blob: d4c16624358c9ca293dfbd141bc405f8d3df2e1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/template_util.h"
#include "base/type_id.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
// Common non-templated implementation details for base::unique_any. If we ever
// want to support base::any this, file could be easily modified to do so
// (TypeOps would need to support copying).
class BASE_EXPORT AnyInternal {
constexpr AnyInternal() noexcept : type_ops_(nullptr), union_({}) {}
AnyInternal(AnyInternal&& other) noexcept
: type_ops_(other.type_ops_), union_({}) {
if (other.type_ops_)
other.type_ops_->move_fn_ptr(&other, this);
struct TypeOps;
constexpr explicit AnyInternal(const TypeOps* type_ops)
: type_ops_(type_ops), union_({}) {}
void operator=(AnyInternal&& other) noexcept {
if (other.type_ops_)
other.type_ops_->move_fn_ptr(&other, this);
type_ops_ = other.type_ops_;
constexpr bool has_value() const noexcept { return !!type_ops_; }
TypeId type() const noexcept {
if (!type_ops_)
return TypeId::From<void>();
return type_ops_->type_fn_ptr();
void reset() noexcept;
template <typename T, bool UseInlineStorage>
struct ConstructHelper;
template <bool UseInlineStorage>
struct GetStorageHelper;
template <typename T, bool UseInlineStorage, bool HasMoveConstructor>
struct MoveHelper;
template <typename T, bool UseInlineStorage>
struct DeleteHelper;
// Where possible we use the small object allocation optimization to avoid
// heap allocations.
struct OutlineAlloc {
void* value; // Holds a T
template <typename T>
T& value_as() {
return *static_cast<T*>(value);
template <typename T>
const T& value_as() const {
return *static_cast<const T*>(value);
struct alignas(sizeof(void*)) InlineAlloc {
// Holds a T if small. Tweaked to hold a promise executor inline.
char bytes[sizeof(void*) * 3];
template <typename T>
T& value_as() {
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(bytes);
template <typename T>
const T& value_as() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(bytes);
template <typename T>
struct InlineStorageHelper {
static constexpr bool kUseInlineStorage =
(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(InlineAlloc));
std::alignment_of<T>::value <= sizeof(T),
"Type T has alignment requirements that preclude it's storage inline.");
template <typename T>
constexpr T* GetStorage() {
return static_cast<T*>(
template <typename T>
constexpr const T* GetStorage() const {
return static_cast<const T*>(
using TypeIdFunctionPtr = TypeId (*)();
using MoveFunctionPtr = void (*)(AnyInternal* src, AnyInternal* dest);
using DeleteFunctionPtr = void (*)(AnyInternal* object);
// Similar to a virtual function but we don't need a dynamic memory
// allocation. One possible design alternative would be to fold these methods
// into T and use T in InlineAlloc (which would now have to
// be bigger to accommodate the vtable pointer).
struct TypeOps {
// TODO(alexclarke): If TypeId can be constexpr store TypeId here directly.
TypeIdFunctionPtr type_fn_ptr;
MoveFunctionPtr move_fn_ptr;
DeleteFunctionPtr delete_fn_ptr;
template <typename T>
struct TypeOpsHelper {
static constexpr TypeOps type_ops = {
DeleteHelper<T, InlineStorageHelper<T>::kUseInlineStorage>::Delete};
// Null if the instance has no value.
const TypeOps* type_ops_;
union {
OutlineAlloc outline_alloc;
InlineAlloc inline_alloc;
} union_;
// static
template <typename T>
const AnyInternal::TypeOps AnyInternal::TypeOpsHelper<T>::type_ops;
template <typename T>
struct AnyInternal::ConstructHelper<T, /* UseInlineStorage */ true> {
template <typename... Args>
static void Construct(AnyInternal* dest, Args&&... args) noexcept {
new (dest->union_.inline_alloc.bytes) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T>
struct AnyInternal::ConstructHelper<T, /* UseInlineStorage */ false> {
template <typename... Args>
static void Construct(AnyInternal* dest, Args&&... args) noexcept {
dest->union_.outline_alloc.value = new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <>
struct AnyInternal::GetStorageHelper</* UseInlineStorage */ true> {
static void* GetStorage(AnyInternal& any) {
return &any.union_.inline_alloc.bytes;
static const void* GetStorage(const AnyInternal& any) {
return &any.union_.inline_alloc.bytes;
template <>
struct AnyInternal::GetStorageHelper</* UseInlineStorage */ false> {
static void* GetStorage(AnyInternal& any) {
return any.union_.outline_alloc.value;
static const void* GetStorage(const AnyInternal& any) {
return any.union_.outline_alloc.value;
template <typename T>
struct AnyInternal::
MoveHelper<T, /* UseInlineStorage */ true, /* HasMoveConstructor */ true> {
static void Move(AnyInternal* src, AnyInternal* dest) {
DCHECK_NE(src, dest);
new (dest->union_.inline_alloc.bytes)
template <typename T>
struct AnyInternal::
MoveHelper<T, /* UseInlineStorage */ false, /* HasMoveConstructor */ true> {
static void Move(AnyInternal* src, AnyInternal* dest) {
DCHECK_NE(src, dest);
dest->union_.outline_alloc.value =
new T(std::move(src->union_.outline_alloc.value_as<T>()));
template <typename T>
struct AnyInternal::
MoveHelper<T, /* UseInlineStorage */ true, /* HasMoveConstructor */ false> {
static void Move(AnyInternal* src, AnyInternal* dest) {
DCHECK_NE(src, dest);
// Fall back to the copy constructor.
new (dest->union_.inline_alloc.bytes)
template <typename T>
struct AnyInternal::MoveHelper<T,
/* UseInlineStorage */ false,
/* HasMoveConstructor */ false> {
static void Move(AnyInternal* src, AnyInternal* dest) {
DCHECK_NE(src, dest);
// Fall back to the copy constructor.
dest->union_.outline_alloc.value =
new T(src->union_.outline_alloc.value_as<T>());
template <typename T>
struct AnyInternal::DeleteHelper<T, /* UseInlineStorage */ true> {
static void Delete(AnyInternal* any) {
template <typename T>
struct AnyInternal::DeleteHelper<T, /* UseInlineStorage */ false> {
static void Delete(AnyInternal* any) {
delete static_cast<T*>(any->union_.outline_alloc.value);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base