blob: c5f668ab5aae7dd2f1f468eecb31f4e08cb67c0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* ImageLoader loads an image from a given Entry into a canvas in two steps:
* 1. Loads the image into an HTMLImageElement.
* 2. Copies pixels from HTMLImageElement to HTMLCanvasElement. This is done
* stripe-by-stripe to avoid freezing up the UI. The transform is taken into
* account.
* @param {!HTMLDocument} document Owner document.
* @param {!MetadataModel} metadataModel
* @constructor
* @struct
ImageUtil.ImageLoader = function(document, metadataModel) {
this.document_ = document;
* @private {!MetadataModel}
* @const
this.metadataModel_ = metadataModel;
this.generation_ = 0;
* @type {number}
* @private
this.timeout_ = 0;
* @type {?function(!HTMLCanvasElement, string=)}
* @private
this.callback_ = null;
* @type {FileEntry}
* @private
this.entry_ = null;
* Loads media.
* TODO(mtomasz): Simplify, or even get rid of this class and merge with the
* ThumbnaiLoader class.
* @param {!GalleryItem} item Item representing the media to be loaded.
* @param {function(!HTMLCanvasElement, string=)} callback Callback to be
* called when loaded. The second optional argument is an error identifier.
* @param {number=} opt_delay Load delay in milliseconds, useful to let the
* animations play out before the computation heavy media loading starts.
ImageUtil.ImageLoader.prototype.load = function(item, callback, opt_delay) {
var entry = item.getEntry();
this.entry_ = entry;
this.callback_ = callback;
// The transform fetcher is not cancellable so we need a generation counter.
var generation = ++this.generation_;
if (FileType.isVideo(entry)) {
var targetVideo = assertInstanceof(
this.document_.createElement('video'), HTMLVideoElement);
targetVideo.controls = true;
targetVideo.controlsList = 'nodownload';
} else {
var targetImage =
assertInstanceof(this.document_.createElement('img'), HTMLImageElement);
* @param {!HTMLImageElement} image Image to be transformed.
* @param {Object=} opt_transform Transformation.
var onTransform = function(image, opt_transform) {
if (generation === this.generation_) {
this.convertImage_(image, opt_transform);
onTransform = onTransform.bind(this);
* @param {string=} opt_error Error.
var onError = function(opt_error) {
targetImage.onerror = null;
targetImage.onload = null;
var tmpCallback = this.callback_;
this.callback_ = null;
var emptyCanvas = assertInstanceof(this.document_.createElement('canvas'),
emptyCanvas.width = 0;
emptyCanvas.height = 0;
tmpCallback(emptyCanvas, opt_error);
onError = onError.bind(this);
var loadImage = function(url) {
if (generation !== this.generation_) {
this.timeout_ = 0;
targetImage.onload = function() {
targetImage.onerror = null;
targetImage.onload = null;
if (generation !== this.generation_) {
this.metadataModel_.get([entry], ['contentImageTransform']).then(
function(metadataItems) {
onTransform(targetImage, metadataItems[0].contentImageTransform);
// The error callback has an optional error argument, which in case of a
// general error should not be specified
targetImage.onerror = onError.bind(null, 'GALLERY_IMAGE_ERROR');
targetImage.src = url;
var loadVideo = function(url) {
if (generation !== this.generation_) {
this.timeout_ = 0;
var source = assertInstanceof(
this.document_.createElement('source'), HTMLSourceElement);
source.src = url;
// Start the <video> element loading immediately.
setTimeout(this.callback_, 0, targetVideo);
this.callback_ = null;
// Start a task to set the poster property using the thumbnail so that there
// is an image visible before the user clicks play. Ignore errors - the
// poster just won't be set. If the video load also fails, the standard
// controls show a broken play icon.
