blob: 06d26ee7464b26df7c8a1876ea13362eaa5d9964 [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
Last Modified Date: April 12, 2016
OpenGL ES 2.0 is required.
This extension allows a client to request a texture be presented as a
CoreAnimation layer. The expectation is that all the CALayers scheduled
since the last call to glSwapBuffers or glPostSubBufferCHROMIUM are
displayed atomically at the time of the next call to swap buffers. Scheduled
CALayers are not stateful and need to be rescheduled after the buffers were
New Tokens
Accepted by the <edge_aa_mask> parameter of glScheduleCALayerCHROMIUM:
New Procedures and Functions
The command
glScheduleCALayerSharedStateCHROMIUM(GLfloat opacity,
GLboolean is_clipped,
const GLfloat* clip_rect,
GLint sorting_context_id,
const GLfloat* transform);
sets state that will be shared by each subsequent call to
glScheduleCALayerCHROMIUM. A subsequent call to
glScheduleCALayerSharedStateCHROMIUM overrides the previous shared state
values. A call to glSwapBuffers clears the shared state values.
<opacity> specifies the opacity of the CALayer.
<is_clipped> indicates if the layer should be clipped.
<clip_rect> contains four values indicating the x, y, width, and height of
the rectangle to clip the layer to, if it is to be clipped.
<sorting_context_id> Layers in a non-zero sorting context exist in the same
3D space and should intersect.
<transform> contains sixteen values indicating the row major order 4x4
transformation matrix to apply to the CALayer.
The command
glScheduleCALayerCHROMIUM(GLuint contents_texture_id,
const GLfloat* contents_rect,
GLuint background_color,
GLuint edge_aa_mask,
const GLfloat* bounds_rect,
GLuint filter);
requires that shared state has been previously set by
glScheduleCALayerSharedStateCHROMIUM. It sets the CALayer parameters to be
presented at the time of the next call to swap buffers. The order of the
calls schedule CALayers determines their back-to-front presentation order.
<contents_texture_id> is the texture to be presented. If zero, then the
CALayer will be a solid color.
<contents_rect> contains four values indicating the x, y, width, and height
of the sub-rectangle to display from the texture specified in
<contents_texture_id>, in normalized coordinates.
<background_color> specifies the background color of the CALayer, as a
32-bit ARGB value.
<edge_aa_mask> is a bitfield specifying which of the edges of the layer are
to have anti-aliasing.
<bounds_rect> contains four values indicating the x, y, width, and height of
the layer in pixels.
<filter> will be used for both minification and magnification filtering. The
only valid values are GL_LINEAR and GL_NEAREST.
The command
glScheduleCALayerInUseQueryCHROMIUM(GLsizei count, GLuint* textures);
schedules a query at the time of the next call to swap buffers. If the given
texture is backed by an IOSurface, then the query checks to see whether the
IOSurface is in use by the Window Server. Otherwise, the query returns
false. All the results will be returned with the swap ACK in
SwapBuffersCompleteParams. Clients should not destroy any textures while
they are being queried, as the swap ACK will use the original texture id to
identify the queried textures.
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated when glScheduleCALayerCHROMIUM is called
without a prior call to glScheduleCALayerSharedStateCHROMIUM.
New State
Revision History
6/13/2016 Add glScheduleCALayerInUseQueryCHROMIUM.
4/12/2016 Add a parameter to support minification and magnification
12/16/2015 Add clipping and edge anti-aliasing.
11/7/2015 Initial checkin