| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "base/at_exit.h" |
| #include "base/basictypes.h" |
| #include "base/bind.h" |
| #include "base/cancelable_callback.h" |
| #include "base/command_line.h" |
| #include "base/files/file_util.h" |
| #include "base/location.h" |
| #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" |
| #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string_split.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string_util.h" |
| #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" |
| #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h" |
| #include "base/time/time.h" |
| #include "net/base/address_list.h" |
| #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h" |
| #include "net/base/net_errors.h" |
| #include "net/base/net_util.h" |
| #include "net/dns/dns_client.h" |
| #include "net/dns/dns_config_service.h" |
| #include "net/dns/dns_protocol.h" |
| #include "net/dns/host_cache.h" |
| #include "net/dns/host_resolver_impl.h" |
| #include "net/log/net_log.h" |
| #include "net/tools/gdig/file_net_log.h" |
| |
| #if defined(OS_MACOSX) |
| #include "base/mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| namespace net { |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| bool StringToIPEndPoint(const std::string& ip_address_and_port, |
| IPEndPoint* ip_end_point) { |
| DCHECK(ip_end_point); |
| |
| std::string ip; |
| int port; |
| if (!ParseHostAndPort(ip_address_and_port, &ip, &port)) |
| return false; |
| if (port == -1) |
| port = dns_protocol::kDefaultPort; |
| |
| net::IPAddressNumber ip_number; |
| if (!net::ParseIPLiteralToNumber(ip, &ip_number)) |
| return false; |
| |
| *ip_end_point = net::IPEndPoint(ip_number, static_cast<uint16>(port)); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| // Convert DnsConfig to human readable text omitting the hosts member. |
| std::string DnsConfigToString(const DnsConfig& dns_config) { |
| std::string output; |
| output.append("search "); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < dns_config.search.size(); ++i) { |
| output.append(dns_config.search[i] + " "); |
| } |
| output.append("\n"); |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < dns_config.nameservers.size(); ++i) { |
| output.append("nameserver "); |
| output.append(dns_config.nameservers[i].ToString()).append("\n"); |
| } |
| |
| base::StringAppendF(&output, "options ndots:%d\n", dns_config.ndots); |
| base::StringAppendF(&output, "options timeout:%d\n", |
| static_cast<int>(dns_config.timeout.InMilliseconds())); |
| base::StringAppendF(&output, "options attempts:%d\n", dns_config.attempts); |
| if (dns_config.rotate) |
| output.append("options rotate\n"); |
| if (dns_config.edns0) |
| output.append("options edns0\n"); |
| return output; |
| } |
| |
| // Convert DnsConfig hosts member to a human readable text. |
| std::string DnsHostsToString(const DnsHosts& dns_hosts) { |
| std::string output; |
| for (DnsHosts::const_iterator i = dns_hosts.begin(); |
| i != dns_hosts.end(); |
| ++i) { |
| const DnsHostsKey& key = i->first; |
| std::string host_name = key.first; |
| output.append(IPEndPoint(i->second, 0).ToStringWithoutPort()); |
| output.append(" ").append(host_name).append("\n"); |
| } |
| return output; |
| } |
| |
| struct ReplayLogEntry { |
| base::TimeDelta start_time; |
| std::string domain_name; |
| }; |
| |
| typedef std::vector<ReplayLogEntry> ReplayLog; |
| |
| // Loads and parses a replay log file and fills |replay_log| with a structured |
| // representation. Returns whether the operation was successful. If not, the |
| // contents of |replay_log| are undefined. |
| // |
| // The replay log is a text file where each line contains |
| // |
| // timestamp_in_milliseconds domain_name |
| // |
| // The timestamp_in_milliseconds needs to be an integral delta from start of |
| // resolution and is in milliseconds. domain_name is the name to be resolved. |
| // |
| // The file should be sorted by timestamp in ascending time. |
| bool LoadReplayLog(const base::FilePath& file_path, ReplayLog* replay_log) { |
| std::string original_replay_log_contents; |
| if (!base::ReadFileToString(file_path, &original_replay_log_contents)) { |
| fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open replay file %s\n", |
| file_path.MaybeAsASCII().c_str()); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Strip out \r characters for Windows files. This isn't as efficient as a |
| // smarter line splitter, but this particular use does not need to target |
| // efficiency. |
| std::string replay_log_contents; |
| base::RemoveChars(original_replay_log_contents, "\r", &replay_log_contents); |
| |
| std::vector<std::string> lines = base::SplitString( |
| replay_log_contents, "\n", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); |
| base::TimeDelta previous_delta; |
| bool bad_parse = false; |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { |
| if (lines[i].empty()) |
| continue; |
| std::vector<std::string> time_and_name = base::SplitString( |
| lines[i], " ", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); |
| if (time_and_name.size() != 2) { |
| fprintf( |
| stderr, |
| "[%s %u] replay log should have format 'timestamp domain_name\\n'\n", |
| file_path.MaybeAsASCII().c_str(), |
| i + 1); |
| bad_parse = true; |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| int64 delta_in_milliseconds; |
| if (!base::StringToInt64(time_and_name[0], &delta_in_milliseconds)) { |
| fprintf( |
| stderr, |
| "[%s %u] replay log should have format 'timestamp domain_name\\n'\n", |
| file_path.MaybeAsASCII().c_str(), |
| i + 1); |
| bad_parse = true; |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| base::TimeDelta delta = |
| base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(delta_in_milliseconds); |
| if (delta < previous_delta) { |
| fprintf( |
| stderr, |
| "[%s %u] replay log should be sorted by time\n", |
| file_path.MaybeAsASCII().c_str(), |
| i + 1); |
| bad_parse = true; |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| previous_delta = delta; |
| ReplayLogEntry entry; |
| entry.start_time = delta; |
| entry.domain_name = time_and_name[1]; |
| replay_log->push_back(entry); |
| } |
| return !bad_parse; |
| } |
| |
| class GDig { |
| public: |
| GDig(); |
| ~GDig(); |
| |
| enum Result { |
| RESULT_OK = 0, |
| }; |
| |
| Result Main(int argc, const char* argv[]); |
| |
| private: |
| bool ParseCommandLine(int argc, const char* argv[]); |
| |
| void Start(); |
| void Finish(Result); |
| |
| void OnDnsConfig(const DnsConfig& dns_config_const); |
| void OnResolveComplete(unsigned index, AddressList* address_list, |
| base::TimeDelta time_since_start, int val); |
| void OnTimeout(); |
| void ReplayNextEntry(); |
| |
| base::TimeDelta config_timeout_; |
| bool print_config_; |
| bool print_hosts_; |
| net::IPEndPoint nameserver_; |
| base::TimeDelta timeout_; |
| int parallellism_; |
| ReplayLog replay_log_; |
| unsigned replay_log_index_; |
| base::Time start_time_; |
| int active_resolves_; |
| Result result_; |
| |
| base::CancelableClosure timeout_closure_; |
| scoped_ptr<DnsConfigService> dns_config_service_; |
| scoped_ptr<FileNetLogObserver> log_observer_; |
| scoped_ptr<NetLog> log_; |
| scoped_ptr<HostResolver> resolver_; |
| |
| #if defined(OS_MACOSX) |
| // Without this there will be a mem leak on osx. |
| base::mac::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool scoped_pool_; |
| #endif |
| |
| // Need AtExitManager to support AsWeakPtr (in NetLog). |
| base::AtExitManager exit_manager_; |
| }; |
| |
| GDig::GDig() |
| : config_timeout_(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5)), |
| print_config_(false), |
| print_hosts_(false), |
| parallellism_(6), |
| replay_log_index_(0u), |
| active_resolves_(0) { |
| } |
| |
| GDig::~GDig() { |
| if (log_) |
| log_->DeprecatedRemoveObserver(log_observer_.get()); |
| } |
| |
| GDig::Result GDig::Main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { |
| if (!ParseCommandLine(argc, argv)) { |
| fprintf(stderr, |
| "usage: %s [--net_log[=<basic|no_bytes|all>]]" |
| " [--print_config] [--print_hosts]" |
| " [--nameserver=<ip_address[:port]>]" |
| " [--timeout=<milliseconds>]" |
| " [--config_timeout=<seconds>]" |
| " [--j=<parallel resolves>]" |
| " [--replay_file=<path>]" |
| " [domain_name]\n", |
| argv[0]); |
| } |
| |
| base::MessageLoopForIO loop; |
| |
| result_ = RESULT_PENDING; |
