blob: d351270b307ed4ed37a939cb4b499867a3e2ff8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "device/fido/device_response_converter.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/i18n/streaming_utf8_validator.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "components/cbor/diagnostic_writer.h"
#include "components/cbor/reader.h"
#include "components/cbor/writer.h"
#include "components/device_event_log/device_event_log.h"
#include "device/fido/authenticator_data.h"
#include "device/fido/authenticator_supported_options.h"
#include "device/fido/fido_constants.h"
#include "device/fido/opaque_attestation_statement.h"
namespace device {
namespace {
constexpr size_t kResponseCodeLength = 1;
ProtocolVersion ConvertStringToProtocolVersion(base::StringPiece version) {
if (version == kCtap2Version)
return ProtocolVersion::kCtap;
if (version == kU2fVersion)
return ProtocolVersion::kU2f;
return ProtocolVersion::kUnknown;
} // namespace
using CBOR = cbor::Value;
CtapDeviceResponseCode GetResponseCode(base::span<const uint8_t> buffer) {
if (buffer.empty())
return CtapDeviceResponseCode::kCtap2ErrInvalidCBOR;
auto code = static_cast<CtapDeviceResponseCode>(buffer[0]);
return base::ContainsValue(GetCtapResponseCodeList(), code)
? code
: CtapDeviceResponseCode::kCtap2ErrInvalidCBOR;
// Decodes byte array response from authenticator to CBOR value object and
// checks for correct encoding format.
ReadCTAPMakeCredentialResponse(FidoTransportProtocol transport_used,
const base::Optional<cbor::Value>& cbor) {
if (!cbor || !cbor->is_map())
return base::nullopt;
const auto& decoded_map = cbor->GetMap();
auto it = decoded_map.find(CBOR(1));
if (it == decoded_map.end() || !it->second.is_string())
return base::nullopt;
auto format = it->second.GetString();
it = decoded_map.find(CBOR(2));
if (it == decoded_map.end() || !it->second.is_bytestring())
return base::nullopt;
auto authenticator_data =
if (!authenticator_data)
return base::nullopt;
it = decoded_map.find(CBOR(3));
if (it == decoded_map.end() || !it->second.is_map())
return base::nullopt;
return AuthenticatorMakeCredentialResponse(
format, it->second.Clone())));
base::Optional<AuthenticatorGetAssertionResponse> ReadCTAPGetAssertionResponse(
const base::Optional<cbor::Value>& cbor) {
if (!cbor || !cbor->is_map())
return base::nullopt;
auto& response_map = cbor->GetMap();
auto it = response_map.find(CBOR(2));
if (it == response_map.end() || !it->second.is_bytestring())
return base::nullopt;
auto auth_data =
if (!auth_data)
return base::nullopt;
it = response_map.find(CBOR(3));
if (it == response_map.end() || !it->second.is_bytestring())
return base::nullopt;
auto signature = it->second.GetBytestring();
AuthenticatorGetAssertionResponse response(std::move(*auth_data),
it = response_map.find(CBOR(1));
if (it != response_map.end()) {
auto credential =
if (!credential)
return base::nullopt;
it = response_map.find(CBOR(4));
if (it != response_map.end()) {
auto user = PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity::CreateFromCBORValue(it->second);
if (!user)
return base::nullopt;
it = response_map.find(CBOR(5));
if (it != response_map.end()) {
if (!it->second.is_unsigned())
return base::nullopt;
return base::Optional<AuthenticatorGetAssertionResponse>(std::move(response));
base::Optional<AuthenticatorGetInfoResponse> ReadCTAPGetInfoResponse(
base::span<const uint8_t> buffer) {
if (buffer.size() <= kResponseCodeLength ||
GetResponseCode(buffer) != CtapDeviceResponseCode::kSuccess)
return base::nullopt;
cbor::Reader::DecoderError error;
base::Optional<CBOR> decoded_response =
cbor::Reader::Read(buffer.subspan(1), &error);
if (!decoded_response) {
FIDO_LOG(ERROR) << "-> (CBOR parse error from GetInfo response '"
<< cbor::Reader::ErrorCodeToString(error)
<< "' from raw message "
<< base::HexEncode(, buffer.size()) << ")";
return base::nullopt;
if (!decoded_response->is_map())
return base::nullopt;
FIDO_LOG(DEBUG) << "-> " << cbor::DiagnosticWriter::Write(*decoded_response);
const auto& response_map = decoded_response->GetMap();
auto it = response_map.find(CBOR(1));
if (it == response_map.end() || !it->second.is_array()) {
return base::nullopt;
base::flat_set<ProtocolVersion> protocol_versions;
base::flat_set<base::StringPiece> advertised_protocols;
for (const auto& version : it->second.GetArray()) {
if (!version.is_string())
return base::nullopt;
const std::string& version_string = version.GetString();
if (!advertised_protocols.insert(version_string).second) {
// Duplicate versions are not allowed.
