Fix incorrect process reuse allowed by SiteProcessCountTracker.

Currently, any SiteInstance which uses the
REUSE_PENDING_OR_COMMITTED_SITE process reuse policy is always allowed
to reuse a process with a matching pending site entry.  This is not
always correct: before the navigation to a pending site commits (if
ever), the process might be reused by a navigation to a different
site, which makes this process unsuitable for hosting the original
site if that site requires a dedicated process.  This policy is used
by ServiceWorkers and isolated origins subframes, and this results in
races where we may commit two incompatible sites (or a site and a SW)
under one origin lock, which subsequently leads to renderer kills when
the site with the mismatched lock requests resources such as cookies.

This CL modifies the site tracker to check whether the
RenderProcessHost is still suitable for the target site before
returning it.

Bug: 780661, 780089
Change-Id: I88553572d8b823100fe797bb3a83c9e7cdbfdd2c
Reviewed-by: Charlie Reis <>
Commit-Queue: Alex Moshchuk <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#513607}
diff --git a/content/browser/ b/content/browser/
index ed12e9b..8c31c79 100644
--- a/content/browser/
+++ b/content/browser/
@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@
   WebContentsImpl* web_contents() const {
     return static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents());
+  void InjectAndClickLinkTo(GURL url) {
+    EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(web_contents(),
+                              "var link = document.createElement('a');"
+                              "link.href = '" + url.spec() + "';"
+                              "document.body.appendChild(link);"
+                              ";"));
+  }
 // Check that navigating a main frame from an non-isolated origin to an
@@ -550,11 +558,7 @@
   // that doesn't trigger this bug.
   GURL foo_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("", "/title1.html"));
   TestNavigationManager manager(shell()->web_contents(), foo_url);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(shell()->web_contents(),
-                            "var link = document.createElement('a');"
-                            "link.href = '" + foo_url.spec() + "';"
-                            "document.body.appendChild(link);"
-                            ";"));
+  InjectAndClickLinkTo(foo_url);
   // Before response is received, open a new, unrelated tab and navigate it to
@@ -611,11 +615,7 @@
   GURL isolated_url(
       embedded_test_server()->GetURL("", "/title2.html"));
   TestNavigationManager manager(shell()->web_contents(), isolated_url);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(shell()->web_contents(),
-                            "var link = document.createElement('a');"
-                            "link.href = '" + isolated_url.spec() + "';"
-                            "document.body.appendChild(link);"
-                            ";"));
+  InjectAndClickLinkTo(isolated_url);
   // Before response is received, open a new, unrelated tab and navigate it to
@@ -683,6 +683,130 @@
+// Verify that when a process has a pending SiteProcessCountTracker entry for
+// an isolated origin, and a navigation to a non-isolated origin reuses that
+// process, future isolated origin subframe navigations do not reuse that
+// process. See
+    IsolatedOriginTest,
+    IsolatedSubframeDoesNotReuseUnsuitableProcessWithPendingSiteEntry) {
+  // This test requires PlzNavigate.
+  if (!IsBrowserSideNavigationEnabled())
+    return;
+  // Set the process limit to 1.
+  RenderProcessHost::SetMaxRendererProcessCount(1);
+  // Start from an about:blank page, where the SiteInstance will not have a
+  // site assigned, but will have an associated process.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(web_contents()->GetMainFrame()->GetProcess()->IsUnused());
+  // Inject and click a link to an isolated origin URL which never sends back a
+  // response.
+  GURL hung_isolated_url(
+      embedded_test_server()->GetURL("", "/hung"));
+  TestNavigationManager manager(web_contents(), hung_isolated_url);
+  InjectAndClickLinkTo(hung_isolated_url);
+  // Wait for the request and send it.  This will place
+  // on the list of pending sites for this tab's process.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(manager.WaitForRequestStart());
+  manager.ResumeNavigation();
+  // Open a new, unrelated tab and navigate it to an unisolated URL. This
+  // should reuse the first process, which is still considered unused at this
+  // point, and mark it as used.
+  Shell* new_shell = CreateBrowser();
+  GURL foo_url(
+      embedded_test_server()->GetURL("", "/page_with_iframe.html"));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(new_shell, foo_url));
+  // Navigate iframe on second tab to  This should *not*
