blob: 5ff3cd10a95c18b8597a781c0010ab408206b6f1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
* This program is distributed under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
* at the top of the source tree.
package org.pantsbuild.jmake;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
* This class implements management of the Project Class Directory, automatic tracking
* of changes and recompilation of .java sources for a project.
* @author Misha Dmitriev
* 23 January 2003
public class PCDManager {
private PCDContainer pcdc;
private Map<String,PCDEntry> pcd; // Maps project class names to PCDEntries
private String projectJavaAndJarFilesArray[];
private String addedJavaAndJarFilesArray[], removedJavaAndJarFilesArray[], updatedJavaAndJarFilesArray[];
private List<String> newJavaFiles;
private Set<String> updatedJavaFiles;
private Set<String> recompiledJavaFiles;
private Set<String> updatedClasses; // This set is emptied on every new internal jmake iteration...
private Set<String> allUpdatedClasses; // whereas in this one the names of all updated classes found during this jmake invocation are stored.
private Set<String> updatedAndCheckedClasses;
private Set<String> deletedClasses;
private Set<String> updatedJarFiles;
private Set<String> stableJarFiles;
private Set<String> newJarFiles;
private Set<String> deletedJarFiles;
/* Dependencies from the dependencyFile, if any */
private Map<String, List<String>> extraDependencies;
private String destDir;
private boolean destDirSpecified;
private List<String> javacAddArgs;
private Class<?> compilerClass;
private Method compileMethod;
private String jcExecApp;
private Object externalApp;
private Method externalCompileSourceFilesMethod;
private Adler32 checkSum;
private CompatibilityChecker cv;
private ClassFileReader cfr;
private boolean newProject = false;
private String dependencyFile = null;
private static boolean backSlashFileSeparator = File.separatorChar != '/';
/**** Interface to the class ****/
* Either projectJavaAndJarFilesArray != null and added.. == removed.. == updatedJavaAndJarFilesArray == null,
* or projectJavaAndJarFilesArray == null and one or more of others != null.
* When PCDManager is called from Main, this is guaranteed, since separate entrypoint functions initialize
* either one or another of the above argument groups, but never both.
public PCDManager(PCDContainer pcdc,
String projectJavaAndJarFilesArray[],
String addedJavaAndJarFilesArray[],
String removedJavaAndJarFilesArray[],
String updatedJavaAndJarFilesArray[],
String in_destDir,
List<String> javacAddArgs,
boolean failOnDependentJar,
boolean noWarnOnDependentJar,
String dependencyFile) {
this.pcdc = pcdc;
if (pcdc.pcd == null) {
pcd = new LinkedHashMap<String,PCDEntry>();
pcdc.pcd = pcd;
newProject = true;
} else {
pcd = pcdc.pcd;
this.projectJavaAndJarFilesArray = projectJavaAndJarFilesArray;
this.addedJavaAndJarFilesArray = addedJavaAndJarFilesArray;
this.removedJavaAndJarFilesArray = removedJavaAndJarFilesArray;
this.updatedJavaAndJarFilesArray = updatedJavaAndJarFilesArray;
this.dependencyFile = dependencyFile;
newJavaFiles = new ArrayList<String>();
updatedJavaFiles = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
recompiledJavaFiles = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
updatedAndCheckedClasses = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
deletedClasses = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
allUpdatedClasses = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
updatedJarFiles = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
stableJarFiles = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
newJarFiles = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
deletedJarFiles = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
this.javacAddArgs = javacAddArgs;
checkSum = new Adler32();
cv = new CompatibilityChecker(this, failOnDependentJar, noWarnOnDependentJar);
cfr = new ClassFileReader();
public Collection<PCDEntry> entries() {
return pcd.values();
public ClassFileReader getClassFileReader() {
return cfr;
public ClassInfo getClassInfoForName(int verCode, String className) {
PCDEntry pcde = pcd.get(className);
if (pcde != null) {
return getClassInfoForPCDEntry(verCode, pcde);
} else {
return null;
public boolean isProjectClass(int verCode, String className) {
if (verCode == ClassInfo.VER_OLD) {
return pcd.containsKey(className);
} else {
PCDEntry pcde = pcd.get(className);
return (pcde != null && pcde.checkResult != PCDEntry.CV_DELETED);
* Get an instance of ClassInfo (load a class file if necessary) for the given version (old or new) of
* the class determined by pcde. For an old class version, always returns a non-null result; but for a new
* version, null is returned if class file is not found. In most of the current uses of this method null result
* is not checked, because it's either called for an old version or it is already known that the .class file
* should be present; nevertheless, beware!
public ClassInfo getClassInfoForPCDEntry(int verCode, PCDEntry pcde) {
if (verCode == ClassInfo.VER_OLD) {
return pcde.oldClassInfo;
ClassInfo res = pcde.newClassInfo;
if (res == null) {
byte classFileBytes[];
String classFileFullPath = null;
if (pcde.javaFileFullPath.endsWith(".java")) {
File classFile = Utils.checkFileForName(pcde.classFileFullPath);
if (classFile == null) {
return null; // Class file not found.
classFileBytes = Utils.readFileIntoBuffer(classFile);
classFileFullPath = pcde.classFileFullPath;
} else {
try {
JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(pcde.javaFileFullPath);
JarEntry jarEntry =
jarFile.getJarEntry(pcde.className + ".class");
if (jarEntry == null) {
return null;
classFileBytes =
Utils.readZipEntryIntoBuffer(jarFile, jarEntry);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new PrivateException(ex);
res =
new ClassInfo(classFileBytes, verCode, this, classFileFullPath);
pcde.newClassInfo = res;
return res;
* Returns null if class is compileable (has a .java source) and not recompiled yet, "" if
* class has already been recompiled or has been deleted from project, and the class's .jar
* name if class comes from a jar, hence is uncompileable.
public String classAlreadyRecompiledOrUncompileable(String className) {
PCDEntry pcde = pcd.get(className);
if (pcde == null) {
for (String keyName : pcd.keySet()) {
PCDEntry entry = pcd.get(keyName);
if (entry.className.equals(className)) {
System.out.println("ERROR: inconsistent entry: key = " +
keyName + ", name in entry = " + entry.className);
throw internalException(className + " not in project when it should be");
if (pcde.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_DELETED) {
return "";
if (pcde.javaFileFullPath.endsWith(".jar")) {
return pcde.javaFileFullPath;
} else {
return (recompiledJavaFiles.contains(pcde.javaFileFullPath) ? "" : null);
* Compiler initialization depends on compiler type specified.
