blob: e98c99204d2a5e49cf80d5255a8dd348de4e05dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_profile_validator.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/autofill_offer_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/autofill_profile.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/credit_card.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/credit_card_cloud_token_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/geo/alternative_state_name_map_updater.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/payments/account_info_getter.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/payments/payments_customer_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/personal_data_manager_cleaner.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/proto/server.pb.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/sync_utils.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/ui/suggestion.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/webdata/autofill_change.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/webdata/autofill_webdata_service.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/webdata/autofill_webdata_service_observer.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_service_observer.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_member.h"
#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/account_info.h"
#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/identity_manager.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_service_observer.h"
#include "components/webdata/common/web_data_service_consumer.h"
class Profile;
class PrefService;
class RemoveAutofillTester;
namespace autofill {
class AutofillInteractiveTest;
class PersonalDataManagerObserver;
class PersonalDataManagerFactory;
class PersonalDatabaseHelper;
} // namespace autofill
namespace autofill_helper {
void SetProfiles(int, std::vector<autofill::AutofillProfile>*);
void SetCreditCards(int, std::vector<autofill::CreditCard>*);
} // namespace autofill_helper
namespace syncer {
class SyncService;
} // namespace syncer
namespace autofill {
// Handles loading and saving Autofill profile information to the web database.
// This class also stores the profiles loaded from the database for use during
// Autofill.
class PersonalDataManager : public KeyedService,
public WebDataServiceConsumer,
public AutofillWebDataServiceObserverOnUISequence,
public history::HistoryServiceObserver,
public syncer::SyncServiceObserver,
public signin::IdentityManager::Observer,
public AccountInfoGetter {
explicit PersonalDataManager(const std::string& app_locale);
PersonalDataManager(const std::string& app_locale,
const std::string& country_code);
~PersonalDataManager() override;
// Kicks off asynchronous loading of profiles and credit cards.
// |profile_database| is a profile-scoped database that will be used to save
// local cards. |account_database| is scoped to the currently signed-in
// account, and is wiped on signout and browser exit. This can be a nullptr
// if personal_data_manager should use |profile_database| for all data.
// If passed in, the |account_database| is used by default for server cards.
// |pref_service| must outlive this instance. |is_off_the_record| informs this
// instance whether the user is currently operating in an off-the-record
// context.
void Init(scoped_refptr<AutofillWebDataService> profile_database,
scoped_refptr<AutofillWebDataService> account_database,
PrefService* pref_service,
PrefService* local_state,
signin::IdentityManager* identity_manager,
AutofillProfileValidator* client_profile_validator,
history::HistoryService* history_service,
bool is_off_the_record);
// KeyedService:
void Shutdown() override;
// Called once the sync service is known to be instantiated. Note that it may
// not be started, but it's preferences can be queried.
virtual void OnSyncServiceInitialized(syncer::SyncService* sync_service);
// history::HistoryServiceObserver
void OnURLsDeleted(history::HistoryService* history_service,
const history::DeletionInfo& deletion_info) override;
// WebDataServiceConsumer:
void OnWebDataServiceRequestDone(
WebDataServiceBase::Handle h,
std::unique_ptr<WDTypedResult> result) override;
// AutofillWebDataServiceObserverOnUISequence:
void AutofillMultipleChangedBySync() override;
void AutofillAddressConversionCompleted() override;
void SyncStarted(syncer::ModelType model_type) override;
// SyncServiceObserver:
void OnStateChanged(syncer::SyncService* sync) override;
void OnSyncShutdown(syncer::SyncService* sync) override;
// AccountInfoGetter:
CoreAccountInfo GetAccountInfoForPaymentsServer() const override;
bool IsSyncFeatureEnabled() const override;
// signin::IdentityManager::Observer:
void OnAccountsCookieDeletedByUserAction() override;
// Returns the current sync status.
virtual AutofillSyncSigninState GetSyncSigninState() const;
// Adds a listener to be notified of PersonalDataManager events.
virtual void AddObserver(PersonalDataManagerObserver* observer);
// Removes |observer| as an observer of this PersonalDataManager.
virtual void RemoveObserver(PersonalDataManagerObserver* observer);
// Notifies test observers that an address or credit card could not be
// imported from a form.
void MarkObserversInsufficientFormDataForImport();
// Called to indicate |profile_or_credit_card| was used (to fill in a form).
