blob: 80b0231fda0a2a647b1f761c837f899245048adc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "ui/views/layout/flex_layout_types.h"
namespace gfx {
class Insets;
class Point;
class Rect;
class Size;
} // namespace gfx
namespace views {
class SizeBounds;
namespace internal {
// Represents insets in a single dimension.
class Inset1D {
constexpr Inset1D() = default;
constexpr explicit Inset1D(int all) : leading_(all), trailing_(all) {}
constexpr Inset1D(int leading, int trailing)
: leading_(leading), trailing_(trailing) {}
constexpr int leading() const { return leading_; }
void set_leading(int leading) { leading_ = leading; }
constexpr int trailing() const { return trailing_; }
void set_trailing(int trailing) { trailing_ = trailing; }
constexpr int size() const { return leading_ + trailing_; }
void SetInsets(int leading, int trailing);
void Expand(int delta_leading, int delta_trailing);
constexpr bool is_empty() const { return leading_ == 0 && trailing_ == 0; }
bool operator==(const Inset1D& other) const;
bool operator!=(const Inset1D& other) const;
bool operator<(const Inset1D& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
int leading_ = 0;
int trailing_ = 0;
// Represents a line segment in one dimension with a starting point and length.
class Span {
constexpr Span() = default;
constexpr Span(int start, int length) : start_(start), length_(length) {}
constexpr int start() const { return start_; }
void set_start(int start) { start_ = start; }
constexpr int length() const { return length_; }
void set_length(int length) {
DCHECK_GE(length, 0);
length_ = length;
constexpr int end() const { return start_ + length_; }
void set_end(int end) {
DCHECK_GE(end, start_);
length_ = end - start_;
void SetSpan(int start, int length);
// Expands the span by |leading| at the front (reducing the value of start()
// if |leading| is positive) and by |trailing| at the end (increasing the
// value of end() if |trailing| is positive).
void Expand(int leading, int trailing);
// Opposite of Expand(). Shrinks each end of the span by the specified amount.
void Inset(int leading, int trailing);
void Inset(const Inset1D& insets);
// Centers the span in another span, with optional margins.
// Overflow is handled gracefully.
void Center(const Span& container, const Inset1D& margins = Inset1D());
// Aligns the span in another span, with optional margins, using the specified
// alignment. Overflow is handled gracefully.
void Align(const Span& container,
LayoutAlignment alignment,
const Inset1D& margins = Inset1D());
constexpr bool is_empty() const { return length_ == 0; }
bool operator==(const Span& other) const;
bool operator!=(const Span& other) const;
bool operator<(const Span& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
int start_ = 0;
int length_ = 0;
// Represents a point in layout space - that is, a point on the main and cross
// axes of the layout (regardless of whether it is vertically or horizontally
// oriented.
class NormalizedPoint {
constexpr NormalizedPoint() = default;
constexpr NormalizedPoint(int main, int cross) : main_(main), cross_(cross) {}
constexpr int main() const { return main_; }
void set_main(int main) { main_ = main; }
constexpr int cross() const { return cross_; }
void set_cross(int cross) { cross_ = cross; }
void SetPoint(int main, int cross);
void Offset(int delta_main, int delta_cross);
bool operator==(const NormalizedPoint& other) const;
bool operator!=(const NormalizedPoint& other) const;
bool operator<(const NormalizedPoint& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
int main_ = 0;
int cross_ = 0;
// Represents a size in layout space - that is, a size on the main and cross
// axes of the layout (regardless of whether it is vertically or horizontally
// oriented.
class NormalizedSize {
constexpr NormalizedSize() = default;
constexpr NormalizedSize(int main, int cross) : main_(main), cross_(cross) {}
constexpr int main() const { return main_; }
void set_main(int main) { main_ = main; }
constexpr int cross() const { return cross_; }
void set_cross(int cross) { cross_ = cross; }
void SetSize(int main, int cross);
void Enlarge(int delta_main, int delta_cross);
void SetToMax(int main, int cross);
void SetToMax(const NormalizedSize& other);
void SetToMin(int main, int cross);
void SetToMin(const NormalizedSize& other);
constexpr bool is_empty() const { return main_ == 0 || cross_ == 0; }
bool operator==(const NormalizedSize& other) const;
bool operator!=(const NormalizedSize& other) const;
bool operator<(const NormalizedSize& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
int main_ = 0;
int cross_ = 0;
// Represents insets in layout space - that is, insets on the main and cross
// axes of the layout (regardless of whether it is vertically or horizontally
// oriented.