* If jcExecApp != null, i.e. an external executable compiler application is used, and nothing has to be done.
* If externalApp != null, that is, jmake is called by an external application such as Ant, which
* manages compilation in its own way, and also nothing has to be done.
* Otherwise, load the compiler class and method (either specified through jcPath, jcMainClass and jcMethod,
* or the default one.
public void initializeCompiler(String jcExecApp,
String jcPath, String jcMainClass, String jcMethod,
Object externalApp, Method externalCompileSourceFilesMethod) {
if (externalApp != null) {
this.externalApp = externalApp;
this.externalCompileSourceFilesMethod =
if (jcExecApp != null) {
this.jcExecApp = jcExecApp;
if (jcPath == null) {
String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
// In my tests it ends with '/jre'. Or it could be ending with '/bin' as well? Let's assume it can be both and delete
// this latter directory.
if (javaHome.endsWith(File.separator + "jre") || javaHome.endsWith(File.separator + "bin")) {
javaHome = javaHome.substring(0, javaHome.length() - 4);
jcPath = javaHome + "/lib/tools.jar";
ClassLoader compilerLoader;
try {
compilerLoader = ClassPath.getClassLoaderForPath(jcPath);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw compilerInteractionException("error opening compiler path", ex, 0);
if (jcMainClass == null) {
jcMainClass = "";
if (jcMethod == null) {
jcMethod = "compile";
try {
compilerClass = compilerLoader.loadClass(jcMainClass);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw compilerInteractionException("error loading compiler main class " + jcMainClass, e, 0);
Class<?>[] args = new Class<?>[]{String[].class};
try {
compileMethod = compilerClass.getMethod(jcMethod, args);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw compilerInteractionException("error getting method args[])", e, 0);
/** Main entrypoint for this class */
public void run() {
Utils.stopAndPrintTiming("Synchro", Utils.TIMING_SYNCHRO);
Utils.printTiming("of which synchro check file", Utils.TIMING_SYNCHRO_CHECK_JAVA_FILES);
Utils.stopAndPrintTiming("findUpdatedJavaAndJarFiles", Utils.TIMING_FIND_UPDATED_JAVA_FILES);
Utils.printTiming("of which classFileObsoleteOrDeleted", Utils.TIMING_CLASS_FILE_OBSOLETE_OR_DELETED);
// Let's free some memory
projectJavaAndJarFilesArray = null;
updatedClasses = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
int iterNo = 0;
int res = 0;
while (iterNo == 0 || updatedJavaFiles.size() != 0 || newJavaFiles.size() != 0) {
// It may happen that we didn't find any updated or new .java files. However, we still need to enter
// this loop because there may be some class files that need compatibility checking. This can happen
// either if somebody had recompiled their sources bypassing jmake, or if their checking during the
// previous invocation of jmake failed, because their dependent code recompilation failed.
if (updatedJavaFiles.size() > 0 || newJavaFiles.size() > 0) {
int intermediateRes = recompileUpdatedJavaFiles();
Utils.stopAndPrintTiming("Compile", Utils.TIMING_COMPILE);
if (intermediateRes != 0) {
res = intermediateRes;
// New classes can be added to pdb only if compilation was successful, i.e. the new project version is consistent.
if (iterNo++ == 0 && res == 0) {
Utils.stopAndPrintTiming("Entering new classes in PDB", Utils.TIMING_PDBUPDATE);
Utils.stopAndPrintTiming("Find updated classes", Utils.TIMING_FIND_UPDATED_CLASSES);
Utils.stopAndPrintTiming("Check updated classes", Utils.TIMING_CHECK_UPDATED_CLASSES);
updatedClasses = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
if (ClassPath.getVirtualPath() != null) {
if (res != 0)
Utils.stopAndPrintTiming("PDB write", Utils.TIMING_PDBWRITE);
if (res != 0) {
throw compilerInteractionException("compilation error(s)", null, res);
* Find the newly-created class files for existing java files.
private void findClassFilesForUpdatedJavaFiles() {
if (dependencyFile == null)
Set<String> allClasses = new HashSet<String>();
Map<String, List<String>> dependencies = parseDependencyFile();
for (String file : updatedJavaFiles) {
List<String> myDeps = dependencies.get(file);
if (myDeps != null) {
PCDEntry parent = getNamedPCDE(file, dependencies);
for (String dependency : myDeps) {
if (pcd.containsKey(dependency))
findClassFileOnFilesystem(file, parent, dependency, false);
for (Map.Entry<String, PCDEntry> entry : pcd.entrySet()) {
String cls = entry.getKey();
if (!allClasses.contains(cls)) {
PCDEntry pcde = entry.getValue();
if (updatedJavaFiles.contains(pcde.javaFileFullPath)) {
public String[] getAllUpdatedClassesAsStringArray() {
String[] res = new String[allUpdatedClasses.size()];
int i = 0;
for (String updatedClass : allUpdatedClasses) {
res[i++] = updatedClass.replace('/', '.');
return res;
* Synchronize projectJavaAndJarFilesArray and PCD, i.e. leave only those entries in the PCD which have their
* .java (.jar) files in projectJavaAndJarFilesArray. New .java files in projectJavaAndJarFilesArray (i.e. those
* for which there are no entries in the PCD yet) are added to newJavaFiles; new .jar files are added to newJarFiles.
* Alternatively, just use the supplied arrays of added and deleted .java and .jar files.
* For entries whose .java files are not in the PCD anymore, try to delete .class files. We need to do that before
* compilation to avoid the situation when a .java file is removed but compilation succeeds because the .class file
* is still there.
* Unfortunately, we also need to delete all class files for non-nested classes whose names differ from their .java
* file name, because we can't tell when they've been removed from their .java files -- but it's only safe to do this
* for files that originate from java files that we're compiling this round.
* Upon return from this method, all of the .java and .jar files in the PCD are known to exist.
private void synchronizeProjectFilesAndPCD() {
if (projectJavaAndJarFilesArray != null) {
Set<String> pcdJavaFilesSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>(pcd.size() * 3 / 2);
for(PCDEntry entry : entries()) {
Set<String> canonicalPJF =
new LinkedHashSet<String>(projectJavaAndJarFilesArray.length * 3 / 2);
// Add .java files that are not in PCD to newJavaFiles; add .jar files that are not in PCD to newJarFiles.
for (int i = 0; i < projectJavaAndJarFilesArray.length; i++) {
String projFileName = projectJavaAndJarFilesArray[i];
File projFile = Utils.checkFileForName(projFileName);
if (projFile == null) {
throw new PrivateException(new FileNotFoundException("specified source file " + projFileName + " not found."));
// The main reason for using getAbsolutePath() instead of more reliable getCanonicalPath() is the fact that
// sometimes users may name the actual files containing Java code in some custom way, and give javac/jmake
// symbolic links to these files (that have correct .java names) instead. getCanonicalPath(), however, returns the
// real (i.e. user custom) file name, which will confuse our test below and then javac.