return base::nullopt;
auto protocol = ConvertStringToProtocolVersion(version_string);
if (protocol == ProtocolVersion::kUnknown) {
FIDO_LOG(DEBUG) << "Unexpected protocol version received.";
if (!protocol_versions.insert(protocol).second) {
// A duplicate value will have already caused an error therefore hitting
// this suggests that |ConvertStringToProtocolVersion| is non-injective.
return base::nullopt;
if (protocol_versions.empty())
return base::nullopt;
it = response_map.find(CBOR(3));
if (it == response_map.end() || !it->second.is_bytestring() ||
it->second.GetBytestring().size() != kAaguidLength) {
return base::nullopt;
AuthenticatorGetInfoResponse response(
AuthenticatorSupportedOptions options;
it = response_map.find(CBOR(2));
if (it != response_map.end()) {
if (!it->second.is_array())
return base::nullopt;
std::vector<std::string> extensions;
for (const auto& extension : it->second.GetArray()) {
if (!extension.is_string())
return base::nullopt;
const std::string& extension_str = extension.GetString();
if (extension_str == kExtensionCredProtect) {
options.supports_cred_protect = true;
response.extensions = std::move(extensions);
it = response_map.find(CBOR(4));
if (it != response_map.end()) {
if (!it->second.is_map())
return base::nullopt;
const auto& option_map = it->second.GetMap();
auto option_map_it = option_map.find(CBOR(kPlatformDeviceMapKey));
if (option_map_it != option_map.end()) {
if (!option_map_it->second.is_bool())
return base::nullopt;
options.is_platform_device = option_map_it->second.GetBool();
option_map_it = option_map.find(CBOR(kResidentKeyMapKey));
if (option_map_it != option_map.end()) {
if (!option_map_it->second.is_bool())
return base::nullopt;
options.supports_resident_key = option_map_it->second.GetBool();
option_map_it = option_map.find(CBOR(kUserPresenceMapKey));
if (option_map_it != option_map.end()) {
if (!option_map_it->second.is_bool())
return base::nullopt;
options.supports_user_presence = option_map_it->second.GetBool();
option_map_it = option_map.find(CBOR(kUserVerificationMapKey));
if (option_map_it != option_map.end()) {
if (!option_map_it->second.is_bool())
return base::nullopt;
if (option_map_it->second.GetBool()) {
options.user_verification_availability = AuthenticatorSupportedOptions::
} else {
options.user_verification_availability = AuthenticatorSupportedOptions::
option_map_it = option_map.find(CBOR(kClientPinMapKey));
if (option_map_it != option_map.end()) {
if (!option_map_it->second.is_bool())
return base::nullopt;
if (option_map_it->second.GetBool()) {
options.client_pin_availability = AuthenticatorSupportedOptions::
} else {
options.client_pin_availability = AuthenticatorSupportedOptions::
option_map_it = option_map.find(CBOR(kCredentialManagementMapKey));
if (option_map_it != option_map.end()) {
if (!option_map_it->second.is_bool()) {
return base::nullopt;
options.supports_credential_management = option_map_it->second.GetBool();
option_map_it = option_map.find(CBOR(kCredentialManagementPreviewMapKey));
if (option_map_it != option_map.end()) {
if (!option_map_it->second.is_bool()) {
return base::nullopt;
options.supports_credential_management_preview =
response.options = std::move(options);
it = response_map.find(CBOR(5));
if (it != response_map.end()) {
if (!it->second.is_unsigned())
return base::nullopt;
response.max_msg_size = it->second.GetUnsigned();
it = response_map.find(CBOR(6));
if (it != response_map.end()) {
if (!it->second.is_array())
return base::nullopt;
std::vector<uint8_t> supported_pin_protocols;
for (const auto& protocol : it->second.GetArray()) {
if (!protocol.is_unsigned())
return base::nullopt;
response.pin_protocols = std::move(supported_pin_protocols);
return base::Optional<AuthenticatorGetInfoResponse>(std::move(response));
static base::Optional<std::string> FixInvalidUTF8String(
base::span<const uint8_t> utf8_bytes) {
// CTAP2 devices must store at least 64 bytes of any string.
if (utf8_bytes.size() < 64) {
FIDO_LOG(ERROR) << "Not accepting invalid UTF-8 string because it's only "
<< utf8_bytes.size() << " bytes long";
return base::nullopt;
base::StreamingUtf8Validator validator;
base::StreamingUtf8Validator::State state;
size_t longest_valid_prefix_len = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < utf8_bytes.size(); i++) {
state =
validator.AddBytes(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&utf8_bytes[i]), 1);
switch (state) {
case base::StreamingUtf8Validator::VALID_ENDPOINT:
longest_valid_prefix_len = i + 1;
case base::StreamingUtf8Validator::INVALID:
return base::nullopt;
case base::StreamingUtf8Validator::VALID_MIDPOINT:
switch (state) {
case base::StreamingUtf8Validator::VALID_ENDPOINT:
// |base::IsStringUTF8|, which the CBOR code uses, is stricter than
// |StreamingUtf8Validator| in that the former rejects ranges of code
// points that should never appear. Therefore, if this case occurs, the
// string is structurally valid as UTF-8, but includes invalid code points
// and thus we reject it.