// Updates the database accordingly.
virtual void RecordUseOf(
absl::variant<const AutofillProfile*, const CreditCard*>
// Saves |imported_profile| to the WebDB if it exists. Returns the guid of
// the new or updated profile, or the empty string if no profile was saved.
virtual std::string SaveImportedProfile(
const AutofillProfile& imported_profile);
// Called when the user accepts the prompt to save the credit card locally.
// Records some metrics and attempts to save the imported card. Returns the
// guid of the new or updated card, or the empty string if no card was saved.
std::string OnAcceptedLocalCreditCardSave(
const CreditCard& imported_credit_card);
// Triggered when the user accepts saving a UPI ID. Stores the |upi_id| to
// the database.
virtual void AddUpiId(const std::string& upi_id);
// Returns all the stored UPI IDs.
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetUpiIds();
// Adds |profile| to the web database.
virtual void AddProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile);
// Updates |profile| which already exists in the web database.
virtual void UpdateProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile);
// Removes the profile or credit card represented by |guid|.
virtual void RemoveByGUID(const std::string& guid);
// Returns the profile with the specified |guid|, or nullptr if there is no
// profile with the specified |guid|.
virtual AutofillProfile* GetProfileByGUID(const std::string& guid);
// Returns the profile with the specified |guid| from the given |profiles|, or
// nullptr if there is no profile with the specified |guid|.
static AutofillProfile* GetProfileFromProfilesByGUID(
const std::string& guid,
const std::vector<AutofillProfile*>& profiles);
// Adds |credit_card| to the web database as a local card.
virtual void AddCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card);
// Delete list of provided credit cards.
virtual void DeleteLocalCreditCards(const std::vector<CreditCard>& cards);
// Updates |credit_card| which already exists in the web database. This
// can only be used on local credit cards.
virtual void UpdateCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card);
// Adds |credit_card| to the web database as a full server card.
virtual void AddFullServerCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card);
// Update a server card. Only the full number and masked/unmasked
// status can be changed. Looks up the card by server ID.
virtual void UpdateServerCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card);
// Updates the use stats and billing address id for the server |credit_cards|.
// Looks up the cards by server_id.
virtual void UpdateServerCardsMetadata(
const std::vector<CreditCard>& credit_cards);
// Resets the card for |guid| to the masked state.
void ResetFullServerCard(const std::string& guid);
// Resets all unmasked cards to the masked state.
void ResetFullServerCards();
// Deletes all server profiles and cards (both masked and unmasked).
void ClearAllServerData();
// Deletes all local profiles and cards.
virtual void ClearAllLocalData();
// Sets a server credit card for test.
void AddServerCreditCardForTest(std::unique_ptr<CreditCard> credit_card);
// Returns whether server credit cards are stored in account (i.e. ephemeral)
// storage.
bool IsUsingAccountStorageForServerDataForTest() const;
// Sets which SyncService to use and observe in a test. |sync_service| is not
// owned by this class and must outlive |this|.
void SetSyncServiceForTest(syncer::SyncService* sync_service);
// Returns the credit card with the specified |guid|, or nullptr if there is
// no credit card with the specified |guid|.
virtual CreditCard* GetCreditCardByGUID(const std::string& guid);
// Returns the credit card with the specified |number|, or nullptr if there is
// no credit card with the specified |number|.
virtual CreditCard* GetCreditCardByNumber(const std::string& number);
// Gets the field types availabe in the stored address and credit card data.
