blob: 99041b2e28cec411d5b853788adb712284c97f66 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from in_file import InFile
from name_utilities import enum_for_css_keyword
from name_utilities import upper_first_letter
import in_generator
import license
#ifndef %(class_name)s_h
#define %(class_name)s_h
#include "core/css/parser/CSSParserMode.h"
#include <string.h>
namespace blink {
enum CSSValueID {
const int numCSSValueKeywords = %(value_keywords_count)d;
const size_t maxCSSValueKeywordLength = %(max_value_keyword_length)d;
const char* getValueName(CSSValueID);
bool isValueAllowedInMode(unsigned short id, CSSParserMode mode);
} // namespace blink
#endif // %(class_name)s_h
#include "%(class_name)s.h"
#include "core/css/HashTools.h"
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Disable the warnings from casting a 64-bit pointer to 32-bit long
// warning C4302: 'type cast': truncation from 'char (*)[28]' to 'long'
// warning C4311: 'type cast': pointer truncation from 'char (*)[18]' to 'long'
#pragma warning(disable : 4302 4311)
namespace blink {
static const char valueListStringPool[] = {
static const unsigned short valueListStringOffsets[] = {
struct Value;
%%define class-name %(class_name)sHash
%%define lookup-function-name findValueImpl
%%define hash-function-name value_hash_function
%%define slot-name nameOffset
%%define word-array-name value_word_list
const Value* findValue(register const char* str, register unsigned int len)
return CSSValueKeywordsHash::findValueImpl(str, len);
const char* getValueName(CSSValueID id)
ASSERT(id > 0 && id < numCSSValueKeywords);
return valueListStringPool + valueListStringOffsets[id - 1];
bool isValueAllowedInMode(unsigned short id, CSSParserMode mode)
switch (id) {
return isUASheetBehavior(mode);
return isUASheetBehavior(mode) || isQuirksModeBehavior(mode);
return true;
} // namespace blink
class CSSValueKeywordsWriter(in_generator.Writer):
class_name = "CSSValueKeywords"
defaults = {
'mode': None,
def __init__(self, file_paths):
in_generator.Writer.__init__(self, file_paths)
self._outputs = {(self.class_name + ".h"): self.generate_header,
(self.class_name + ".cpp"): self.generate_implementation,
self._value_keywords = self.in_file.name_dictionaries
first_keyword_id = 1
for offset, keyword in enumerate(self._value_keywords):
keyword['lower_name'] = keyword['name'].lower()
keyword['enum_name'] = enum_for_css_keyword(keyword['name'])
keyword['enum_value'] = first_keyword_id + offset
if keyword['name'].startswith('-internal-'):
assert keyword['mode'] is None, 'Can\'t specify mode for value keywords with the prefix "-internal-".'
keyword['mode'] = 'UASheet'
assert keyword['mode'] != 'UASheet', 'UASheet mode only value keywords should have the prefix "-internal-".'
def _enum_declaration(self, keyword):
return " %(enum_name)s = %(enum_value)s," % keyword
def _case_value_keyword(self, keyword):
return "case %(enum_name)s:" % keyword
def generate_header(self):
enum_enties = map(self._enum_declaration, [{'enum_name': 'CSSValueInvalid', 'enum_value': 0}] + self._value_keywords)
'license': license.license_for_generated_cpp(),
'class_name': self.class_name,
'value_keyword_enums': "\n".join(enum_enties),
'value_keywords_count': len(enum_enties),
'max_value_keyword_length': max(len(keyword['name']) for keyword in self._value_keywords),
def _value_keywords_with_mode(self, mode):
return filter(lambda keyword: keyword['mode'] == mode, self._value_keywords)
def generate_implementation(self):
keyword_offsets = []
current_offset = 0
for keyword in self._value_keywords:
current_offset += len(keyword["name"]) + 1
gperf_input = GPERF_TEMPLATE % {
'license': license.license_for_generated_cpp(),
'class_name': self.class_name,
'value_keyword_strings': '\n'.join(' "%(name)s\\0"' % keyword for keyword in self._value_keywords),
'value_keyword_offsets': '\n'.join(' %d,' % offset for offset in keyword_offsets),
'value_keyword_to_enum_map': '\n'.join('%(lower_name)s, %(enum_name)s' % keyword for keyword in self._value_keywords),
'ua_sheet_mode_values_keywords': '\n '.join(map(self._case_value_keyword, self._value_keywords_with_mode('UASheet'))),
'quirks_mode_or_ua_sheet_mode_values_keywords': '\n '.join(map(self._case_value_keyword, self._value_keywords_with_mode('QuirksOrUASheet'))),
# FIXME: If we could depend on Python 2.7, we would use subprocess.check_output
gperf_args = [self.gperf_path, '--key-positions=*', '-P', '-n']
gperf_args.extend(['-m', '50']) # Pick best of 50 attempts.
gperf_args.append('-D') # Allow duplicate hashes -> More compact code.
gperf = subprocess.Popen(gperf_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
return gperf.communicate(gperf_input)[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":