blob: da22a3bfc8b027b9ebd8be271a3d2a9eed63788e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGBreakToken_h
#define NGBreakToken_h
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_input_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/ref_counted.h"
namespace blink {
// A break token is a continuation token for layout. A single layout input node
// can have multiple fragments asssociated with it.
// Each fragment has a break token which can be used to determine if a layout
// input node has finished producing fragments (aka. is "exhausted" of
// fragments), and optionally used to produce the next fragment in the chain.
// See CSS Fragmentation ( for a detailed
// description of different types of breaks which can occur in CSS.
// Each layout algorithm which can fragment, e.g. block-flow can optionally
// accept a break token. For example:
// NGLayoutInputNode* node = ...;
// NGPhysicalFragment* fragment = node->Layout(space);
// DCHECK(!fragment->BreakToken()->IsFinished());
// NGPhysicalFragment* fragment2 = node->Layout(space, fragment->BreakToken());
// The break token should encapsulate enough information to "resume" the layout.
class CORE_EXPORT NGBreakToken : public RefCounted<NGBreakToken> {
virtual ~NGBreakToken() = default;
enum NGBreakTokenType {
kBlockBreakToken = NGLayoutInputNode::kBlock,
kInlineBreakToken = NGLayoutInputNode::kInline
NGBreakTokenType Type() const { return static_cast<NGBreakTokenType>(type_); }
bool IsBlockType() const { return Type() == kBlockBreakToken; }
bool IsInlineType() const { return Type() == kInlineBreakToken; }
enum NGBreakTokenStatus { kUnfinished, kFinished };
// Whether the layout node cannot produce any more fragments.
bool IsFinished() const { return status_ == kFinished; }
// Returns the node associated with this break token. A break token cannot be
// used with any other node.
NGLayoutInputNode InputNode() const {
return NGLayoutInputNode::Create(
box_, static_cast<NGLayoutInputNode::NGLayoutInputNodeType>(type_));
#ifndef NDEBUG
virtual String ToString() const;
void ShowBreakTokenTree() const;
#endif // NDEBUG
NGBreakToken(NGBreakTokenType type,
NGBreakTokenStatus status,
NGLayoutInputNode node)
: box_(node.GetLayoutBox()),
has_last_resort_break_(false) {
DCHECK_EQ(type, static_cast<NGBreakTokenType>(node.Type()));
// Because |NGLayoutInputNode| has a pointer and 1 bit flag, and it's fast to
// re-construct, keep |LayoutBox| to save the memory consumed by alignment.
LayoutBox* box_;
unsigned type_ : 1;
unsigned status_ : 1;
// The following bitfields are only to be used by NGInlineBreakToken (it's
// defined here to save memory, since that class has no bitfields).
unsigned flags_ : 2; // NGInlineBreakTokenFlags
unsigned ignore_floats_ : 1;
// The following bitfields are only to be used by NGBlockBreakToken (it's
// defined here to save memory, since that class has no bitfields).
unsigned is_break_before_ : 1;
// We're attempting to break at an undesirable place. Sometimes that's
// unavoidable, but we should only break here if we cannot find a better break
// point further up in the ancestry.
unsigned has_last_resort_break_ : 1;
typedef Vector<scoped_refptr<NGBreakToken>> NGBreakTokenVector;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGBreakToken_h