_info,
"""Handles a request for policy for extensions.
A request for policy for extensions is slightly different from the other
cloud policy requests, because it can trigger 0, one or many
PolicyFetchResponse messages in the response.
request: The PolicyFetchRequest that triggered this handler.
response: The DevicePolicyResponse message for the response. Multiple
PolicyFetchResponses will be appended to this message.
token_info: The token extracted from the request.
username: The username for the response. May be None.
# Send one PolicyFetchResponse for each extension that has
# configuration data at the server.
ids = self.server.ListMatchingComponents(request.policy_type)
if not ids:
# Fetch the ids from the policy JSON, if none in the config directory.
policy = self.server.GetPolicies()
ext_policies = policy.get(request.policy_type, {})
ids = ext_policies.keys()
for settings_entity_id in ids:
# Reuse the extension policy request, to trigger the same signature
# type in the response.
request.settings_entity_id = settings_entity_id
fetch_response = response.responses.add()
self.ProcessCloudPolicy(request, token_info, fetch_response, username)
# Don't do key rotations for these messages.
def ProcessCloudPolicy(self, msg, token_info, response, username=None):
"""Handles a cloud policy request. (New protocol for policy requests.)
Encodes the policy into protobuf representation, signs it and constructs
the response.
msg: The CloudPolicyRequest message received from the client.
token_info: The token extracted from the request.
response: A PolicyFetchResponse message that should be filled with the
response data.
username: The username for the response. May be None.
# Response is only given if the scope is specified in the config file.
# Normally 'google/chromeos/device', 'google/chromeos/user' and
# 'google/chromeos/publicaccount' should be accepted.
policy = self.server.GetPolicies()
policy_value = ''
policy_key = msg.policy_type
if msg.settings_entity_id:
policy_key += '/' + msg.settings_entity_id
if msg.policy_type in token_info['allowed_policy_types']:
if msg.policy_type in ('google/android/user',
settings = cp.CloudPolicySettings()
payload = self.server.ReadPolicyFromDataDir(policy_key, settings)
if payload is None:
self.GatherUserPolicySettings(settings, policy.get(policy_key, {}))
payload = settings.SerializeToString()
elif msg.policy_type == 'google/chromeos/device':
settings = dp.ChromeDeviceSettingsProto()
payload = self.server.ReadPolicyFromDataDir(policy_key, settings)
if payload is None:
self.GatherDevicePolicySettings(settings, policy.get(policy_key, {}))
payload = settings.SerializeToString()
elif msg.policy_type in ('google/chrome/extension',
settings = ep.ExternalPolicyData()
payload = self.server.ReadPolicyFromDataDir(policy_key, settings)
if payload is None:
payload = self.CreatePolicyForExternalPolicyData(policy_key)
if payload is None:
ext_policies = policy.get(msg.policy_type, {})
policies = ext_policies.get(msg.settings_entity_id, {})
self.GatherExtensionPolicySettings(settings, policies)
payload = settings.SerializeToString()
response.error_code = 400
response.error_message = 'Invalid policy type'
response.error_code = 400
response.error_message = 'Request not allowed for the token used'
# Determine the current key on the client.
client_key_version = None
client_key = None
if msg.HasField('public_key_version'):
client_key_version = msg.public_key_version
client_key = self.server.GetKeyByVersion(client_key_version)
if client_key is None:
response.error_code = 400
response.error_message = 'Invalid public key version'
# Choose the key for signing the policy.
signing_key_version = self.server.GetKeyVersionForSigning(
signing_key = self.server.GetKeyByVersion(signing_key_version)
assert signing_key is not None
# Fill the policy data protobuf.
policy_data = dm.PolicyData()
policy_data.policy_type = msg.policy_type
policy_data.timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
policy_data.request_token = token_info['device_token']
policy_data.policy_value = payload
policy_data.machine_name = token_info['machine_name']
policy_data.settings_entity_id = msg.settings_entity_id
policy_data.service_account_identity = policy.get(
invalidation_source = policy.get('invalidation_source')
if invalidation_source is not None:
policy_data.invalidation_source = invalidation_source
# Since invalidation_name is type bytes in the proto, the Unicode name
# provided needs to be encoded as ASCII to set the correct byte pattern.
invalidation_name = policy.get('invalidation_name')
if invalidation_name is not None:
policy_data.invalidation_name = invalidation_name.encode('ascii')
if msg.signature_type != dm.PolicyFetchRequest.NONE:
policy_data.public_key_version = signing_key_version
if username:
policy_data.username = username
# If the correct |username| is unknown, rely on a manually-configured
# username from the configuration file or use a default.
policy_data.username = policy.get('policy_user', '')
policy_data.device_id = token_info['device_id']
# Set affiliation IDs so that user was managed on the device.
device_affiliation_ids = policy.get('device_affiliation_ids')
if device_affiliation_ids:
user_affiliation_ids = policy.get('user_affiliation_ids')
if user_affiliation_ids:
response.policy_data = policy_data.SerializeToString()
# Sign the serialized policy data
if msg.signature_type == dm.PolicyFetchRequest.SHA1_RSA:
response.policy_data_signature = bytes(
if msg.public_key_version != signing_key_version:
response.new_public_key = signing_key['public_key']
# Set the verification signature appropriate for the policy domain.
# TODO(atwilson): Use the enrollment domain for public accounts when
# we add key validation for ChromeOS (
if 'signatures' in signing_key:
verification_sig = self.GetSignatureForDomain(
signing_key['signatures'], policy_data.username)
if verification_sig:
assert len(verification_sig) == 256, \
'bad signature size: %d' % len(verification_sig)
response.new_public_key_verification_signature_deprecated = (
if client_key is not None:
response.new_public_key_signature = bytes(
return (200, response.SerializeToString())
def GetSignatureForDomain(self, signatures, username):
parsed_username = username.split("@", 1)
if len(parsed_username) != 2:
logging.error('Could not extract domain from username: %s' % username)
return None
domain = parsed_username[1]
# Lookup the domain's signature in the passed dictionary. If none is found,
# fallback to a wildcard signature.
if domain in signatures:
return signatures[domain]
if '*' in signatures:
return signatures['*']
# No key matching this domain.
logging.error('No verification signature matching domain: %s' % domain)
return None
def CheckToken(self):
"""Helper for checking whether the client supplied a valid DM token.
Extracts the token from the request and passed to the server in order to
look up the client.
A pair of token information record and error response. If the first
element is None, then the second contains an error code to send back to
the client. Otherwise the first element is the same structure that is
returned by LookupToken().
error = 500
dmtoken = None
request_device_id = self.GetUniqueParam('deviceid')
match = re.match('GoogleDMToken token=(\\w+)',
self.headers.getheader('Authorization', ''))
if match:
dmtoken =
if not dmtoken:
error = 401
token_info = self.server.LookupToken(dmtoken)
if (not token_info or
not request_device_id or
token_info['device_id'] != request_device_id):
error = 410
return (token_info, None)
logging.debug('Token check failed with error %d' % error)
return (None, (error, 'Server error %d' % error))
def DumpMessage(self, label, msg):
"""Helper for logging an ASCII dump of a protobuf message."""
logging.debug('%s\n%s' % (label, str(msg)))
def GetExpectedError(self, request):
Returns the preset HTTP error for |request| if it is defined in
A tuple of HTTP status code and response data to send to the client or
None if no error was defined.
policy = self.server.GetPolicies()
if 'request_errors' in policy:
errors = policy['request_errors']
if (request in errors) and (errors[request] > 0):
return errors[request], 'Preconfigured error'
return None
class PolicyTestServer(testserver_base.BrokenPipeHandlerMixIn,
"""Handles requests and keeps global service state."""
def __init__(self, server_address, data_dir, policy_path, client_state_file,
private_key_paths, rotate_keys_automatically, server_base_url):
"""Initializes the server.
server_address: Server host and port.
data_dir: Directory that contains files with signature, policy, clients
policy_path: Names the file to read JSON-formatted policy from.
client_state_file: Path to file with registered clients.
private_key_paths: List of paths to read private keys from.
rotate_keys_automatically: Whether the keys should be rotated in a
round-robin fashion for each policy request (by default, either the
key specified in the config or the first key will be used for all
server_base_url: The server base URL. Used for ExternalPolicyData message.
