blob: 16fea1e23e776b9069f4f527c74d116a3ced9e62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result_view.h"
#include <iterator>
#include "base/containers/adapters.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/glyph_bounds_accumulator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result_inline_headers.h"
namespace blink {
struct ShapeResultView::RunInfoPart {
RunInfoPart(scoped_refptr<const ShapeResult::RunInfo> run,
ShapeResult::RunInfo::GlyphDataRange range,
unsigned start_index,
unsigned offset,
unsigned num_characters,
float width)
: run_(run),
width_(width) {}
using const_iterator = const HarfBuzzRunGlyphData*;
const_iterator begin() const { return range_.begin; }
const_iterator end() const { return range_.end; }
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
return const_reverse_iterator(end());
const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
const HarfBuzzRunGlyphData& GlyphAt(unsigned index) const {
return *(range_.begin + index);
// The end character index of |this| without considering offsets in
// |ShapeResultView|. This is analogous to:
// GlyphAt(Rtl() ? -1 : NumGlyphs()).character_index
// if such |HarfBuzzRunGlyphData| is available.
unsigned CharacterIndexOfEndGlyph() const {
return num_characters_ + offset_;
bool Rtl() const { return run_->Rtl(); }
bool IsHorizontal() const { return run_->IsHorizontal(); }
unsigned NumCharacters() const { return num_characters_; }
unsigned NumGlyphs() const { return range_.end - range_.begin; }
float Width() const { return width_; }
unsigned PreviousSafeToBreakOffset(unsigned offset) const;
// Common signatures with RunInfo, to templatize algorithms.
const ShapeResult::RunInfo* GetRunInfo() const { return run_.get(); }
const ShapeResult::RunInfo::GlyphDataRange& GetGlyphDataRange() const {
return range_;
ShapeResult::RunInfo::GlyphDataRange FindGlyphDataRange(
unsigned start_character_index,
unsigned end_character_index) const {
return GetGlyphDataRange().FindGlyphDataRange(Rtl(), start_character_index,
unsigned OffsetToRunStartIndex() const { return offset_; }
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResult::RunInfo> run_;
ShapeResult::RunInfo::GlyphDataRange range_;
// Start index for partial run, adjusted to ensure that runs are continuous.
unsigned start_index_;
// Offset relative to start index for the original run.
unsigned offset_;
unsigned num_characters_;
float width_;
unsigned ShapeResultView::RunInfoPart::PreviousSafeToBreakOffset(
unsigned offset) const {
if (offset >= NumCharacters())
return NumCharacters();
if (!Rtl()) {
for (const auto& glyph : base::Reversed(*this)) {
if (glyph.safe_to_break_before && glyph.character_index <= offset)
return glyph.character_index;
} else {
for (const auto& glyph : *this) {
if (glyph.safe_to_break_before && glyph.character_index <= offset)
return glyph.character_index;
// Next safe break is at the start of the run.
return 0;
// The offset to add to |HarfBuzzRunGlyphData.character_index| to compute the
// character index of the source string.
unsigned ShapeResultView::CharacterIndexOffsetForGlyphData(
const RunInfoPart& part) const {
return part.start_index_ + char_index_offset_ - part.offset_;
template <class ShapeResultType>
ShapeResultView::ShapeResultView(const ShapeResultType* other)
: primary_font_(other->primary_font_),
width_(0) {}
ShapeResultView::~ShapeResultView() = default;
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> ShapeResultView::CreateShapeResult() const {
ShapeResult* new_result =
new ShapeResult(primary_font_, num_characters_, Direction());
for (const auto& part : parts_) {
auto new_run = ShapeResult::RunInfo::Create(
part->run_->font_data_.get(), part->run_->direction_,
part->run_->canvas_rotation_, part->run_->script_, part->start_index_,
part->NumGlyphs(), part->num_characters_);
std::copy(part->range_.begin, part->range_.end,
for (HarfBuzzRunGlyphData& glyph_data : new_run->glyph_data_) {
glyph_data.character_index -= part->offset_;
new_run->start_index_ += char_index_offset_;
new_run->width_ = part->width_;
new_run->num_characters_ = part->num_characters_;
new_result->start_index_ = start_index_ + char_index_offset_;
new_result->num_glyphs_ = num_glyphs_;
new_result->has_vertical_offsets_ = has_vertical_offsets_;
new_result->width_ = width_;
return base::AdoptRef(new_result);
template <class ShapeResultType>
void ShapeResultView::CreateViewsForResult(const ShapeResultType* other,
unsigned start_index,
unsigned end_index) {
bool first_result = num_characters_ == 0;
for (const auto& run : other->RunsOrParts()) {
if (!run->GetRunInfo())
// Compute start/end of the run, or of the part if ShapeResultView.
