blob: 571d0cdc71082ccd91734b07d1718d8d452403de [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
enable_built_in_dns = !is_ios && !is_proto_quic
source_set("dns") {
# Due to circular dependencies, should only be depended on through //net.
visibility = [ "//net" ]
# Internals only intended for use inside network stack (and tests).
friend = [
public = []
sources = [
if (!is_nacl) {
sources += [
if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
sources += [ "" ]
if (enable_built_in_dns) {
sources += [
if (enable_built_in_dns) {
sources += [ "" ]
if (enable_mdns) {
sources += [
deps = [
public_deps = [
allow_circular_includes_from = [
# The standard API of net/dns.
# Should typically only be used within the network service. Usage external to
# the network service should instead use network service Mojo IPCs for host
# resolution. See ResolveHost() in
# /services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom and
# /services/network/public/mojom/host_resolver.mojom.
source_set("host_resolver") {
# Due to circular dependencies, should only be depended on through //net.
# Limit visibility to //net and other source_sets with the same access
# restriction.
visibility = [
# Whitelist-only access so we can keep track of all usage external to the
# network stack and network service.
friend = [
# chrome/browser/
# Used to build in-process HostResolver when network service disabled.
# chrome/browser/net/
# TODO( Remove once migrated to network service IPC.
# chromecast/browser/
# URLRequestContext creation for chromecast.
# URLRequestContext and HttpNetworkSession::Context creation for iOS.
# Tests and test support.
# Stand-alone tools.
# Network stack/service.
# The proxy resolution service uses its own host cache and HostResolver Mojo
# wrapper.
sources = []
public = []
if (!is_nacl) {
sources += [
deps = [
public_deps = [
# Overridable implementation details of HostResolver.
source_set("host_resolver_impl") {
# Due to circular dependencies, should only be depended on through //net.
# Limit visibility to //net and other source_sets with the same access
# restriction.
visibility = [
# Whitelist-only access so we can keep track of all usage external to the
# network stack.
friend = [
# chromeos/network/
# ChromeOS-specific change notifier with some overrides for DnsConfigService
# TODO( Remove/cleanup once we figure out servicification.
# chromeos/network/host_resolver_impl_chromeos.h
# ChromeOS-specific overriding implementation of HostResolverImpl.
# TODO( Remove once converted to use network service.
# Network stack/service
sources = []
public = []
if (!is_nacl) {
sources += [ "host_resolver_impl.h" ]
if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
sources += [ "dns_config_service_posix.h" ]
deps = [
public_deps = [
# DnsClient interfaces. Primarily intended as part of the implementation of the
# standard HostResolver interface, but can be used as an alternative external
# interface for advanced usage.
source_set("dns_client") {
# Due to circular dependencies, should only be depended on through //net.
# Limit visibility to //net and other source_sets with the same access
# restriction.
visibility = [
# Whitelist-only access so we can keep track of all usage external to the
# network stack.
friend = [
# chrome/browser/local_discovery/
# Result parsing utilities for parsing results read through MdnsClient.
# TODO( Remove once migrated to network service.
# chrome/browser/net/
# chrome/browser/net/
# DNS lookups using DnsClient.
# TODO( Remove once migrated to network service.
# chrome/browser/chromeos/smb_client/discovery/
# Result parsing for results read through MdnsClient.
# TODO( Remove once migrated to network service.
# Tests and test support
# Network stack/service
sources = []
public = []
if (!is_nacl) {
sources += [
deps = [
public_deps = [
# MdnsClient interfaces.
source_set("mdns_client") {
# Due to circular dependencies, should only be depended on through //net.
# Limit visibility to //net and other source_sets with the same access
# restriction.
visibility = [
# Whitelist-only access so we can keep track of all usage external to the
# network stack.
friend = [
# chrome/browser/local_discovery/service_discovery_client_mdns.h
# chrome/browser/local_discovery/service_discovery_client_impl.h
# Makes MDNS queries using MDnsClient.
# TODO( Remove once migrated to network service.
# chrome/tools/service_discovery_sniffer/
# Creates MDnsClient instance and passes to ServiceDiscoveryClientImpl.
# TODO( Remove once discovery client migrated.
# chrome/browser/chromeos/smb_client/discovery/mdns_host_locator.h
# chrome/browser/chromeos/smb_client/discovery/
# Makes MDNS queries using MDnsClient.
# TODO( Remove once migrated to network service.
# Tests and test support
# Network stack/service
public = []
sources = []
if (!is_nacl && enable_mdns) {
sources += [ "mdns_client.h" ]
deps = [
public_deps = [
source_set("tests") {
testonly = true
sources = [
if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
sources += [ "" ]
if (enable_built_in_dns) {
sources += [ "" ]
if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
sources += [ "" ]
if (enable_mdns) {
sources += [
deps = [
source_set("test_support") {
testonly = true
sources = [
public = [
if (enable_mdns) {
sources += [
public += [
deps = [
source_set("fuzzer_test_support") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
fuzzer_test("net_dns_hosts_parse_fuzzer") {
sources = [
deps = [
dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_dns_hosts_parse_fuzzer.dict"
fuzzer_test("net_dns_record_fuzzer") {
sources = [
deps = [
dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_dns_record_fuzzer.dict"
fuzzer_test("net_dns_query_parse_fuzzer") {
sources = [
deps = [
dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_dns_record_fuzzer.dict"
fuzzer_test("net_dns_response_fuzzer") {
sources = [
deps = [
dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_dns_record_fuzzer.dict"
fuzzer_test("net_host_resolver_impl_fuzzer") {
sources = [
deps = [
dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_host_resolver_impl_fuzzer.dict"