void GetNonEmptyTypes(ServerFieldTypeSet* non_empty_types) const;
// Returns whether the personal data has been loaded from the web database.
virtual bool IsDataLoaded() const;
// This PersonalDataManager owns these profiles and credit cards. Their
// lifetime is until the web database is updated with new profile and credit
// card information, respectively.
virtual std::vector<AutofillProfile*> GetProfiles() const;
// Returns just SERVER_PROFILES.
virtual std::vector<AutofillProfile*> GetServerProfiles() const;
// Returns just LOCAL_CARD cards.
virtual std::vector<CreditCard*> GetLocalCreditCards() const;
// Returns just server cards.
virtual std::vector<CreditCard*> GetServerCreditCards() const;
// Returns all credit cards, server and local.
virtual std::vector<CreditCard*> GetCreditCards() const;
// Returns the Payments customer data. Returns nullptr if no data is present.
virtual PaymentsCustomerData* GetPaymentsCustomerData() const;
// Returns the credit card cloud token data.
virtual std::vector<CreditCardCloudTokenData*> GetCreditCardCloudTokenData()
// Returns the credit card offer data.
virtual std::vector<AutofillOfferData*> GetCreditCardOffers() const;
// Updates the validity states of |profiles| according to server validity map.
void UpdateProfilesServerValidityMapsIfNeeded(
const std::vector<AutofillProfile*>& profiles);
// Requests an update for the validity states of the |profiles| according to
// client side validation API: |client_profile_validator_|.
void UpdateClientValidityStates(
const std::vector<AutofillProfile*>& profiles);
// Requests an update for the validity states of the |profile| according to
// the client side validation API: |client_profile_validator_|. Returns true
// if the validation was requested.
bool UpdateClientValidityStates(const AutofillProfile& profile);
// Returns the profiles to suggest to the user, ordered by frecency.
std::vector<AutofillProfile*> GetProfilesToSuggest() const;
// Returns Suggestions corresponding to the focused field's |type| and
// |field_contents|, i.e. what the user has typed. |field_is_autofilled| is
// true if the field has already been autofilled, and |field_types| stores the
// types of all the form's input fields, including the field with which the
// user is interacting.
std::vector<Suggestion> GetProfileSuggestions(
const AutofillType& type,
const base::string16& field_contents,
bool field_is_autofilled,
const std::vector<ServerFieldType>& field_types);
// Returns the credit cards to suggest to the user. Those have been deduped
// and ordered by frecency with the expired cards put at the end of the
// vector. If |include_server_cards| is false, server side cards should not
// be included.
const std::vector<CreditCard*> GetCreditCardsToSuggest(
bool include_server_cards) const;
// Remove credit cards that are expired at |comparison_time| and not used
// since |min_last_used| from |cards|. The relative ordering of |cards| is
// maintained.
static void RemoveExpiredCreditCardsNotUsedSinceTimestamp(
base::Time comparison_time,
base::Time min_last_used,
std::vector<CreditCard*>* cards);
// Gets credit cards that can suggest data for |type|. See
// GetProfileSuggestions for argument descriptions. The variant in each
// GUID pair should be ignored. If |include_server_cards| is false, server
// side cards should not be included.
std::vector<Suggestion> GetCreditCardSuggestions(
const AutofillType& type,
const base::string16& field_contents,
bool include_server_cards);
// Re-loads profiles and credit cards from the WebDatabase asynchronously.
// In the general case, this is a no-op and will re-create the same
// in-memory model as existed prior to the call. If any change occurred to
// profiles in the WebDatabase directly, as is the case if the browser sync
// engine processed a change from the cloud, we will learn of these as a
// result of this call.
// Also see SetProfile for more details.
virtual void Refresh();
// Returns the |app_locale_| that was provided during construction.
const std::string& app_locale() const { return app_locale_; }
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
// Returns the country code that was provided from the variations service
// during construction.
const std::string& variations_country_code_for_testing() const {
return variations_country_code_;
// Sets the country code from the variations service.
void set_variations_country_code_for_testing(std::string country_code) {
variations_country_code_ = country_code;
// Returns the raw pointer to PersonalDataManagerCleaner used for testing
// purposes.