unsigned part_start = run->start_index_ + other->StartIndexOffsetForRun();
unsigned run_end = part_start + run->num_characters_;
if (start_index < run_end && end_index > part_start) {
ShapeResult::RunInfo::GlyphDataRange range;
// Adjust start/end to the character index of |RunInfo|. The start index
// of |RunInfo| could be different from |part_start| for ShapeResultView.
DCHECK_GE(part_start, run->OffsetToRunStartIndex());
unsigned run_start = part_start - run->OffsetToRunStartIndex();
unsigned adjusted_start =
start_index > run_start ? start_index - run_start : 0;
unsigned adjusted_end = std::min(end_index, run_end) - run_start;
DCHECK(adjusted_end > adjusted_start);
unsigned part_characters = adjusted_end - adjusted_start;
float part_width;
// Avoid O(log n) find operation if the entire run is in range.
if (part_start >= start_index && run_end <= end_index) {
range = run->GetGlyphDataRange();
part_width = run->width_;
} else {
range = run->FindGlyphDataRange(adjusted_start, adjusted_end);
part_width = 0;
for (auto* glyph = range.begin; glyph != range.end; glyph++)
part_width += glyph->advance;
// Adjust start_index for runs to be continuous.
unsigned part_start_index;
unsigned part_offset;
if (!run->Rtl()) { // Left-to-right
part_start_index = start_index_ + num_characters_;
part_offset = adjusted_start;
} else { // Right-to-left
part_start_index = run->start_index_ + adjusted_start;
part_offset = adjusted_start;
run->GetRunInfo(), range, part_start_index, part_offset,
part_characters, part_width));
num_characters_ += part_characters;
num_glyphs_ += range.end - range.begin;
width_ += part_width;
if (first_result || Rtl())
start_index_ = ComputeStartIndex();
scoped_refptr<ShapeResultView> ShapeResultView::Create(const Segment* segments,
size_t segment_count) {
DCHECK_GT(segment_count, 0u);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < segment_count; ++i) {
DCHECK((segments[i].result || segments[i].view) &&
(!segments[i].result || !segments[i].view));
ShapeResultView* out = segments[0].result
? new ShapeResultView(segments[0].result)
: new ShapeResultView(segments[0].view);
out->AddSegments(segments, segment_count);
return base::AdoptRef(out);
scoped_refptr<ShapeResultView> ShapeResultView::Create(
const ShapeResult* result,
unsigned start_index,
unsigned end_index) {
Segment segment = {result, start_index, end_index};
return Create(&segment, 1);
scoped_refptr<ShapeResultView> ShapeResultView::Create(
const ShapeResultView* result,
unsigned start_index,
unsigned end_index) {
Segment segment = {result, start_index, end_index};
return Create(&segment, 1);
scoped_refptr<ShapeResultView> ShapeResultView::Create(
const ShapeResult* result) {
// This specialization is an optimization to allow the bounding box to be
// re-used.
ShapeResultView* out = new ShapeResultView(result);
out->char_index_offset_ = out->Rtl() ? 0 : result->StartIndex();
out->CreateViewsForResult(result, 0, std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max());
out->has_vertical_offsets_ = result->has_vertical_offsets_;
return base::AdoptRef(out);
void ShapeResultView::AddSegments(const Segment* segments,
size_t segment_count) {
// This method assumes that no parts have been added yet.
DCHECK_EQ(parts_.size(), 0u);
// Segments are in logical order, runs and parts are in visual order. Iterate
// over segments back-to-front for RTL.