var thumbnailMetadata = item.getThumbnailMetadataItem();
if (!thumbnailMetadata) {
var posterLoader = new ThumbnailLoader(
entry, undefined /* opt_loaderType */, thumbnailMetadata);
.then(function(result) {
targetVideo.poster =;
.catch(function(error) {}.bind(this));
// Loads the media. If already loaded, then forces a reload.
var startLoad = function() {
if (generation !== this.generation_) {
if (FileType.isVideo(entry)) {
loadVideo(entry.toURL() + '?nocache=' +;
// Obtain target URL.
if (FileType.isRaw(entry)) {
var timestamp =
item.getMetadataItem() &&
item.getMetadataItem().modificationTime &&
let request = LoadImageRequest.createFullImageRequest({
url: entry.toURL(),
cache: true,
timestamp: timestamp,
priority: 0 // Use highest priority to show main image.
ImageLoaderClient.getInstance().load(request, function(result) {
if (generation !== this.generation_) {
if (result.status === 'success') {
} else {
// Load the image directly. The query parameter is workaround for
//, which force to update the contents of the image.
loadImage(entry.toURL() + '?nocache=' +;
if (opt_delay) {
this.timeout_ = setTimeout(startLoad, opt_delay);
} else {
* @return {boolean} True if an image is loading.
ImageUtil.ImageLoader.prototype.isBusy = function() {
return !!this.callback_;
* @param {Entry} entry Image entry.
* @return {boolean} True if loader loads this image.
ImageUtil.ImageLoader.prototype.isLoading = function(entry) {
return this.isBusy() && util.isSameEntry(this.entry_, entry);
* @param {function(!HTMLCanvasElement, string=)} callback To be called when the
* image loaded.
ImageUtil.ImageLoader.prototype.setCallback = function(callback) {
this.callback_ = callback;
* Stops loading image.
ImageUtil.ImageLoader.prototype.cancel = function() {
if (!this.callback_) {
this.callback_ = null;
if (this.timeout_) {
this.timeout_ = 0;
this.generation_++; // Silence the transform fetcher if it is in progress.
* @param {!HTMLImageElement} image Image to be transformed.
* @param {!Object} transform transformation description to apply to the image.
* @private
ImageUtil.ImageLoader.prototype.convertImage_ = function(image, transform) {
if (!transform ||
(transform.rotate90 === 0 &&
transform.scaleX === 1 &&
transform.scaleY === 1)) {
setTimeout(this.callback_, 0, image);
this.callback_ = null;
var canvas = this.document_.createElement('canvas');
if (transform.rotate90 & 1) { // Rotated +/-90deg, swap the dimensions.
canvas.width = image.height;
canvas.height = image.width;
} else {
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');;
context.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2);
context.rotate(transform.rotate90 * Math.PI / 2);
context.scale(transform.scaleX, transform.scaleY);
var stripCount = Math.ceil(image.width * image.height / (1 << 21));
var step = Math.max(16, Math.ceil(image.height / stripCount)) & 0xFFFFF0;
this.copyStrip_(context, image, 0, step);
* @param {!CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context to draw.
* @param {!HTMLImageElement} image Image to draw.
* @param {number} firstRow Number of the first pixel row to draw.
* @param {number} rowCount Count of pixel rows to draw.
* @private
ImageUtil.ImageLoader.prototype.copyStrip_ = function(
context, image, firstRow, rowCount) {
var lastRow = Math.min(firstRow + rowCount, image.height);
image, 0, firstRow, image.width, lastRow - firstRow,
-image.width / 2, firstRow - image.height / 2,
image.width, lastRow - firstRow);
if (lastRow === image.height) {
if (this.entry_.toURL().substr(0, 5) !== 'data:') { // Ignore data urls.
setTimeout(this.callback_, 0, context.canvas);
this.callback_ = null;
} else {
var self = this;
this.timeout_ = setTimeout(
function() {
self.timeout_ = 0;
self.copyStrip_(context, image, lastRow, rowCount);
}, 0);