blob: 590bde1354701bf6d15773ca3a4f0d241555c724 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.content_public.common.Referrer;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* A delegate responsible for taking actions based on context menu selections.
public interface ContextMenuItemDelegate {
// The type of the data to save to the clipboard.
@IntDef({ClipboardType.LINK_URL, ClipboardType.LINK_TEXT, ClipboardType.IMAGE_URL})
public @interface ClipboardType {
int LINK_URL = 0;
int LINK_TEXT = 1;
int IMAGE_URL = 2;
* Called when this ContextMenuItemDelegate is about to be destroyed.
void onDestroy();
* @return Whether or not this context menu is being shown for an incognito content.
boolean isIncognito();
* @return Whether or not the current application can show incognito tabs.
boolean isIncognitoSupported();
* @return Whether the "Open in other window" context menu item should be shown.
boolean isOpenInOtherWindowSupported();
* Returns whether or not the Data Reduction Proxy is enabled for input url.
* @param url Input url to check for the Data Reduction Proxy setting.
* @return true if the Data Reduction Proxy is enabled for the url.
boolean isDataReductionProxyEnabledForURL(String url);
* Called when the context menu is trying to start a download.
* @param url Url of the download item.
* @param isLink Whether or not the download is a link (as opposed to an image/video).
* @return Whether or not a download should actually be started.
boolean startDownload(String url, boolean isLink);
* Called when the {@code url} should be opened in the other window with the same incognito
* state as the current {@link Tab}.
* @param url The URL to open.
void onOpenInOtherWindow(String url, Referrer referrer);
* Called when the {@code url} should be opened in a new tab with the same incognito state as
* the current {@link Tab}.
* @param url The URL to open.
void onOpenInNewTab(String url, Referrer referrer);
* Called when the {@code url} should be opened in a new incognito tab.
* @param url The URL to open.
void onOpenInNewIncognitoTab(String url);
* Called when the {@code url} is of an image and should be opened in the same tab.
* @param url The image URL to open.
void onOpenImageUrl(String url, Referrer referrer);
* Called when the {@code url} is of an image and should be opened in a new tab.
* @param url The image URL to open.
void onOpenImageInNewTab(String url, Referrer referrer);
* Called when the original image should be loaded.
void onLoadOriginalImage();
* Returns whether the load image has been requested on a Lo-Fi image for the current page load.
* @return true if load image has been requested for the current page load.
boolean wasLoadOriginalImageRequestedForPageLoad();
* Called when the {@code text} should be saved to the clipboard.
* @param text The text to save to the clipboard.
* @param clipboardType The type of data in {@code text}.
void onSaveToClipboard(String text, @ClipboardType int clipboardType);
* @return whether an activity is available to handle an intent to call a phone number.
public boolean supportsCall();
* Called when the {@code url} should be parsed to call a phone number.
* @param url The URL to be parsed to call a phone number.
void onCall(String url);
* @return whether an activity is available to handle an intent to send an email.
public boolean supportsSendEmailMessage();
* Called when the {@code url} should be parsed to send an email.
* @param url The URL to be parsed to send an email.
void onSendEmailMessage(String url);
* @return whether an activity is available to handle an intent to send a text message.
public boolean supportsSendTextMessage();
* Called when the {@code url} should be parsed to send a text message.
* @param url The URL to be parsed to send a text message.
void onSendTextMessage(String url);
* Returns whether or not an activity is available to handle intent to add contacts.
* @return true if an activity is available to handle intent to add contacts.
public boolean supportsAddToContacts();
* Called when the {@code url} should be parsed to add to contacts.
* @param url The URL to be parsed to add to contacts.
void onAddToContacts(String url);
* @return page url.
String getPageUrl();
* Called when a link should be opened in the main Chrome browser.
* @param linkUrl URL that should be opened.
* @param pageUrl URL of the current page.
void onOpenInChrome(String linkUrl, String pageUrl);
* Called when the {@code url} should be opened in a new Chrome tab from CCT.
* @param linkUrl The URL to open.
* @param isIncognito true if the {@code url} should be opened in a new incognito tab.
void onOpenInNewChromeTabFromCCT(String linkUrl, boolean isIncognito);
* @return title of the context menu to open a page in external apps.
String getTitleForOpenTabInExternalApp();
* Called when the current Chrome app is not the default to handle a View Intent.
* @param url The URL to open.
void onOpenInDefaultBrowser(String url);
* Called when the {@code url} should be opened in an ephemeral tab.
* @param url The URL to open.
* @param title The title text to show on top control.
void onOpenInEphemeralTab(String url, String title);