PersonalDataManagerCleaner* personal_data_manager_cleaner_for_testing()
const {
return personal_data_manager_cleaner_.get();
// Returns our best guess for the country a user is likely to use when
// inputting a new address. The value is calculated once and cached, so it
// will only update when Chrome is restarted.
virtual const std::string& GetDefaultCountryCodeForNewAddress() const;
// De-dupe credit card to suggest. Full server cards are preferred over their
// local duplicates, and local cards are preferred over their masked server
// card duplicate.
static void DedupeCreditCardToSuggest(
std::list<CreditCard*>* cards_to_suggest);
// Cancels any pending queries to the server web database.
void CancelPendingServerQueries();
// Returns if there are any pending queries to the web database.
bool HasPendingQueriesForTesting();
// This function assumes |credit_card| contains the full PAN. Returns |true|
// if the card number of |credit_card| is equal to any local card or any
// unmasked server card known by the browser, or |TypeAndLastFourDigits| of
// |credit_card| is equal to any masked server card known by the browser.
bool IsKnownCard(const CreditCard& credit_card) const;
// Check whether a card is a server card or has a duplicated server card.
bool IsServerCard(const CreditCard* credit_card) const;
// Sets the value that can skip the checks to see if we are syncing in a test.
void SetSyncingForTest(bool is_syncing_for_test) {
is_syncing_for_test_ = is_syncing_for_test;
// Returns whether a row to give the option of showing cards from the user's
// account should be shown in the dropdown.
bool ShouldShowCardsFromAccountOption() const;
// Triggered when a user selects the option to see cards from their account.
// Records the sync transport consent.
void OnUserAcceptedCardsFromAccountOption();
// Logs the fact that the server card link was clicked including information
// about the current sync state.
void LogServerCardLinkClicked() const;
// Records the sync transport consent if the user is in sync transport mode.
virtual void OnUserAcceptedUpstreamOffer();
// Notifies observers that the waiting should be stopped.
void NotifyPersonalDataObserver();
// Called when at least one (can be multiple) card was saved. |is_local_card|
// indicates if the card is saved to local storage.
void OnCreditCardSaved(bool is_local_card);
// Returns true if either Profile or CreditCard Autofill is enabled.
virtual bool IsAutofillEnabled() const;
// Returns the value of the AutofillProfileEnabled pref.
virtual bool IsAutofillProfileEnabled() const;
// Returns the value of the AutofillCreditCardEnabled pref.
virtual bool IsAutofillCreditCardEnabled() const;
// Returns the value of the AutofillWalletImportEnabled pref.
virtual bool IsAutofillWalletImportEnabled() const;
void set_client_profile_validator_for_test(
AutofillProfileValidator* validator) {
client_profile_validator_ = validator;
// Only PersonalDataManagerFactory and certain tests can create instances of
// PersonalDataManager.
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PersonalDataManagerTest, AddProfile_CrazyCharacters);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PersonalDataManagerTest, AddProfile_Invalid);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PersonalDataManagerTest, AddCreditCard_Invalid);
ConvertWalletAddressesAndUpdateWalletCards_NewCrd_AddressAlreadyConverted); // NOLINT
ConvertWalletAddressesAndUpdateWalletCards_MultipleSimilarWalletAddresses); // NOLINT
friend class autofill::AutofillInteractiveTest;
friend class autofill::PersonalDataManagerCleaner;
friend class autofill::PersonalDataManagerFactory;
friend class AutofillMetricsTest;
friend class FormDataImporterTest;
friend class PersonalDataManagerTest;
friend class PersonalDataManagerTestBase;
friend class PersonalDataManagerHelper;
friend class PersonalDataManagerMockTest;
friend class SaveImportedProfileTest;
friend class ProfileSyncServiceAutofillTest;
friend class ::RemoveAutofillTester;
friend std::default_delete<PersonalDataManager>;
friend void autofill_helper::SetProfiles(
friend void autofill_helper::SetCreditCards(
friend void SetTestProfiles(Profile* base_profile,
std::vector<AutofillProfile>* profiles);
// Sets |web_profiles_| to the contents of |profiles| and updates the web
// database by adding, updating and removing profiles. |web_profiles_| need to
// be updated at the end of the function, since some tasks cannot tolerate
// database delays.
