blob: b486c2d545027c1edcaa39dcbde807acebedb05d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef PointerEventFactory_h
#define PointerEventFactory_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/events/PointerEvent.h"
#include "public/platform/WebPointerProperties.h"
#include "wtf/Allocator.h"
#include "wtf/HashMap.h"
namespace blink {
// Helper class for tracking the pointer ids for each type of PointerEvents.
// Using id re-mapping at this layer, this class makes sure that regardless of
// the domain of the id (i.e. in touch or pen) the corresponding pointer event
// will have a unique id amongst all pointer events as per pointer events'
// specification. This class intended to behave the same as existing browsers as
// much as possible for compatibility reasons. Particularly it behaves very
// similar to MS Edge to have pointer event ids generated by mouse always equal
// 1 and those that are generated by touch and pen will have increasing ids from
// 2.
class CORE_EXPORT PointerEventFactory {
PointerEvent* create(
const AtomicString& mouseEventName, const PlatformMouseEvent&,
EventTarget* relatedTarget,
PointerEvent* create(const AtomicString& type,
const PlatformTouchPoint&, PlatformEvent::Modifiers,
const FloatSize& pointRadius,
const FloatPoint& clientPoint,
PointerEvent* createPointerCancelEvent(
const int pointerId, const WebPointerProperties::PointerType);
// For creating capture events (i.e got/lostpointercapture)
PointerEvent* createPointerCaptureEvent(
const AtomicString&);
// For creating boundary events (i.e pointerout/leave/over/enter)
PointerEvent* createPointerBoundaryEvent(
const AtomicString&,
// Clear all the existing ids.
void clear();
// When a particular pointerId is removed, the id is considered free even
// though there might have been other PointerEvents that were generated with
// the same id before.
bool remove(const int);
// Returns all ids of the given pointerType.
Vector<int> getPointerIdsOfType(WebPointerProperties::PointerType) const;
// Returns whether a pointer id exists and active.
bool isActive(const int) const;
// Returns whether a pointer id exists and has at least one pressed button.
bool isActiveButtonsState(const int) const;
// Returns the id of the pointer event corresponding to the given pointer
// properties if exists otherwise s_invalidId.
int getPointerEventId(const WebPointerProperties&) const;
typedef WTF::UnsignedWithZeroKeyHashTraits<int> UnsignedHash;
typedef struct IncomingId : public std::pair<int, int> {
IncomingId() {}
IncomingId(WebPointerProperties::PointerType pointerType,
int rawId)
: std::pair<int, int>(static_cast<int>(pointerType), rawId) {}
int pointerType() const {return first;}
int rawId() const {return second;}
} IncomingId;
typedef struct PointerAttributes {
IncomingId incomingId;
bool isActiveButtons;
PointerAttributes() {}
PointerAttributes(IncomingId incomingId, unsigned isActiveButtons)
: incomingId(incomingId)
, isActiveButtons(isActiveButtons) {}
} PointerAttributes;
int addIdAndActiveButtons(const IncomingId, bool isActiveButtons);
bool isPrimary(const int) const;
void setIdTypeButtons(PointerEventInit&, const WebPointerProperties&,
unsigned buttons);
void setBubblesAndCancelable(PointerEventInit&, const AtomicString& type);
static const int s_invalidId;
static const int s_mouseId;
int m_currentId;
HashMap<IncomingId, int, WTF::PairHash<int, int>, WTF::PairHashTraits<UnsignedHash, UnsignedHash>> m_pointerIncomingIdMapping;
HashMap<int, PointerAttributes, WTF::IntHash<int>, UnsignedHash> m_pointerIdMapping;
int m_primaryId[static_cast<int>(WebPointerProperties::PointerType::LastEntry) + 1];
int m_idCount[static_cast<int>(WebPointerProperties::PointerType::LastEntry) + 1];
} // namespace blink
#endif // PointerEventFactory_h