testserver_base.StoppableHTTPServer.__init__(self, server_address,
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.policy_path = policy_path
self.rotate_keys_automatically = rotate_keys_automatically
self.server_base_url = server_base_url
# _registered_tokens and client_state_file kept in sync if the file is set.
self._registered_tokens = {}
self.client_state_file = client_state_file
self.client_state_file_timestamp = 0
self.keys = []
if private_key_paths:
# Load specified keys from the filesystem.
for key_path in private_key_paths:
key_str = open(key_path).read()
except IOError:
print 'Failed to load private key from %s' % key_path
key = tlslite.api.parsePEMKey(key_str, private=True)
except SyntaxError:
key = tlslite.utils.python_rsakey.Python_RSAKey._parsePKCS8(
assert key is not None
key_info = { 'private_key' : key }
# Now try to read in a signature, if one exists.
key_sig = open(key_path + '.sig').read()
# Create a dictionary with the wildcard domain + signature
key_info['signatures'] = {'*': key_sig}
except IOError:
print 'Failed to read validation signature from %s.sig' % key_path
# Use the canned private keys if none were passed from the command line.
for signing_key in SIGNING_KEYS:
decoded_key = base64.b64decode(signing_key['key']);
key = tlslite.utils.python_rsakey.Python_RSAKey._parsePKCS8(
assert key is not None
# Grab the signature dictionary for this key and decode all of the
# signatures.
signature_dict = signing_key['signatures']
decoded_signatures = {}
for domain in signature_dict:
decoded_signatures[domain] = base64.b64decode(signature_dict[domain])
self.keys.append({'private_key': key,
'signatures': decoded_signatures})
# Derive the public keys from the private keys.
for entry in self.keys:
key = entry['private_key']
algorithm = asn1der.Sequence(
[ asn1der.Data(asn1der.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, PKCS1_RSA_OID),
asn1der.Data(asn1der.NULL, '') ])
rsa_pubkey = asn1der.Sequence([ asn1der.Integer(key.n),
asn1der.Integer(key.e) ])
pubkey = asn1der.Sequence([ algorithm, asn1der.Bitstring(rsa_pubkey) ])
entry['public_key'] = pubkey
except Exception as e:
# Could fail if file is not written yet.'failed to load client state %s' % e)
def GetPolicies(self):
"""Returns the policies to be used, reloaded from the backend file every
time this is called.
policy = {}
if json is None:
logging.error('No JSON module, cannot parse policy information')
else :
policy = json.loads(open(self.policy_path).read(), strict=False)
except IOError:
logging.error('Failed to load policies from %s' % self.policy_path)
return policy
def GetKeyByVersion(self, key_version):
"""Obtains the object containing key properties, given the key version.
key_version: Integer key version.
The object containing key properties, or None if the key is not found.
# Convert the policy key version, which has to be positive according to the
# policy protocol definition, to an index in the keys list.
key_index = key_version - 1
if key_index < 0:
return None
if key_index >= len(self.keys):
if self.rotate_keys_automatically:
key_index %= len(self.keys)
return None
return self.keys[key_index]
def GetKeyVersionForSigning(self, client_key_version):
"""Determines the version of the key that should be used for signing policy.
client_key_version: Either an integer representing the current key version
provided by the client, or None if the client didn't provide any.
An integer representing the signing key version.
if self.rotate_keys_automatically and client_key_version is not None:
# Return the incremented version, which means that the key should be
# rotated.
return client_key_version + 1
# Return the version that is specified by the config, defaulting to using
# the very first key. Note that incrementing here is done due to conversion
# between indices in the keys list and the key versions transmitted to the
# client (where the latter have to be positive according to the policy
# protocol definition).
return self.GetPolicies().get('current_key_index', 0) + 1
def ResolveUser(self, auth_token):
"""Tries to resolve an auth token to the corresponding user name.
If enabled, this makes a request to the token info endpoint to determine the
user ID corresponding to the token. If token resolution is disabled or the
request fails, this will return the policy_user config parameter.
config = self.GetPolicies()
token_info_url = config.get('token_info_url')
if token_info_url is not None:
token_info = urllib2.urlopen(token_info_url + '?' +
urllib.urlencode({'access_token': auth_token})).read()
return json.loads(token_info)['email']
except Exception as e:'Failed to resolve user: %s', e)
return config.get('policy_user')
def RegisterDevice(self, device_id, machine_id, type, username):
"""Registers a device or user and generates a DM token for it.
device_id: The device identifier provided by the client.