DCHECK_GT(segment_count, 0u);
unsigned last_segment_index = segment_count - 1;
// Compute start index offset for the overall run. This is added to the start
// index of each glyph to ensure consistency with ShapeResult::SubRange
if (!Rtl()) { // Left-to-right
char_index_offset_ = segments[0].result ? segments[0].result->StartIndex()
: segments[0].view->StartIndex();
char_index_offset_ = std::max(char_index_offset_, segments[0].start_index);
} else { // Right to left
char_index_offset_ = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < segment_count; i++) {
const Segment& segment = segments[Rtl() ? last_segment_index - i : i];
if (segment.result) {
DCHECK_EQ(segment.result->Direction(), Direction());
CreateViewsForResult(segment.result, segment.start_index,
has_vertical_offsets_ |= segment.result->has_vertical_offsets_;
} else if (segment.view) {
DCHECK_EQ(segment.view->Direction(), Direction());
CreateViewsForResult(segment.view, segment.start_index,
has_vertical_offsets_ |= segment.view->has_vertical_offsets_;
} else {
unsigned ShapeResultView::ComputeStartIndex() const {
if (UNLIKELY(parts_.IsEmpty()))
return 0;
const RunInfoPart& first_part = *parts_.front();
if (!Rtl()) // Left-to-right.
return first_part.start_index_;
// Right-to-left.
unsigned end_index = first_part.start_index_ + first_part.num_characters_;
return end_index - num_characters_;
unsigned ShapeResultView::PreviousSafeToBreakOffset(unsigned index) const {
for (auto it = parts_.rbegin(); it != parts_.rend(); ++it) {
const auto& part = *it;
if (!part)
unsigned run_start = part->start_index_;
if (index >= run_start) {
unsigned offset = index - run_start;
if (offset <= part->num_characters_) {
return part->PreviousSafeToBreakOffset(offset) + run_start;
if (!Rtl()) {
return run_start + part->num_characters_;
} else if (Rtl()) {
if (it == parts_.rbegin())
return part->start_index_;
const auto& previous_run = *--it;
return previous_run->start_index_ + previous_run->num_characters_;
return StartIndex();
void ShapeResultView::GetRunFontData(
Vector<ShapeResult::RunFontData>* font_data) const {
for (const auto& part : parts_) {
{part->run_->font_data_.get(), part->end() - part->begin()}));
void ShapeResultView::FallbackFonts(
HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>* fallback) const {
for (const auto& part : parts_) {
if (part->run_->font_data_ && part->run_->font_data_ != primary_font_) {
float ShapeResultView::ForEachGlyph(float initial_advance,
GlyphCallback glyph_callback,
void* context) const {
auto total_advance = initial_advance;
for (const auto& part : parts_) {
const auto& run = part->run_;
bool is_horizontal = HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL(run->direction_);
const SimpleFontData* font_data = run->font_data_.get();
const unsigned character_index_offset_for_glyph_data =
for (const auto& glyph_data : *part) {
unsigned character_index =
glyph_data.character_index + character_index_offset_for_glyph_data;
glyph_callback(context, character_index, glyph_data.glyph,
glyph_data.offset, total_advance, is_horizontal,
run->canvas_rotation_, font_data);
total_advance += glyph_data.advance;
return total_advance;
float ShapeResultView::ForEachGlyph(float initial_advance,
unsigned from,
unsigned to,
unsigned index_offset,
GlyphCallback glyph_callback,
void* context) const {
auto total_advance = initial_advance;
for (const auto& part : parts_) {
const auto& run = part->run_;
bool is_horizontal = HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL(run->direction_);
const SimpleFontData* font_data = run->font_data_.get();
const unsigned character_index_offset_for_glyph_data =
if (!run->Rtl()) { // Left-to-right
for (const auto& glyph_data : *part) {
unsigned character_index =
glyph_data.character_index + character_index_offset_for_glyph_data;
if (character_index >= to)
if (character_index >= from) {
glyph_callback(context, character_index, glyph_data.glyph,
glyph_data.offset, total_advance, is_horizontal,
run->canvas_rotation_, font_data);
total_advance += glyph_data.advance;
} else { // Right-to-left
for (const auto& glyph_data : *part) {
unsigned character_index =
glyph_data.character_index + character_index_offset_for_glyph_data;
if (character_index < from)
if (character_index < to) {
glyph_callback(context, character_index, glyph_data.glyph,
glyph_data.offset, total_advance, is_horizontal,
run->canvas_rotation_, font_data);
total_advance += glyph_data.advance;
return total_advance;
float ShapeResultView::ForEachGraphemeClusters(const StringView& text,
float initial_advance,
unsigned from,
unsigned to,
unsigned index_offset,
GraphemeClusterCallback callback,
void* context) const {
unsigned run_offset = index_offset;
float advance_so_far = initial_advance;
for (const auto& part : parts_) {
const auto& run = part->run_;
unsigned graphemes_in_cluster = 1;
float cluster_advance = 0;
bool rtl = Direction() == TextDirection::kRtl;
// A "cluster" in this context means a cluster as it is used by HarfBuzz:
// The minimal group of characters and corresponding glyphs, that cannot be
// broken down further from a text shaping point of view. A cluster can
// contain multiple glyphs and grapheme clusters, with mutually overlapping
// boundaries.
