blob: 98b39917b0dcf414fc298557cb8864c28640ff74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "remoting/codec/video_encoder_vpx.h"
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "remoting/codec/codec_test.h"
#include "remoting/proto/video.pb.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_frame.h"
namespace remoting {
// xRGB pixel colors for use by tests.
const uint32 kBlueColor = 0x0000ff;
const uint32 kGreenColor = 0x00ff00;
// Creates a frame stippled between blue and red pixels, which is useful for
// lossy/lossless encode and color tests. By default all pixels in the frame
// are included in the updated_region().
static scoped_ptr<webrtc::DesktopFrame> CreateTestFrame(
const webrtc::DesktopSize& frame_size) {
scoped_ptr<webrtc::DesktopFrame> frame(
new webrtc::BasicDesktopFrame(frame_size));
for (int x = 0; x < frame_size.width(); ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < frame_size.height(); ++y) {
uint8* pixel_u8 = frame->data() + (y * frame->stride()) +
(x * webrtc::DesktopFrame::kBytesPerPixel);
*(reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(pixel_u8)) =
((x + y) & 1) ? kGreenColor : kBlueColor;
return frame.Pass();
TEST(VideoEncoderVpxTest, TestVp8VideoEncoder) {
scoped_ptr<VideoEncoderVpx> encoder(VideoEncoderVpx::CreateForVP8());
TestVideoEncoder(encoder.get(), false);
TEST(VideoEncoderVpxTest, TestVp9VideoEncoder) {
scoped_ptr<VideoEncoderVpx> encoder(VideoEncoderVpx::CreateForVP9());
// VP9 encoder defaults to lossless encode and lossy (I420) color.
TestVideoEncoder(encoder.get(), false);
// Test that the VP9 encoder can switch between lossy & lossless encode.
TEST(VideoEncoderVpxTest, TestVp9VideoEncoderLossyEncode) {
scoped_ptr<VideoEncoderVpx> encoder(VideoEncoderVpx::CreateForVP9());
webrtc::DesktopSize frame_size(1024, 768);
scoped_ptr<webrtc::DesktopFrame> frame(CreateTestFrame(frame_size));
// Lossy encode the first frame.
scoped_ptr<VideoPacket> lossy_packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
// Lossless encode the second frame.
scoped_ptr<VideoPacket> lossless_packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
// Lossless encode is so good that the frames are smaller than the lossy
// encodes. This comparison needs to be revisited.
// EXPECT_GT(lossless_packet->data().size(), lossy_packet->data().size());
// Lossy encode one more frame.
lossy_packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
// Same bug as above.
// EXPECT_LT(lossy_packet->data().size(), lossless_packet->data().size());
// Test that the VP9 encoder can switch between lossy & lossless color.
TEST(VideoEncoderVpxTest, TestVp9VideoEncoderLossyColor) {
scoped_ptr<VideoEncoderVpx> encoder(VideoEncoderVpx::CreateForVP9());
webrtc::DesktopSize frame_size(1024, 768);
scoped_ptr<webrtc::DesktopFrame> frame(CreateTestFrame(frame_size));
// Lossy encode the first frame.
scoped_ptr<VideoPacket> lossy_packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
// Lossless encode the second frame.
scoped_ptr<VideoPacket> lossless_packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
// Lossy encode one more frame.
lossy_packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
// Test that the VP8 encoder ignores lossless modes without crashing.
TEST(VideoEncoderVpxTest, TestVp8VideoEncoderIgnoreLossy) {
scoped_ptr<VideoEncoderVpx> encoder(VideoEncoderVpx::CreateForVP8());
webrtc::DesktopSize frame_size(1024, 768);
scoped_ptr<webrtc::DesktopFrame> frame(CreateTestFrame(frame_size));
// Encode a frame, to give the encoder a chance to crash if misconfigured.
scoped_ptr<VideoPacket> packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
// Test that calling Encode with a larger frame size than the initial one
// does not cause VP8 to crash.
TEST(VideoEncoderVpxTest, TestVp8SizeChangeNoCrash) {
webrtc::DesktopSize frame_size(1000, 1000);
scoped_ptr<VideoEncoderVpx> encoder(VideoEncoderVpx::CreateForVP8());
// Create first frame & encode it.
scoped_ptr<webrtc::DesktopFrame> frame(CreateTestFrame(frame_size));
scoped_ptr<VideoPacket> packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
// Double the size of the frame, and updated region, and encode again.
frame_size.set(frame_size.width() * 2, frame_size.height() * 2);
frame = CreateTestFrame(frame_size);
packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
// Test that calling Encode with a larger frame size than the initial one
// does not cause VP9 to crash.
TEST(VideoEncoderVpxTest, TestVp9SizeChangeNoCrash) {
webrtc::DesktopSize frame_size(1000, 1000);
scoped_ptr<VideoEncoderVpx> encoder(VideoEncoderVpx::CreateForVP9());
// Create first frame & encode it.
scoped_ptr<webrtc::DesktopFrame> frame(CreateTestFrame(frame_size));
scoped_ptr<VideoPacket> packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
// Double the size of the frame, and updated region, and encode again.
frame_size.set(frame_size.width() * 2, frame_size.height() * 2);
frame = CreateTestFrame(frame_size);
packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
// Test that the DPI information is correctly propagated from the
// media::ScreenCaptureData to the VideoPacket.
TEST(VideoEncoderVpxTest, TestDpiPropagation) {
webrtc::DesktopSize frame_size(32, 32);
scoped_ptr<VideoEncoderVpx> encoder(VideoEncoderVpx::CreateForVP8());
scoped_ptr<webrtc::DesktopFrame> frame(CreateTestFrame(frame_size));
frame->set_dpi(webrtc::DesktopVector(96, 97));
scoped_ptr<VideoPacket> packet = encoder->Encode(*frame);
EXPECT_EQ(packet->format().x_dpi(), 96);
EXPECT_EQ(packet->format().y_dpi(), 97);
} // namespace remoting