blob: 1884badbcc69e3c42cd760f2fb78d336c682b488 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<video id="video" loop></video>
<script src="../resources/runner.js"></script>
<script src="resources/canvas_runner.js"></script>
var videoElement = document.getElementById("video");
var destCanvas2D = document.createElement("canvas");
var destCtx2D = destCanvas2D.getContext("2d");
var dummyCanvas2D = document.createElement("canvas");
var dummyCtx2D = dummyCanvas2D.getContext("2d");
function setSize(width, height) {
destCanvas2D.width = width;
destCanvas2D.height = height;
dummyCanvas2D.width = width;
dummyCanvas2D.height = height;
function startPerfTest() {
description: "This bench test checks the speed on drawing Video element to HW accelerated Canvas2D(1024x1024).",
doRun: doRun,
ensureComplete: ensureComplete});
function doRun() {
// draw Video
destCtx2D.drawImage(videoElement, 0, 0);
function ensureComplete() {
// Using destCanvas2D as a source image is just to flush out the content when
// accelerated 2D canvas is in use.
// dummyCtx2D must also be accelerated to prevent destCanvas2D from becoming
// non-accelerated due to the DisableAccelerationToAvoidReadbacks heuristic.
dummyCtx2D.drawImage(destCanvas2D, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
window.onload = function () {
// It should use setMinimumAccelerated2dCanvasSize() to enable accelerated Canvas for a specified size
// but this API is not available in JS or WebPage. Assume the threshold size is 256x257
// and the dest canvas is HW accelerated Canvas when setting its size to 1024x1024.
setSize(1024, 1024);
videoElement.src = "resources/bear-1280x720-long.mp4";
if(!videoElement.canPlayType('video/mp4').replace(/no/, '')) {
CanvasRunner.logFatalError("video/mp4 is unsupported");
CanvasRunner.startPlayingAndWaitForVideo(videoElement, startPerfTest);