virtual void SetProfiles(std::vector<AutofillProfile>* profiles);
// Sets |credit_cards_| to the contents of |credit_cards| and updates the web
// database by adding, updating and removing credit cards.
void SetCreditCards(std::vector<CreditCard>* credit_cards);
// Loads the saved profiles from the web database.
virtual void LoadProfiles();
// Loads the saved credit cards from the web database.
virtual void LoadCreditCards();
// Loads the saved credit card cloud token data from the web database.
virtual void LoadCreditCardCloudTokenData();
// Loads the payments customer data from the web database.
virtual void LoadPaymentsCustomerData();
// Loads the saved UPI IDs from the web database.
virtual void LoadUpiIds();
// Loads the offer data from the web database.
virtual void LoadCreditCardOffers();
// Cancels a pending query to the local web database. |handle| is a pointer
// to the query handle.
void CancelPendingLocalQuery(WebDataServiceBase::Handle* handle);
// Cancels a pending query to the server web database. |handle| is a pointer
// to the query handle.
void CancelPendingServerQuery(WebDataServiceBase::Handle* handle);
// The first time this is called, logs a UMA metrics about the user's autofill
// addresses. On subsequent calls, does nothing.
void LogStoredProfileMetrics() const;
// The first time this is called, logs an UMA metric about the user's autofill
// credit cards. On subsequent calls, does nothing.
void LogStoredCreditCardMetrics() const;
// The first time this is called, logs UMA metrics about the users's autofill
// offer data. On subsequent calls, does nothing.
void LogStoredOfferMetrics() const;
// Whether the server cards are enabled and should be suggested to the user.
virtual bool ShouldSuggestServerCards() const;
// Overrideable for testing.
virtual std::string CountryCodeForCurrentTimezone() const;
// Sets which PrefService to use and observe. |pref_service| is not owned by
// this class and must outlive |this|.
void SetPrefService(PrefService* pref_service);
// Called when the |profile| is validated by the AutofillProfileValidator,
// updates the profiles on the |ongoing_profile_changes_| and the DB.
virtual void OnValidated(const AutofillProfile* profile);
// Get the profiles fields validity map by |guid|.
const ProfileValidityMap& GetProfileValidityByGUID(const std::string& guid);
// Decides which database type to use for server and local cards.
std::unique_ptr<PersonalDatabaseHelper> database_helper_;
// True if personal data has been loaded from the web database.
bool is_data_loaded_ = false;
// The loaded web profiles. These are constructed from entries on web pages
// and from manually editing in the settings.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AutofillProfile>> web_profiles_;
// Profiles read from the user's account stored on the server.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AutofillProfile>> server_profiles_;
// Stores the PaymentsCustomerData obtained from the database.
std::unique_ptr<PaymentsCustomerData> payments_customer_data_;
// Cached versions of the local and server credit cards.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CreditCard>> local_credit_cards_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CreditCard>> server_credit_cards_;
// Cached UPI IDs.
std::vector<std::string> upi_ids_;
// Cached version of the CreditCardCloudTokenData obtained from the database.
// Offer data for user's credit cards.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AutofillOfferData>> autofill_offer_data_;
// When the manager makes a request from WebDataServiceBase, the database
// is queried on another sequence, we record the query handle until we
// get called back. We store handles for both profile and credit card queries
// so they can be loaded at the same time.