const unsigned character_index_offset_for_glyph_data =
CharacterIndexOffsetForGlyphData(*part) + run_offset;
uint16_t cluster_start =
static_cast<uint16_t>(rtl ? part->CharacterIndexOfEndGlyph() +
: part->GlyphAt(0).character_index +
const unsigned num_glyphs = part->NumGlyphs();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_glyphs; ++i) {
const HarfBuzzRunGlyphData& glyph_data = part->GlyphAt(i);
uint16_t current_character_index =
glyph_data.character_index + character_index_offset_for_glyph_data;
bool is_run_end = (i + 1 == num_glyphs);
bool is_cluster_end =
is_run_end || (part->GlyphAt(i + 1).character_index +
character_index_offset_for_glyph_data !=
if ((rtl && current_character_index >= to) ||
(!rtl && current_character_index < from)) {
advance_so_far += glyph_data.advance;
rtl ? --cluster_start : ++cluster_start;
cluster_advance += glyph_data.advance;
if (text.Is8Bit()) {
callback(context, current_character_index, advance_so_far, 1,
glyph_data.advance, run->canvas_rotation_);
advance_so_far += glyph_data.advance;
} else if (is_cluster_end) {
uint16_t cluster_end;
if (rtl) {
cluster_end = current_character_index;
} else {
cluster_end = static_cast<uint16_t>(
is_run_end ? part->CharacterIndexOfEndGlyph() +
: part->GlyphAt(i + 1).character_index +
graphemes_in_cluster = ShapeResult::CountGraphemesInCluster(
text.Span16(), cluster_start, cluster_end);
if (!graphemes_in_cluster || !cluster_advance)
callback(context, current_character_index, advance_so_far,
graphemes_in_cluster, cluster_advance, run->canvas_rotation_);
advance_so_far += cluster_advance;
cluster_start = cluster_end;
cluster_advance = 0;
return advance_so_far;
template <bool is_horizontal_run>
void ShapeResultView::ComputePartInkBounds(
const ShapeResultView::RunInfoPart& part,
float run_advance,
FloatRect* ink_bounds) const {
// Get glyph bounds from Skia. It's a lot faster if we give it list of glyph
// IDs rather than calling it for each glyph.
// TODO(kojii): MacOS does not benefit from batching the Skia request due to
//, and the cost to
// prepare batching, which is normally much less than the benefit of
// batching, is not ignorable unfortunately.
const SimpleFontData& current_font_data = *part.run_->font_data_;
unsigned num_glyphs = part.NumGlyphs();
#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
Vector<Glyph, 256> glyphs(num_glyphs);
unsigned i = 0;
for (const auto& glyph_data : part)
glyphs[i++] = glyph_data.glyph;
Vector<SkRect, 256> bounds_list(num_glyphs);
current_font_data.BoundsForGlyphs(glyphs, &bounds_list);
GlyphBoundsAccumulator bounds(run_advance);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_glyphs; ++i) {
const HarfBuzzRunGlyphData& glyph_data = part.GlyphAt(i);
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
FloatRect glyph_bounds = current_font_data.BoundsForGlyph(glyph_data.glyph);
FloatRect glyph_bounds(bounds_list[i]);
bounds.Unite<is_horizontal_run>(glyph_data, glyph_bounds);
bounds.origin += glyph_data.advance;
if (!is_horizontal_run)
FloatRect ShapeResultView::ComputeInkBounds() const {
FloatRect ink_bounds;
float run_advance = 0.0f;
for (const auto& part : parts_) {
if (part->IsHorizontal())
ComputePartInkBounds<true>(*part.get(), run_advance, &ink_bounds);
ComputePartInkBounds<false>(*part.get(), run_advance, &ink_bounds);
run_advance += part->Width();
return ink_bounds;
} // namespace blink