blob: 37df684ce5bee58dc599340b0c1cdcc6f3d2a97c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Protocol for event messages.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package remoting.protocol;
// Defines a keyboard event.
message KeyEvent {
// The keyboard (Caps/Num) lock states.
enum LockStates {
// True for key press events, and false for key release.
optional bool pressed = 2;
// The USB key code.
// The upper 16-bits are the USB Page (0x07 for key events).
// The lower 16-bits are the USB Usage ID (which identifies the actual key).
optional uint32 usb_keycode = 3;
// The keyboard lock states.
optional uint32 lock_states = 4 [default = 0];
// Text input event for input method different from physical keyboards,
// including software keyboard, gesture typing, voice input, etc.
message TextEvent {
// Unicode sequence for the event in UTF-8.
optional string text = 1;
// Defines a mouse event message on the event channel.
message MouseEvent {
enum MouseButton {
// Mouse position information.
optional int32 x = 1;
optional int32 y = 2;
// Mouse button event.
optional MouseButton button = 5;
optional bool button_down = 6;
// Mouse wheel information.
// These values encode the number of pixels and 'ticks' of movement that
// would result from the wheel event on the client system.
optional float wheel_delta_x = 7;
optional float wheel_delta_y = 8;
optional float wheel_ticks_x = 9;
optional float wheel_ticks_y = 10;
// Mouse movement information. Provided only when mouse lock is engaged.
optional int32 delta_x = 11;
optional int32 delta_y = 12;
// Defines an event that sends clipboard data between peers.
message ClipboardEvent {
// The MIME type of the data being sent.
optional string mime_type = 1;
// The data being sent.
optional bytes data = 2;
message TouchEventPoint {
// The ID for the touch point.
optional uint32 id = 1;
// The position of the touch point.
// These values on-the-wire are host coordinates.
optional float x = 2;
optional float y = 3;
// The size of the touch point, used to aid hit-testing.
// Scaled to match the size on host.
optional float radius_x = 4;
optional float radius_y = 5;
// Angle in degrees from the y-axis of the touch point.
optional float angle = 6;
// The pressure of the touch point.
// The value should be in [0.0, 1.0].
optional float pressure = 7;
message TouchEvent {
// A START event means that this event reports all the touch points that were
// just added, e.g. a finger started touching the display.
// A MOVE event means that the touch points that have been STARTed moved,
// e.g. multiple fingers on the screen moved.
// An END event means that the touch points that have been STARTed ended.
// e.g. a finger went off the screen.
// A CANCEL event means that the touch points that have been STARTed were
// canceled, e.g. a finger went off the screen.
// Cancel event is simlar to END but slighly different. For example, Android
// MotionEvent's ACTION_CANCEL documentation mentions that a cancel should be
// treated as an ACTION_UP (END) event but might not perform the exact same
// actions as a normal ACTION_UP event.
enum TouchEventType {
optional TouchEventType event_type = 1;
// Only the changed touch points are added to this field.
// Given the existing touch point APIs (e.g. Android and PPAPI)
// for START, END, and CANCEL events the size of this field will typically be
// 1, but for MOVE events it is likely to have multiple points.
repeated TouchEventPoint touch_points = 2;