blob: 211b0231ddbeae5c1b2b460f6244cded5fcbf6aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Protocol for video messages.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package remoting;
message VideoPacketFormat {
// Identifies how the image was encoded.
enum Encoding {
// The encoding used for this image update.
optional Encoding encoding = 5 [default = ENCODING_INVALID];
// Width and height of the whole screen.
optional int32 screen_width = 6;
optional int32 screen_height = 7;
// Horizontal and vertical DPI of the screen. If either of these is zero or
// unset, the corresponding DPI should be assumed to be 96 (Windows' default)
optional int32 x_dpi = 8;
optional int32 y_dpi = 9;
// TODO(hclam): Remove this message once we can obtain dirty rects from libvpx.
message Rect {
optional int32 x = 1;
optional int32 y = 2;
optional int32 width = 3;
optional int32 height = 4;
message VideoPacket {
optional VideoPacketFormat format = 4;
optional bytes data = 5;
// List of rectangles updated by this frame.
repeated Rect dirty_rects = 6;
// Time in milliseconds spent in capturing this video frame.
optional int64 capture_time_ms = 7;
// Time in milliseconds spent in encoding this video frame.
optional int64 encode_time_ms = 8;
// The client's timestamp of the latest event received by the host before
// starting to capture this video frame.
optional int64 latest_event_timestamp = 9;
repeated Rect desktop_shape_rects = 10;
// True when |desktop_shape_rects| should be used.
optional bool use_desktop_shape = 11;
// Optional frame timestamp. Used in tests to estimate frame latency.
optional int64 timestamp = 12;
// Frame identifier used to match VideoFrame and VideoAck.
optional int32 frame_id = 13;
// VideoAck acknowledges that the frame in the VideoPacket with the same
// frame_id has been rendered. VideoAck messages must be sent only for frames
// that have frame_id field set. They must be sent the same order in which
// the corresponding VideoPackets were received.
message VideoAck {
// Frame ID.
optional int32 frame_id = 1;