String absoluteProjFileName = projFile.getAbsolutePath();
// On Windows, make sure the drive letter is always in lower case
if (backSlashFileSeparator) {
absoluteProjFileName =
if (!pcdJavaFilesSet.contains(absoluteProjFileName)) {
if (absoluteProjFileName.endsWith(".java")) {
} else if (absoluteProjFileName.endsWith(".jar")) {
} else {
throw new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.InvalidSourceFileExtensionException("specified source file " + projFileName + " has an invalid extension (not .java or .jar)."));
// Find the entries containing .java or .jar files that are not in project anymore
for (Entry<String, PCDEntry> entry : pcd.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
PCDEntry e = entry.getValue();
if (canonicalPJF.contains(e.javaFileFullPath)) {
if (e.isPackagePrivateClass()) {
new File(e.classFileFullPath).delete();
} else {
if (ClassPath.getVirtualPath() == null) {
} else {
// Okay, not found locally, but virtual path was defined, so try it now....
if ( (e.oldClassFileFingerprint == projectJavaAndJarFilesArray.length &&
newJavaFiles.size() == 0) ||
Utils.checkFileForName(e.javaFileFullPath) != null)
e.checkResult = PCDEntry.CV_NEWER_FOUND_NEARER;
e.oldClassFileFingerprint = projectJavaAndJarFilesArray.length;
String classFound = null;
String sourceFound = null;
// Find source and class file via virtual path
String path = ClassPath.getVirtualPath();
// TODO(Eric Ayers): IntelliJ static analysis shows several useless
// expressions that make this loop a no-op.
for (StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path, File.pathSeparator);
!(classFound != null && sourceFound != null) && st.hasMoreTokens();)
String fullPath = st.nextToken()+File.separator+e.className;
if (sourceFound != null && new File(fullPath+".java").exists())
sourceFound = fullPath + ".java";
if (classFound != null && new File(fullPath+".class").exists())
classFound = fullPath + ".class";
// TODO(Eric Ayers): IntelliJ static analysis shows that this expression
// is always true.
if (classFound == null)
if (e.javaFileFullPath.endsWith(".jar"))
(new File(e.classFileFullPath)).delete();
else if (sourceFound != null)
e.checkResult = PCDEntry.CV_NEWER_FOUND_NEARER;
e.oldClassFileFingerprint = projectJavaAndJarFilesArray.length;
classFound = classFound.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
throw new PrivateException(new FileNotFoundException("deleted class " + classFound + " still exists."));
if (e.javaFileFullPath.endsWith(".jar")) {
} else { // Try to delete a class file for the removed project class.
(new File(e.classFileFullPath)).delete();
} else { // projectJavaAndJarFilesArray == null - use supplied arrays of added and removed .java and .jar files
if (addedJavaAndJarFilesArray != null) {
for (String fileName : addedJavaAndJarFilesArray) {
fileName = fileName.intern();
if (fileName.endsWith(".java")) {
} else if (fileName.endsWith(".jar")) {
} else {
throw new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.InvalidSourceFileExtensionException(
"specified source file " + fileName + " has an invalid extension (not .java or .jar)."));
Set<String> removedJavaAndJarFilesSet = null;
if (removedJavaAndJarFilesArray != null) {
removedJavaAndJarFilesSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for (String fileName : removedJavaAndJarFilesArray) {
fileName = fileName.intern();
if (fileName.endsWith(".jar")) {
for (Entry<String, PCDEntry> entry : pcd.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
PCDEntry e = entry.getValue();
if (removedJavaAndJarFilesSet != null &&
removedJavaAndJarFilesSet.contains(e.javaFileFullPath)) {
if (!e.javaFileFullPath.endsWith(".jar")) { // Try to delete a class file for the removed project class.
(new File(e.classFileFullPath)).delete();
* In the end of run, update the information in the project database for the class files which have
* been updated and checked, or deleted. If compilationResult == 0, i.e. all recompilations were
* successful, information for new versions of all of the classes is made permanent, and entries
* for deleted classes are removed permanently. Otherwise, information is updated only for those
* classes whose old and new versions were found source compatible.
private void updateClassFilesInfoInPCD(int compilationResult) {
// If the project appears to be inconsistent after changes, make a preliminary pass that will deal with enclosing
// classes for deleted nested classes. The problem with them can be as follows: we delete a nested class C$X,
// which is still referenced from somewhere. However, C has not changed at all or at least incompatibly, and
// thus we update its PCDEntry, which now does not reference C$X. Other parts of jmake require that a nested
// class is always referenced from its directly enclusing class, thus to keep the PCD consistent we have to remove
// C$X from the PCD. On the next invocation of jmake, C$X is not in the PDB at all, and thus any classes that
// may still reference it and have not been updated are not checked => project becomes inconsistent. We could do
// better by immediately marking enclosing classes incompatible once we detect that a deleted nested class is
// really referenced from somewhere, but the solution below seems to be more robust.
if (compilationResult != 0) {
for (String className : updatedAndCheckedClasses) {
PCDEntry entry = pcd.get(className);
if (entry.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_DELETED &&
!"".equals(entry.oldClassInfo.directlyEnclosingClass)) {
PCDEntry enclEntry =
enclEntry.checkResult = PCDEntry.CV_INCOMPATIBLE;
for (String className : updatedAndCheckedClasses) {
PCDEntry entry = pcd.get(className);
if (entry.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_UNCHECKED) {
if (ClassPath.getVirtualPath() != null) {
if (entry.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_NEWER_FOUND_NEARER) {
if (entry.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_DELETED) {
if (compilationResult == 0) {
pcd.remove(className); // Only if consistency checking is ok, a deleted class can be safely removed from the PCD
} else if (entry.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_COMPATIBLE ||
entry.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_NEW ||
(entry.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_INCOMPATIBLE && compilationResult == 0)) {
if (entry.newClassInfo == null) { // "Safety net" for the (hopefully unlikely) case we overlooked something before...