The newly generated device token for the device.
dmtoken_chars = []
while len(dmtoken_chars) < 32:
dmtoken = ''.join(dmtoken_chars)
allowed_policy_types = {
dm.DeviceRegisterRequest.BROWSER: [
dm.DeviceRegisterRequest.USER: [
dm.DeviceRegisterRequest.DEVICE: [
dm.DeviceRegisterRequest.ANDROID_BROWSER: [
dm.DeviceRegisterRequest.TT: ['google/chromeos/user',
if machine_id in KIOSK_MACHINE_IDS:
enrollment_mode = dm.DeviceRegisterResponse.RETAIL
enrollment_mode = dm.DeviceRegisterResponse.ENTERPRISE
self._registered_tokens[dmtoken] = {
'device_id': device_id,
'device_token': dmtoken,
'allowed_policy_types': allowed_policy_types[type],
'machine_name': 'chromeos-' + machine_id,
'machine_id': machine_id,
'enrollment_mode': enrollment_mode,
'username': username,
return self._registered_tokens[dmtoken]
def RegisterBrowser(self, dm_token, device_id, machine_name):
self._registered_tokens[dm_token] = {
'device_id': device_id,
'device_token': dm_token,
'allowed_policy_types': ['google/chrome/machine-level-user',
'machine_name': machine_name
def UpdateStateKeys(self, dmtoken, state_keys):
"""Updates the state keys for a given client.
dmtoken: The device management token provided by the client.
state_keys: The state keys to set.
if dmtoken in self._registered_tokens:
self._registered_tokens[dmtoken]['state_keys'] = map(
lambda key : key.encode('hex'), state_keys)
def LookupToken(self, dmtoken):
"""Looks up a device or a user by DM token.
dmtoken: The device management token provided by the client.
A dictionary with information about a device or user that is registered by
dmtoken, or None if the token is not found.
return self._registered_tokens.get(dmtoken, None)
def LookupByStateKey(self, state_key):
"""Looks up a device or a user by a state key.
state_key: The state key provided by the client.
A dictionary with information about a device or user or None if there is
no matching record.
for client in self._registered_tokens.values():
if state_key.encode('hex') in client.get('state_keys', []):
return client
return None
def GetMatchingStateKeyHashes(self, modulus, remainder):
"""Returns all clients registered with the server.
The list of registered clients.
state_keys = sum([ c.get('state_keys', [])
for c in self._registered_tokens.values() ], [])
hashed_keys = map(lambda key: hashlib.sha256(key.decode('hex')).digest(),
return filter(
lambda hash : int(hash.encode('hex'), 16) % modulus == remainder,
def GetMatchingSerialHashes(self, modulus, remainder):
"""Returns all serial hashes from configuration.
The list of hashes
brand_serial_keys = (self.GetPolicies().get('initial_enrollment_state', {}).
hashed_keys = map(lambda key: hashlib.sha256(key).digest()[0:8],
return filter(
lambda hash : int(hash.encode('hex'), 16) % modulus == remainder,
def UnregisterDevice(self, dmtoken):
"""Unregisters a device identified by the given DM token.
dmtoken: The device management token provided by the client.
if dmtoken in self._registered_tokens.keys():
del self._registered_tokens[dmtoken]
def ReadClientStateFile(self):
""" Loads _registered_tokens from client_state_file."""
if self.client_state_file is None:
file_timestamp = os.stat(self.client_state_file).st_mtime
if file_timestamp == self.client_state_file_timestamp:
return'load client state')
file_contents = open(self.client_state_file).read()
self._registered_tokens = json.loads(file_contents, strict=False)
self.client_state_file_timestamp = file_timestamp
def WriteClientState(self):
"""Writes the client state back to the file."""
if self.client_state_file is not None:
json_data = json.dumps(self._registered_tokens)
open(self.client_state_file, 'w').write(json_data)
self.client_state_file_timestamp = os.stat(
def GetBaseFilename(self, policy_selector):
"""Returns the base filename for the given policy_selector.
policy_selector: The policy type and settings entity id, joined by '/'.
