blob: 880fb8ffa11f9b7cea418b64f66242c899a94a01 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- XR specific strings (included from generated_resources.grd and android_chrome_strings.grd). -->
<!-- These strings are used in the consent flow dialog. -->
<!-- XR consent dialog. -->
<message name="IDS_XR_CONSENT_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the user consent dialog displayed before allowing a website to start a VR presentation">
Allow this site to access your VR sensors?
<message name="IDS_XR_CONSENT_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION" desc="Body of the user consent dialog displayed before allowing a website to start a VR presentation">
Sensor data will only be shared while you're in this VR experience. The site may be able to learn about you using certain info, such as:
- Your location
- Your physical features, like eye position
- Your movements, like how you walk
Make sure you trust this site before you allow access.
<message name="IDS_XR_CONSENT_DIALOG_BUTTON_DENY_VR" desc="Text on the button of a user consent dialog which denies a website from starting a VR presentation">
Don&#39;t allow
<message name="IDS_XR_CONSENT_DIALOG_BUTTON_ALLOW_AND_ENTER_VR" desc="Text on the button of a user consent dialog which allows a website to start a VR presentation">
Allow &amp; enter VR