Utils.printWarningMessage("Warning: internal information inconsistency detected during pdb updating");
Utils.printWarningMessage("Class name: " + className);
if (entry.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_NEW) {
} else {
entry.oldClassFileLastModified = entry.newClassFileLastModified;
entry.oldClassFileFingerprint = entry.newClassFileFingerprint;
entry.oldClassInfo = entry.newClassInfo;
* Find all .java files on the filesystem, for which the .class file does not exist
* or is newer than the .java file. Also find all .jar files for which the timestamp
* has changed. Alternatively, just use the supplied array of updated .java/.jar files.
private void findUpdatedJavaAndJarFiles() {
boolean projectSpecifiedAsAllSources =
projectJavaAndJarFilesArray != null;
for (PCDEntry entry : entries()) {
if (deletedClasses.contains(entry.className)) {
if (entry.javaFileFullPath.endsWith(".java")) {
if (projectSpecifiedAsAllSources) {
if (ClassPath.getVirtualPath() != null) {
String paths[] = ClassPath.getVirtualPath().split(File.pathSeparator);
String tmpClassName = entry.className;
tmpClassName = tmpClassName.replaceAll("\\Q$\\E.*$", "");
for (int i=0; i<paths.length; i++) {
String tmpFilename = paths[i] + File.separator + tmpClassName + ".java";
File tmpFile = new File(tmpFilename);
if (tmpFile.exists()) {
entry.javaFileFullPath = tmpFile.getAbsolutePath();
if (classFileObsoleteOrDeleted(entry)) {
entry.checked = true;
} else { // Class coming from a .jar file. Mark this entry as checked only if its JAR hasn't changed
if (projectJavaAndJarFilesArray != null) {
entry.checked = !checkJarFileForUpdate(entry);
// Lists of updated/added/deleted source files specified instead of a full list of project sources
if (!projectSpecifiedAsAllSources && updatedJavaAndJarFilesArray != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < updatedJavaAndJarFilesArray.length; i++) {
if (updatedJavaAndJarFilesArray[i].endsWith(".java")) {
} else {
private boolean classFileObsoleteOrDeleted(PCDEntry entry) {
if (ClassPath.getVirtualPath() != null) {
File file1 = new File(entry.javaFileFullPath);
if (!file1.exists())
throw new PrivateException(new FileNotFoundException("specified source file " +
entry.javaFileFullPath + " not found."));
if (file1.lastModified() < entry.oldClassFileLastModified)
return false;
File classFile = Utils.checkFileForName(entry.classFileFullPath);
if (classFile == null || !classFile.exists()) {
return true; // Class file has been deleted
File javaFile = new File(entry.javaFileFullPath); // Guaranteed to exist at this point
if (classFile.lastModified() <= javaFile.lastModified()) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean checkJarFileForUpdate(PCDEntry entry) {
String jarFileName = entry.javaFileFullPath;
if (stableJarFiles.contains(jarFileName)) {
return false;
} else if (updatedJarFiles.contains(jarFileName) ||
newJarFiles.contains(jarFileName) ||
deletedJarFiles.contains(jarFileName)) {
return true;
} else {
File jarFile = new File(jarFileName); // Guaranteed to exist at this point.
if (entry.oldClassFileLastModified != jarFile.lastModified()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public int recompileUpdatedJavaFiles() {
if (externalApp != null) {
return recompileUpdatedJavaFilesUsingExternalMethod();
} else {
return recompileUpdatedJavaFilesOurselves();
private int recompileUpdatedJavaFilesOurselves() {
int filesNo = updatedJavaFiles.size() + newJavaFiles.size();
int addArgsNo = javacAddArgs.size();
int argsNo = addArgsNo + filesNo + 2;
String compilerBootClassPath, compilerExtDirs;
if ((compilerBootClassPath = ClassPath.getCompilerBootClassPath()) != null) {
argsNo += 2;
if ((compilerExtDirs = ClassPath.getCompilerExtDirs()) != null) {
argsNo += 2;
if (jcExecApp != null) {
String args[] = new String[argsNo];
int pos = 0;
if (jcExecApp != null) {
args[pos++] = jcExecApp;
for (int i = 0; i < addArgsNo; i++) {
args[pos++] = javacAddArgs.get(i);
args[pos++] = "-classpath";
args[pos++] = ClassPath.getCompilerUserClassPath();
if (compilerBootClassPath != null) {
args[pos++] = "-bootclasspath";
args[pos++] = compilerBootClassPath;
if (compilerExtDirs != null) {
args[pos++] = "-extdirs";
args[pos++] = compilerExtDirs;
if (!newProject) {
Utils.printInfoMessage("Recompiling source files:");
for (String javaFileFullPath : updatedJavaFiles) {
if (!newProject) {
recompiledJavaFiles.add(args[pos++] = javaFileFullPath);
for (int j = 0; j < newJavaFiles.size(); j++) {
String javaFileFullPath = newJavaFiles.get(j);
if (!newProject) {
recompiledJavaFiles.add(args[pos++] = javaFileFullPath);
if (jcExecApp == null) { // Executing javac or some other compiler within the same JVM
Object reflectArgs[] = new Object[1];
reflectArgs[0] = args;
try {
Object dummy = compilerClass.newInstance();
Integer res = (Integer) compileMethod.invoke(dummy, reflectArgs);
return res.intValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw compilerInteractionException("exception thrown when trying to invoke the compiler method", e, 0);
} else { // Executing an external Java compiler, such as jikes
int exitCode = 0;
try {
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args);
InputStream pErr = p.getErrorStream();
InputStream pOut = p.getInputStream();
boolean terminated = false;
while (!terminated) {
try {
exitCode = p.exitValue();
terminated = true;
} catch (IllegalThreadStateException itse) { // Process not yet terminated, wait for some time
try {
Utils.readAndPrintBytesFromStream(pErr, System.err);
Utils.readAndPrintBytesFromStream(pOut, System.out);
} catch (IOException ioe1) {
throw compilerInteractionException("I/O error when reading the compiler application output", ioe1, exitCode);
return exitCode;
} catch (IOException ioe2) {
throw compilerInteractionException("I/O error when trying to invoke the compiler application", ioe2, exitCode);
/** Execution under complete control of external app - use externally supplied method to recompile classes */
private int recompileUpdatedJavaFilesUsingExternalMethod() {
int filesNo = updatedJavaFiles.size() + newJavaFiles.size();
String[] fileNames = new String[filesNo];
int i = 0;
for (String updatedFile : updatedJavaFiles) {
recompiledJavaFiles.add(fileNames[i] = updatedFile);
for (int j = 0; j < newJavaFiles.size(); j++) {
recompiledJavaFiles.add(fileNames[i++] = newJavaFiles.get(j));
try {
Integer res =
(Integer) externalCompileSourceFilesMethod.invoke(externalApp, new Object[]{fileNames});
return res.intValue();
} catch (IllegalAccessException e1) {
throw compilerInteractionException("compiler method is not accessible", e1, 0);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) {
throw compilerInteractionException("illegal arguments passed to compiler method", e2, 0);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e3) {
throw compilerInteractionException("exception when executing the compiler method", e3, 0);
* For each .java file from newJavaFiles, find all of the .class files, the names of which we can
* logically deduce (a top-level class with the same name, and all of the nested classes),
* and put the info on them into the PCD. Also include any class files from the dependencyFile,
* if any. For each .jar file from newJarFiles, find all of the .class files in that archive and
* put info on them into the PCD.
