blob: d4d82c2f31f0e8fe7470ef6cc511b05d50d5d797 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "base/values.h"
struct BrowserInfo;
class ChromeDesktopImpl;
class Status;
class WebView;
class Chrome {
virtual ~Chrome() {}
virtual Status GetAsDesktop(ChromeDesktopImpl** desktop) = 0;
virtual const BrowserInfo* GetBrowserInfo() const = 0;
virtual bool HasCrashedWebView() = 0;
// Return the id of the first WebView that is a page.
virtual Status GetWebViewIdForFirstTab(std::string* web_view_id,
bool w3c_compliant) = 0;
// Return ids of opened WebViews. The list is not guaranteed to be in the same
// order as those WebViews are opened, if two or more new windows are opened
// between two calls of this method.
virtual Status GetWebViewIds(std::list<std::string>* web_view_ids,
bool w3c_compliant) = 0;
// Return the WebView for the given id.
virtual Status GetWebViewById(const std::string& id, WebView** web_view) = 0;
// Gets the size of the specified WebView.
virtual Status GetWindowSize(const std::string& id,
int* width,
int* height) = 0;
// Sets the rect of the specified WebView
virtual Status SetWindowRect(const std::string& target_id,
const base::DictionaryValue& params) = 0;
// Sets the size of the specified WebView.
virtual Status SetWindowSize(const std::string& target_id,
int width,
int height) = 0;
// Gets the on-screen position of the specified WebView.
virtual Status GetWindowPosition(const std::string& target_id,
int* x,
int* y) = 0;
// Sets the on-screen position of the specified WebView.
virtual Status SetWindowPosition(const std::string& target_id,
int x,
int y) = 0;
// Maximizes specified WebView.
virtual Status MaximizeWindow(const std::string& target_id) = 0;
// Minimizes specified WebView.
virtual Status MinimizeWindow(const std::string& target_id) = 0;
// Opens specified WebView in full screen mode.
virtual Status FullScreenWindow(const std::string& target_id) = 0;
// Closes the specified WebView.
virtual Status CloseWebView(const std::string& id) = 0;
// Activates the specified WebView.
virtual Status ActivateWebView(const std::string& id) = 0;
// Enables acceptInsecureCerts mode for the browser.
virtual Status SetAcceptInsecureCerts() = 0;
// Get the operation system where Chrome is running.
virtual std::string GetOperatingSystemName() = 0;
// Return whether the mobileEmulation capability has been enabled.
virtual bool IsMobileEmulationEnabled() const = 0;
// Return whether the target device has a touchscreen, and whether touch
// actions can be performed on it.
virtual bool HasTouchScreen() const = 0;
// Return the page load strategy for this session.
virtual std::string page_load_strategy() const = 0;
// Quits Chrome.
virtual Status Quit() = 0;