return base::nullopt;
case base::StreamingUtf8Validator::INVALID:
// This shouldn't happen because we should return immediately if
// |INVALID| occurs.
return base::nullopt;
case base::StreamingUtf8Validator::VALID_MIDPOINT: {
// This string has been truncated. This is the case that we expect to
// have to handle since CTAP2 devices are permitted to truncate strings
// without reference to UTF-8.
const std::string candidate(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
// Check that the result is now acceptable to |IsStringUTF8|, which is
// stricter than |StreamingUtf8Validator|. Without this, a string could
// have both contained invalid code-points /and/ been truncated, and this
// function would only have corrected the latter issue.
if (base::IsStringUTF8(candidate)) {
return candidate;
return base::nullopt;
typedef bool (*PathPredicate)(const std::vector<const cbor::Value*>&);
static base::Optional<cbor::Value> FixInvalidUTF8Value(
const cbor::Value& v,
std::vector<const cbor::Value*>* path,
PathPredicate predicate) {
switch (v.type()) {
case cbor::Value::Type::INVALID_UTF8: {
if (!predicate(*path)) {
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<std::string> maybe_fixed(
if (!maybe_fixed) {
return base::nullopt;
return cbor::Value(*maybe_fixed);
case cbor::Value::Type::UNSIGNED:
case cbor::Value::Type::NEGATIVE:
case cbor::Value::Type::BYTE_STRING:
case cbor::Value::Type::STRING:
case cbor::Value::Type::TAG:
case cbor::Value::Type::SIMPLE_VALUE:
case cbor::Value::Type::NONE:
return v.Clone();
case cbor::Value::Type::ARRAY: {
const cbor::Value::ArrayValue& old_array = v.GetArray();
cbor::Value::ArrayValue new_array;
for (const auto& child : old_array) {
base::Optional<cbor::Value> maybe_fixed =
FixInvalidUTF8Value(child, path, predicate);
if (!maybe_fixed) {
return base::nullopt;
return cbor::Value(new_array);
case cbor::Value::Type::MAP: {
const cbor::Value::MapValue& old_map = v.GetMap();
cbor::Value::MapValue new_map;
for (const auto& it : old_map) {
switch (it.first.type()) {
case cbor::Value::Type::INVALID_UTF8:
// Invalid strings in map keys are not supported.
return base::nullopt;
case cbor::Value::Type::UNSIGNED:
case cbor::Value::Type::NEGATIVE:
case cbor::Value::Type::STRING:
// Other types are not permitted as map keys in CTAP2.
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<cbor::Value> maybe_fixed =
FixInvalidUTF8Value(it.second, path, predicate);
if (!maybe_fixed) {
return base::nullopt;
new_map.emplace(it.first.Clone(), std::move(*maybe_fixed));
return cbor::Value(new_map);
// ContainsInvalidUTF8 returns true if any element of |v| (recursively) contains
// a string with invalid UTF-8. It bases this determination purely on the type
// of the nodes and doesn't actually check the contents of the strings
// themselves.
static bool ContainsInvalidUTF8(const cbor::Value& v) {
switch (v.type()) {
case cbor::Value::Type::INVALID_UTF8:
return true;
case cbor::Value::Type::UNSIGNED:
case cbor::Value::Type::NEGATIVE:
case cbor::Value::Type::BYTE_STRING:
case cbor::Value::Type::STRING:
case cbor::Value::Type::TAG:
case cbor::Value::Type::SIMPLE_VALUE:
case cbor::Value::Type::NONE:
return false;
case cbor::Value::Type::ARRAY: {
const cbor::Value::ArrayValue& array = v.GetArray();
for (const auto& child : array) {
if (ContainsInvalidUTF8(child)) {
return true;
return false;
case cbor::Value::Type::MAP: {
const cbor::Value::MapValue& map = v.GetMap();
for (const auto& it : map) {
if (ContainsInvalidUTF8(it.first) || ContainsInvalidUTF8(it.second)) {
return true;
return false;
base::Optional<cbor::Value> FixInvalidUTF8(cbor::Value in,
PathPredicate predicate) {
if (!ContainsInvalidUTF8(in)) {
// Common case that everything is fine.
return in;
std::vector<const cbor::Value*> path;
return FixInvalidUTF8Value(in, &path, predicate);
} // namespace device