private void findClassFilesForNewJavaAndJarFiles() {
for (String javaFileFullPath : newJavaFiles) {
PCDEntry pcde =
findClassFileOnFilesystem(javaFileFullPath, null, null, false);
if (pcde == null) {
// .class file not found - possible compilation error
if (missingClassIsOk(javaFileFullPath)) {
} else {
throw new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.ClassNameMismatchException(
"Could not find class file for " + javaFileFullPath));
Set<String> entries = new HashSet<String>();
if (pcde.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_NEW) { // It's really a new .java file, not a moved one
entries.addAll(findAndUpdateAllNestedClassesForClass(pcde, false));
} else {
entries.addAll(findAndUpdateAllNestedClassesForClass(pcde, true));
if (dependencyFile != null) {
Map<String, List<String>> dependencies = parseDependencyFile();
List<String> myDeps = dependencies.get(javaFileFullPath);
if (myDeps != null) {
for (String dependency : myDeps) {
if (entries.contains(dependency))
findClassFileOnFilesystem(javaFileFullPath, pcde,
dependency, false);
for (String newJarFile : newJarFiles) {
* Parse an extra dependency file. The format of the file is a series of lines,
* each consisting of:
* -> ClassName
* (these file names are relative to destDir)
private Map<String, List<String>> parseDependencyFile() {
if (!destDirSpecified)
throw new RuntimeException("Dependency files require destDir");
if (extraDependencies != null)
return extraDependencies;
BufferedReader in = null;
try {
extraDependencies = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dependencyFile));
int lineNumber = 0;
while (true) {
lineNumber ++;
String line = in.readLine();
if (line == null)
String[] parts = line.split("->");
if (parts.length != 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse line " + lineNumber + " of " + dependencyFile
+ ". Expected {} -> {classname}.");
String src = parts[0].trim();
src = new File(destDir, src).getCanonicalPath();
String cls = parts[1].trim();
List<String> classes = extraDependencies.get(src);
if (classes == null) {
classes = new ArrayList<String>();
extraDependencies.put(src, classes);
cls = cls.substring(0, cls.length() - 6); // strip trailing ".class"
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PrivateException(e);
} finally {
if (in != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return extraDependencies;
* In most cases we want to fail the build if a class cannot be found.
* However there is one common valid case where a .java file might not contain
* a class: files.
* See this doc for more info:
private boolean missingClassIsOk(String javaFileFullPath) {
return javaFileFullPath != null && "".equals(new File(javaFileFullPath).getName());
* Find the .class file for the given javaFileFullPath and create a new PCDEntry for it.
* If enclosingClassPCDE is null, the named top-level class for the given .java file is looked up.
* Otherwise, the specified class specified by nestedClassFullName is looked up.
private PCDEntry findClassFileOnFilesystem(String javaFileFullPath, PCDEntry enclosingClassPCDE, String nestedClassFullName, boolean isNested) {
String classFileFullPath = null;
String fullClassName;
File classFile = null;
if (enclosingClassPCDE == null) { // Looking for a top-level class. May need to locate an appropriate directory.
// Remove the ".java" suffix. A Windows disk-name prefix, such as 'c:', will be cut off later automatically
fullClassName =
javaFileFullPath.substring(0, javaFileFullPath.length() - 5);
if (destDirSpecified) {
// Search for the .class file. We first assume the longest possible name. In case of failure,
// we cut the assumed top-most package from it and repeat the search.
while (classFile == null) {
classFileFullPath = destDir + fullClassName + ".class";
classFile = Utils.checkFileForName(classFileFullPath);
if (classFile == null) {
int cutIndex = fullClassName.indexOf(File.separatorChar);
if (cutIndex == -1) {
// Most probably, there was an error during compilation of this file.
// This does not prevent us from continuing.
Utils.printWarningMessage("Warning: unable to find .class file corresponding to source " + javaFileFullPath + ": expected " + classFileFullPath);
return null;
fullClassName = fullClassName.substring(cutIndex + 1);
} else {
classFileFullPath = fullClassName + ".class";
classFile = Utils.checkFileForName(classFileFullPath);
if (classFile == null) {
Utils.printWarningMessage("Warning: unable to find .class file corresponding to source " + javaFileFullPath);
return null;
} else { // Looking for a nested class, which always sits in the same directory as its enclosing class
classFileFullPath =
Utils.getClassFileFullPathForNestedClass(enclosingClassPCDE.classFileFullPath, nestedClassFullName);
classFile = Utils.checkFileForName(classFileFullPath);
if (classFile == null) {
Utils.printWarningMessage("Warning: unable to find .class file corresponding to nested class " + nestedClassFullName);
return null;
fullClassName = nestedClassFullName;
if (backSlashFileSeparator) {
fullClassName = fullClassName.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
byte classFileBytes[] = Utils.readFileIntoBuffer(classFile);
ClassInfo classInfo =
new ClassInfo(classFileBytes, ClassInfo.VER_NEW, this, classFileFullPath);
if (isNested) {
if (!classInfo.directlyEnclosingClass.equals( {
// Check if the above strings are like A and A$1. If so, there is actually no problem - the correct
// answer is A$1. The reason why just A was determined as a directly enclosing class when parsing
// class classInfo is due to the ambiguous interpretation of names like A$1$B. Such a name may mean
// (1) a non-member local nested class B of A, or (2) a member class B of an anonymous nested class A$1.
// When parsing any non-toplevel class, the first interpretation is always used.
// NOTE FOR JDK 1.5 - starting from this version, there is no ambiguity anymore.