WebDataServiceBase::Handle pending_profiles_query_ = 0;
WebDataServiceBase::Handle pending_server_profiles_query_ = 0;
WebDataServiceBase::Handle pending_creditcards_query_ = 0;
WebDataServiceBase::Handle pending_server_creditcards_query_ = 0;
WebDataServiceBase::Handle pending_server_creditcard_cloud_token_data_query_ =
WebDataServiceBase::Handle pending_customer_data_query_ = 0;
WebDataServiceBase::Handle pending_upi_ids_query_ = 0;
WebDataServiceBase::Handle pending_offer_data_query_ = 0;
// The observers.
base::ObserverList<PersonalDataManagerObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
// Used to populate AlternativeStateNameMap with the geographical state data
// (including their abbreviations and localized names).
// |profile_valditiies_need_update| whenever the profile validities are out of
bool profiles_server_validities_need_update_ = true;
// Saves |imported_credit_card| to the WebDB if it exists. Returns the guid of
// the new or updated card, or the empty string if no card was saved.
virtual std::string SaveImportedCreditCard(
const CreditCard& imported_credit_card);
// Finds the country code that occurs most frequently among all profiles.
// Prefers verified profiles over unverified ones.
std::string MostCommonCountryCodeFromProfiles() const;
// Called when the value of prefs::kAutofillWalletImportEnabled changes.
void EnableWalletIntegrationPrefChanged();
// Called when the value of prefs::kAutofillCreditCardEnabled or
// prefs::kAutofillProfileEnabled changes.
void EnableAutofillPrefChanged();
// Returns credit card suggestions based on the |cards_to_suggest| and the
// |type| and |field_contents| of the credit card field.
std::vector<Suggestion> GetSuggestionsForCards(
const AutofillType& type,
const base::string16& field_contents,
const std::vector<CreditCard*>& cards_to_suggest) const;
// Converts the Wallet addresses to local autofill profiles. This should be
// called after all the syncable data has been processed (local cards and
// profiles, Wallet data and metadata). Also updates Wallet cards' billing
// address id to point to the local profiles.
void ConvertWalletAddressesAndUpdateWalletCards();
// Converts the Wallet addresses into local profiles either by merging with an
// existing |local_profiles| of by adding a new one. Populates the
// |server_id_profiles_map| to be used when updating cards where the address
// was already converted. Also populates the |guids_merge_map| to keep the
// link between the Wallet address and the equivalent local profile (from
// merge or creation).
bool ConvertWalletAddressesToLocalProfiles(
std::vector<AutofillProfile>* local_profiles,
std::unordered_map<std::string, AutofillProfile*>* server_id_profiles_map,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* guids_merge_map);
// Goes through the Wallet cards to find cards where the billing address is a
// Wallet address which was already converted in a previous pass. Looks for a
// matching local profile and updates the |guids_merge_map| to make the card
// refer to it.
bool UpdateWalletCardsAlreadyConvertedBillingAddresses(
const std::vector<AutofillProfile>& local_profiles,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, AutofillProfile*>&
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* guids_merge_map) const;
// Removes profile from web database according to |guid| and resets credit
// card's billing address if that address is used by any credit cards.
// The method does not refresh, this allows multiple removal with one
// refreshing in the end.
void RemoveAutofillProfileByGUIDAndBlankCreditCardReference(
const std::string& guid);
// Resets |synced_profile_validity_|.
void ResetProfileValidity();
// Add/Update/Remove |profile| on DB. |enforced| should be true when the
// add/update should happen regardless of an existing/equal profile.
void AddProfileToDB(const AutofillProfile& profile, bool enforced = false);
void UpdateProfileInDB(const AutofillProfile& profile, bool enforced = false);
void RemoveProfileFromDB(const std::string& guid);
// Triggered when a profile is added/updated/removed on db.
void OnAutofillProfileChanged(const AutofillProfileDeepChange& change);
// Look at the next profile change for profile with guid = |guid|, and handle
// it.