| Start(); |
| if (result_ == RESULT_PENDING) |
| base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); |
| |
| // Destroy it while MessageLoopForIO is alive. |
| dns_config_service_.reset(); |
| return result_; |
| } |
| |
| bool GDig::ParseCommandLine(int argc, const char* argv[]) { |
| base::CommandLine::Init(argc, argv); |
| const base::CommandLine& parsed_command_line = |
| *base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); |
| |
| if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch("config_timeout")) { |
| int timeout_seconds = 0; |
| bool parsed = base::StringToInt( |
| parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII("config_timeout"), |
| &timeout_seconds); |
| if (parsed && timeout_seconds > 0) { |
| config_timeout_ = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(timeout_seconds); |
| } else { |
| fprintf(stderr, "Invalid config_timeout parameter\n"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch("net_log")) { |
| std::string log_param = parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII("net_log"); |
| NetLogCaptureMode capture_mode = |
| NetLogCaptureMode::IncludeCookiesAndCredentials(); |
| |
| if (log_param.length() > 0) { |
| std::map<std::string, NetLogCaptureMode> capture_modes; |
| capture_modes["all"] = NetLogCaptureMode::IncludeSocketBytes(); |
| capture_modes["no_bytes"] = |
| NetLogCaptureMode::IncludeCookiesAndCredentials(); |
| |
| if (capture_modes.find(log_param) != capture_modes.end()) { |
| capture_mode = capture_modes[log_param]; |
| } else { |
| fprintf(stderr, "Invalid net_log parameter\n"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| log_.reset(new NetLog); |
| log_observer_.reset(new FileNetLogObserver(stderr)); |
| log_->DeprecatedAddObserver(log_observer_.get(), capture_mode); |
| } |
| |
| print_config_ = parsed_command_line.HasSwitch("print_config"); |
| print_hosts_ = parsed_command_line.HasSwitch("print_hosts"); |
| |
| if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch("nameserver")) { |
| std::string nameserver = |
| parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII("nameserver"); |
| if (!StringToIPEndPoint(nameserver, &nameserver_)) { |
| fprintf(stderr, |
| "Cannot parse the namerserver string into an IPEndPoint\n"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch("timeout")) { |
| int timeout_millis = 0; |
| bool parsed = base::StringToInt( |
| parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII("timeout"), |
| &timeout_millis); |
| if (parsed && timeout_millis > 0) { |
| timeout_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(timeout_millis); |
| } else { |
| fprintf(stderr, "Invalid timeout parameter\n"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch("replay_file")) { |
| base::FilePath replay_path = |
| parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValuePath("replay_file"); |
| if (!LoadReplayLog(replay_path, &replay_log_)) |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch("j")) { |
| int parallellism = 0; |
| bool parsed = base::StringToInt( |
| parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII("j"), |
| ¶llellism); |
| if (parsed && parallellism > 0) { |
| parallellism_ = parallellism; |
| } else { |
| fprintf(stderr, "Invalid parallellism parameter\n"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (parsed_command_line.GetArgs().size() == 1) { |
| ReplayLogEntry entry; |
| entry.start_time = base::TimeDelta(); |
| #if defined(OS_WIN) |
| entry.domain_name = base::UTF16ToASCII(parsed_command_line.GetArgs()[0]); |
| #else |
| entry.domain_name = parsed_command_line.GetArgs()[0]; |
| #endif |
| replay_log_.push_back(entry); |
| } else if (parsed_command_line.GetArgs().size() != 0) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| return print_config_ || print_hosts_ || !replay_log_.empty(); |
| } |
| |
| void GDig::Start() { |
| if (nameserver_.address().size() > 0) { |
| DnsConfig dns_config; |
| dns_config.attempts = 1; |
| dns_config.nameservers.push_back(nameserver_); |
| OnDnsConfig(dns_config); |
| } else { |
| dns_config_service_ = DnsConfigService::CreateSystemService(); |
| dns_config_service_->ReadConfig(base::Bind(&GDig::OnDnsConfig, |