// (1) will be called A$1B, and (2) will still be A$1$B
String a = classInfo.directlyEnclosingClass;
String ad1 =;
if (!((classInfo.javacTargetRelease == Utils.JAVAC_TARGET_RELEASE_OLDEST) &&
(ad1.startsWith(a + "$") && Character.isDigit(ad1.charAt(a.length() + 1))))) {
throw new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.ClassFileParseException(
"Enclosing class names for class " + + " don't match:\n" +
classInfo.directlyEnclosingClass + " and " +;
// If dest dir was specified, check if the deduced name is equal to the one in this class (in this case
// they should necessarily match). Otherwise, without parsing the .java file, we can't reliably say what the
// full class name (actually, its package part) should be - so we just note the name.
if (destDirSpecified) {
if (!fullClassName.equals( {
throw new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.ClassNameMismatchException(
"Error: deduced class name is different from the real one for source " +
javaFileFullPath + "\n" + fullClassName + " and " +;
} else {
fullClassName =;
if (enclosingClassPCDE != null) {
javaFileFullPath = enclosingClassPCDE.javaFileFullPath;
long classFileLastMod = classFile.lastModified();
long classFileFP = computeFP(classFileBytes);
if (pcd.containsKey(fullClassName)) {
PCDEntry pcde = pcd.get(fullClassName);
// If this entry has already been checked, it's a second entry for the same class, which is illegal.
if (pcde.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_NEWER_FOUND_NEARER) {
// Newer copy of same file found in closer layer
// Reset to CV_UNCHECKED and skip redundnacy check
// as we know this would be redundant
pcde.checkResult = PCDEntry.CV_UNCHECKED;
} else {
if (pcde.checked) {
throw new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.DoubleEntryException(
"Two entries for class " + + " detected: " + pcde.javaFileFullPath + " and " + javaFileFullPath));
// Otherwise, it means that the .java file for this class has been moved. jmake initially interprets
// a new source file name as a new class, and it's only at this point that we can actually see that it was
// only a move. We update javaFileFullPath for nested classes after we return from here.
pcde.javaFileFullPath = javaFileFullPath;
pcde.classFileFullPath = classFileFullPath;
pcde.newClassInfo = classInfo;
if (deletedClasses.contains(fullClassName)) {
return pcde;
PCDEntry pcde = new PCDEntry(fullClassName,
classFileFullPath, classFileLastMod, classFileFP,
pcde.checkResult = PCDEntry.CV_NEW; // So that later it's promoted into oldClassInfo correctly
updatedAndCheckedClasses.add(fullClassName); // So that the above happens
pcd.put(fullClassName, pcde);
return pcde;
* For the given class, find all direct nested classes (which may include reading their .class files from the
* class path) and set their access flags (contained in this, enclosing class, object) appropriately. If
* this class is a one coming from a .java source, repeat the procedure for each nested class in turn.
* Otherwise, i.e. if a class comes from a .jar, don't bother, since we will come across each of these
* classes anyway - when scanning their .jar. If 'move' parameter is true, it means that this method is called for
* a class that is not new, but has been moved (and possibly updated).
private Set<String> findAndUpdateAllNestedClassesForClass(PCDEntry pcde, boolean move) {
ClassInfo classInfo = pcde.newClassInfo;
if (classInfo.nestedClasses == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
Set<String> entries = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
String nestedClasses[] = classInfo.nestedClasses;
String javaFileFullPath = pcde.javaFileFullPath;
String enclosingClassFileFullPath = pcde.classFileFullPath;
boolean isJavaSourceFile = javaFileFullPath.endsWith(".java");
for (int i = 0; i < nestedClasses.length; i++) {
PCDEntry nestedPCDE = pcd.get(nestedClasses[i]);
if (nestedPCDE == null) {
if (isJavaSourceFile) {
nestedPCDE =
findClassFileOnFilesystem(null, pcde, nestedClasses[i], true);
// For classes that come from a .jar, pcde should already be there. Otherwise this class just doesn't exist.
if (nestedPCDE == null) {
// Probably a compilation error, such that enclosing class is compiled but nested is not.
throw new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.ClassNameMismatchException(
"Could not find class file for " + pcde.toString()));
if (move) {
if (deletedClasses.contains(nestedClasses[i])) {
nestedPCDE.javaFileFullPath = javaFileFullPath;
if (javaFileFullPath.endsWith(".java")) {
nestedPCDE.classFileFullPath =
Utils.getClassFileFullPathForNestedClass(enclosingClassFileFullPath, nestedClasses[i]);
} else {
nestedPCDE.classFileFullPath = javaFileFullPath;
if (nestedPCDE.newClassInfo == null) {
getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_NEW, nestedPCDE);
nestedPCDE.newClassInfo.accessFlags =
nestedPCDE.newClassInfo.isNonMemberNestedClass =
entries.addAll(findAndUpdateAllNestedClassesForClass(nestedPCDE, move));
return entries;
* Take care of new nested classes that could have been generated from already existing .java sources,
* and of nested classes that do not exist anymore because they were deleted from these sources.
private void dealWithNestedClassesForUpdatedJavaFiles() {
if (updatedJavaFiles.size() == 0) {
// First put PCDEntries for all updated classes that have nested classes into a temporary list.
// That's because we can then find new nested classes, which we will need to add to the PCD, which
// may probably conflict with us still iterating over it.
List<PCDEntry> updatedEntries = new ArrayList<PCDEntry>();
for (PCDEntry pcde : entries()) {
if (pcde.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_NEW) {
continue; // This class has just been added to the PCD
if (updatedJavaFiles.contains(pcde.javaFileFullPath)) {
ClassInfo oldClassInfo = pcde.oldClassInfo;
ClassInfo newClassInfo =
getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_NEW, pcde);
if (newClassInfo == null) {
continue; // Class file deleted then not re-created due to a compilation error somewhere.
if (oldClassInfo.nestedClasses != null || newClassInfo.nestedClasses != null) {
if (dependencyFile != null) {
Map<String, List<String>> dependencies = parseDependencyFile();
for (String file : updatedJavaFiles) {
List<String> myDeps = dependencies.get(file);
if (myDeps == null)
PCDEntry pcde = getNamedPCDE(file, dependencies);
for (String dependency : myDeps) {
PCDEntry dep = pcd.get(dependency);
if (dep != null)
// This is an existing dep.
