blob: ec0e63df8c7a92fa01ed3230a4737f73d421c62d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Private API for reporting Chrome browser status to admin console.
namespace enterprise.reportingPrivate {
// Invoked by <code>UploadChromeDesktopReport</code> when the upload is
// finished.
callback DoneCallback = void();
// Invoked by <code>getDeviceId</code> to return the ID.
callback GetDeviceIdCallback = void(DOMString id);
interface Functions {
// Uploads the status of Chrome browser to the admin console by sending
// request to the DMServer. Sets runtime.lastError on failure.
static void uploadChromeDesktopReport(
object report,
optional DoneCallback callback);
// Gets the identity of device that Chrome browser is running on. The ID is
// retrieved from the local device and used by the Google admin console.
static void getDeviceId(optional GetDeviceIdCallback callback);