blob: 509438a5e8c86b2a90081f5e08bfd87d430d651a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "components/chrome_cleaner/public/interfaces/chrome_prompt.mojom.h"
namespace safe_browsing {
// Class that mocks the behaviour of the Chrome Cleaner process. Intended to be
// used in multi process tests. Example Usage:
// MULTIPROCESS_TEST_MAIN(MockChromeCleanerProcessMain) {
// base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
// MockChromeCleanerProcess::Options options;
// EXPECT_TRUE(MockChromeCleanerProcess::Options::FromCommandLine(
// *command_line, &options));
// std::string chrome_mojo_pipe_token = ...
// EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_mojo_pipe_token.empty())
// if (::testing::Test::HasFailure())
// return MockChromeCleanerProcess::kInternalTestFailureExitCode;
// MockChromeCleanerProcess mock_cleaner_process(options,
// chrome_mojo_pipe_token);
// return mock_cleaner_process.Run();
// }
class MockChromeCleanerProcess {
enum class CrashPoint {
// Indicates if a category of items (e.g. registry keys, extensions) to be
// removed/changed will be sent from the cleaner process.
enum class ItemsReporting {
// Simulation of an older cleaner version that doesn't support sending
// the category of items.
// Simulation of a cleaner version that supports sending the category of
// items, but for which no items were reported.
// The cleaner reported items to be removed/changed.
static constexpr int kInternalTestFailureExitCode = 100001;
static constexpr int kDeliberateCrashExitCode = 100002;
static constexpr int kNothingFoundExitCode = 2;
static constexpr int kDeclinedExitCode = 44;
static constexpr int kRebootRequiredExitCode = 15;
static constexpr int kRebootNotRequiredExitCode = 0;
static const base::char16 kInstalledExtensionId1[];
static const base::char16 kInstalledExtensionName1[];
static const base::char16 kInstalledExtensionId2[];
static const base::char16 kInstalledExtensionName2[];
static const base::char16 kUnknownExtensionId[];
static void AddMockExtensionsToProfile(Profile* profile);
class Options {
static bool FromCommandLine(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
Options* options);
Options(const Options& other);
Options& operator=(const Options& other);
void AddSwitchesToCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) const;
void SetReportedResults(bool has_files_to_remove,
ItemsReporting registry_keys_reporting,
ItemsReporting extensions_reporting);
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& files_to_delete() const {
return files_to_delete_;
const base::Optional<std::vector<base::string16>>& registry_keys() const {
return registry_keys_;
const base::Optional<std::vector<base::string16>>& extension_ids() const {
return extension_ids_;
const base::Optional<std::vector<base::string16>>&
expected_extension_names() const {
return expected_extension_names_;
void set_reboot_required(bool reboot_required) {
reboot_required_ = reboot_required;
bool reboot_required() const { return reboot_required_; }
void set_crash_point(CrashPoint crash_point) { crash_point_ = crash_point; }
CrashPoint crash_point() const { return crash_point_; }
void set_expected_user_response(
chrome_cleaner::mojom::PromptAcceptance expected_user_response) {
expected_user_response_ = expected_user_response;
chrome_cleaner::mojom::PromptAcceptance expected_user_response() const {
return expected_user_response_;
ItemsReporting registry_keys_reporting() const {
return registry_keys_reporting_;
ItemsReporting extensions_reporting() const {
return extensions_reporting_;
int ExpectedExitCode(chrome_cleaner::mojom::PromptAcceptance
received_prompt_acceptance) const;
std::vector<base::FilePath> files_to_delete_;
base::Optional<std::vector<base::string16>> registry_keys_;
base::Optional<std::vector<base::string16>> extension_ids_;
base::Optional<std::vector<base::string16>> expected_extension_names_;
bool reboot_required_ = false;
CrashPoint crash_point_ = CrashPoint::kNone;
ItemsReporting registry_keys_reporting_ = ItemsReporting::kUnsupported;
ItemsReporting extensions_reporting_ = ItemsReporting::kUnsupported;
chrome_cleaner::mojom::PromptAcceptance expected_user_response_ =
MockChromeCleanerProcess(const Options& options,
const std::string& chrome_mojo_pipe_token);
// Call this in the main function of the mock Chrome Cleaner process. Returns
// the exit code that should be used when the process exits.
// If a crash point has been specified in the options passed to the
// constructor, the process will exit with a kDeliberateCrashExitCode exit
// code, and this function will not return.
int Run();
// Function that receives the Mojo response to the PromptUser message.
void SendScanResults(
chrome_cleaner::mojom::ChromePromptPtrInfo prompt_ptr_info,
base::OnceClosure quit_closure);
void PromptUserCallback(
base::OnceClosure quit_closure,
chrome_cleaner::mojom::PromptAcceptance prompt_acceptance);
Options options_;
std::string chrome_mojo_pipe_token_;
// The PromptAcceptance received in PromptUserCallback().
chrome_cleaner::mojom::PromptAcceptance received_prompt_acceptance_ =
chrome_cleaner::mojom::ChromePromptPtr* chrome_prompt_ptr_ = nullptr;
} // namespace safe_browsing