| base::Unretained(this))); |
| timeout_closure_.Reset(base::Bind(&GDig::OnTimeout, |
| base::Unretained(this))); |
| base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostDelayedTask( |
| FROM_HERE, timeout_closure_.callback(), config_timeout_); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void GDig::Finish(Result result) { |
| result_ = result; |
| if (base::MessageLoop::current()) |
| base::MessageLoop::current()->QuitWhenIdle(); |
| } |
| |
| void GDig::OnDnsConfig(const DnsConfig& dns_config_const) { |
| timeout_closure_.Cancel(); |
| DCHECK(dns_config_const.IsValid()); |
| DnsConfig dns_config = dns_config_const; |
| |
| if (timeout_.InMilliseconds() > 0) |
| dns_config.timeout = timeout_; |
| if (print_config_) { |
| printf("# Dns Configuration\n" |
| "%s", DnsConfigToString(dns_config).c_str()); |
| } |
| if (print_hosts_) { |
| printf("# Host Database\n" |
| "%s", DnsHostsToString(dns_config.hosts).c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| if (replay_log_.empty()) { |
| Finish(RESULT_OK); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| scoped_ptr<DnsClient> dns_client(DnsClient::CreateClient(NULL)); |
| dns_client->SetConfig(dns_config); |
| HostResolver::Options options; |
| options.max_concurrent_resolves = parallellism_; |
| options.max_retry_attempts = 1u; |
| scoped_ptr<HostResolverImpl> resolver( |
| new HostResolverImpl(options, log_.get())); |
| resolver->SetDnsClient(dns_client.Pass()); |
| resolver_ = resolver.Pass(); |
| |
| start_time_ = base::Time::Now(); |
| |
| ReplayNextEntry(); |
| } |
| |
| void GDig::ReplayNextEntry() { |
| DCHECK_LT(replay_log_index_, replay_log_.size()); |
| |
| base::TimeDelta time_since_start = base::Time::Now() - start_time_; |
| while (replay_log_index_ < replay_log_.size()) { |
| const ReplayLogEntry& entry = replay_log_[replay_log_index_]; |
| if (time_since_start < entry.start_time) { |
| // Delay call to next time and return. |
| base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostDelayedTask( |
| FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GDig::ReplayNextEntry, base::Unretained(this)), |
| entry.start_time - time_since_start); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| HostResolver::RequestInfo info(HostPortPair(entry.domain_name.c_str(), 80)); |
| AddressList* addrlist = new AddressList(); |
| unsigned current_index = replay_log_index_; |
| CompletionCallback callback = base::Bind(&GDig::OnResolveComplete, |
| base::Unretained(this), |
| current_index, |
| base::Owned(addrlist), |
| time_since_start); |
| ++active_resolves_; |
| ++replay_log_index_; |
| int ret = resolver_->Resolve( |
| info, |
| addrlist, |
| callback, |
| NULL, |
| BoundNetLog::Make(log_.get(), net::NetLog::SOURCE_NONE)); |
| if (ret != ERR_IO_PENDING) |
| callback.Run(ret); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void GDig::OnResolveComplete(unsigned entry_index, |
| AddressList* address_list, |
| base::TimeDelta resolve_start_time, |
| int val) { |
| DCHECK_GT(active_resolves_, 0); |
| DCHECK(address_list); |
| DCHECK_LT(entry_index, replay_log_.size()); |
| --active_resolves_; |
| base::TimeDelta resolve_end_time = base::Time::Now() - start_time_; |
| base::TimeDelta resolve_time = resolve_end_time - resolve_start_time; |
| printf("%u %d %d %s %d ", |
| entry_index, |
| static_cast<int>(resolve_end_time.InMilliseconds()), |
| static_cast<int>(resolve_time.InMilliseconds()), |
| replay_log_[entry_index].domain_name.c_str(), val); |
| if (val != OK) { |
| std::string error_string = ErrorToString(val); |
| printf("%s", error_string.c_str()); |
| } else { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < address_list->size(); ++i) { |
| if (i != 0) |
| printf(" "); |
| printf("%s", (*address_list)[i].ToStringWithoutPort().c_str()); |
| } |
| } |
| printf("\n"); |
| if (active_resolves_ == 0 && replay_log_index_ >= replay_log_.size()) |
| Finish(RESULT_OK); |
| } |
| |
| void GDig::OnTimeout() { |
| fprintf(stderr, "Timed out waiting to load the dns config\n"); |
| } |
| |
| } // empty namespace |
| |
| } // namespace net |
| |
| int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { |
| net::GDig dig; |
| return dig.Main(argc, argv); |
| } |