blob: 52fac69f20e688b095ec31838763c09534c02b44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// MSVC++ requires this to get M_PI.
#include <math.h>
#include "remoting/codec/audio_encoder_opus.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "remoting/codec/audio_decoder_opus.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace remoting {
namespace {
// Maximum value that can be encoded in a 16-bit signed sample.
const int kMaxSampleValue = 32767;
const int kChannels = 2;
// Phase shift between left and right channels.
const double kChannelPhaseShift = 2 * M_PI / 3;
// The sampling rate that OPUS uses internally and that we expect to get
// from the decoder.
const AudioPacket_SamplingRate kDefaultSamplingRate =
// Maximum latency expected from the encoder.
const int kMaxLatencyMs = 40;
// When verifying results ignore the first 1k samples. This is necessary because
// it takes some time for the codec to adjust for the input signal.
const int kSkippedFirstSamples = 1000;
// Maximum standard deviation of the difference between original and decoded
// signals as a proportion of kMaxSampleValue. For two unrelated signals this
// difference will be close to 1.0, even for signals that differ only slightly.
// The value is chosen such that all the tests pass normally, but fail with
// small changes (e.g. one sample shift between signals).
const double kMaxSignalDeviation = 0.1;
} // namespace
class OpusAudioEncoderTest : public testing::Test {
// Return test signal value at the specified position |pos|. |frequency_hz|
// defines frequency of the signal. |channel| is used to calculate phase shift
// of the signal, so that different signals are generated for left and right
// channels.
static int16 GetSampleValue(
AudioPacket::SamplingRate rate,
double frequency_hz,
double pos,
int channel) {
double angle = pos * 2 * M_PI * frequency_hz / rate +
kChannelPhaseShift * channel;
return static_cast<int>(sin(angle) * kMaxSampleValue + 0.5);
// Creates audio packet filled with a test signal with the specified
// |frequency_hz|.
scoped_ptr<AudioPacket> CreatePacket(
int samples,
AudioPacket::SamplingRate rate,
double frequency_hz,
int pos) {
std::vector<int16> data(samples * kChannels);
for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i) {
data[i * kChannels] = GetSampleValue(rate, frequency_hz, i + pos, 0);
data[i * kChannels + 1] = GetSampleValue(rate, frequency_hz, i + pos, 1);
scoped_ptr<AudioPacket> packet(new AudioPacket());
samples * kChannels * sizeof(int16));
return packet.Pass();
// Decoded data is normally shifted in phase relative to the original signal.
// This function returns the approximate shift in samples by finding the first
// point when signal goes from negative to positive.
double EstimateSignalShift(const std::vector<int16>& received_data) {
for (size_t i = kSkippedFirstSamples;
i < received_data.size() / kChannels - 1; i++) {
int16 this_sample = received_data[i * kChannels];
int16 next_sample = received_data[(i + 1) * kChannels];
if (this_sample < 0 && next_sample > 0) {
i + static_cast<double>(-this_sample) / (next_sample - this_sample);
return 0;
// Compares decoded signal with the test signal that was encoded. It estimates
// phase shift from the original signal, then calculates standard deviation of
// the difference between original and decoded signals.
void ValidateReceivedData(int samples,
AudioPacket::SamplingRate rate,
double frequency_hz,
const std::vector<int16>& received_data) {
double shift = EstimateSignalShift(received_data);
double diff_sqare_sum = 0;
for (size_t i = kSkippedFirstSamples;
i < received_data.size() / kChannels; i++) {
double d = received_data[i * kChannels] -
GetSampleValue(rate, frequency_hz, i - shift, 0);
diff_sqare_sum += d * d;
d = received_data[i * kChannels + 1] -
GetSampleValue(rate, frequency_hz, i - shift, 1);
diff_sqare_sum += d * d;
double deviation = sqrt(diff_sqare_sum / received_data.size())
/ kMaxSampleValue;
LOG(ERROR) << "Decoded signal deviation: " << deviation;
EXPECT_LE(deviation, kMaxSignalDeviation);
void TestEncodeDecode(int packet_size,
double frequency_hz,
AudioPacket::SamplingRate rate) {
const int kTotalTestSamples = 24000;
encoder_.reset(new AudioEncoderOpus());
decoder_.reset(new AudioDecoderOpus());
std::vector<int16> received_data;
int pos = 0;
for (; pos < kTotalTestSamples; pos += packet_size) {
scoped_ptr<AudioPacket> source_packet =
CreatePacket(packet_size, rate, frequency_hz, pos);
scoped_ptr<AudioPacket> encoded =
if (encoded.get()) {
scoped_ptr<AudioPacket> decoded = decoder_->Decode(encoded.Pass());
EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultSamplingRate, decoded->sampling_rate());
for (int i = 0; i < decoded->data_size(); ++i) {
const int16* data =
reinterpret_cast<const int16*>(decoded->data(i).data());
received_data.end(), data,
data + decoded->data(i).size() / sizeof(int16));
// Verify that at most kMaxLatencyMs worth of samples is buffered inside
// |encoder_| and |decoder_|.
EXPECT_GE(static_cast<int>(received_data.size()) / kChannels,
pos - rate * kMaxLatencyMs / 1000);
ValidateReceivedData(packet_size, kDefaultSamplingRate,
frequency_hz, received_data);
scoped_ptr<AudioEncoderOpus> encoder_;
scoped_ptr<AudioDecoderOpus> decoder_;
TEST_F(OpusAudioEncoderTest, CreateAndDestroy) {
TEST_F(OpusAudioEncoderTest, NoResampling) {
TestEncodeDecode(2000, 50, AudioPacket::SAMPLING_RATE_48000);
TestEncodeDecode(2000, 3000, AudioPacket::SAMPLING_RATE_48000);
TestEncodeDecode(2000, 10000, AudioPacket::SAMPLING_RATE_48000);
TEST_F(OpusAudioEncoderTest, Resampling) {
TestEncodeDecode(2000, 50, AudioPacket::SAMPLING_RATE_44100);
TestEncodeDecode(2000, 3000, AudioPacket::SAMPLING_RATE_44100);
TestEncodeDecode(2000, 10000, AudioPacket::SAMPLING_RATE_44100);
TEST_F(OpusAudioEncoderTest, BufferSizeAndResampling) {
TestEncodeDecode(500, 3000, AudioPacket::SAMPLING_RATE_44100);
TestEncodeDecode(1000, 3000, AudioPacket::SAMPLING_RATE_44100);
TestEncodeDecode(5000, 3000, AudioPacket::SAMPLING_RATE_44100);
} // namespace remoting