+  // reuse the first process, even though is still in its list
+  // of pending sites (from the hung navigation in the first tab).  That
+  // process is unsuitable because it now contains
+  GURL isolated_url(
+      embedded_test_server()->GetURL("", "/title1.html"));
+  NavigateIframeToURL(new_shell->web_contents(), "test_iframe", isolated_url);
+  FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(new_shell->web_contents())
+                            ->GetFrameTree()
+                            ->root();
+  FrameTreeNode* child = root->child_at(0);
+  EXPECT_NE(child->current_frame_host()->GetProcess(),
+            root->current_frame_host()->GetProcess());
+  // Manipulating cookies from the main frame should not result in a renderer
+  // kill.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(root->current_frame_host(),
+                            "document.cookie = 'foo=bar';"));
+  std::string cookie;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString(
+      root->current_frame_host(),
+      "window.domAutomationController.send(document.cookie);", &cookie));
+  EXPECT_EQ("foo=bar", cookie);
+// Similar to the test above, but for a ServiceWorker.  When a process has a
+// pending SiteProcessCountTracker entry for an isolated origin, and a
+// navigation to a non-isolated origin reuses that process, a ServiceWorker
+// subsequently created for that isolated origin shouldn't reuse that process.
+// See and
+    IsolatedOriginTest,
+    IsolatedServiceWorkerDoesNotReuseUnsuitableProcessWithPendingSiteEntry) {
+  // This test requires PlzNavigate.
+  if (!IsBrowserSideNavigationEnabled())
+    return;
+  // Set the process limit to 1.
+  RenderProcessHost::SetMaxRendererProcessCount(1);
+  // Start from an about:blank page, where the SiteInstance will not have a
+  // site assigned, but will have an associated process.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(web_contents()->GetMainFrame()->GetProcess()->IsUnused());
+  // Inject and click a link to an isolated origin URL which never sends back a
+  // response.
+  GURL hung_isolated_url(
+      embedded_test_server()->GetURL("", "/hung"));
+  TestNavigationManager manager(shell()->web_contents(), hung_isolated_url);
+  InjectAndClickLinkTo(hung_isolated_url);
+  // Wait for the request and send it.  This will place
+  // on the list of pending sites for this tab's process.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(manager.WaitForRequestStart());
+  manager.ResumeNavigation();
+  // Open a new, unrelated tab and navigate it to an unisolated URL. This
+  // should reuse the first process, which is still considered unused at this
+  // point, and mark it as used.
+  Shell* new_shell = CreateBrowser();
+  GURL foo_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("", "/title1.html"));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(new_shell, foo_url));
+  // A SiteInstance created for an isolated origin ServiceWorker should
+  // not reuse the unsuitable first process.
+  scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> sw_site_instance =
+      SiteInstanceImpl::CreateForURL(web_contents()->GetBrowserContext(),
+                                     hung_isolated_url);
+  sw_site_instance->set_is_for_service_worker();
+  sw_site_instance->set_process_reuse_policy(
+      SiteInstanceImpl::ProcessReusePolicy::REUSE_PENDING_OR_COMMITTED_SITE);
+  RenderProcessHost* sw_host = sw_site_instance->GetProcess();
+  EXPECT_NE(new_shell->web_contents()->GetMainFrame()->GetProcess(), sw_host);
+  // Cancel the hung request and commit a real navigation to an isolated
+  // origin. This should now end up in the ServiceWorker's process.
+  web_contents()->GetFrameTree()->root()->ResetNavigationRequest(false, false);
+  GURL isolated_url(
+      embedded_test_server()->GetURL("", "/title1.html"));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), isolated_url));
+  EXPECT_EQ(web_contents()->GetMainFrame()->GetProcess(), sw_host);
 // Check that subdomains on an isolated origin (e.g.,
 // also end up in the isolated origin's SiteInstance.
 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(IsolatedOriginTest, IsolatedOriginWithSubdomain) {
diff --git a/content/browser/renderer_host/ b/content/browser/renderer_host/
index aca6104e..8700370 100644
--- a/content/browser/renderer_host/
+++ b/content/browser/renderer_host/
@@ -831,6 +831,15 @@
+      // It's possible that |host| has become unsuitable for hosting
+      // |site_url|, for example if it was reused by a navigation to a
+      // different site, and |site_url| requires a dedicated process.  Do not
+      // allow such hosts to be reused.  See
+      if (!RenderProcessHostImpl::IsSuitableHost(
+              host, host->GetBrowserContext(), site_url))
+        continue;
       if (host->VisibleWidgetCount())