void HandleNextProfileChange(const std::string& guid);
// returns true if there is any profile change that's still ongoing.
bool ProfileChangesAreOngoing();
// returns true if there is any ongoing change for profile with guid = |guid|
// that's still ongoing.
bool ProfileChangesAreOngoing(const std::string& guid);
// Remove the change from the |ongoing_profile_changes_|, handle next task or
// Refresh.
void OnProfileChangeDone(const std::string& guid);
// Clear |ongoing_profile_changes_|.
void ClearOnGoingProfileChanges();
// Returns if there are any pending queries to the web database.
bool HasPendingQueries();
// Migrates the user opted in to wallet sync transport. This is needed while
// migrating from using email to Gaia ID as th account identifier.
void MigrateUserOptedInWalletSyncTransportIfNeeded();
// Return a nickname for the |card| to display. This is generally the nickname
// stored in |card|, unless |card| exists as a local and a server copy. In
// this case, we prefer the nickname of the local if it is defined. If only
// one copy has a nickname, take that.
base::string16 GetDisplayNicknameForCreditCard(const CreditCard& card) const;
// Returns true if the sync is enabled for |model_type|.
bool IsSyncEnabledFor(syncer::ModelType model_type);
// Returns the database that is used for storing local data.
scoped_refptr<AutofillWebDataService> GetLocalDatabase();
// Stores the |app_locale| supplied on construction.
const std::string app_locale_;
// Stores the country code that was provided from the variations service
// during construction.
std::string variations_country_code_;
// The default country code for new addresses.
mutable std::string default_country_code_;
// The PrefService that this instance uses. Must outlive this instance.
PrefService* pref_service_ = nullptr;
// The HistoryService to be observed by the personal data manager. Must
// outlive this instance. This unowned pointer is retained so the PDM can
// remove itself from the history service's observer list on shutdown.
history::HistoryService* history_service_ = nullptr;
// Pref registrar for managing the change observers.
PrefChangeRegistrar pref_registrar_;
// Profiles validity read from the prefs. They are kept updated by
// observing changes in pref_services. We need to set the
// |profile_validities_need_update_| whenever this is changed.
std::unique_ptr<UserProfileValidityMap> synced_profile_validity_;
// PersonalDataManagerCleaner is used to apply various address and credit
// card fixes/cleanups one time at browser startup or when the sync starts.
// PersonalDataManagerCleaner is declared as a friend class.
std::unique_ptr<PersonalDataManagerCleaner> personal_data_manager_cleaner_;
// A timely ordered list of ongoing changes for each profile.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::deque<AutofillProfileDeepChange>>
// The client side profile validator.
AutofillProfileValidator* client_profile_validator_ = nullptr;
// The identity manager that this instance uses. Must outlive this instance.
signin::IdentityManager* identity_manager_ = nullptr;
// The sync service this instances uses. Must outlive this instance.
syncer::SyncService* sync_service_ = nullptr;
// Whether the user is currently operating in an off-the-record context.
// Default value is false.
bool is_off_the_record_ = false;
// Whether we have already logged the stored profile metrics this session.
mutable bool has_logged_stored_profile_metrics_ = false;
// Whether we have already logged the stored credit card metrics this session.
mutable bool has_logged_stored_credit_card_metrics_ = false;
// Whether we have already logged the stored offer metrics this session.
mutable bool has_logged_stored_offer_metrics_ = false;
// An observer to listen for changes to prefs::kAutofillCreditCardEnabled.
std::unique_ptr<BooleanPrefMember> credit_card_enabled_pref_;
// An observer to listen for changes to prefs::kAutofillProfileEnabled.
std::unique_ptr<BooleanPrefMember> profile_enabled_pref_;
// An observer to listen for changes to prefs::kAutofillWalletImportEnabled.
std::unique_ptr<BooleanPrefMember> wallet_enabled_pref_;
// Whether sync should be considered on in a test.
bool is_syncing_for_test_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PersonalDataManager> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace autofill