blob: 39ea97e5a67c8dfb6ecd6f65059c60dba62bf037 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Example for updating r8 in the current dir:
# Run:
# cd <r8 code directory>
# tools/ d8 r8 # Building R8
# cd -
# cipd auth-login
# rm lib/r8.jar lib/d8.jar
# cp <r8 code directory>/build/libs/r8.jar lib/r8.jar
# cp <r8 code directory>/build/libs/d8.jar lib/d8.jar
# java -jar lib/r8.jar --version
# cipd create --pkg-def cipd.yaml # Make note of the instance ID
# Manually update:
# README.chromium (version number)
# //DEPS (instance ID output by cipd create)
package: chromium/third_party/r8
description: >
D8 is a dexer that converts java byte code to dex code (part of the R8 repo).
R8 is a proguard-like optimizer that also has the option to dex.
- file: lib/d8.jar
- file: lib/r8.jar