blob: 40726423521d4e075c606fc63b1f1330c40b2139 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_structure.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
// Matches a FormStructure if its signature is the same as that of the
// PasswordForm |form|.
std::string(negation ? "signature isn't " : "signature is ") +
autofill::FormStructure(form.form_data).FormSignatureAsStr()) {
if (autofill::FormStructure(form.form_data).FormSignatureAsStr() ==
return true;
*result_listener << "signature is " << arg.FormSignatureAsStr() << " instead";
return false;
std::string(negation ? "submission event isn't "
: "submission event is ") +
std::to_string(static_cast<int>(expected_submission_event))) {
if (expected_submission_event == arg.get_submission_event_for_testing())
return true;
*result_listener << "submission event is "
<< arg.get_submission_event_for_testing() << " instead";
return false;
MATCHER_P(UploadedAutofillTypesAre, expected_types, "") {
size_t fields_matched_type_count = 0;
bool conflict_found = false;
for (const auto& field : arg) {
fields_matched_type_count +=
expected_types.find(field->name) == expected_types.end() ? 0 : 1;
if (field->possible_types().size() > 1) {
*result_listener << (conflict_found ? ", " : "") << "Field "
<< field->name << ": has several possible types";
conflict_found = true;
autofill::ServerFieldType expected_vote =
expected_types.find(field->name) == expected_types.end()
? autofill::UNKNOWN_TYPE
: expected_types.find(field->name)->second;
autofill::ServerFieldType actual_vote =
field->possible_types().empty() ? autofill::UNKNOWN_TYPE
: *field->possible_types().begin();
if (expected_vote != actual_vote) {
*result_listener << (conflict_found ? ", " : "") << "Field "
<< field->name << ": expected vote " << expected_vote
<< " but found " << actual_vote;
conflict_found = true;
if (expected_types.size() != fields_matched_type_count) {
*result_listener << (conflict_found ? ", " : "")
<< "Some types were expected but not found in the vote";
return false;
return !conflict_found;
MATCHER_P(HasGenerationVote, expect_generation_vote, "") {
bool found_generation_vote = false;
for (const auto& field : arg) {
if (field->generation_type() !=
autofill::AutofillUploadContents::Field::NO_GENERATION) {
found_generation_vote = true;
return found_generation_vote == expect_generation_vote;
// Matches if all fields with a vote type are described in |expected_vote_types|
// and all votes from |expected_vote_types| are found in a field.
MATCHER_P(VoteTypesAre, expected_vote_types, "") {
size_t matched_count = 0;
bool conflict_found = false;
for (const auto& field : arg) {
auto expectation = expected_vote_types.find(field->name);
if (expectation == expected_vote_types.end()) {
if (field->vote_type() !=
autofill::AutofillUploadContents::Field::NO_INFORMATION) {
*result_listener << (conflict_found ? ", " : "") << "field "
<< field->name << ": unexpected vote type "
<< field->vote_type();
conflict_found = true;
if (expectation->second != field->vote_type()) {
*result_listener << (conflict_found ? ", " : "") << "field "
<< field->name << ": expected vote type "
<< expectation->second << " but has "
<< field->vote_type();
conflict_found = true;
if (expected_vote_types.size() != matched_count) {
<< (conflict_found ? ", " : "")
<< "some vote types were expected but not found in the vote";
conflict_found = true;
return !conflict_found;
"") {
for (const auto& field : arg) {
if (expected_generation_types.find(field->name) ==
expected_generation_types.end()) {
if (field->generation_type() !=
autofill::AutofillUploadContents::Field::NO_GENERATION) {
// Unexpected generation type.
*result_listener << "Expected no generation type for the field "
<< field->name << ", but found "
<< field->generation_type();
return false;
} else {
if (expected_generation_types.find(field->name)->second !=
field->generation_type()) {
// Wrong generation type.
*result_listener << "Expected generation type for the field "
<< field->name << " is "
<< expected_generation_types.find(field->name)->second
<< ", but found " << field->generation_type();
return false;
if (field->generation_type() !=
autofill::AutofillUploadContents::Field::IGNORED_GENERATION_POPUP) {
if (generated_password_changed != field->generated_password_changed())
return false;
return true;