blob: 65bf1513caac366706418297d5d924676779f14a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screens/base_screen.h"
#include "components/login/screens/screen_context.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_device.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_discovery_session.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_binding.h"
#include "services/device/public/mojom/input_service.mojom.h"
namespace chromeos {
class HIDDetectionView;
// Representation independent class that controls screen showing warning about
// HID absence to users.
class HIDDetectionScreen : public BaseScreen,
public device::BluetoothAdapter::Observer,
public device::BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate,
public device::mojom::InputDeviceManagerClient {
static const char kContextKeyKeyboardState[];
static const char kContextKeyMouseState[];
static const char kContextKeyNumKeysEnteredExpected[];
static const char kContextKeyNumKeysEnteredPinCode[];
static const char kContextKeyPinCode[];
static const char kContextKeyMouseDeviceName[];
static const char kContextKeyKeyboardDeviceName[];
static const char kContextKeyKeyboardLabel[];
static const char kContextKeyContinueButtonEnabled[];
using InputDeviceInfoPtr = device::mojom::InputDeviceInfoPtr;
using DeviceMap = std::map<std::string, InputDeviceInfoPtr>;
HIDDetectionScreen(HIDDetectionView* view,
const base::RepeatingClosure& exit_callback);
~HIDDetectionScreen() override;
// Called when continue button was clicked.
void OnContinueButtonClicked();
// This method is called when the view is being destroyed.
void OnViewDestroyed(HIDDetectionView* view);
// Checks if this screen should be displayed. |on_check_done| should be
// invoked with the result; true if the screen should be displayed, false
// otherwise.
void CheckIsScreenRequired(const base::Callback<void(bool)>& on_check_done);
friend class HIDDetectionScreenTest;
// BaseScreen implementation:
void Show() override;
void Hide() override;
// device::BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate implementation:
void RequestPinCode(device::BluetoothDevice* device) override;
void RequestPasskey(device::BluetoothDevice* device) override;
void DisplayPinCode(device::BluetoothDevice* device,
const std::string& pincode) override;
void DisplayPasskey(device::BluetoothDevice* device,
uint32_t passkey) override;
void KeysEntered(device::BluetoothDevice* device, uint32_t entered) override;
void ConfirmPasskey(device::BluetoothDevice* device,
uint32_t passkey) override;
void AuthorizePairing(device::BluetoothDevice* device) override;
// device::BluetoothAdapter::Observer implementation.
void AdapterPresentChanged(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
bool present) override;
void DeviceAdded(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
device::BluetoothDevice* device) override;
void DeviceChanged(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
device::BluetoothDevice* device) override;
void DeviceRemoved(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
device::BluetoothDevice* device) override;
// device::mojom::InputDeviceManagerClient implementation.
void InputDeviceAdded(InputDeviceInfoPtr info) override;
void InputDeviceRemoved(const std::string& id) override;
// Types of dialog leaving scenarios for UMA metric.
enum ContinueScenarioType {
// Only pointing device detected, user pressed 'Continue'.
// Only keyboard detected, user pressed 'Continue'.
// All devices detected.
// Must be last enum element.
void InitializeAdapter(scoped_refptr<device::BluetoothAdapter> adapter);
void StartBTDiscoverySession();
// Updates internal state and UI (if ready) using list of connected devices.
void ProcessConnectedDevicesList();
// Checks for lack of mouse or keyboard. If found starts BT devices update.
// Initiates BTAdapter if it's not active and BT devices update required.
void TryInitiateBTDevicesUpdate();
void ConnectToInputDeviceManager();
// Processes list of input devices on the check request. Calls the callback
// that expects true if screen is required. The returned devices list is not
// saved.
void OnGetInputDevicesListForCheck(
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& on_check_done,
std::vector<InputDeviceInfoPtr> devices);
// Saves and processes the list of input devices returned by the request made
// in GetInputDevicesList().
void OnGetInputDevicesList(std::vector<InputDeviceInfoPtr> devices);
// Called for revision of active devices. If current-placement is available
// for mouse or keyboard device, sets one of active devices as current or
// tries to connect some BT device if no appropriate devices are connected.
void UpdateDevices();
// Gets the input devices list. The devices list will be kept updated by
// OnInputDeviceAdded() and OnInputDeviceRemoved().
void GetInputDevicesList();
// Tries to connect some BT devices if no type-appropriate devices are
// connected.
void UpdateBTDevices();
// Called by device::BluetoothAdapter in response to a successful request
// to initiate a discovery session.
void OnStartDiscoverySession(
std::unique_ptr<device::BluetoothDiscoverySession> discovery_session);
// Called by device::BluetoothAdapter in response to a failure to
// initiate a discovery session.
void FindDevicesError();
// Check the input devices one by one and power off the BT adapter if there
// is no bluetooth device.
void PowerOff();
// Called by device::BluetoothAdapter in response to a failure to
// power BT adapter.
void SetPoweredError();
// Called by device::BluetoothAdapter in response to a failure to
// power off BT adapter.
void SetPoweredOffError();
// Tries to connect given BT device as pointing one.
void TryPairingAsPointingDevice(device::BluetoothDevice* device);
// Tries to connect given BT device as keyboard.
void TryPairingAsKeyboardDevice(device::BluetoothDevice* device);
// Tries to connect given BT device.
void ConnectBTDevice(device::BluetoothDevice* device);
// Called by device::BluetoothDevice on a successful pairing and connection
// to a device.
void BTConnected(device::BluetoothDeviceType device_type);
// Called by device::BluetoothDevice in response to a failure to
// connect to the device with bluetooth address |address| due to an error
// encoded in |error_code|.
void BTConnectError(const std::string& address,
device::BluetoothDeviceType device_type,
device::BluetoothDevice::ConnectErrorCode error_code);
// Sends a notification to the Web UI of the status of available Bluetooth/USB
// pointing device.
void SendPointingDeviceNotification();
// Sends a notification to the Web UI of the status of available Bluetooth/USB
// keyboard device.
void SendKeyboardDeviceNotification();
// Helper method. Sets device name or placeholder if the name is empty.
void SetKeyboardDeviceName_(const std::string& name);
scoped_refptr<device::BluetoothAdapter> GetAdapterForTesting();
void SetAdapterInitialPoweredForTesting(bool powered);
HIDDetectionView* view_;
base::RepeatingClosure exit_callback_;
// Default bluetooth adapter, used for all operations.
scoped_refptr<device::BluetoothAdapter> adapter_;
device::mojom::InputDeviceManagerPtr input_device_manager_;
mojo::AssociatedBinding<device::mojom::InputDeviceManagerClient> binding_;
// Save the connected input devices.
DeviceMap devices_;
// The current device discovery session. Only one active discovery session is
// kept at a time and the instance that |discovery_session_| points to gets
// replaced by a new one when a new discovery session is initiated.
std::unique_ptr<device::BluetoothDiscoverySession> discovery_session_;
// Current pointing device, if any. Device name is kept in screen context.
std::string pointing_device_id_;
bool mouse_is_pairing_ = false;
device::mojom::InputDeviceType pointing_device_connect_type_ =
// Current keyboard device, if any. Device name is kept in screen context.
std::string keyboard_device_id_;
bool keyboard_is_pairing_ = false;
device::mojom::InputDeviceType keyboard_device_connect_type_ =
std::string keyboard_device_name_;
// State of BT adapter before screen-initiated changes.
std::unique_ptr<bool> adapter_initially_powered_;
bool switch_on_adapter_when_ready_ = false;
bool devices_enumerated_ = false;
bool showing_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<HIDDetectionScreen> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace chromeos