dep = findClassFileOnFilesystem(file, pcde, dependency, false);
getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_NEW, dep);
if (dep.newClassInfo.nestedClasses != null)
dealWithNestedClassesForUpdatedPCDEntries(updatedEntries, false);
private PCDEntry getNamedPCDE(String file, Map<String, List<String>> dependencies) {
List<String> depsForFile = dependencies.get(file);
PCDEntry pcde = null;
// Find a non-nested class for this java file for which we already have
// a pcde
for (String dependency : depsForFile) {
if (dependency.indexOf('$') != -1)
pcde = pcd.get(dependency);
if (pcde != null)
if (pcde == null) {
throw new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.InternalException(file
+ " was supposed to be an updated file, but there are no PCDEntries for any of its deps"));
return pcde;
private void dealWithNestedClassesForUpdatedPCDEntries(List<PCDEntry> entries, boolean move) {
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
PCDEntry pcde = entries.get(i);
ClassInfo oldClassInfo = pcde.oldClassInfo;
ClassInfo newClassInfo = pcde.newClassInfo;
if (newClassInfo.nestedClasses != null) {
Set<String> nested = findAndUpdateAllNestedClassesForClass(pcde, move);
if (oldClassInfo.nestedClasses != null) { // Check if any old nested classes don't exist anymore
for (int j = 0; j < oldClassInfo.nestedClasses.length; j++) {
boolean found = false;
String oldNestedClass = oldClassInfo.nestedClasses[j];
for (int k = 0; k < newClassInfo.nestedClasses.length; k++) {
if (oldNestedClass.equals(newClassInfo.nestedClasses[k])) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
} else { // newNestedClasses == null and oldNestedClasses != null, so all nested classes have been removed in the new version
for (int j = 0; j < oldClassInfo.nestedClasses.length; j++) {
private void findUpdatedClasses() {
// This (iterating over all of the classes once again after performing that in classFileObsoleteOrDeleted()) may
// seem time-consuming, but in reality it isn't, since the most time-consuming operation of obtaining internal
// file handles for class files has already been performed in classFileObsoleteOrDeleted(). Once we have done that,
// this re-iteration takes very small amount of time. However, if we switch from "class file older than .java
// file" to ".java file timestamp changed" condition for recompilation, this will have to be changed as well.
for (PCDEntry entry : entries()) {
String className = entry.className;
if (updatedAndCheckedClasses.contains(className) ||
deletedClasses.contains(className)) {
if (!entry.javaFileFullPath.endsWith(".java")) {
continue; // classes from (updated) .jars have been dealt with separately
//DAB TODO understand this bit better. It is needed to support -vpath, I'm just not sure why....
if (entry.checkResult != PCDEntry.CV_NEWER_FOUND_NEARER &&
!updatedAndCheckedClasses.contains(className) &&
!deletedClasses.contains(className) &&
entry.javaFileFullPath.endsWith(".java") &&
//DAB TODO this is the old way....
//DAB if (classFileUpdated(entry)) {
private boolean classFileUpdated(PCDEntry entry) {
File classFile = Utils.checkFileForName(entry.classFileFullPath);
if (classFile == null) {
return false;
// The only case when the above can happen is if class file was first deleted, and then there
// was an error recompiling its source
long classFileLastMod = classFile.lastModified();
if (classFileLastMod > entry.oldClassFileLastModified) {
entry.newClassFileLastModified = classFileLastMod;
// Check if the class was actually modified, to avoid the costly procedure of detailed version compare
long classFileFP = computeFP(classFile);
if (classFileFP != entry.oldClassFileFingerprint) {
entry.newClassFileFingerprint = classFileFP;
return true;
return false;
* Compare old (preserved in pdb) and new (file system) versions of updated classes, and find all
* potentially affected dependent classes.
private void checkUpdatedClasses() {
for (String className : updatedClasses) {
PCDEntry pcde = pcd.get(className);
getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_NEW, pcde);
if (!"".equals(pcde.oldClassInfo.directlyEnclosingClass)) {
// The following problem can occur with nested classes. A source has been changed, so that C.class is
// not changed or changed in a compatible way, whereas the access modifiers of C$X.class are changed in an
// incompatible way, so that something is broken in the project. When jmake is called for the first time,
// it reports the problem, then saves the info on the new version of C in the pdb. Of course, the record for
// C$X in the pdb is not updated, since the change to it is incompatible and recompilation of dependent sources
// has failed. Suppose we don't change anything and invoke jmake again. C$X is found different from its old
// version and is checked here again. The outcome should be the same. But since C has not changed, C.class is
// not read from disk and the access flags of C$X, which are stored in C.class, are not set appropriately. So
// in such circumstances we have wrong access flags for C$X here. To fix the problem we need to load C explicitly.
ClassInfo enclosingClassInfo =
getClassInfoForName(ClassInfo.VER_NEW, pcde.oldClassInfo.directlyEnclosingClass);
//if (enclosingClassInfo == null || enclosingClassInfo.nestedClasses == null) {
// System.out.println("!!! Suspicious updated class name = " + className);
// System.out.println("!!! enclosingClassInfo for it = " + enclosingClassInfo);
// if (enclosingClassInfo != null) {
// System.out.println("!!! = " +;
// if (enclosingClassInfo.nestedClasses == null) System.out.println("!!! enclosingClassInfo.nestedClasses = null");
// }
if (enclosingClassInfo.nestedClasses != null) { // Can be that this nested class was the only one for enclosing class, and it's deleted now
for (int i = 0; i < enclosingClassInfo.nestedClasses.length; i++) {
if (className.equals(enclosingClassInfo.nestedClasses[i])) {
pcde.newClassInfo.accessFlags =
pcde.newClassInfo.isNonMemberNestedClass =
if (!(pcde.oldClassInfo.isNonMemberNestedClass && pcde.newClassInfo.isNonMemberNestedClass)) {
Utils.printInfoMessage("Checking " + pcde.className);
pcde.checkResult = cv.compareClassVersions(pcde) ? PCDEntry.CV_COMPATIBLE
String affectedClasses[] = cv.getAffectedClasses();
if (affectedClasses != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < affectedClasses.length; i++) {
PCDEntry affEntry = pcd.get(affectedClasses[i]);
} else {
// A non-member nested class can not be referenced by the source code of any class defined outside the
// immediately enclosing source code block for this class. Therefore, any incompatibility in the new
// version of this class can affect only classes that are defined in the same source file - and they
// are necessarily recompiled together with this class. So there is no point in initiating version
// compare for this class. However, the new class version should always tembe promoted into the store, since
// this class itself may depend on other changing classes.
pcde.checkResult = PCDEntry.CV_COMPATIBLE;
/** Find all dependent classes for deleted classes. */
private void checkDeletedClasses() {
for (String className : deletedClasses) {
PCDEntry pcde = pcd.get(className);
if (pcde == null) { // "Safety net" for the (hopefully unlikely) case. I observed it just once and couldn't identify the reason
Utils.printWarningMessage("Warning: internal information inconsistency when checking deleted classes");
Utils.printWarningMessage("Class name: " + className);
ClassInfo oldCI = pcde.oldClassInfo;
if (!oldCI.isNonMemberNestedClass) { // See the comment above
Utils.printInfoMessage("Checking deleted class " +;
String[] affectedClasses = cv.getAffectedClasses();
if (affectedClasses != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < affectedClasses.length; i++) {
PCDEntry affEntry = pcd.get(affectedClasses[i]);
if (deletedClasses.contains(affEntry.className)) {
pcde.checkResult = PCDEntry.CV_DELETED;
* Determine what classes in the given .jar (which may be an existing updated one, or a new one) are new,
* updated, or moved, and treat them accordingly.
private void processAllClassesFromJarFile(String jarFileName) {
JarFile jarFile;
long jarFileLastMod = 0;
try {
File file = new File(jarFileName);
jarFileLastMod = file.lastModified();
jarFile = new JarFile(jarFileName);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new PrivateException(ex);
List<PCDEntry> newEntries = new ArrayList<PCDEntry>();
List<PCDEntry> updatedEntries = new ArrayList<PCDEntry>();
List<PCDEntry> movedEntries = new ArrayList<PCDEntry>();
for (Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) {
JarEntry jarEntry = entries.nextElement();
String fullClassName = jarEntry.getName();
if (!fullClassName.endsWith(".class")) {
fullClassName =
fullClassName.substring(0, fullClassName.length() - 6).intern();
byte classFileBytes[];
classFileBytes = Utils.readZipEntryIntoBuffer(jarFile, jarEntry);
long classFileFP = computeFP(classFileBytes);
PCDEntry pcde = pcd.get(fullClassName);
if (pcde != null) {
if (pcde.checked) {
throw new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.DoubleEntryException(
"Two entries for class " + fullClassName + " detected: " + pcde.javaFileFullPath + " and " + jarFileName));
pcde.checked = true;
pcde.newClassFileLastModified = jarFileLastMod;
// If we are scanning an existing updated .jar file, and there is no change to the class itself,
// and it previously was located in the same .jar, do nothing.
if (pcde.oldClassFileFingerprint == classFileFP &&
pcde.javaFileFullPath.equals(jarFileName)) {
pcde.oldClassFileLastModified = jarFileLastMod; // So that next time jmake is inoked, checking
continue; // of this.jar is not triggered.
if (pcde.oldClassFileFingerprint != classFileFP) { // This class has been updated
pcde.newClassFileLastModified = jarFileLastMod;
pcde.newClassFileFingerprint = classFileFP;
pcde.newClassInfo =
new ClassInfo(classFileBytes, ClassInfo.VER_NEW, this, fullClassName);
if (pcde.oldClassInfo.nestedClasses != null || pcde.newClassInfo.nestedClasses != null) {
} else {
pcde.oldClassFileLastModified = jarFileLastMod;
if (!pcde.javaFileFullPath.equals(jarFileName)) {
// Found an existing class in a different .jar file.
// May happen if the class file has been moved from one .jar to another (or into a .jar, losing its
// .java source). It's only at this point that we can actually see that it was really a move.
if (deletedClasses.contains(fullClassName)) {
if (pcde.oldClassInfo.nestedClasses != null) {
pcde.newClassInfo =
new ClassInfo(classFileBytes, ClassInfo.VER_NEW, this, fullClassName);
pcde.javaFileFullPath = jarFileName;
} else { // New class file
ClassInfo classInfo =
new ClassInfo(classFileBytes, ClassInfo.VER_NEW, this, fullClassName);
pcde = new PCDEntry(fullClassName,
jarFileName, jarFileLastMod, classFileFP,
pcde.checkResult = PCDEntry.CV_NEW; // So that later it's promoted into oldClassInfo correctly
updatedAndCheckedClasses.add(fullClassName); // So that the above happens
pcd.put(fullClassName, pcde);
if (pcde.newClassInfo.nestedClasses != null) {
dealWithNestedClassesForUpdatedPCDEntries(updatedEntries, false);
dealWithNestedClassesForUpdatedPCDEntries(movedEntries, true);
for (int i = 0; i < newEntries.size(); i++) {
findAndUpdateAllNestedClassesForClass(newEntries.get(i), false);
/** Determine new, deleted and updated classes coming from updated .jar files. */
private void dealWithClassesInUpdatedJarFiles() {
if (updatedJarFiles.size() == 0) {
for (String updatedJarFile : updatedJarFiles) {
// Now scan the PCD to check which classes that come from updated .jar files have not been marked as checked
for (PCDEntry pcde : entries()) {
if (updatedJarFiles.contains(pcde.javaFileFullPath)) {
if (!pcde.checked) {
/** Check if the destination directory exists, and get the canonical path for it. */
private void initializeDestDir(String inDestDir) {
if (!(inDestDir == null || inDestDir.equals(""))) {
File dir = Utils.checkOrCreateDirForName(inDestDir);
if (dir == null) {
throw new PrivateException(new IOException("specified directory " + inDestDir + " cannot be created."));
inDestDir = getCanonicalPath(dir);
if (!inDestDir.endsWith(File.separator)) {
inDestDir += File.separatorChar;
destDir = inDestDir;
destDirSpecified = true;
} else {
destDirSpecified = false;
* For the given PCDEntry, set the entry.classFileFullPath according to the value of the .java file full
* path and the value of the "-d" option at this particular jmake invocation
private void initializeClassFileFullPath(PCDEntry entry) {
String classFileFullPath;
if (destDirSpecified) {
classFileFullPath = destDir + entry.className + ".class";
} else {
String javaFileDir = entry.javaFileFullPath;
int cutIndex = javaFileDir.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
if (cutIndex != -1) {
javaFileDir = javaFileDir.substring(0, cutIndex + 1);
String classFileName = entry.className;
cutIndex = classFileName.lastIndexOf('/');
if (cutIndex != -1) {
classFileName = classFileName.substring(cutIndex + 1);
classFileFullPath = javaFileDir + classFileName + ".class";
if (backSlashFileSeparator) {
classFileFullPath =
classFileFullPath.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
entry.classFileFullPath = classFileFullPath;
private static String getCanonicalPath(File file) {
try {
return file.getCanonicalPath().intern();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PrivateException(e);
private long computeFP(File file) {
byte buf[] = Utils.readFileIntoBuffer(file);
return computeFP(buf);
private long computeFP(byte[] buf) {
return checkSum.getValue();
private PrivateException compilerInteractionException(String message, Exception origException, int errCode) {
return new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.CompilerInteractionException(message, origException, errCode));
private PrivateException internalException(String message) {
return new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.InternalException(message));