The filename corresponding to the policy_selector, without a file
sanitized_policy_selector = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9.@-]', '_', policy_selector)
return os.path.join(self.data_dir or '',
'policy_%s' % sanitized_policy_selector)
def ListMatchingComponents(self, policy_type):
"""Returns a list of settings entity IDs that have a configuration file.
policy_type: The policy type to look for. Only settings entity IDs for
file selectors That match this policy_type will be returned.
A list of settings entity IDs for the given |policy_type| that have a
configuration file in this server (either as a .bin, .txt or .data file).
base_name = self.GetBaseFilename(policy_type)
files = glob.glob('%s_*.*' % base_name)
len_base_name = len(base_name) + 1
return [ file[len_base_name:file.rfind('.')] for file in files ]
def ReadPolicyFromDataDir(self, policy_selector, proto_message):
"""Tries to read policy payload from a file in the data directory.
First checks for a binary rendition of the policy protobuf in
<data_dir>/policy_<sanitized_policy_selector>.bin. If that exists, returns
it. If that file doesn't exist, tries
<data_dir>/policy_<sanitized_policy_selector>.txt and decodes that as a
protobuf using proto_message. If that fails as well, returns None.
policy_selector: Selects which policy to read.
proto_message: Optional protobuf message object used for decoding the
proto text format.
The binary payload message, or None if not found.
base_filename = self.GetBaseFilename(policy_selector)
# Try the binary payload file first.
return open(base_filename + '.bin').read()
except IOError:
# If that fails, try the text version instead.
if proto_message is None:
return None
text = open(base_filename + '.txt').read()
google.protobuf.text_format.Merge(text, proto_message)
return proto_message.SerializeToString()
except IOError:
return None
except google.protobuf.text_format.ParseError:
return None
def ReadPolicyDataFromDataDir(self, policy_selector):
"""Returns the external policy data for |policy_selector| if found.
policy_selector: Selects which policy to read.
The data for the corresponding policy type and entity id, if found.
base_filename = self.GetBaseFilename(policy_selector)
return open(base_filename + '.data').read()
except IOError:
return None
def GetBaseURL(self):
"""Returns the server base URL.
Respects the |server_base_url| configuration parameter, if present. Falls
back to construct the URL from the server hostname and port otherwise.
The URL to use for constructing URLs that get returned to clients.
base_url = self.server_base_url
if base_url is None:
base_url = 'http://%s:%s' % self.server_address[:2]
return base_url
class PolicyServerRunner(testserver_base.TestServerRunner):
def __init__(self):
super(PolicyServerRunner, self).__init__()
def create_server(self, server_data):
data_dir = self.options.data_dir or ''
config_file = (self.options.config_file or
os.path.join(data_dir, 'device_management'))
server = PolicyTestServer((, self.options.port),
data_dir, config_file,
server_data['port'] = server.server_port
return server
def add_options(self):
self.option_parser.add_option('--client-state', dest='client_state_file',
help='File that client state should be '
'persisted to. This allows the server to be '
'seeded by a list of pre-registered clients '
'and restarts without abandoning registered '
self.option_parser.add_option('--policy-key', action='append',
help='Specify a path to a PEM-encoded '
'private key to use for policy signing. May '
'be specified multiple times in order to '
'load multiple keys into the server. The '
'server will use a canned key if none is '
'specified on the command line. The test '
'server will also look for a verification '
'signature file in the same location: '
'<filename>.sig and if present will add the '
'signature to the policy blob as appropriate '
'via the '
'new_public_key_verification_signature_deprecated '
help='If present, then the policy keys will '
'be rotated in a round-robin fashion for '
'each policy request (by default, either the '
'key specified in the config or the first '
'key will be used for all requests).')
self.option_parser.add_option('--log-level', dest='log_level',
help='Log level threshold to use.')
self.option_parser.add_option('--config-file', dest='config_file',
help='Specify a configuration file to use '
'instead of the default '
self.option_parser.add_option('--server-base-url', dest='server_base_url',
help='The server base URL to use when '
'constructing URLs to return to the client.')
def run_server(self):
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, str(self.options.log_level).upper()))
if (self.options.log_to_console):
if (self.options.log_file):
if __name__ == '__main__':