class NormalizedInsets {
constexpr NormalizedInsets() = default;
constexpr explicit NormalizedInsets(int all) : main_(all), cross_(all) {}
constexpr NormalizedInsets(int main, int cross)
: main_(main), cross_(cross) {}
constexpr NormalizedInsets(const Inset1D& main, const Inset1D& cross)
: main_(main), cross_(cross) {}
constexpr NormalizedInsets(int main_leading,
int cross_leading,
int main_trailing,
int cross_trailing)
: main_(main_leading, main_trailing),
cross_(cross_leading, cross_trailing) {}
constexpr int main_leading() const { return main_.leading(); }
void set_main_leading(int main_leading) { main_.set_leading(main_leading); }
constexpr int main_trailing() const { return main_.trailing(); }
void set_main_trailing(int main_trailing) {
constexpr int main_size() const { return main_.size(); }
constexpr int cross_leading() const { return cross_.leading(); }
void set_cross_leading(int cross_leading) {
constexpr int cross_trailing() const { return cross_.trailing(); }
void set_cross_trailing(int cross_trailing) {
constexpr int cross_size() const { return cross_.size(); }
const Inset1D& main() const { return main_; }
void set_main(const Inset1D& main) { main_ = main; }
const Inset1D& cross() const { return cross_; }
void set_cross(const Inset1D& cross) { cross_ = cross; }
bool operator==(const NormalizedInsets& other) const;
bool operator!=(const NormalizedInsets& other) const;
bool operator<(const NormalizedInsets& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
Inset1D main_;
Inset1D cross_;
// Represents size bounds in layout space - that is, a set of size bounds using
// the main and cross axes of the layout (regardless of whether it is vertically
// or horizontally oriented).
class NormalizedSizeBounds {
NormalizedSizeBounds(const base::Optional<int>& main,
const base::Optional<int>& cross);
explicit NormalizedSizeBounds(const NormalizedSize& size);
NormalizedSizeBounds(const NormalizedSizeBounds& size_bounds);
const base::Optional<int>& main() const { return main_; }
void set_main(const base::Optional<int>& main) { main_ = main; }
const base::Optional<int>& cross() const { return cross_; }
void set_cross(const base::Optional<int>& cross) { cross_ = cross; }
void Expand(int main, int cross);
bool operator==(const NormalizedSizeBounds& other) const;
bool operator!=(const NormalizedSizeBounds& other) const;
bool operator<(const NormalizedSizeBounds& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
base::Optional<int> main_;
base::Optional<int> cross_;
// Represents a rectangle in layout space - that is, a rectangle whose
// dimensions align with the main and cross axis of the layout (regardless of
// whether the layout is vertically or horizontally oriented).
class NormalizedRect {
constexpr NormalizedRect() = default;
constexpr NormalizedRect(const NormalizedPoint& origin,
const NormalizedSize& size)
: origin_(origin), size_(size) {}
constexpr NormalizedRect(const Span& main, const Span& cross)
: origin_(main.start(), cross.start()),
size_(main.length(), cross.length()) {}
constexpr NormalizedRect(int origin_main,
int origin_cross,
int size_main,
int size_cross)
: origin_(origin_main, origin_cross), size_(size_main, size_cross) {}
constexpr int origin_main() const { return origin_.main(); }
void set_origin_main(int main) { origin_.set_main(main); }
constexpr int origin_cross() const { return origin_.cross(); }
void set_origin_cross(int cross) { origin_.set_cross(cross); }
constexpr const NormalizedPoint& origin() const { return origin_; }
void set_origin(const NormalizedPoint& origin) { origin_ = origin; }
constexpr int size_main() const { return size_.main(); }
void set_size_main(int main) { size_.set_main(main); }
constexpr int size_cross() const { return size_.cross(); }
void set_size_cross(int cross) { size_.set_cross(cross); }
constexpr const NormalizedSize& size() const { return size_; }
void set_size(const NormalizedSize& size) { size_ = size; }
constexpr int max_main() const { return origin_.main() + size_.main(); }
constexpr int max_cross() const { return origin_.cross() + size_.cross(); }
Span GetMainSpan() const;
void SetMainSpan(const Span& span);
void AlignMain(const Span& container,
LayoutAlignment alignment,
const Inset1D& margins = Inset1D());
Span GetCrossSpan() const;
void SetCrossSpan(const Span& span);
void AlignCross(const Span& container,
LayoutAlignment alignment,
const Inset1D& margins = Inset1D());
void SetRect(int origin_main,
int origin_cross,
int size_main,
int size_cross);
void SetByBounds(int origin_main,
int origin_cross,
int max_main,
int max_cross);
void Inset(const NormalizedInsets& insets);
void Inset(int main, int cross);
void Inset(int main_leading,
int cross_leading,
int main_trailing,
int cross_trailing);
void Offset(int main, int cross);
constexpr bool is_empty() const { return size_.is_empty(); }
bool operator==(const NormalizedRect& other) const;
bool operator!=(const NormalizedRect& other) const;
bool operator<(const NormalizedRect& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
NormalizedPoint origin_;
NormalizedSize size_;
// Normalization and Denormalization -------------------------------------------
NormalizedPoint Normalize(LayoutOrientation orientation,
const gfx::Point& point);
gfx::Point Denormalize(LayoutOrientation orientation,
const NormalizedPoint& point);
NormalizedSize Normalize(LayoutOrientation orientation, const gfx::Size& point);
gfx::Size Denormalize(LayoutOrientation orientation,
const NormalizedSize& point);
NormalizedSizeBounds Normalize(LayoutOrientation orientation,
const SizeBounds& point);
SizeBounds Denormalize(LayoutOrientation orientation,
const NormalizedSizeBounds& point);
NormalizedInsets Normalize(LayoutOrientation orientation,
const gfx::Insets& point);
gfx::Insets Denormalize(LayoutOrientation orientation,
const NormalizedInsets& point);
NormalizedRect Normalize(LayoutOrientation orientation, const gfx::Rect& rect);
gfx::Rect Denormalize(LayoutOrientation orientation,
const NormalizedRect& rect);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace views